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KH-47M2 Kinzhal Nuclear-Capable Air-Launched Ballistic Missile (Infographics)

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KH-47M2 Kinzhal Nuclear-Capable Air-Launched Ballistic Missile (Infographics)

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The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal (from Russian: “Dagger”) is a nuclear-capable air-launched ballistic missile (ALBM). It has the range of over 2,000 km, the speed of ~Mach 10 speed, and is capable to perform evasive maneuvers at every stage of its flight. The missile can carry both conventional and nuclear warheads. The main carriers of the missile are MiG-31K fighter jets and Tu-22M3 long-range bombers. The Su-57 fifth generation fighter jet is also set to be capable to use the weapon. The Kh-47M2 Kinzhal was put on the experimental combat duty at air bases in Russia’s Southern Military District.


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MISSILES THAT CAN TRAVEL 2000 KM and 10Times Speed of Sound would surely have the ENEMY WORRIED ..a little

Rhodium 10

Above all if Russia deploy in Cuba Mig 31 armed with Khinzal….


You mean their only missile available to be moved in Cuba?

Lone Ranger

Cuba has already a wide range of Russian missiles ;)


Do you mean dildoes

Lone Ranger

Nah, its not a U.S. base afterall…


US has base in Cuba, Russia doesn’t

Lone Ranger

Fact they do. Only without dildos.


Yeah and on the moon

Lone Ranger



And on the bottom of Mariane’s

Lone Ranger



More unlikely in Cuba

Lone Ranger

Its a fact. They have two naval.bases an air base and a missile base.


You play too much Red Alert

Lone Ranger

Ok boomer…


they should they should but the idiot in the white house is nothing close to john kennedy in coolness and would start a war just because he says the disintegrated states of A can and conveniently forgetting that the disintegrated states hasn’t won a war for more than 75 years. truly pitiful considering the number of wars the morons have started (and lost).

Dick Von Dast'Ard

First 48 – 72 hrs of a peer power confrontation would be like no war ever before, even if kept conventional… It would be such a frenetic pace.

Jos Boersema

Leave the big cities. Virtually all Governments are corrupt, all are run by rich criminals. There is no telling what they will do, faced with an overabundance of useless serfs, and the political risk they face after wrecking the world wide economy with their absurd policies.

Personally I think they have long since decided to have a nuclear World War III, to cover up all their crimes. Divide & Conquer, order out of chaos, etc. The flip side of this is to believe there will never be another full out war between the major powers on Earth, for all eternity. For this war not to happen, you would have to believe that we are now in the era of eternal peace, with only some minor riots remaining that will die out soon.


It seem that if confrontation reamined conventional, US would be beaten badly. Their main antiship weapon the harpoon missile is so obsolete that after 48 hours Russian Navy would gain the numbers superiority, which it never had. Situation would be similiar on the ground, where Russia has better and more numerous armour. The air battle would be on the US side as long as they did not try to enter Russian airspace protected by layered air defense with Pantsirs, Buks, S300/350/400/500.

Assad must stay

why would air battle be on US side?


Because they have numbers superiority and dont lack that much behind in air to air missiles. But as i said only if they dont come close to russian SAMs.

Assad must stay

yea well 1 Su-30 equals like 5 F-16 lol


Which ‘Russian Navy’?


what cant you thhink for your self? Due to the geogrpahic nature of region Baltic fleet and Black sea flet would not be even attackd by US, since these fleets are only operating in areas within russian airsuperiority, reach of shore defenses and well covered by submarine forces. So the main battle would be between Nothern fleet and NATO and pacific fleet and US pacific command. US outnumbers Russian NAVY by much, but since their missile technology is obsolete, it does not matter that much.


There will be any battle anywhere, Russian navy is a joke


the main antiship missile of US navy the harpoon has range of 280km. CSG has a range of 600km for its own defense and reconisance. Russian antiship missiles Granit, Onyx, Kaliber, Zhirkon and Kinzhal have ranges from 800km to 2000km. That means both US navy and your assumption are a joke.


Pitty that they need tug boats to get their ships in deep blue waters


Luckily they have the MIG31 – fastest operational jet in the world, that can carry Kinzhal hypersonic weapon with 2000km range. Russian Kirov clas cruisers also outrange any US navy ship and the there is the russian submarines with superior missiles in terms or range, speed and agility.


You don’t see those cruisers out of the Baltic or Black seas too much

Gary Sellars

The Kuznetsov needed a tow once because her shitty Ukrainian boilers failed, and fucking idiots like you continuously abuse the idiot meme until you look like morons…


I was not even thinking at Kuznetsov, all heavy Russian cruisers are acompanied by tug boats just in case.

Gary Sellars

“all heavy Russian cruisers are acompanied by tug boats just in case.”

Actually they are not, and you’re once again caught out MAKING UP BULLSHIT.

Ruskies have 4 ships they can call “heavy cruisers”. Peter the Great (nuke battlecruiser) and the 3x Slava-Class ships Moskva, Varyag and Marshall Ustinov. NONE of them have problems with propulsion, and are not accompanied by tugs.

BTW the Ruskies don’t have many overseas bases and they don’t have basing agreements with many nations, so they often use tugs as auxillairies to carry fuel and stores for in-transit resupply.

You’re an idiot, and an ignorant one at that. Just hilarious :-D


Yeah, you’re right, maybe the tugboats carry some chicks for the sailors

Lone Ranger

The one that beat you. :)



Codenamed 'Gordon'

What is happened at second 41?

Rhodium 10

Chaff ( aluminium pieces) and flares to divert incoming antiship missile…

Codenamed 'Gordon'

OK thanks

Jacob Wohl

another fake, exaggerated soviet weapon with NO PROOF of existence. Meanwhile the US has had hypersonics since the 1960’s.

Lone Ranger

In disney movies. Cry more Shlomo ;)


Jacob is right, Ruskis develop weapons they will never use anyway.

Lone Ranger

He is wrong same as you are. The best weapons are those that never have to be used. Deterrence is gold.


And? Will they ever attack NATO forces with that missile and start WW3? a waste of money and resources. The U.S has around 6000 nukes alone, they don’t need anything else.

Lone Ranger

Deterrence is gold. Thats my motto and its true. Contrary to popular belief Russia never wanted to make a first strike contrary to the U S. These weaponsystems are there as a last line of defense if most the strategic forces are destroyed they still can retain a counter strike. Same reason Israel has the most advanced missile systems after Russia. Russia and Israel are leading rocket and missile tech. China is 3rd, India 4th, U.S. is Nr.5. Not in numbers but tech wise.


I agree.

Gary Sellars

Ha ha… The noses life-support system, up-voted by an infamous Jew fag couple, allude that Khinzal and Zircon aren’t real weapon systems…


Jacob Wohl

BREAKING NEWS: IDF promises to SHOOT DOWN Iran’s recent military satellite using Arrow 3 interceptor! Also, the US Navy will also be shooting it down using AEGIS!!


BARKING JEWS: Feexd it fer yah! I see you still have this account. Liar, when you promise something, you do what you promised not spreading nonsense.

Lone Ranger

Israeli Breaking international law.. whats new, let see If they can do it :)


When International laws will be fair towards us, then we might decide to actually obey them. The U.N is ruled by Anti-Israel haters, so we don’t care what they say or think. We will keep doing things our own way.

Lone Ranger

Actually I will give you that one. But… There is a thing called moral highground. Israel used to maintain it. Would be nice to see it again…


I for one would support a PLO state if they weren’t such a dickheads and refused any peace deal we offered them, including Trump’s plan that Israel has said we are ready to accept but they still said no. Any comment from the UN about it? ofcourse not, they only good at blaming Israel. The Palis are always wak and poor right? I didn’t see one Arab state condemning Palis for refusing the deal. So Israelis ask themselves, why bothering? if they don’t want peace then we should annex vast parts of the West Bank and do other uniliteral steps.

Lone Ranger

I dont want to get into conspiracy theories but if you wanna know why the UN and EU are anti Israel you have to go back in time and see the people whom set up those entities and institutions and their true intentions. There are no solutions in my opinion, both sides can show good will and restraint, but thats all they can do, there are no solutions. Especially with more powerful players interested in an eternal war. Contrary to many on these forums I dont hate jews, I can get along with everyone, but in my humble opinion its one thing to be jewish and its a totally different thing to be a zionist. Shalom.


I respect it, but if you check our latest election results- then over half of the seats in the Knesset went to MP’s that support a peace deal with the Palestinians. I still think Trump’s plan is a good start, it doesn’t mean it has to be final but it touches all the major points in any future agreement, including Jerusalem. I would be happy to get rid of 3M Palis in the West Bank and stop them from entering Israel for work, so they won’t depend on us anymore. Their leadership is scared to make peace, at one point in Camp David, ex PM Barak offered them 90% of the West Bank + Gaza + Eastern Jerusalem and Arafat said no. Can read about it here.

“Based on the Israeli definition of the West Bank, Barak offered to form a Palestinian state initially on 73% of the West Bank (that is, 27% less than the Green Line borders) and 100% of the Gaza Strip. In 10–25 years, the Palestinian state would expand to a maximum of 92% of the West Bank (91 percent of the West Bank and 1 percent from a land swap).[4][6] From the Palestinian perspective this equated to an offer of a Palestinian state on a maximum of 86% of the West Bank.[4]”


Henry Ford

You don’t accept giving less than half of something you stole back to its rightful owners. Jews like you are why I am all for treating you like Europeans used to. Confined to ghettos. Kept away from the rest of civil society. You kikes cannot be trusted. You are liars and thieves.


Nah, rusty zion is quite wrong about that. UN has virtually never lifted a finger to do anything about israel’s constant violations of common human norms that most observe. When anyone complains in UN about israel’s routine disregard they whine and rage about their victimhood all over again. UN is globalist one world gov body and we know who controls those kind of things.


nah for the sake of mankind the jews in palestine (and elsewhere) have to be terminated. there is no peace in the world as long as there is one jew standing!


Yup, I’ve told the clowns here that we have the capabilities to do it. It just takes an order :)

Gary Sellars

BREAKING NEWS: Jacob Wohl is a stupid lying cunt who makes up dumb shit to annoy his betters.

Lone Ranger

Most excellent Comrades. Deterrence is gold.

Lone Ranger

Hasbarats are crying and raging :)


a couple of kinzhals on the decks of the lincoln or ford carriers (where they are hiding far far away from any dangerous foe) or any of the other 10 carriers the disintegrating states of A is maintaining would see the capabilities of the disunited states of A reduced with more than 50 pct and the air supremacy down to zilch – and a dozen of kinzhals right at tel aviv would spell the end of the jews in palestine. the iron doom has come home to roost the jews to ash. what a day to behold!

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