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MARCH 2025

Khalifa Haftar Announces Shkeirat Agreements Are Dead, Military Will Govern The Country

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Khalifa Haftar Announces Shkeirat Agreements Are Dead, Military Will Govern The Country

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On April 27th, Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander of the Libyan National Army made a televised address to the nation.

Statements such as this from him are rare, and this is the second one he does in less than 7 days.

In short, all prospects for a political solution in Libya are mostly dead and buried.

In his appeal, Haftar announced the breakdown of the Shkeirat Agreements of 2015, which became the basis for the creation of the Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli and the beginning of peace negotiations between the parties to the conflict.

Haftar said that in accordance with the wishes of the people, the Libyan army takes on the role of governing the country and promised to free the country from terrorists.

“Free Libyans! We pay tribute to you for your solidarity with and support for your armed forces and the renewal of your trust in its commander, officers, and soldiers while they proceed with their continuous victories to liberate the country from terrorism.

The armed forces could not have achieved these victories without the trust of the Libyan people, due to the sacrifices of your officers and soldiers with their lives and blood, to ensure the safety of the country and for Libyans to live free on their own soil.

Free Libyans! We have followed up your response to our call to you to announce the fall of the Political Agreement, which has destroyed the country and led it to the abyss, and to authorize those you consider eligible to lead this stage.”

Haftar essentially said that the military would take control of the country’s governance, and not he, himself, specifically as MSM would suggest:

“We express our honor to the Libyan people for authorizing the General Command to undertake this historic mission under the current exceptional circumstances, and their revocation of the Political Agreement to be part of the past according to the decision of the Libyan people—the source of all authority. We thus announce that the General Command of the Armed Forces accepts the will of the people despite the burden of that trust, multiplicity of obligations, and the magnitude of responsibilities before God, our people, and conscience and history.

We shall always remain at the disposal of the Libyan people and will not spare any effort to stop their suffering. Serving the citizens, protecting their rights, realizing their hopes and aspirations, and harnessing all the resources for the exigencies of the public good—shall always be our foremost priority. We will work towards creating the conditions for building durable institutions of the civil state according to the will and ambitions of the Libyan people while completing the march of liberation until full success is achieved, God Willing!”

Haftar “no longer seeks to conceal his ontempt for a political solution and democracy in Libya,” GNA adviser Mohammed Ali Abdallah was quoted as saying in response.

Mohammed Ali Abdallah, further said:

“Haftar has once more exposed his authoritarian intentions to the world. He no longer seeks to conceal his contempt for a political solution and democracy in Libya.”

The Government of National Accord itself issued the following statement in response:

“The obsession with power and stupidity has reached its full limit. He announces a new coup, thereby complementing the series of first-timers in which he took part since ancient times. This step of the war criminal did not surprise us at all. This was expected in light of the failure of his adventure to capture the capital the Rebel [Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar] even opposed those who supported him all these years …

We appeal to all members of the House of Representatives to join their colleagues in Tripoli in order to start a comprehensive dialogue on the road to democracy and solve everything through the ballot box. We extend a hand to all the deceived sons of Libya, especially in the east, so that they know about the true intention of the aggressor, who seeks power at their expense, blood and souls. Once again, we urge them to lay down their arms and take the right side.”

The United States Embassy in Libya also published a statement, saying that Haftar’s proclamation was regretful.

“The United States regrets Libyan National Army (LNA) commander Haftar’s suggestion that changes to Libya’s political structure can be imposed by unilateral declaration. The Embassy nevertheless welcomes any opportunity to engage LNA commander Haftar and all parties in serious dialogue about how the country can move forward. As civilians continue to suffer during the holy month of Ramadan and the COVID-19 pandemic threatens more lives, we urge the LNA to join the Government of National Accord in declaring an immediate humanitarian cessation of hostilities leading to a lasting ceasefire as formulated in 5+5 talks under UNSMIL facilitation on February 23 in Geneva.”

Now, the House of Representatives, based in Tobruk, essentially faces a choice: to support the Field Marshal [and the military], giving him political legitimacy or not, and thereby confront him.

No statement has been released as of yet, and it should be reminded that up until now Haftar always said that the LNA fights on behalf of the House of Representatives.

Just days earlier, on April 23rd he called on Libyans to abandon the Shkeirat agreements. The council has undermined the dignity of the people, relinquished the sovereignty of the state and destroyed its economy, he said in a televised address. It has also employed oil revenues in supporting militias and bringing in mercenaries.

“[GNA President Fayez] al-Sarraj’s joy will not last,” vowed Haftar. “The LNA has defeated terrorism in Benghazi, Derna, the oil crescent region and central and southern Libya and it will continue its fight in Tripoli,” he declared.

The Shkeirat Agreements, signed in 2015, are considered by the UN as the basis for a political settlement in Libya. The document was signed by representatives of the main Libyan factions.


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LOOOL . Here ”The democratic, laicist, western minded ” Haftar cancels the house of representatives and declares his own dictatorship at the age of 77.

Peter Jennings

You are sooo right, but only in the mind of a fool.


Come one Peter , go ahead and sugarcoat the ‘Dotard Dictator’ , you can do better than that,. Find some poolitical twists here and there about the dotard and amuse me .

Spencer goto

yes indeed Peter is right, you are a fool Sencer boy

Spencer goto

Sencer boy, ridiculous comments, do you have demetia?

cechas vodobenikov

these agreements were always dead—the amerikan fascists ruined Libya, which had previously been a far more free and civilized nation than the USA w universal health care, mandatory paid maternity and parental lee, state paid university education—no poverty unlike the US #1 in poverty amongst all industrialized nations—of course the GNA is supported by fascist USA, turkey—The LNA by Egypt, France, Greece, Russia…and outside of Tripoli, the GNA has little influence—they survive only because of NATO imperialists–USA, Turkey amerikans always abrogate treaties and agreements….”amerikans have been liars and braggarts for 3 centuries,” Daniel Boorstin


Cechas , my love , how about Russian dogs of war fighting under the orders of a self declared 77 year old dictator in Libya ? Do some American liberal said something about it 50 years ago ?

Spencer goto

Sencer boy, Haftar is the best, you American idiot


“the amerikan fascists”

You’re mistaken about what Fascism actually is compared to what most people think it is. Fascism, Falange, and National Socialism wouldn’t tolerate the puppet governments situated throughout Europe and North America.

Responding to Criticisms of the Third Position: bitchute[]com/video/tEnfOR2nO46v/

“Corporatism” and Fascist Labour Laws in Italy: bitchute[]com/video/5uPjIxaaaGsw/

America is controlled by jewish supremacists, after all their religious-ethnic doctrine has always been supremacist in nature for over 3,000 years.

Books for Non-jews: bitchute[]com/video/8vzDbRVXZwag/

Forbidden to save the Non-Jew from death: bitchute[]com/video/Qbj95N5JvMi0/

Peter Jennings

Field Marshal Haftar should consider staying well away from any USMIC liar holding a peace branch, now or in the future. Muammar trusted certain western admins who stabbed him in the back. The USadmin and its out of control MIC only seek leverage in Libya. Their influence is disappearing fast and they are hoping for ‘dialogue’ with the LNA admin in an effort to stay relevant, remain in Libya and cause further trouble for the democracy loving people of Libya.

A parasite in the US embassy uses the language of a legitimate governing body, when it is their admin and its crazy military shysters who have been doing the imposing and the invading. Not forgetting the murdering and theft of Libyan assets. Will the US return the 60billion is business assets stolen from Muammar Gaddifi? Will they return the billions in gold bullion they stole after their illegal invasion of the country? Will they lie and cheat other countries into invading Libya again should Libyan oil be backed by a gold dinar and not by US dollars?

Using another US fraud to try and stop the ousting of their puppet regime leaders will not work either. Soldiers fighting for their lives in a war zone are not going to worry about catching a flu.

Whatever game the US and nato/Turkey were playing in Libya, it’s now over. Will we see the last remaining son of Gaddfi follow on from where his father left off?


Nice bed time stories, Pete. But do all of these explain or justify his self acclaimed / declared dictatorship ?

But I especially liked the part where you claimed the remaining son of Kaddafi ruling the country. with peace and democracy. I think his motto will be ‘ You killed my father by sticking an iron bar into his ass , you slaughtered my kin. But being the only one alive , I will give you what you deserve , ie democracy ” LOL

You naive leftist russian bots are living in another dimension.

Concrete Mike

Whatever, deny all you want, WE in the west destroyed libya, the mess is entirely our fault.

Appointing a muslim brotherhood government does not give one shred of legitimacy to the jihadi infested slave trading excuse of a state the GNA poses for.

You can shed your pseudo humanitarian crocodile tears elswhere, for we see right through it for what it is, you pushing a political agenda for your masters.

Haftar may not be the most optimal, but its for the people of Libya to decide, not internet pukes like you, all you can do is spit venom and accusations.

Take a minute and look in the mirrior,ask yourself, has the west done any good for the people of Libya?

The answer is no, we opened up the country so our corporations can exploit libyan oil to OUR benefit , essentially pillaging the place, your OK with that?

I sure as hell aint.


West and NATO is to blame , true. But being unable to say a word about a self acclaimed dictator supported by France who almost led the whole war against Libya and trying tro defend his actions just because he is supported by Russia is something else .

So quit being a hypocrite and tell it as it is;

‘’Haftar is another old african dictator trained in USA Langley , he is financed by wahabi gangs in KSA, He serves the interests of western imperalists , just like he gets constant help from France , a country which still extorts colonial tax from African states . He will do anything to rule, he will goto bed with French, Saudis and Russians at the same time just to reach his machiavellian goals. ”

Do you see right trough it as well ?

I am the one telling that there are no angels in Libya. I dont remember telling that I am OK with pillaging, dont recall saying I support GNA as well,. It is war which each party is dirtier than the other . So better keep your assumptions and pink utopian dreams for yourself, old man


And this is downvoted ahahahaha. I love Russian bots’ hipocracy. When dealing with HTS, they are wahabi scum financed by bloody Saudis, but when it comes to Haftar, whom is just the same shit with different color, they defend him because “reasons”.

Path fucking etic.


These bots are unable to comprehend basic facts . They only hear what they want to hear and disregard the what they dont like.

But it is quite fun to deal with them. People around look at me strangely as I am looking at the phone and laughing all the time. They can not even understand what kind of morons I am dealing in such threads.LOL

Spencer goto

i think you are a bot yourself, USA man

Peter Jennings

Gaddafi has also visited the US. To do so doesn’t make a traitor or a dictator unless the US provides the funds. At present Field Marshall Hafter doesn’t receive any funding from the US.


Haftar asked for protection from US after he was ousted by Gaddafi. He lived in Falls Church, Virginia for many years , which is only 15 minutes drive from Langley ,CIA Headquarters.

He was used for many years against operations against Gaddafi , so shut up will you ?

What kind of Field Marshal he is by the way , what kind of field war he has won so far ? What is his military expertise other than being taken as prisoner even by rag tag Chad Army ? At least Gaddafi presented himself as a colonel.. Field Marshal.., My ass..

Peter Jennings

So Field Marshall Hafter is in reality trying to overthrow a US/nato puppet gov’t to replace it with another US/nato gov’t, who are not providing any funding of any kind. Maybe the Field Marshall is just doing the US a massive favour to pay off his Langley canteen bill?

All the personal stuff is already known about Field Marshall Hafter. He has made no secret of it either. He most obviously had a change of heart when he saw what had become of his country, heard all the lies straight from the horse’s mouth, and has lived to see the consequences. Field Marshall Hafter has said publically that he is not interested in self agrandisement but to repair the damage done to the country and to right a wrong done to the people of Libya. So what better adversary than one which has seen up close the treachery and tricks of US foreign policy, nato, and the UN. He certainly won’t be falling into the same trap as Gaddafi.

What has the Field Marshall won till now you ask? only most of Libya. The people of Libya will give him the rest. The LNA are currently trouncing Turkish troops even with terrorists from Idlib who have years of battle training behind them.

Spencer goto

Haftar is a good man, the real one that can beat the US mercenaries in Libya

Spencer goto

Sencer boy, you don’t listen do you?

Peter Jennings

Next time, don’t spit your dummy out and post nonsense. I’ve only enough time in the day Bwana. You seem to have dictatorship on the brain. Is that a fetish? or just a bad education that makes you terrible at spotting wannabe dictators.


After reading above comment of yours , I have a better proposal for you , Pete.

Dont reply to posts if all you have in yr hand is BS. Keep fooling yourself though. You seem to be quite good at it.

Spencer goto

Peter is correct, you are a fool yourself Sencer boy

Spencer goto

Sencer boy, go back to USA. Go Haftar!


Methinks the US doth not protest too much at Haftar’s proclamation. Which in diplomatic speak this basically means go ahead. If Assad had said something like this the cruise missiles would be flying at worst and more sanctions would be imposed at best. And yet Haftar only gets a slightly disapproving statement?. The US has basically given Haftar its blessings and spoken its death sentence upon the GNA. Yet another military adventure of the Great Cornholio Erdogan (no insults intended towards the Great Cornholio) is slated to fail. Turkish fanboys here will probably remain in denial, but then again they have been in denial about the failure of all the military adventures of the Great Cornholio.


Haftar is living in his own fanasy land.


Dementia ..

Spencer goto

Sencer boy, did you just say you have dementia? I thought so …

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