Russian soldiers raised the Victory Banner on the Walk of Fame (monument to soldiers who died in the Great Patriotic War) in Kherson
By today, artillery strikes by the AFU and the Russian Army on the border areas of the Kherson and Mykolaiv regions continue. However, no successful offensive operations have been carried out by the sides . The Russian Armed Forces are striking targets in Mykolaiv and south of Nikopol with cruise missiles and respond to any attack of the AFU with artillery shelling. Meanwhile, the city of Kherson, which is under the Russian control, is back to normal, local businesses are working, slowly restoring links with the Crimean Republic, as well as other Russian regions. Civilians get significant aid from Russia.
Russian troops took control over the city of Kherson on March 2 almost without street fighting. The city is currently preparing to rebuild and to reopen factories. Companies will continue to work in Kherson.
Security operations continue in the city and around the region.
On April 21, the special forces of the Russian Federal Security Service raided the area on the Kherson outskirts. As a result of the special operation, weapons were found in several private houses. The AFU army had left ammunition in the buildings of local residents during their retreat. The operation was carried out with the use of the FTA-5901 «Viking», an armored vehicle based on the KAMAZ-4911 «Extreme». KAMAZ «Extreme» is a special version for the Dakar rally, while “Viking” is an armored version weighing 22 tons.
Previously, Russian servicemen uncovered the headquarters of the so-called Ukrainian territorial defense in a local school. During their surrender, the AFU left the ammunition, medical supplies, weapons, and equipment there. The school director said that Ukrainian armed forces dressed in civilian uniforms occupied the school on February 24. They immediately brought boxes and equipment into the building and ordered the school management to leave the premises.
Russian security forces also discovered a cache of weapons and ammunition at the «Pallada» military plant in Kherson, presumably left by the Security Service of Ukraine.
Some of the members of the Ukrainian territorial defence voluntarily hand over their weapons to the Russian military. A big number of arms and explosives were distributed to local civilians in February. They were called to fight against the Russian Army. As a result, a lot of them are still armed. The disarmament of civilians in the region continues.
The man handed over all the weapons he was provided by the AFU and called on other former members of the territorial defence to follow his example. During his interview, he also called on the end of the bloodshed between the fraternal Slavic peoples and confirmed that the situation in the region is calm, Russian soldier are polite and people should not trust the news spread by the Kiev authorities.
On April 20, pro-Russian blogger Vladimir Kuleshov was killed in Kherson. One of the main Ukrainian nationalist propagandists Anton Gerashchenko confirmed the murder of the blogger. Citing anonymous sources, he claimed that the victim added Russian forces.
Kherson is slowly returning to peaceful life. The industrial sector is on its way to renew local production, agricultural works resumed. However, security in the city is still under threat, as caches of weapons and ammunition are still being discovered, which poses a considerable danger to the civilians who share different political views. The situation in Kherson is an example which should be compared to the city of Mariupol and the Kiev region. Despite some battles in the region at the beginning of the operation, no one accused the Russian troops of genocide and the city was not damaged.
At the same time, the region is facing a political vacuum, as it is unclear what Moscow’s plans in the region are. Russia will not allow the Kiev regime to regain control of the region, because it is of strategic importance. At the same time, the Kremlin and local authorities have yet to clarify the future of the region.
Indian TV has shown genuine happiness amongst ethnic Russians who suffered Nazi scum atrocities for several years. Now Don Bas will be eternally Russian. Victorious Russians and their allies treated with flowers and kisses. JAI RUS, JAI PUTIN.
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Slava Rossiya!
India is beginning to play a very important role on the restructuring of the world order towards balance and justice. Salutations.
India accused of blocking Japanese military plane picking up US weapons for Ukrainians The Japan Self-Defense Forces aircraft had been expected to collect US weaponry disguised as “aid” but was intercepted by India and blocked. US and NATO aircraft have been collecting weapons from around the world to arm the Ukrainian regime. These weapons are then flown to Poland an Romania. India has objected to these flights as adding fuel to the conflict.
99p boy carry on licking putin asss.as Indian general orders scumbag
Russia did learn how to “not” do business in Afghanistan. You have to take over in a reserved fashion just not give the western media any fodder. Sure it could be done by force, but the approach the Russians are taking is perfect. I still expect the western media to find a few cases where the Russians were provoked and had to take out a civilian, but I give kudos to the Russian side.
Have we seen the AFU or Zelensky regime help civilians. No never!! Fucking nazi bastards. Without the Russian aid all these people would starve, that while the west is giving Zelensky billions of $ for WEAPONS and don’t give a shit about the faith of its people. So if you think they give a shit about you, think again! These people you see in this video are YOU, you better print this is your mind.
In Buka the Ukras carried out purges and looted the whole town. The older men with white bandages who shot them and not the Russians were volunteer milkers who were tending the cows of the refugees. After their murder, the cattle became noisy and the Kiev killers cut the cows’ necks. Kiev is ruled by criminals and murderers.
Zelensky regime helps their civilians every day – into an early grave.
Russia = poverty
Thats why ukraine decided to be part of western world. Its funny to see russian brainwashed fools that believe that they can force ukraine to change their mind hahahahahahah soviet era mentality
Germany = Islamic Caliphate
Maybe Germany = poverty? For the sake of getting rid of the “energy dependence” on Russia, the Germans should reconsider the rules of personal hygiene, go to the shower less often and not use soap, the Bild newspaper writes. “To heat your home less, to wander around saunas less and take a shower less often. That’s how we will become more independent of Russian energy supplies — all this unclean oil and gas. This is the solution proposed by the Federal Minister of Economy of Germany Robert Habeck,” the article says.
nah, gas from algeria,norwey,denmark,usa or qatar will repalace russian one. Its matter of time…….year or two
Just to burst the bubble of your trolling ignorance old chap. Algeria is a close ally of Russia, like India and Iran, so no gas for German racist Nazis.
algeria is close ally to anyone who want to pay for gas….for example spain ;). Learn how to geopolitics works
Dummkopf – Algeria can’t supply anywhere near what the EU needs. They just said so.
These clowns all live in magic mushroom land. Sheesh.
In one year we will leave the G7 and in two years the G20. We are committing economic suicide for a totalitarian NAZI state.
Just shut their friggin’ gas off & be done with it. Germans are annoying.
Guess who has become the “poor man” of Europe after 2014: Ukraine. At the same time it is the most corrupt country. Compared to that, Russia is paradise.
I suggest you to learn about data and statistics. 80% of russia population have similar standard of living to ukraine. There is exception like petersburg or moscow but lets be honest 80% of russia is shithole with similar corruption level to ukraine. BTW its not about what is now but what ukraine want to be in next 30 years. They want to fallow path of estonia,poland,czechia or romania. They want their economy to grow.
I suggest you learn Goebbels’ motto: “Traue keiner Statistik, die Du nicht selbst gefälscht hast” (Don’t trust any statistics that you haven’t falsified yourself).
Now, compared to Germany, Russia might not be all that great a place, but statistics often carry inherent bias and fail to adjust for local peculiarities. Like the one that says that Russia’s GDP is smaller than Delaware’s, or something along those lines? They fail to adjust for purchasing power, just as an example. If local prices are lower than in other countries then a lower income does not mean that people are starving, just that there are fundamental differences in economies, which western statisticians fail to acknowledge.
Is Russia perfect? I highly doubt it. But it took a turn for the better after the “wild nineties” and “shock therapy”, or, in other words, Yeltsin’s idiocy. And that is mostly thanks to Putin, which is why I think, he has a genuine backing of many people.
Could Russia be more democratic? Yes, of course. But you go and try to build a better democracy in a deeply corrupted and crippled society, where oligarchs own the media and “The West” tries to instigate “Color Revolutions”, if you go against their wishes. Said “West” was perfectly happy with Yeltsin, because he gave away the family jewelry for free. Putin was supposed to continue in his footsteps but had other plans. That’s why “The West” hates him.
P.S.: And I, as a German, thank Putin for standing up against “The West” which is dominated by evil US foreign policy, that destroys everything that stands in their way. If they can’t win they switch to scorched earth policy.
“Through Russia comes the hope of the World” By Edgar Cayce 1940s. The sleeping prophet.
What ? You are a fucking liar, and a dumbass !
“I suggest you learn Goebbels’ motto: “Traue keiner Statistik, die Du nicht selbst gefälscht hast” (Don’t trust any statistics that you haven’t falsified yourself).”
Man, this quote is from former UK Prime Minister Winston Churchill and not from NS Josef Goebbels. It is just you commie jews and collaborateurs always trying to put everything on the nationalist people in order to hide your ugly deeds.
“Da fällt mir noch ein Zitat ein: Trau keiner Statistik, die du nicht selbst gefälscht hast. Ein Spruch, der häufig Winston Churchill zugeschrieben wird, wahrscheinlich aber von Hitlers Propagandaminister Joseph Goebbels stammt, der damit den britischen Staatsmann als Lügner hinzustellen versuchte.”
“Another quote comes to mind: Don’t trust any statistic you haven’t falsified yourself. A saying often attributed to Winston Churchill, but probably originated with Hitler’s propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels, who used it to try to make the British statesman out to be a liar.”
Yeah, I guess we could agree to disagree but I don’t like being called names, you know. And it’s funny how you attack my allegedly wrong citation but not the actual content of my comment. :P
As an American, agree 100%. I can’t wait until we can’t afford to do this shit anymore, or Europeans quit enabling us, or we Americans wake the fuck up and boot/incarcerate the war mongers. I have lost respect for Europeans, I thought they are smarter than they appear.
That’s not why. Zelensky once saw a trans can can routine in Paris and said – “Me want that. That’s cool. Azov nazis are cooler but trans cans are number 2 on my cool list. After the war, I plan to put them together, like they used to do in 40’s Berlin.”
Damn, new toys from NATO are on the way to ukraine.
Joe Biden announced a $800 million military aid package for Ukraine
The new package includes howitzers and tactical drones.
In addition, the United States will provide #Ukraine with $500 million in direct economic assistance.
Ukrainian Folkssturm rejoice.
Not to nitpick but It’s “Volkssturm”. ;)
Yeah. In Serbian we “write as we speak, and we speak as we write”, so I forget to adjust it to English.:D
Thanks to Biden for the new trophies for the Russian army.
You dumb trolls need to take a break. The Russians are moving fast into Ukraine.
kiev 100% ? :D
Kherson is a 80% Ukrainian city. The Russians have no business to hold it. They will suffer much during their staycation
Demographics just changed
Ukraine is literally being razed to the ground and can’t be revived. Should taken up the generous Russian terms.
Give it another 50 days lol
just like kiev in 24h ? please dude…russia is done
It took 14 years to completely break up Yugoslavia. A month after the beginning of the armed conflicts in Yugoslavia, no one believed that the country would fall apart. The Ukrainian scenario is exactly the same, only two months have passed, you still believe in the survival of that country, take it slow, such an opinion will fade away…
Minus the razing part, but yes, they should have found a diplomatic solution before this escalation even happened. They had more than seven years, which they used to pummel the Russian Bear’s cubs. Don’t blame the Bear…
P.S.: There was a nice caricature that illustrated an article (by Mark Sleboda?) about the focus of western media. TV shows head of bear attacking UkraNaZi, while the zoomed out view showed the bear protecting its two cubs and the UkraNaZi threatening them with a spear while being egged on by western politicians. Sadly though, I cannot find it in my bookmarks, must’ve forgotten to save it. If anybody knows which article I am talking about, please drop the link.
I like the one with Uncle Sam using a hohol with a knot topped bloody head as a battering ram against a Kremlin fortress.
Pretty much sums up the entire game plan right there.
Ahh, found it: hxxps://www.moonofalabama.org/11i/ukrnarrative.jpg
The corresponding article: hxxps://archive.ph/Kev1l#selection-177.0-223.154
All they had to do was implement Minsk II. Big friggin’ deal. Ukraine must be the stupidest nation on Earth, followed closely by the US and UK.
Unlike Ukraine, that wants to be 100% and only ukrainian, Russia is a federation, where you have multiple languages, religions etc, under one umbrella. Pretty sure if Russia ever gets hold on Herson, it will have the right to use ukrainian aswell, unlike the regions with russian minority within the new, nationalist Ukraine..
The NATO-backed regime in Kiev is not Ukrainian, it’s a Polish/Jewish/German dictatorship imposed by the zionist regime in Washington DC to brutally lord over the poor people of Ukraine and use them as cannon fodder against their Slavic brothers and sisters in Russia. Russia is a valid liberator in this case since Russians are Slavs meanwhile the regime in Kiev is a Khazarian mafia conglomerate that was put in power by the western governments with the use of extreme violence.
No trolls today
The trolls are all having counseling for being Voted Down. It also proves that the trolls are being organised by stupid Western Intelligence.
Just you wait. If they fail to show then maybe Azovstal ran out of juice?
Russia has no intention of letting Kiev have control back of any region in the east that they (Kiev) have lost control of. The idea will be to produce self sufficient states that can hold their own against Ukraine, no matter how much NATO inventory is squandered on Ukraine. That will be backed up by continual strikes across Ukraine until a settlement is forthcoming. Those strikes will be aimed at NATO weaponry to make sure Ukraine cannot become strong and also to make sure, no weaponry arrives from NATO that can threaten Russia directly.
I dream of Russia reaching the Dniepr’s banks….then sitting for peace talks. Great Putin and great Russian People
Russia will most likely destroy Ukraine beyond repair and keep the best parts. NATO idiots are helping Russia in a way as they pour more weapons and Russia just increases the destruction. US and UK evil bastards will fight to the last dumb Ukrainian.
That has been the goal since 2014. The Five Eyes Klown Squad got the number of the Galician kooks back in 1945. They used them the same way back then, and kept them on the back burner ever since.
It will very likely happen. If frontline collapses, we may be surprised how fast it goes. It’s pointless for Russia to go outside of historic borders of Novorossiya though.
Kherson must NEVER be returned to the neo-nazi rule! NATO terrorists would enjoy slaughtering these people for daring to be normal. Unfortunately there are still terrorist agents left in the city as we can see from the murder of a man who supported justice… Russia needs to do everything it can to track down and eliminate the terrorists and protect the people of Kherson who are obviously good people and not brainwashed fascist imbeciles like the regime in Kiev and their supporters.
Dude, you sounds like brainwashed crackhead. There is no more nazi or neonazi than 1% population of ukraine.
I doubt that number. But you don’t need a majority, you only need weapons and powerful positions in the executive branch. And guess where those UltraNaZionalists found their homes? Interior Ministry, Ministry of Defense, Police, National Corps, National Guard, AFU, SBU? See a pattern?
Fun fact: in 1933 the Nazis were also a minority, granted a bigger one, but look at the results of the last election of the Weimar Republic. So, when is enough enough? Should Putin have waited some more until the Nazis had turned Ukraine into the Fourth Reich? “If a fight is inevitable, strike first!”, is a direct Putin quote. And he has been very open about that, too.
There is plenty evidence that he only preempted Ukraine’s own “Special Cleansing Operation”. How else do you explain that a huge part of Ukraine’s force could get trapped in the Donbass so quickly? Because they were already there and ready to go on the offensive. Written orders have been found in captured command posts that suggest, the Ukrainian operation was due to start in March.
Oh, one last thing. I am sure you heard about the “souvenirs” the “stupid” Russians took from Chernobyl. I bet you that was weapons grade Plutonium, because Chernobyl is Ukraine’s storage for spent reactor fuel rods which contain a lot of Plutonium. One just needs to extract it. And Elensky threatened to seek nuclear weapons. So, again, when is enough enough. When is the danger to your own security so imminent that you feel you need to strike preemptively? Do you need a gun to your head or is it enough that your *sworn* adversary is about to load their gun?
Bro, do you have any data or statistics that prove that big % of ukrainian population are neo-nazi? i suggest to you to stop listen russian propaganda that was created to justify killing ukrainian people.
Sis, I never said “big %”, just that they have the relevant power by being weaponized and in positions of power, so they can even terrorize their own president: https://thegrayzone.com/2022/03/04/nazis-ukrainian-war-russia/
Again, did you want to wait for the Fourth Reich? Or is it maybe a better idea to strangle it in its juvenile stage?
The juvenile stage was back in 2004, when Washington set out to empower them along with Yushchenko and Bandera.
Nasty Neocons know no limits.
I’d have thought that was the crib stage. But don’t want to argue about such details. I just wanted to make the point of the Fourth Reich being rather imminent but not quite there yet.
And yes, I agree with your nickname. ;)
Well, that makes 400,000 nazis. Why don’t you pitch in to clean them up & give the RF a hand.
How Russia can Recover some of the Cost of this Special Operation.
Russia can start selling all the captured Ammunition and military Hardware to African Governments who need these arms.
Russia has to properly sort out and repackage the ammunitions and guns before selling to poor African governments who have tried very hard in the past to purchase arms from G7 NATO countries
Thanks NATO for the donation.
the side that restores order and personal security will win
Cool dual purpose ammo/coffin boxes.