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Kherson: the Defeat that Wasn’t

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Kherson: the Defeat that Wasn't

“Collaborators” aka “ people you don’t like” in Kherson.

Written by Julian Macfarlane

I was so wrong

The mainstream media are happy again.

Huge blow for Russia as it abandons key Ukrainian city of Kherson – BBC News

Biggest Defeat For Russia In A Generation As Starving Troops Flee Across A Key Ukrainian River Forbes

‘Russia kaput!’: Ukraine brigade eyes victory as enemy retreats from Kherson The Guardian

Russia Orders Retreat From Kherson, a Serious Reversal in the Ukraine War. The New York Times.

If you have read my last two articles, Russia, Rollin’, Rollin’ and Russia Is On A Roll you are probably wondering how I could have been soooooooo wrong!

Russia is losing.! “Starving” troops “fleeing”. The biggest defeat in a whole generation.


(How many years is a “generation” anyway?  However long it takes to make a baby and see it to adulthood, which is 16 sometimes 18 elsewhere, used to be 21, is really never? But I digress. I have ASD; that’s what people like me do.)

All the main suppliers of informational feed for that large factory farm of cluckin’, fuckin’ chickens and pigs-in -shit we call the “Public” are in agreement with ….well…themselves – and what the MSM gods have been saying for months and months.

War as a TV Talent Show

Russia is losing, losing, losing. Those vodka swilling leftovers from Genghis’ horde don’t know how to fight a war. Putin just has NO talent!

He neither sings nor dances. Nor can he play a piano with his penis.

On the other hand, as Larry Johnson point out wars are not talent shows, despite the Public being conditioned to see them that way.

The key to victory in GOT TALENT is impressing or seducing the viewer at home. Performance on the stage is relevant but often not the determining factor. But that is not the case in war. Looking good or playing to win public approval is not the objective. The goal is simple–destroy the ability of the enemy to fight. So why is the withdrawal from Kherson being touted as a disaster for Russia and glorious victory for Ukraine? Because it looks bad. Got that? It makes it look like Russia is losing or running away from a fight. People offering this type of criticism are like the cretins you knew in middle school who would gather in a circle and shout at two of their compatriots to “FIGHT.” Yet, not one of the hecklers had the stones to step into the ring and throw some punches. The Western corporate media do not do journalism— they do infotainment.

Oh, Larry we love you .

The MSM show?

All show, no tell. Truth and dare?  Dare maybe. . No truth.

Kherson: the Defeat that Wasn't

Zelensky’s got talent ?

The surprise that was not surprising

This is not a surprise victory for NATO or the Ukraine. Sorry to say, this evacuation ….um… “retreat” aka “reversal” aka “defeat” …has been debated publicly ad nauseum for weeks on the Russian side, as the Russians began evacuating civilians from the West Bank to the East Bank in a massive spoiler alert.

If you have read my articles, you know that I believe peer-level wars are not won by acquiring territory– but by destroying your enemy’s ability to fight.

The model for this is actually Grant’s strategy for his destruction of Confederate forces, reversing the Confederacy’s previous gains.

Brian Berletic makes the point that wars to gain territory are wars of conquest.

Russia’s “war” was never an “invasion” aimed at taking land; rather it was intended to neutralize military threat in the form of that malignant political cancer represented by Western Ukraine’s Banderites and NATO weaponization. Hence, as Berletic points out their first goal had to be “demilitarization”.

The Russians destroyed Western Ukraine’s ability to fight a war of conquest in the first couple of weeks by establishing air superiority and destroying most of the UAF’s air force, navy  and a large amount of its air defense systems including S300 and BUK systems to the extent that, as Brian Berletic points out, the UAF has been groveling in the dirt of its now dark and cold cities for NATO systems – which NATO can’t supply in enough quantity to make a difference— especially now that Russia is using swarms of Geran 2 and Lancet drones.

Kherson: the Defeat that Wasn't

Lancet targeting

The Russians have air superiority, which means general but not unlimited control of airspace.  Total control is air supremacy.

Therefore, the Ukrainians can still bring down Russian aircraft if they are used unwisely.

UAF propaganda of course claims unimaginably high levels of Russian losses, so hight that the British press claims that Russia is running out of aircraft.

But combat losses appear to be just a bit higher than regular attrition through accidents thanks to the use of standoff weapons and artillery. To date, the UAF has lost about 500 aircraft and helicopters. The Russians, at most, one-tenth of that.

A fraternal battle—and a world war

At the beginning, the Russians clearly regarded the war as a civil conflict between Western Ukraine and Russian Ukraine—a fraternal conflict.

After the first few weeks and various events unfolded, it was clear, however, that while this was still the case, the Ukraine was just one battlefield in a larger world war against Russia, Iran, and China, with a decades old hybrid economic war reaching critical mass.  That’s the nature of proxy wars.

No more Big Macs for you Vlad’. No chips for you Xi’. And we won’t take your credit cards. Just your diesel oil and uranium and titanium—oh, and (thanks to our guys in Shanghai) your iPhones.

We will give our boy, Volo’ a couple of billion dollars for that island in the Caribbean where he can snort coke and have fun parties.

Taiwan? Hey! We do TakeOut. In this case, we are taking out your entire IT industry and moving it to Texas.

But Russia and China have evolved separately, but they are now allies, their goals and strategies complementary by necessity.

They have raised the ante – insulating themselves from the global recession already underway. BRICS, multipolarity these are tomorrow. The West is yesterday.

Kherson: the Defeat that Wasn't

Click to see full-size image

Of course, the Evil Empire has power. It set up Western Ukraine, at the beginning as probably the largest, best equipped army in Europe. Russia responded by going slow in the Ukraine with careful use of manpower and resources, as they built a new geopolitical identity, new alliances and a new world order.

In a fight with your kid brother, you don’t want to kill him, just take away the butter knife he is brandishing in his moment of madness but what if he has a gang of big friends?

Public support in Russia

Playing the long game in the Ukraine allowed time for the Russian public to come to a fuller awareness of the existential threat they faced and a rapidly changing world. Let us remember that the dissolution of the USSR which plunged them into chaos and anarchy. was not so long ago.

Now, with fuller support and socio-cultural cohesion, Putin can move towards checkmate in the New Great Game. Kherson? Never a bishop or a rook. A pawn only.

Despite what the morons at the NYT think, the Russian people are not going to dump Putin for sacrificing a pawn—not as he takes his opponents’ Queen.

Rather, they will band together to support him, disavowing the “Atlanticist” fringe who can move to Europe and freeze..

Public support for Putin dropped all of 0.6% (not statistically significant) down to 79.5%.

Biden by contrast has 39% public support.


More…. Click here to read the rest


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Nazis Kamikaze & Mujahid have Won The WW3 Space Race Eternally.


Ezekiel 38




Last edited 2 years ago by PEDRO EL GRANDE

^hey look, its the ghey jesus of the end times.


To All My Nazi, Kamikaze, and Mujahid Bros:

Congratulations, its all over, enjoy the Fireworks (In Ukraine or wherever).



what a bunch of bullshit from a frustrated idiot….


Playing the long game with a dickless midget will not get you very far.


Men With Balls


Men With Balls Wall Of Fame Zaman:

1. Hitler 2. Osama Bin Laden 3. Michael Jackson


4. Zelensky

Yeah Sure

You got balls? Really? Incredible. Now you tell me 🤣🤣🤣


What I do not understand is why the Russians did not shell Kherson when Zelensky and the top ukrainian brass was there.


Yes and why the UN didnt rip the balls off that pavlov klingon.

Peter Nowak

In fact it would have been good if Russia had handled this conflict as a conflict between western Ukraine (the stronghold of Ukrainian Nazis) and Russia but that was not the case. They did not invade western Ukraine from Belarus, which in my opinion would have been the better strategy (for by doing this they would have been able to close the border and stop the Nato supplies for Ukraine which would have shortened the SMO). Instead the first Russian goal was to save the people of the Donbas republics. Though this was very understandable it makes it very hard to defeat the western Ukraine because to archieve this goal you first have to cross the whole country and to defeat the Ukrainian army on the whole way. So because of this strategical decision the SMO is lasting longer than projected.


oxymorons for losers since 1918:

1. jewish strategy 2. bolshevik strategy


Probably the commie language will become as obscure as yiddish.


you are right, but in this case they would have needed a few times more troops than now. even for the eastern and southern front the previous only 150.000 russian troops for a 1.200km long front line is a joke. the now called in around 300.000 reservists will be enough for the actual front, but for an attack from north or northwest you would need these numbers also doubled. it think theres no need to attack west ukraine with troops, because than you will loose much more troops and material than now. it would be enough to bomb out all railways, railstations, airports, electricity, main roads and highways in west ukraine, so the western arms, ammo and supply refill would be brought to an minimum and so the ukro troops would fully running dry in only few months. i still aposlutely dont understand why russia dont do this and didnt do that from the beginning.


Slip of the tongue:

“I still aposlutely”



Russia suicide drones really work well , Ukraine armed force has heavy loss of life and equipments, sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.

jens holm

I still dont see the purpose unless You are an infantile psycopat.


Russia suicide drones really work well , Ukraine armed force has heavy loss of life and equipments, sad US and UK will sell their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.


My Bros Are So Dope that:

1. they make al pachinko look like a dickless phaggot in jew york 2. they make ice cube and ice t look like pussies 3. they make knock knock jokes that make people cry in extremely different ways


Last edited 2 years ago by JHK

Support for Poo Tin (0.6% down due to more dead commies)




We are not in kansas anymore.



“I identify as commie.”



“We would rather be flaming faggots than to be a filthy dickless commie-jew.”


US and UK have been killing and genocide 6 million of innocent peoples in The Middle East lol.


support 0,6% down? maybe. so if, than its now not 80% but 79,4%? so? LOL


ISIS was at 80% also





sure this is now not a defeat. but it depends on the next months if it maybe will be one. russia must call in now a few hundret thousand more reservists in, send them all to intense coachings and trainings of around 3 months, arm and equip them up to te teeth, and than when they all arrive on the ukro front lines with then all together 700-800.000 troops, they can start in spring next year a massive offensive in 3 directions at once, to Odessa with link to transnistria, to Dnipro and to Charkiv. in this case in 2-3 months the whole area could be liberated and the ukro army totally smashed and defeated.


Yes good strategy.



This article is wrong… I’ve definitely seen a video of Putin playing a piano with his penis.


Okay, this is a staged conflict and Russia with “Putin” just destroys the power grid in cahoots with the other global nwo-players so Ukraine cant supply energy to Europe. “putin” is a western role like Lenin and Stalin. He and Trump advocated the kill jabs


putin is an r1b brit-am kike, while satanyahu is an r1a slav bolshevik.

But the problem with anon is that they are just as dickless as the filthy jews they live with.


Lol, what a closet commie-jew. When he gets tired of baltic-tier jokes, he slowly falls to sleep while fantasizing about cuddling with Stalin’s mustachio while a company of red army soldiers take turn on his ass.

Last edited 2 years ago by Valter
jens holm

This is not about Putin and Rustica at all. Its about Ukraine.

Its about so many things in life. You can do them as long as You dont harm others. Right now he and Russia does.

Thats why we are nice using only boycuts to show Our oppinion. Thats why we defend the written right for Ukriane(whatever it is) by Minsk 1 + 2 + more.

Here we have critiseized Ukraine hard as well as trying to keep Minsk 2. But Putin has been the gamechanger by invading Ukraine. So we help them to defend their independesy and normal contacts to the world.

It should make sense for any You look for something better and find it somewhere else after own choise. That could be connected to Rustica as well. They are not doing fine but do their own choises as well.

But as we see it Rustica is no more a part of Europe and most things in the world. No solutions are from there. We have to find better ones anywhere else, where some are cheeper and better as well as some might be much more expensive.

John Thurloe

Surely, Ulysses Grant would never condone this shameful retreat by Russia. This is the work of George McClellan. Grant – at the Wilderness – replied to whining generals that ‘however bad it is for us, it’s worse for the other guy. Who ever attacks now, wins’.

The Russian campaign has collapsed. They have lost the military initiative to the Ukies. They are a long ways from Odessa. A fight to ‘de-militarize’ the Ukraine, to liberate the Russians there. Due to unbelievable timidity none of this is happening.


Grant was a drunk who had no concern for casualties with an army of over a million who relied on attrician due to his alcohoholism in a war that never should have happened You seem to think you won something but you lost more so get some more vaccinations and wait for the next bioweapon

jens holm

EU is food independent, but Rustica as well as Ukraine export a lot. fx to parts of Africa. Those countries could produce more and better themself. Even so they expand in numbers of human beings to feed themself. It should be more their own choise.

The article mention “GENERATION”. Thats the whole point. When children or almost children makes children the generation might be 15 years before the next make babies. Here we use more then 30 year pr generation. By that we can expand Our livingstandards even with minus population growth.

The missing link is that advanced ways of growing thing spending enerergy better is education. When people get babies early the money is used for them BUT the many version cant compensate in not only food but many things for a good life.

Thats where we are. Is it us making the babies. Do we have to feed them. Is it fair people expect gifts for doing no changes themself. We have made those calculations into plus + + .

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

You can’t even write properly. You are worthless.

All dickless commie phaggots are gheyer than jens holmo.


Random word generator or autism?

P. T.

Time to flood the right bank of the Dniper in the Kherson Oblast of Russia.

Mini Tactical Hypersonic Nuke locked on Kiev

The BRICS should expand and counter the so called “Collective West”

Peter Bos

The cheat Biden has 39 percent approval rate according to their lying propaganda press so probably in reality only 1 in ten support the senil of which 99percent took the vaccine, he is the most unpopular president in US history, they had some mad dogs I don’t think they ever had a demented pres in history.


I am sorry but this article is nothing more than fantasies and wishful thinking. The master strategist Putin sacrifises a “pawn” (Cherson) in order to take the “Queen” and the Russian people admire him soooo much for his super-strategic thinking. According the author Putin has 80 percent “support” from the Russian people. Well in the last couple of years the small remnants that was left in Russia of free press was declared “foreign agents” and their work was made impossible. This meant that the only media that ordinary Russians could see was pro-Putin and pro-Kreml. Moreover, the surveys that investigate the support for Putin should not be taken serious. They call people and ask these questions and most people are too afraid to say anything that might get them in trouble or even in jail. The real popular support for Putin is impossible to know until he is overthrown.


Radio “free” Europe, DW, BBC and their locale “good injuns” should be labeled “foreign agents” in any country that is not USA, Germany or UK, respectively. Anyone calling them – “free press” – is beyond repair.


This is what you seem to not understand: Media that is critical against the government or the president can (and should) be so. Without critical media there is no sound debate in a society. Everyone is scared….who is next to be labelled a foreign agent or jailed for calling the war a “war” or for criticizing the army or the president openly? Your problem is that you do not realise this and that in your brainwashed world view, all critical voices “must be some foreign agents”.



I fully agree. And exactly what you mentioned is the sole problem of the russian society. They are under dictatorship since 1917, and they don t know anything else. They just know harshly periods of dictatorship and softer ones,. But they misinterprete the softer ones as “freedom and democracy” when in fact they are under full dictatorship all they time, and do not realize that anymore.

People in Europe especially Austria and Germany are a bit like that too, because they are under more or less brutal dictatorship since 1945 too. Other may say at least since 1933 and again other will say since 1918. But regardless which date you choose, at least its a long time too, and in that countries the decade long propaganda has left its scars on the people as well. The only difference is that their where two complete different kinds of propangada, so that the people who know the good old times, are not so completely brainwashed like the russians of today.

But still the impact of the allied jewish propaganda which was forced onto them since 1945 has made lots of people there become like little whimping chicks, who feel guilty for everything that’s wrong on earth, instead of being selfesteem-filled roaring, strong and grown up men. Freedom of speech is something very very valuable, and whoever bans it, is a direct Antichrist supporter of a tool of Satan.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

Which is everyone? The leaders all do this.


Odessa will be liberated?

Last edited 2 years ago by Kaliningrad

Erdogan’s Bayraktar Drones everyday killing Russians in Ukraine, Turkey sended over 300 Bayraktar Drones so far .. some of the Bayraktars free gived to Zelensky. during the war Turkey continued to send 100+ Bayraktar Drones to Zelensky . Erdogan congrats Zelensky after Kherson.. Putin must say the last word to Erdogan anymore.. 1. Should cut kebaps gas and 2.do not send Russian Tourists to Turkey 3. Should Stop Nuclear plant constraction in Turkey.

Last edited 2 years ago by Moscov


The old Imperial German Realm fought back to back in WWI against UK and all the other, already back then jewified, snakes. The old Ottoman Empire included also the land today called Israel. The jews and their british puppets conspired to destroy that realm, so that the east mediterran land could be taken away and being handed over to the jews in order to later become Israel. But that’s not all. No.

The year 2023 will be the year of Turkey. As a 100 year old contract (the contract of Lausanne from 24th July 1923) which the jewish-allied forces, mainly Great Britain as their puppet, forced upon Turkey after 1918 end of WWI (Turkey has fought side by side with the German Imperial Realm) will end, so that in 2023 Turkey can demand lots of its old territories being given back to it. Moreover the old sea areas and the right to use its on deep earth resources (including gas and oil and Bor) will go back completely into Turkeys hands. This will likely lead to Turkey getting into conflict with Greece and likely with Syria and Israel too. So all this said, I guess Turkey will be spoken about a lot in 2023. Mark my words !

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
WT Baker

The strategic withdrawal from Kherson has the same moral context as the decision to hold elections in areas to allow people to decide if they wanted to be with Ukraine or Russia followed by the same withdrawal tactic. The real victory did not belong to Kyiv’s bragging rights of “defeating” Russia but but to the concept of freedom. Having the elections period was the victory; a victory that escaped the compromised minds of many.


I enjoy the articles and support Russia, but this is fucking cope

Putin is sad

If RF had retreated three months ago you might have called it a tactical retreat. Now they have been slaughtered for three months by the UAF until RF had no more power left. That is a loss in my book.

Last edited 2 years ago by Putin is sad
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