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Khorasan Jihadists Call On Militants To Defect From Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham

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Khorasan Jihadists Call On Militants To Defect From Hay’at Tahrir Al-Sham

Fighters of the al-Qaeda-led Wa Harid al-Muminin operations room, Illustrative image.

A group of Jihadists from Khorasan, an Islamic name for Pakistan and Afghanistan, called on militants to defect from Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) in a new statement.

HTS, which was a main branch of al-Qaeda, is currently ruling over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.

In the statement, which was released on September 20, the jihadists accused HTS and its leader, Abu Mohamad al-Julani, of following the same “depraved” path of ISIS.

“Al-Julani has become an oppressor, a corrupter,” the jihadist said in the statement, adding that al-Julani has “broken the pledge of allegiance [to al-Qaeda], obsessed Mujahedeen, broke up their ranks, prevented them from working against the Nusayris [Syrian army], silenced their voices, imprisoned them and raided their homes.”

The jihadists also slammed al-Julani for making concessions to the West, including HTS’ decision to allow the Turkish military into Greater Idlib.

HTS is working to assert its dominance over Greater Idlib and attempting to appease the West by cracking down on other jihadi groups in the region. Earlier this year, the group engaged in a serious conflict with Horas al-Din and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups.

The terrorists group also arrested a number of al-Qaeda-affiliated figures, including French jihadists Omar Diaby.

Al-Julani’s war on foreign jihadists in Syria has apparently began to provoke al-Qaeda’s “old guards.” This may have serious consequences on HTS’ unity.


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The Objective

10 Turkish armored vehicles or 10 armored vehicles manned by Turkish soldiers? It’s no big deal anyway. Turkey is recently turning a blind eye to regime attack on HTS. Seems there’s a deal of some sort between Turkey and Russia.


I hope it is true….That would be a great news and boost for the moral of SAA in coming offensive

Syrian Army’s Idlib offensive is back on after failed talks between Russia, Turkey


Toni Liu

It will take a long time to do that, approximately it may be happened in the beginning of the next year, but hope this time they able to capture all m4 highway all the way to latakia mountain part


If the result is right than it is worthy waiting for. Yes entire M4 with at least several kilometar’s depth liberated on the other side, if not it will be unusable. In that case there will be not much of Idlib left under Turd & terrorist rats control

Fog of War

Thats a Russian vehicle in that picture. Which immedaitely makes me doubt the rest of the stroy.


Why ? The Russian vehicle is NOT on fire. THE ONE THAT IS ON FIRE IS THE TURKISH VEHICLE.

Fog of War

There is absolutely know way to tell that from the photo, Nor do we know the date it was taken.

Daily Beatings

That’s just a stock photo. Always go to the source:

Syrian army destroyed at least 10 Turkish armored vehicles near Idlib

Daily Beatings

That’s just a stock photo. Always go to the source to confirm:



Good news.


Turkish “Vietnam” in Syria increases military dissatisfaction with Erdogan


Daily Beatings


Willing Conscience (The Truths

In this story by SF we get the truth and the lies all mixed into one story, and even though I don’t have the time for this sort of crap I have no choice, SF can’t treat people like this, they deserve to know the truth, so here I go again.

“HTS, which was a main branch of al-Qaeda, is currently ruling over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.”

This is the truth but it’s deceptive, they should’ve said this to be totally accurate and informative for people who don’t have extensive knowledge of the change in Al Qaeda HTS relations,

“HTS, which was a main branch of al-Qaeda – but is now totally opposed to Al Qaeda -, is currently ruling over the northwestern Syrian region of Greater Idlib.”

And how about this little beauty, this is just lies propaganda and spin all rolled into one big mouthful of vomit, and SF just parrots the senseless nonsense with no qualifications or disclaimers.

“In the statement, which was released on September 20, the jihadists accused HTS and its leader, Abu Mohamad al-Julani, of following the same “depraved” path of ISIS.”

The truth is the exact opposite, it’s actually the guy making the speech that really cooperates with Isis and wants to follow the same depraved path they’re following. HTS actually opposes the Muslim brotherhood, Isis, Al Qaeda, and the Turkish backed Jihadist factions, not trying to be just like them, HTS is actually trying to distance themselves from these other terrorist organizations and trying to suck up to the International community, and they can’t do that by acting just like Isis. HTS is trying to turn itself into a moderate opposition party now because they want to lose the terrorist label and establish a political future for themselves, and everything they’ve been doing lately pertains to that objective. On the other hand the moderate opposition seem to have Isis fighters serving in their ranks all the time, SF publishes photos of the Turkish backed moderate opposition recruits still carrying Isis flags and emblems all the time. So the statement by this dickead reminds me of a skunk telling the cat it stinks, and even worse telling the cat it stinks just after it’s finished licking itself clean, anyone else would’ve had the right to tell HTS they stink but the Turkish/Muslim Brotherhood skunk can’t, especially since they haven’t bathed since the start of the war, phew.

But I love this remark and wonder how it slipped through the ‘we hate HTS net’ SF usually sifts everything through before they publish it,

“Al-Julani has become an oppressor, a corrupter,” the jihadist said in the statement, adding that al-Julani has “broken the pledge of allegiance [to al-Qaeda], obsessed Mujahedeen, broke up their ranks, prevented them from working against the Nusayris [Syrian army], silenced their voices, imprisoned them and raided their homes.”

OMG, for the dummies out there that should be a real eye opener so read it again, especially the part that says “prevented them from working against the Nusayris [Syrian army]”. I’ve been saying the same thing on SF since before the start of the year, I noticed the change in HTS activities against the SAA but apparently no one working at SF did, maybe that’s why no one believed me when I kept on pointing out this very relevant new development, no one believed me because SF wasn’t corroborating my observations, but this Turkish backed faction leader is now. And now another lie SF willfully parrots,

“The jihadists also slammed al-Julani for making concessions to the West, including HTS’ decision to allow the Turkish military into Greater Idlib.”

LOL, If HTS hadn’t allowed the Turkish military to embed itself in HTS occupied territory the SAA and Russia would’ve railroaded the HTS alliance in just a few short weeks of fighting, so would these dickheads have preferred that, I would’ve. HTS is no match for the SAA/Russia and HTS knows it, so that would’ve meant the SAA would’ve easily recovered 75% of all of occupied Latakia/Hama/Idlib/Aleppo without a Turkish intervention to stop it. But it was only a deal between Russia and Turkey that allowed a Turkish intervention in the first place, Assad was totally opposed to it, so SF willfully published this comment by the opposition without pointing out it was actually the Russians who either allowed the Turks in or failed to stop them forcibly entering, and only then did HTS subsequently allow the Turks to occupy HTS territory. Without Russian approval of the Turkish intervention the whole question would now be mute, the SAA would’ve already recovered 75% of the occupied territories and HTS would be nothing but a dim memory, only the moderate opposition that Turkey backs would remain a problem, ah what could’ve been if only Turkey was stopped before they even arrived, the poor old SAA couldn’t do it though, but if someone else would’ve helped out before things got out of hand things could be very different now. Lay down with the devil and this is what you get Russia, and Erdogan is the devil himself.

And this is the truth too,

“HTS is working to assert its dominance over Greater Idlib and attempting to appease the West by cracking down on other jihadi groups in the region. Earlier this year, the group engaged in a serious conflict with Horas al-Din and other al-Qaeda-affiliated groups.

The terrorists group also arrested a number of al-Qaeda-affiliated figures, including French jihadists Omar Diaby.”

And this may be true too,

“Al-Julani’s war on foreign jihadists in Syria has apparently began to provoke al-Qaeda’s “old guards.” This may have serious consequences on HTS’ unity.”

The Uighurs and Chechens don’t like this sort of behaviour and even though they’re allied to HTS and fight beside them, they’re much more in tune with Erdogan’s, the Muslim Brotherhood’s, and Al Qaeda’s view of the world, so there may be some internal troubles for HTS if Turkey and it’s partner Russia have their way. The one and easy solution I’d suggest HTS do is simply slaughter all the Uighurs and Chechens before they get a chance to make trouble, all 8,000 of them, HTS can probably afford the military loss but they definitely can’t afford the trouble Turkey will cause with them, so HTS should just kill them all and be done with it, easy. But I think HTS would probably only just kill the leaders if trouble started, not all 8,000 of them, that’s probably just my wishful thinking saying all 8,000.

I’m getting tired and need a break from all this corrective commenting, so why don’t you give me a break for a while SF and give us all a few really good and accurate stories to read, that way the only thing I’d need to say in my comment is, ‘Great article from SF, more of the same please.’ But it’s been a while since I said that, so here’s to hoping that changes soon, Yawn.

Assad must stay

just keep killing yourselves and whittle down your ranks to make it easier for SAA and russia hahaha

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