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UPDATED: Kiev Assassinated Dozens Of Its Own Azov Heroes (18+)

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UPDATED: Kiev Assassinated Dozens Of Its Own Azov Heroes (18+)

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In the early morning of July 29, Kiev’s forces shelled a detention center for Ukrainian prisoners of war (POWs) in the village of Elenovka in the Donetsk People’s Republic. The blow was struck precisely at the barracks in which the captured soldiers of the Ukrainian Nazi Azov regiment were held.

The Russian Ministry of Defence confirmed the attack. According to the Russia’s Defense Ministry and local authorities, Ukrainian troops used US-supplied HIMARS multiple rocket launchers to strike the detention center.

Initially, the Russian Ministry of Defense reported that 40 Ukrainian POWs were killed and 75 others were injured. Later, the DPR territorial defense headquarters reported that the death toll in the missile strike has grown to 53.  DPR forces continue clear the debris, so the number of casualties may grow. Eight employees of the detention center received injuries of varying severity.

The attack was carried out at about two o’clock in the morning. The targets were barracks, where only militants from Azov were held. The target was successfully hit, which means that the reconnaissance and determination of the target were carried out in advance.




Fragments of shells for HIMARS found on the spot:



The photos of missiles raise questions, since there was information that they could have been taken in another area about a month ago.

The Russian Ministry of Defence claimed that “the blatant provocation was committed with the aim of intimidating Ukrainian servicemen and preventing their surrender.” A large number of Ukrainian servicemen voluntarily lay down their weapons, as they know about the humane attitude towards prisoners of war by the Russian side.

Another reason for killing of dozens of Ukrainian fighters was that after months of silence, Azov fighters started to testify on war crimes ordered by the Kiev regime and committed by Ukrainian Nazis and servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, including against Russian POWs and civilians.

“The shelling of the pre-trial detention center in Elenovka began because the captured “Azov” began to speak,” said Head of the DPR Denis Pushilin.

The number of interviews with prisoners from the Azov regiment shared by the DPR authorities has recently increased. Ukrainian Nazis were not talkative. They were sure that the Kiev regime would soon exchange them as they were glorified as heroes during the siege of the Azovstal plant. In recent weeks they likely lost their hope. More and more members of the Azov regiment confirmed the war crimes committed by “Ukrainian heroes”.

For example, during the last week, the following interviews were shared online:



Pilyavsky Andrey Evgenievich, born on April 22, 1973, sergeant of military unit 3057 of the Azov regiment, described how they killed civilians in Mariupol.



Ukrainian POW from the Nazi battalion Azov, Dmitry Kozatsky who had a call-sign Orest, was one of those who were responsible for the press department of the regiment. He was granted with international awards for his photos from Azovstal. He confirmed that the order to murder Russian POWs was given directly by President Zelinsky’s office.

The Azov militants talked a lot about their crimes against civilians, extrajudicial executions, torture and confirmed that the country’s top leadership was involved in terror against civilians.

Kiev’s strike on its own is both an attempt to close their mouths forever and to intimidate those who survived. After the Kiev regime confirmed that it is ready to kill its own “heroes”, the remaining Ukrainian Nazis are likely to testify on the real essence of their command and provide more testimonies on the war crimes of the Ukrainian military.

The Kiev regime traditionally launched a media campaign in an attempt to hide the truth. They expectedly stated that the attack was carried out by the Russians. At the same time, various versions immediately appeared, one more absurd than the other.

Ukrainian media citing anonymous Ukrainian authorities report that the prisoners were transferred to Elenovka a few days before the attack. The fact of the detention of Ukrainian prisoners in Elenovka was well-known. The Azov fighters have been held in Elenovka for months, since their surrender in the Azovstal plant. It was publicly declared by the DPR and Russian military officials. This was confirmed by numerous video reports filmed in this center, showing Azov fighters.

The alleged Russian strike was explained with various reasons, including the attempts of the DPR military to hide tortures and crimes against Ukrainian POWs. However, numerous testimonies of the POWs confirm that they were in good health conditions and were treated well.

The video showing the HIMARS shells on the spot leave no space for any speculation by the Kiev’s side.

The value of the captured Azov fighters for the Russian and DPR side is extremely high, because earlier Ukrainian propaganda had created the image of heroes for them. Any developments with prisoners were in favor of Russia and caused significant information and psychological damage to Kiev.

The cooperation of the Azov members with the authorities in the DPR reveal the criminal orders of their commanders and Kiev authorities, including their crimes against civilians. Prisoners who refused to cooperate with the investigation were of interest to the Russians as an exchange fund for the rescue of high-ranking Russian and DPR officers or other valuable prisoners of war. In the third scenario, the Azov fighters would have been sentenced on the territory of the DPR, which would have shown Kiev’s inability to fulfill its loud promises to liberate the “heroes of Mariupol”.

Thus, Kiev had a weighty motive to solve the problem in the simplest way, to kill dozens of its own “heroes”.

However, hundreds of other Azov fighters remained alive. A repeated attack by Kiev on the place of their detention will only embitter the remaining Ukrainian prisoners. POWs will have no other way but to intensify cooperation with local authorities in order to increase their value to the Russians, who can save them from the Ukrainian shells.


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Umm!! Huele a barbacoa

Retired Troll

The Ukrainian Nazis and their Jew clown masters are incompetent beyond belief. despite receiving $120 billion in the most modern NATO weaponry the idiots have not been able to move an inch into Russian liberated areas of Kievan-Rus. There are over 2,000 NATO eunuch advisers directing these indiscriminate shelling attacks and the strike on POW camps was intended to save the Uki Nazis a humiliating war crimes tribunal. It is a mega version of MBS killing Khashoggi to silence the truth.


I want to see RF forces to fight the ukronazis in as much as like a wounded wild bear defending its cub mercilessly shredding the enemy into pieces and not just toying with the prey.. Kill all ukronazis and start rebuilding the next day.


Kiev regime complains Its US-Gifted HIMARS Rockets are ‘Shooting Blind’ and the system is over rated and not making much difference on the ground.

The Kiev regime is now seeking another $25 billion in US and NATO weapons to “defeat Russia” and protect NATO.

Presidential advisor Mikhail Podolyak laid out [Ukraine’s military] needs last month: 2,000 troop transport vehicles, 1,000 gun-mounted vehicles, 500 tanks, 300 multiple launch rocket systems, and also the drones and communications equipment necessary to maximize the effectiveness of these systems,” Gerashchenko said in an interview with Newsweek.


I want to see the ukronazis understand that the ukromurican government in Kiev is their worst enemy.

It looks like the boss of the Azov regiment ( currently in Moscow ) got mad yesterday and threatened to kill every last one of the “criminals” ordering the bombing of the detention center in Yelenovka.

Maybe ( and let’s hope ) this will spark a civil war of the nazis against Cocainsky and his faggot minions. I am very interested in seeing the thousands of ukronazis lurking in Ukraine to raise up and shoot at the presidential palace in Kiev.

This could be their only chance in their pathetic life to do the right thing.


US has been planning to destroys Russia Ukraine EU and China, even EU because EU is competitor of US’s trade.


Bloodymyr Zelensky called them Azovstal heroes but lately realised that these heroes could now be used to stand as state witnesses in a court to prosecute kiev regime for its long lists of war crimes committed in Mariupol

AM Hants

Daily Mail are spinning the story as Russia did it. Together with the actions of Azov, being blamed on the Russians. For some reason the UK Foreign Office is spending a fortune on Bellingcat/Statecraft/Integrity Initiative/Open Information Partnership trolls, manning the DM comments section.

Why are the DM so focused on their hatred of Russia.

1913 – the Press Baron of the Daily Mail, one of two Dublin Brothers, running the British Media, met up with David Rockefeller, together with his brother, who ran the Daily Mirror. There aim was ‘mind control’ of the masses, to turn them from pacifists to war hungry, in time for the 1st World War and during the times that so many Empires were falling. They laid the foundation of the Tavistock Institute of Human Behaviour. Funnily enough, haven’t the Tavistock Institute just been penalised for their paediatric, gender, realignment experiment?

The same Press Baron, who was fully supportive of Adolf and his ideology, back in the late 30s, early 40s.

No wonder the Daily Mail is so focused on the Nanzi Party and their achievements in Ukraine and still has a hatred for Russia.

Bigg Chungus

If Russia wanted to kill POW’s, they could just shoot them and claim they were KIA or died of injuries sustained in combat.

There is no need to shell their barracks, which is one of their own buildings. The expenditure of ordnance, the loss of a building, just to kill some POW’s who technically could have been tried and executed as paramilitary terrorists if Russia wanted? Irrational.


Yes, this claim by Ukraine of Russian culpability must blow a fuse of even the most ardent Ukraine fanboy’s True Belief. I foresee a confrontation between surviving Azovites in Kiev and Arestovich and it should prove to be quite dramatic. Hope it is filmed…

AM Hants

Must admit, I was wondering if there are any Azov Pride Members still around? Russia must have got rid of a high percentage of them, judging by how things have been going.

AM Hants

I cannot see Russia doing it.

However, Zelinsky is taking a battering in the media, owing to his Vogue Cover Shoot. Pelosi, needs to take her family and friends out for a jollie on Air Force One and drain the drinks cabinet, whilst upsetting the Chinese. So what do the media need?

‘Blame it on Russia’ story, as they have 8 years of Azov War Crimes, to try and push on the Western public.

Azov – in desperate need to spill the beans, now the drug supply is running out and Kiev determined to keep them quiet. Luckily the videos have been shot and can still be shown, when Donbass sorts out where to try the War Crimes of Azov.


Just a way to say the ukrops cannon fodder to not surrender. Saying “see , you won’t be safe if you surrender either”. This is not propaganda aimed at international public opinion. This is internal stuff. Way cheaper than “anti-retreat bataillons”.


Most major UK national newspapers are affiliated to one political party or another, DM is Tory, hence why some of their articles on key subjects sound exactly like something BJ would say, probably same speech writer. Ukraine just got full control of Himars targeting in the last few days with the delivery of at least 2 command vehicles that link to US military satellites so they can do things like this without any (official) involvement of the US.

AM Hants

Once upon a time, I used to enjoy reading the Daily Mail. Now I flick through it, purely to see what stories are ready and primed, with the UK Foreign Office trolls, up and running. Then you have all the Z Listers, and PR Management campaigns. It is just seriously painful, and yet, I still go to find the propagandist view point. 6 Corporations control the G7 and EU media and those 6 corporations all link into the pyramid, with Vanguard and Blackrock, sitting at the top.

Red Admiral

Great to see you back AM, Who were the brothers from Dubh Linn aka Dublin

azov bunch of emo rejects

They got squashed by their daddy, he probably got a fit after snorting one too many line.

Washington DCorruption

They know too much… and some of them decided to start talking… so terrorist CIA Caliph Zelensky is trying to silence them permanently.


the version of the story on the usa and nato side will be >>> russia bombing its own camp killing the prisoners of war

AM Hants

Daily Mail already running with that version. By the way, have you seen what the US is coming out with? Claiming Russia have lost 75,000 (KIA). Why did they privatise over 80% of US intelligence? If the White House seriously believes those briefs, they are going to be in for one heck of a shock when Odessa finds herself in Russia, with Ukraine landlocked.


No one in the WH believes any such thing. No one in the entire US military believes any such thing. Only those that watch the idiot tube and the talking head morons believe any of this. The US gov only creates such BS to baffle the sheep, as the alternative is the truth. Anything but that! The US gov is losing the battle of propaganda, badly. More and more people have a new saying …when shit breaks, fails, anything that goes wrong…it’s Putin’s fault…then everyone has a laugh. Such is the success of their campaign. They’ve run this BS into the ground and such is the result. This is not to say that there are no idiots that believe what they see on the tube, but the reality is that most of their propaganda is consumed only by those that will believe anything…and that number is falling rapidly. The truth is, the majority of Americans support Russia. It may not seem that way because of US propaganda and cherry-picked (if not totally fictitious) polling data spewed on the idiot tube. As for privatizing US intel…why not?…just look at those companies and those that run/own those companies. They’ve been running intel since 2000 at least (more likely since the 70s) through proxies (moles), but for that bigger piece of the pie, now they openly run things. Imagine, Amazon (AWS) running military data collection and storage. Now they can jigger (or disappear) the data before anyone else puts an eye on it. When one looks at these ‘companies’ (fronts) one sees the usual cast of criminals. What a coup…a real one…but it happened in 1980 and shit’s been down-hill ever since.

Last edited 2 years ago by zman

What an opportune moment for the Russian Federation to use this “watershed” to announce the details of the Azov atrocities under a$$hat Zelensky and his Angl0-Zioni$t handlers and a Arrivederci America in the Well of the UN Security Council announcing it’$ FULL departure from the UN HQ’$ in Manhattan FOREVER!… With the Russian citizenry leaving the U.$. for Home!..

Do it not Pootie-Poot and your days will be #’d!… Obviously you will never tell the full story https://themillenniumreport.com/2016/10/treason-who-did-911-and-why-did-they-do-it/ of how you got to this place. But at least you can do everything in your power to bring your countrymen home for their safety and posterity from here on out!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Ukrainian propagandists are already saying Russia hit their own detention centres. — yes, Russia killed their own witnesses which they could use on national television to support their narrative at home & to detain and prosecute Ukrainian military officers. Logic level: Ukrop 🤡


Imagine being a so called “nazi”, just to be backstabbed at the first glance by the jewish comedian you served. They got what they deserved.


They got what they invited from Ziolensky and his US handlers.


It seems if you’re under the wing of the US empire, you can do all sorts of terrible things with immunity. It’s where exceptionalism has been extended beyond the US patronage and the sad thing, the West would not flinch or coil up in remorse for these heinous crimes.

I do hope, and I do understand, the evil Azov who are beyond saving, I do hope they take stock of this because it appears the real enemy aren’t Russians but their own kind. No doubt Zelensky has his jet warmed up if things get too hot in the kitchen.


I don’t know: Ukrainians have had 8 years of time to understand things but they’re still happy to fight against their own citizens and their Russian cousins. It’s clear to anyone in the world that ukrainians are dumb and indeed shitty US are exploiting this. Ukrainians will keep doing what they’re doing. When you’re taught to hate someone (Russians) you lose the ability to see the truth, Ukraine is doomed since the blonde whore’s so called revolution in the first years of this century


So did the rest of the world, so it’s not just Ukrainians. How many in Germany, reeling under their own govs BS still believe? Only after a cold shower did people begin to doubt.


this time i will thank you azov, but you still stupids. those were the piece of shit of azov fighters and they were of no use. you failed to assassinate the other important piece of shit commanders held in Russia. useless sbu

Last edited 2 years ago by NATO

More proof of woke nato policys either way your finished,no future in lgbtq/gayee military (period)


The funny thing is that now the azovites will talk even louder. The leaders ( held in Russia ) will start talking, even as a retaliation against this treacherous act committed by their murican “friends”.

As for the ukrop soldiers on the battlefield, I cannot see why they shouldn’t seriously start questioning the mental sanity of the cocaine addicted in power. The conscripts and their families will start thinking very deeply what it means to risk their lives for a bunch of bastards who will shell you as soon as you become a prisoner.

P. T.

I go even further. Now that the junta in Kiev Junta showed their true colors (or their stabbing in the back as you wish), I would not be impressed if some of the prisoners would ask to join the DPR army.


These results were evident in 2014. It’s 2022 through Feb, Mar, Apr, May, June and now realized and born out by experience into the end of July! Pretty slow on the uptake, to their sorrow and grief and losses. But “Better late than never” is a good motto to consider in many circumstances, especially this one! God bless Ukrainians who are for good and not evil and to ALL who realize they were mistaken and so now reject the evil.


Friendly fire

Florian Geyer

The US military is an expert in Friendly Fire, both intentional and treacherous.

Slava Rossiya.


Obviously destroyed by orders from Washington. These Azov guys are no longer useful – and could spill too many beans that would threaten ´the narrative´.

P. T.

yes, and also, ‘they know too much’. In Brazil we call it “queima de arquivo”.


Zelensky is angry they did not join Bandera so he personally send him there. He’ll send million more….

Senile Joe

Thats some over cooked Nazees

WT Baker

Zelensky is near his end. Citizens of Kyiv must hear of this if not already. They will not be happy.

Muhammad your Prophet

Another red flag operation and terrorist attack by a filthy human cockroach like Vladimir Putin and his cronies. Ukrainian forces have already intercepted the Putin cockroaches talking about the terrorist attack and confirming it was carried out by the shitty Russian army. The Putin terrorists are more desperate now than ever.

Last edited 2 years ago by Muhammad your Prophet
Another Russian bot

No chance for zElensky to cover up this shit. Time is ticking faster for the nazukraine Yankee slave regime because of this crime.

Muhammad your Prophet

It doesn’t matter one way or the other because the Putuin cockroaches are not even supposed to be there. Their presence is a war crime. Vladimir Putin is responsible for the death of every civilian. Russian or Ukrainian. Just for being a terrorist human cockroach.


Pathetic ziotroll. Obviosuly you feign ignorance about the coup in 2014 and the genocide of the russophone population in Ukraine.

Don’t worry, soon there will be no basement to hide in for cockroaches like you.


Got something today about the two British guys Pinner and Aislen, they were executed and shot It is typical callousness from the British government that they did not have talks with the Donbass government to allow for a negotiated release.

Max Schmidt

yep, most likely the mercenaries are already executed. Justice has been served.


Living the LIE (https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-intelligence-tells-lawmakers-russian-casualties-ukraine-surpass-75000)!…

And why the Russian Federation needs to “pull up stakes” at the UN Ca$ino and bring it’s citizens home and expel the FUKU$ brigade with work permits and F-U.K.U.$. visas for GOOD!…

Time to rebuild the UN in it’s proper state under a new roof in Moscow as it’s new host to the BRIICS!

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

Usa intels soo fullovit! 2k dpr,2-3k lpr,2-3k russians about fkn it,cias noses outta joint,they know it,zero hedge basically pro west wannabe real deal rich guys the centurys,shit weapons of burnt offerings


Agreed. And the guy who started it from Bulgaria sold out to “$Bitcoin”!?…

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt
Ma Laoshi

Hold on, isn’t there a different possibility. I keep hearing about how HIMARS is being operated by NATO regulars, *not* Ukies. Even where this is not true, Ukraine can only carry out precision strikes of this nature with the help of NATO; that is, the US. Isn’t it more logical for the *US* to have carried out this stunt, because at this stage in the festivities they don’t mind painting a huge Azov bull’s-eye on Zelensky’s back?

I have no reason to think that Ze is particularly smart, but he seems motivated to come out of this alive and rich. Pissing off Azov to this degree goes in the opposite direction.


More possibly they did it not to paint a target on Zelensky’s back but to silence the prisoners before the trials that would expose them AND THEIR GOVERNMENT internationally as the criminals they are. One of the prisoners clearly said in the interview that Arestovich was the one who gave the order to kill the Russian POWs well before Feb 24th, and Arestovich had admired and was inspired by ISIS’ methods of terror! (he’s disclosed it in a interview, saying how effective those methods were!)

Last edited 2 years ago by helen
Max Schmidt

Well, what should I say guys? -I say THANK YOU KIEV!!!!!

Seymour Undies

Dead men tell no tales. Ukraine is defending their narrative, and Nazi’s don’t fit into the victimhood narrative westerners adore.


the amerikan desperation smells sweet


I don’t think that the remaining Azov regiment heroes would want to return to Kiev authority. The reason is obvious.

Pamfil Military Academy

Be sure the nazi banderists know for sure WHO is the culprit. And I bet they will try to revenge this and shot the fake jew cocaine Ze fag. Anyway they didn’t like him at all, especially because he is a jew and they are nazi fanatics, plus because they know the Soros fucking puppet abandoned them in Mariupol. Now, be prepared to see more testimonies about the anglo-zionist plot in Ukropizdan and an invigorated resistance movement. It’s a win-win situation for Russia.


History repeats itself and the same Anglo-Zionists that used ISIS terrorists to invade Syria and carry out atrocities against the Syrian civilians used the Right Sector and Azov extremist terrorists to overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine in 2014 and to continue to terrorize ethnic Russians in Ukraine until Russia stepped in and finally wiped them all out. Russia again both in Syria and now in Ukraine annihilating extremists. There is absolutely zero difference between an ISIS terrorist that beheads a Syrian Christian or an Azov terrorist that slaughters a civilian in the Donbass. Both groups must be hunted down and crushed and exterminated for the sake of the innocent victims. Both ISIS and Azov are 2 things, Mercenaries which the empire of lies pays to carry out their murderous campaigns and both ISIS and Avoz are completely brain washed ethnocentric psychopaths.


It must be said that anytime an Ukrainian is killed, I’m happy. So I’m 53 times maybe more happier at this round. Only retards could think it was the Russians to bomb their own prison, so I’m quite sure the vast majority of British and German people would think so. And, considering the fact I’m Italian, I won’t hide behind my finger and I’m sure many Italians too would believe this. People in the West have very low IQs. I don’t know if any of you have heard the news, but the idiot Italian government has lost the confidence vote in Parliament. Here’s a resume of the tale (I try to be short but Italian politics are dumb as our politicians so it’s not easy to be short).

In February 2018 two parties (Movimento Cinque Stelle and Lega) took the majority of seats and votes (about a third and a fifth respectively). They were considered anti-Eu and pro-Russia, particularly Lega. They formed a short lived government which fell into pieces in August 2019. Movimento Cinque Stelle then formed a government with their ancient foes (Partito Democratico) which is the most pro-EU in Italy. To add ridicoulous to ridicoulous is that Giuseppe Conte was Presidente del Consiglio in both governments. But in January 2021, this government lost a confidence vote and was replaced by another one which was formed by all parties in Parliament but three. One of these (Fratelli d’Italia) is a neofascist party which thinks to be sovereignist but since last March it says it is pro-EU and pro-Nato. Nothing new in their support of ukraine. Anyway in June, 12th local elections took place in Italy and Movimento Cinque Stelle took just 2% of the votes, nearly disappeared and had to do something. One of its leaders, actual Foreign Affairs Minister, went out to form another party, strictly sided to Partito Democratico. In July, Movimento Cinque Stelle tried to push the government to a less “EU-rules-the-world” instance but failed and didn’t vote the confidence to the government. The PM went to Parliament and made a speech against the rightwing parties which obviously deserted the confidence vote and the government had to resign. Now some newspapers and tv channels say that the government lost its confidence vote because “Russian Embassy in Italy” pushed Lega to it. The situation here is tragic, but it’s also ridicoulous. People believe anything. People are stupid.

Pamfil Military Academy

Yes, that’s the situation here too in 99,99 indigo copy. I mean Romania. Not for nothing we share the same latin ancestry. But, looking all over the world, it seems everywhere it’s the same. Reading your very short briefing I though you describe our corrupt politics xeroxed. peoples know very well what kind of bandits and corrupt mobsters rule the country for 32 years till now, and they still get trapped in every single elections. People ARE not only extremely FOOL, almost down to imbecility, but also unbelievable stupid, stupid meaning what this word describe: STUPIDITY (which is something different from foolishness). Beside that, let remind that the Secret Services, former commie Securitate as a whole, do the rest of the job: rigging every possible election to have a ‘constant’ pro JEU and proJUSA government, by ‘calibrating’ the needed percentage….all I can say that the actual so-called democracy is 100x worse then the so-called totalitarism. I lived both enough to make a pertinent opinion. Yea, back than was bad, now it’s the worse possible.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy
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