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MARCH 2025

Kiev Dreads Russian Revenge

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Kiev Dreads Russian Revenge

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Kiev Dreads Russian Revenge

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Russia has suffered one of the worst terrorist attacks in recent decades. On March 22, armed militants attacked a crowded concert hall in Moscow. They indiscriminately shot dozens of spectators, mocked the bodies of the victims, and set fire to the building.

As of March 25, the number of killed reached 137 and continues to grow. About 200 people remain in hospitals, where doctors are fighting for their lives.

The attackers were detained on the same day. They fully admitted their guilt and confirmed that they were hired to launch the terrorist attack for money.

Despite Washington’s attempts to hide the perpetrators behind the ISIS brand, there is no doubt that the orchestrators of the bloody terrorist attack are the Ukrainian and Western special services.

While Russia is grieving for the innocent victims, the Ukrainians are trembling waiting for the retaliation strikes.

Moscow is yet to take revenge on the terrorists in Kiev. Meanwhile, strikes by Russian missiles and drones continue pounding the Ukrainian military.

Massive attacks resumed on the night of March 22. The targets included strategic objects of Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, such as the Dnieper hydroelectric power plant. The Russian military refrained from such attacks on energy facilities during the cold winter months in order to reduce the
damage to the civilian population, in gratitude Kiev launched a terrorist attack on the same day.

Residents of many Ukrainian cities spent the following nights in bomb shelters. Precise Russian strikes have destroyed many military targets in almost all regions of the country, including the western Lviv region. There were more than 20 strikes in a single attack, including at the strategically important airfield in the town of Stryi.

On the night of March 25, the air alert sirens again sounded throughout Ukraine. Military and energy infrastructure targets in the Odessa, Mykolaiv, Kherson and Zaporizhia regions came under attack.

In the morning, Russian missiles targeted the Ukrainian capital. The local sources confirmed the destruction of the headquarters of the Civil Defense of Ukraine. Two Patriot air defense systems were also reportedly hit at the Zhuliany airport. The failed missiles of the Ukrainian air Defense caused even more damage to the civilian infrastructure in the city.

Kiev claimed that the city was struck by hypersonic Zircon missiles launched from ground-based launchers in Crimea.

According to Ukrainian monitoring sources, several missiles covered a distance of 580 km in 3 minutes, which allowed to estimate the speed of the missiles at 11600 km/h. The officially declared speed of Zircon is up to 11025 km/h. These are technologies that are on the verge of fantasy. Accordingly, either the Ukrainian side is deliberately exaggerating the capabilities of Russian missiles, or the entire collective West should rethink the consequences of a direct war with Russia.


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russia is wasting precise missiles instead of old good carpet bombing… just think what would be the u.s. reaction. if somebody set on fire a concert hall with 5000 ppl inside and shot dead 100+ victims and russian secret services are behind that, they would trigger ww3 instantly.

Last edited 11 months ago by hlohlo
USA #42 military, taliban #41

russians are not an inferior immoral amerikunt species


russians are not an inferior immoral jewish species. usa is controlled by the demonic khazarian mafia. american population is brainwashed to follow the jewish masters.



Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“i do not envy amerikunt happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


russia is an aids-infested, divorce ridden, baby-genociding country that is less religious than america. see: russia is nigeria with snow.


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/4256rhkt (elagabalus: the tranny roman emperor)

– was an arab from syria

– hated roman religious traditions and sexual taboos

– replaced head roman god jupiter with the arab sun god elagabal

– forced the roman elite to worship elagabal and made himself the god’s chief priest

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

– married a vestal virgin, breaking roman law and severely violating roman tradition

– had himself circumcised, an act viewed with extreme contempt and disgust by the romans [it was banned numerous times during the empire]

– was a gay prostitute in taverns

– had numerous gay male lovers

– made them call him mistress, wife, and queen


– wore makeup and wigs

– demanded to be called “lady” and not “lord”

– tried to find a surgeon to cut his dick off and give him a vagina

– assassinated at age 18 after only 4 years in power

described by english historian edward gibbon as partaking in “the grossest pleasures with ungoverned fury” and german historian barthold georg niebuhr as living an “unspeakably disgusting life.”


moscow is not in the mood to burn american bases in syria, much less in the mood to sink some scrap metal in the red sea, and that is the least this scum deserves


name one reason the russian empire deserves to continue.


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

read dugin. the “russian” civilization is not stalin. it is not communism. it is its own civilization different from europe and the anglophile world. it is presently trying to resist the degeneracy rife in the liberal west. why not let it thrive. why fear a multipolar world? and if western liberalism was truly superior it would not ban dugin’s works. live and let live.


if you read dugin’s work you would find out he’s a schizophrenic, satanist nutjob who follows jewish kabbalah.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

russians who died for putin’s ambitions:


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“the double symbolism amerikunts assign to money is considered paradoxical to europeans”. geoffrey gorer


you still think i’m an “american” don’t you? america was founded freemasons and administered by northwest europeans. why can’t you refute me on the topic of jewish ritual murder? i literally cited jewish sources on the matter.


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

problem is your myopic worldview and absolute ignorance of anything else which is outside of it.


(october 2, 2022) dugin promoting transgenderism in fourth political theory: “the fourth political theory, in our opinion, goes forward […] by going beyond the limits of gender which we know, we get to the domain of uncertainty, androgyny, and sex as practised by the angels.” dugin is the unnamed “philosopher” that putin mentioned in his speech.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
tom sawyer

“amerikkunts are threatened by homosexuality whereas europeans are not”. geoffrey gorer


your comment proves nothing. i sent you links to jewish sources proving the lgbt originates from judaism. geoffrey gorer was a jew himself.

“geoffrey edgar solomon gorer was an english anthropologist and writer, noted for his application of psychoanalytic techniques to anthropology. born into a non-practicing jewish family, he was educated at charterhouse and at jesus college, cambridge. during the 1930s he wrote unpublished fiction and drama.”

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

saxonclit world view cocacola latent homosexuality nazism


the jewish controlled soviet union was the first country to legalize homosexuality. national socialist germany burned books promoting transgender surgeries and sexology.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

[12] licet apud concilium accusare quoque et discrimen capitis intendere. distinctio poenarum ex delicto. proditores et transfugas arboribus suspendunt, ignavos et imbelles et corpore infames (i.e. homosexuals) caeno ac palude, iniecta insuper crate, mergunt. diversitas supplicii illuc respicit, tamquam scelera ostendi oporteat, dum puniuntur, flagitia abscondi.

— germania, tacitus (98 ad).

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

before this council, it is likewise allowed to exhibit accusations, and to prosecute capital offences. punishments are varied according to the nature of the crime. traitors and deserters are hung upon trees: cowards, dastards, and those guilty of unnatural practices (i.e. homosexuality), are suffocated in mud under a hurdle. this difference of punishment has in view the principle, that villainy should be exposed while it is punished, but turpitude concealed.

— germania, tacitus (98 ad).

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

definition of a dastard (not the same as a bastard):

“a sneaky, malicious coward.”

much like the jews.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon


one week after dugin pens virulent anti-white screed, putin publishes an article calling for africa to be given more political power within global governance institutions in the name of combatting colonialism. probably just a coincidence since “dugin isn’t relevant.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“amerikunts are farcical when it comes to money and force majeure–the 2 things they worship”. gore vidal


you still can’t prove me wrong. clearly i am right.


tinyurl com mtc4bdz5

however, in duginism, “civilizational sovereignty” actually means russian imperialism and “anti-westernism” means thinly-veiled anti-whiteism.

promoting “multipolarity” is simply a strategy for russia to replace america as world hegemon, and the “traditional values” are completely superficial, of course.



russia is an aids-infested, divorce ridden, baby-genociding country that is less religious than america. see: russia is nigeria with snow: https://tinyurl.com/yz3abrf7

dugin’s personal emblem is the satanic chaos sigil it’s on all of his books and websites), he is a self-proclaimed follower of franz boas (one of the founding fathers of cultural marxist race denialism), and he promoted transgenderism in his book fourth political theory.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“religion and art are impossible in amerikuntistan’. christopher lasch

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“it is not russianism that will destroy the earth it is amerikuntism that will–not only have the english fallen prey to it but all of wester europe has as it represents modernity in all its monstrosity”. martin heidegger

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“the only god in amerika is money”. malcolm x


you clearly have no realization of my worldview. malcolm x and the black panthers agreed with george lincoln rockwell of the american nazi party that blacks should be sent back to africa.


aleksandr dugin embraces aleister crowley english subs 1995 crowley’s memoirs:


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

full video (ангел 418. памяти алистера кроули (фрагменты). курехин, дугин, лимонов. осень 1995. / angel 418. in memory of aleister crowley (fragments). kurekhin, dugin, limonov. autumn 1995.):


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“russians naturally think dialectically; amerikunts only comprehend isolated disconnected facts”. geoffrey gorer


geoffrey gorer is a jew. hollywood and jazz is made by jews. that “culture” infests the world today. you have no theory of mind and therefore are too stupid to comprehend i am critical of finance capitalism. criticism of capitalism is a cornerstone of fascist and ns ideology.


to put it politely….why don’t you do a sexual departure pronto.


dugin is a satanic kabbalah freak that promotes homosexuality and transgenderism. wtf are you talking about?


the kremlin ideologue, alexander dugin, made a firm statement: russian patriotic homosexuality “must be supported.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

in the preface to the book ‘homosexuality in the service of the national liberation movement,’ dugin announced that russia should accept and support patriotic homosexuality.

as dugin writes, “the problem of homosexuality is a very difficult problem (…) in the primordial tradition, homosexuality as such is not condemned. on the contrary, it is a neutral phenomenon.”

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

“europeans are indifferent to homosexuality—in amerikunts it raises panic”. geoffrey gorer


the time geoffrey gorer wrote that, homosexuality was illegal in both europe and america. but legal for the first 7 years of the soviet union’s existence.


further dugin writes: “well, let’s take such templars or some eastern religions. homosexuality – is part of the practice of seeking god, an attempt to reach sanctity through a fall, through a kind of moral death. it stands on a par with the mysticism of manichaeism or some ideas of early christianity.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

name one reason feminized nazi saxon should obtain pension after clean toilet walmart 43 years


you are a flaming hypocrite that didn’t watch the video i linked of a russian quadriplegic with amputated arms and legs dancing to shaman’s “i am russian”.

https://tinyurl.com/2rs25k6v (it was a pioneering trans library — until the nazis burned it)

“in weimar germany, the gay jewish doctor magnus hirschfeld performed the first gender-affirming surgeries and collected research on sexuality. the 1933 book burnings destroyed his life’s work”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

nobody bothers to waste effort watching nazi saxon video


thanks for verifying my point then that you are narrow minded, brainwashed fools.


you can’t prove me wrong. you have nothing more than lies and delusions you pull out of your ass and fling down on unsuspecting passerbys below your tree.



“thought nonbinary gender was a modern concept? think again. the ancient jewish understanding of gender was far more nuanced than many assume.

the talmud, a huge and authoritative compendium of jewish legal traditions, contains in fact no less than eight gender designations”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

why is the jewish autonomous oblast in russia in fact a rainbow flag?


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

why is amerikunt saxon inferior to jews?


it never has anything to do with “jealousy”. i am sure you are jewish yourself since you pretend they are above wrongdoing.

https://tinyurl.com/59wn4m4v soviets founded state of israel and zionism; balfour declaration a decoy

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/2f9vzxvf (eruvin 43 b) for once the messiah comes, all the nations will be subservient to the jewish people, and they will help them prepare whatever is needed for shabbat.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/5dkfu9dk (pesachim 49b) r. eleazar said: an ‘am ha-arez (ignoramous), it is permitted to stab him [even] on the day of atonement which falls on the sabbath. said his disciples to him, master, say to slaughter him [ritually]? he replied: this [ritual slaughter] requires a benediction, whereas that [stabbing] does not require a benediction

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

most people including you are completely ignorant of jewish matters and what they think of you. https://tinyurl.com/bddcftje (am ha-arez, 1906 jewish encyclopedia)

“a term used in common parlance in the sense of “ignoramus,” applied particularly to one ignorant of jewish matters.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

it is russia that has the hillbillies and social statistics on the same level as africa’s:


Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/mt6hmvuw (scientists discover gene that predisposes ashkenazi jews to schizophrenia: variations of the dnst3 gene make ashkenazi jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.)

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

ashkenazi jews compose 70 to 80% of all jewish population worldwide. ashkenazim are 50% middle eastern, 34% south european, and 16% north european. 96% of jews worldwide hold a positive opinion of israel, only jews are eligible to become israeli citizens.


tell me how jews in charge of the cheka and its successor organization the nkvd that murdered 30 million europeans in total in death camps, or open-air mass shooting and starvation in no way influenced the development of the nsdap before they were done mass executing, or starving 30 million people in russia and elsewhere the further west they went?


in your deluded mind this makes me “jealous” in spite of the fact that white european man has made more technological achievement than every race combined over the last 7,000 years since the neolithic. earliest examples include metallurgy, bow and arrow, and horseback riding. including the first three-dimensional figurines and carvings depicting human faces dating back 40,000 years. 97% of all scientific achievement occurred in europe and north america, excluding aryan’s achievements in asia.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/ys2rc3pz (national socialist germany pioneered animal rights in 1933)

https://tinyurl.com/mw3t7nup (hitler was no fan of being called a ‘nazi’) “nazi was a derogatory term for a backwards peasant, being a shortened version of ignatius, a common name in bavaria, the area from which the nazis emerged.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon

https://tinyurl.com/5dkfu9dk (pesachim 49b) the jewish religion permits the ritual murder of peasants (people who aren’t jewish, according the jewish understanding). or “ignatius” (nazi) in german, meaning “ignoramous” or “am ha-arez”. nazi was a pun invented by konrad heiden, a jewish propagandist for the social democratic party (spd). nazi is a play on words of “sozi” a nickname at the time for members and supporters of the spd.

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon


what is the significance of a rainbow in judaism?:

“a generation without a rainbow since the rainbow is a sign that mankind is sinning, a generation that never sees a rainbow is on an especially high level of spirituality and righteous conduct.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Saxon
saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

as an inferior amerikunt feminized i deserve sodomy


you’re a shit for brains that keeps projecting your subhuman character onto me.


carpet bombing of cities, towns, villages, or other areas containing a concentration of protected civilians has been considered a war crime since 1977, through article 51 of protocol i of the geneva conventions.

Titius Arch

jews don’t seem to mind that so long as they are allowed do it to everyone else.


russia is controlled by jews and has done the exact same thing before ukraine retaliated.


it’s okay when russia does it but not okay when ukraine strikes back?

AM Hants

thankfully, unlike the usa and nato russia is civilised and does not want to go in that direction. love the fact they used missiles that hato can only dream of having.


do you believe in santa claus as well?

Robert Flee Konjan

the perceived retaliation are indeed remainder to whose be that negative narrow thinker of defending ukraine and its citizens


some clarity is in order. did the smo start to preclude nato establishing bases within 5 minutes striking time of the kremlin or was putin trying to bring the ukrainians back to mother russia ala dugin? if the former, the smo makes strategic sense. if the latter, it is a tragic mistake. is the existential threat from nato nukes or from the liberal west absorbing the “russian” civilization and thus precluding multipolarity?

AM Hants

1990, germany wanted to re-unify, following the fall of the berlin wall, taking into account the potsdam agreements 1945. the demilitarisation of germany, de-nazification of europe and creation of the un. it was during these agreements that the us and uk, who were signatories with russia and germany, stated hato and the west would not move an inch into eastern europe. it was then hato became an uni-polar offensive. when the warsaw pact was up and running it held hato in check.


my question really regards the so called existential threat. is it nato military threat or is it the threat of the liberal west civilization seducing the russian population away from its own eastern orthodox civilization roots into the liberal western culture of personal freedom. don’t civilizations existing adjacent to one another inevitably compete for the allegiance of the people in each? if so, that’s ok too, right?


and what would dugin say?


what the hell were the russians waiting for? just do this every day

Robert Flee Konjan

honestly, what were they waiting for all these day, let them just end it once and for all,


these missiles arent enough to neutralize ukronazi capabilities. more bombings and more missiles more drones have to be used to drive these rats out of their trenches and to destroy all there supply routes and warehouses. make their merc terrorist army run out of everything siege them and make their whole army collapse and route

Last edited 11 months ago by Worldpeace
Robert Flee Konjan

well said, these trenches need to be smoke daily


patience people, in good time the work is done…

Florian Geyer

i agree 100% that patience in war is vital. the ‘ start ww3 now’ narrative is that of fools or hato bots.

thugs do not understand the difference between ‘strategy and tactics. thuggery is the american way of war .

Son of the kingdom

israhell is behind the attack, couple of days ago the israhell minister warned russia of supporting the palestinians. he made it clear that russia would pay. burn the synagogue of satan down.

Kibosh Warrior

xactly, israel made the threat, israel controls america, and america controls ukraine.

Massa John

at some point, we have take the fight and we must deliver to the scum, which has brought us into this and i don’t mean the ukrainians, they are only victims…

The avenger Z

kharkov energy facilities left the chat

Icarus Tanović

what does it means mr. avenger? are you gonna avenge someone?

Last edited 11 months ago by Icarus Tanović
Icarus Tanović

i love this saying: isis brand! go look for them in washington and tell aviv.

AM Hants

where they were made and happily wear it on their labelling. clinton, happily bragged about creating them when the soviets were in afghanistan (1979-1989). even obama admitted being behind their creation. they only come out to play when u s a i d / c i a need some idiots for pr management.


is russia finally going to abandon the failed ideology of pan-slavism which has been allowed to tie the hands of the russian armed forces

Kibosh Warrior

prolly not. they’re going to continue to strike the nazi nationalist blocking troops in the rear areas more often, try to spare the conscript cannon fodder up front, make those poor sods surrender, while destroying all the masonic nato mercs and nazi drug dealing thugs who started this war of terror on the russian peoples.

Kibosh Warrior

revenge is a dish best served with khinzal pizza!

AM Hants

khenzal curry is more apt, as it puts fire in your belly. pizza, i always associate it with something western leaders desire and something ukraine is known to provide, post 2014. otherwise, i completely support your comment.


payback is coming. russia has already struck two vital gas storage facilities essential to eu nat gas supply. i expect it to turn into a full on energy counter-sanction blockade


in my amerikan cesspool we destroy are bridges due to incompetence…now i will sniff glue with sawyer

gestapo Mcturdburger


al qaeda burgers

we sabatoge amerikan bridge–very nice video…kgb offer us 3 burger payment but we refuse cuz fun requires no $$$

Dimitri Peskov

our isis affiliate in baltimore—antifa sabotaged the baltimore bridge—we paid mufti tomsawyer 5000 rubles.


thanky —the valuable rubles buy me new clown suit…


cuckold saxon very greedy—want steal my pet squirrel make burger

gestapo mctacobugurss

sad way tu burgefd..

Crocus Shooting Gallery

crocus was only the first orc shooting gallery…heheheh

AM Hants

1’2 peskov said that russia was now in war mode and that was before the terrorist attack. what nobody is reporting on, is the actions of the staff, that prevented thousands from being taken out. directing the audience to safe passages, via radio contact with their supervisors. this included young teenagers, working for pocket money.

AM Hants

2/2 the crocus concert reminds me of odessa, 2 may 2014, using ‘fire accelerants’ and wanting to burn the kids alive. what types of savages do that and what type of savages train those savages? is that what the people of ukraine crave for?

Saxon american tampon

ukie most dread that gullible amerikan will terminate flow of $$$


no dread in may trailer when i pay toothless hillbilly to sodomize me

saxonclit amerikunt hillbilly

my inferiority is painful

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