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Kiev Forces Face More Setbacks On The Front (Videos)

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Kiev Forces Face More Setbacks On The Front (Videos)

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Kiev forces faced several setbacks while attempting to advance in different directions, according to the September 8 briefing of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

The ministry said that the Yug Group of Forces repelled 12 attacks of Ukraine’s 77th airborne, 110th mechanized as well as the 241st territorial defense brigades near Andreevka, Artyomovsk, Orekhovo-Vasilevka and Vesyoloye in the Donetsk direction.

The losses of Kiev forces in this direction amounted to 215 troops, four mobile vehicles, two American-made M777 towed howitzers, one D-20 towed howitzer, one Rapira anti-tank gun and one Ukrainian-made Bukovel-AD anti-drone electronic warfare system. An ammunition depot of the 10th Mechanized Brigade was also targeted and destroyed close to Avdeevka.

Meanwhile in the Zaporozhye direction, the Russian Group of Forces repelled five attacks which were carried out by the 82nd Air Assault Brigade of Kiev forces near Verbovoye.

The ministry said that Ukrainian losses in this direction amounted to 40 troops, one tank, two infantry fighting vehicles, three motor vehicles, two M777 towed howitzers, one British-made FH-70 towed howitzer, one Msta-B towed howitzer, one D-20 towed howitzer, one D-30 towed howitzer, one Akatsiya self-propelled howitzer, one BM-21 multiple rocket launchers and one Bukovel-AD system,.

In the Kupyansk direction, the Russian Zapad Group of Forces improved the situation on the frontline and repelled three attacks by the 95th Air Assault Brigade near Novoyegorovka.

Kiev forces lost 100 troops, two armored fighting vehicles, two motor vehicles, one M777 towed and one Gvozdika self-propelled howitzer, according to the ministry.

And in the Krasny Liman direction, the Russian Tsentr Group of Forces repelled two attacks by 63nd Mechanised Brigade of Kiev forces close to Chervonaya Dibrova. The group also targeted the 12th special forces, and 21st mechanized brigades close to Serebryanka and Yampolovka.

Up to 60 Ukrainian troops were killed in this direction, the ministry said, adding that two armored fighting vehicles and two pickup vehicles were destroyed.

In the South Donetsk direction, the Russian Vostok Group of Forces repelled an attack by Ukraine’s 38th Mechanized Brigade.

Up to 190 Ukrainian troops were killed or wounded in this direction, according to the ministry. In addition, three armored fighting vehicles, four motor vehicles and one M777 towed howitzer were destroyed. Moreover, the group targeted and destroyed a field ammunition depot of Kiev forces close to Novodonetskoye.

Meanwhile in the Kherson direction, Kiev forces lost 25 troops, three motor vehicles and one Msta-B towed a howitzer to Russian military fire.

The Russian MoD also provided the following details during its briefing:

Operational-Tactical and Army aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation have neutralized manpower and military hardware in 113 areas.

In addition, one ST-68U air target detecting and tracking radar was destroyed near Trudovoye (Zaporozhye region).

Two command and observation posts of AFU 63rd mechanized and 100th territorial defense brigades have been hit near Serebryanka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Air defense systems have shot down four projectiles launched by HIMARS MLRS.

In addition, 31 UAVs were eliminated near Nikolskoye, Klinovoye (Donetsk People’s Republic), Ocheretovatoye, Shirokaya (Zaporozhye region), and Kotlyarovka (Kharkov region).

In total, 467 airplanes, 248 helicopters, 6,498 unmanned aerial vehicles, 436 air defense missile systems, 11,721 tanks and other armored fighting vehicles, 1,149 fighting vehicles equipped with MLRS, 6,289 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 12,794 special military motor vehicles have been destroyed during the special military operation.

In addition, Russian news sources shared video showing recent artillery strikes against Ukrainian military vehicles and positions as well as the destruction of a command vehicle of Kiev forces with a Lancet loitering munition.

Separately, the Russian MoD announced that a Ukrainian shot down over the Belgorod region in the afternoon. No casualties or material losses were reported. Three more drones were intercepted over the Bryansk region later on. One of the drones crashed into the region’s center causing some material damage.

The Ukrainian counteroffensive, which began more than three months ago, appears to be failing. Yet, it is not nearing its end. The Kiev regime will likely keep the counteroffensive ongoing as long as possible in the hopes of scoring any achievement.


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ahahaha…poor ruzzian propaganda…shithole ruzzia is fucked up


your vocabulary says it all, paid troll 🧌


t me kentucky_friedrussians/19151

the russians have released a video of them interrogating a ukrainian taken as a prisoner of war. they threaten him with an axe to his neck and point a rifle at his face. they say they will put him in a wheelchair, unless he gives up the positions of his fellow ukrainian soldiers.


it was jolly nice of them to offer a wheelchair though, wasn’t it?


very true. because of putin the cia agent


don’t pick on wogjerk just because he’s polish. they make excellent beer! i bought some żywiec yesterday. on the bottom of the bottle it says “open other end!” slobber pukransky!


polish retards are mostly blind.


“the ukrainian counteroffensive, which began more than three months ago, appears to be failing.”

very kind words considering the unmitigated disaster that ukronazi idiots have brought upon themselves.


blackrock would like to thank the russians for helping eliminate the ukrainians on blackrock land and we hope to do the same in america.


ukrapiggies just not getting they can not win.

jens holm

it seemes that i like mens

Lo Hung Testicle

you love mens jens you dirty poofter

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