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MARCH 2025

Kiev Forces Lose More Howitzers To Russian Lancet Drones (Videos)

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Kiev Forces Lose More Howitzers To Russian Lancet Drones (Videos)

ZALA Lancet attack drone. © Marina Lystseva/TASS

The Russian military continues to hunt down Ukrainian howitzers in the special military operation zone with Lancet loitering munitions.

On March 3 and 4, RT and other Russian news sources released video footage documenting three recent Lancet strikes that targeted a Soviet-made D-30 towed 122 mm howitzer, an American-made M777 towed 155 mm howitzer and Soviet-made 2S1 Gvozdika self-propelled 122 mm howitzer.

The ZALA Aero Group, a subsidiary of Russia’s defense giant Kalashnikov Concern, produces two versions of the loitering munition, the Izdeliye-52 with an endurance of 40 minutes and a three-kilogram warhead and the larger Izdeliye-51 that has an endurance of an hour and is armed with a warhead weighting five kilograms.

The Lancet is equipped with an electro-optical system that allows it to detect, track and lock on static and moving targets. The low-flying profile, small radar cross-section and minimal infrared signature of the loitering munition makes it extremely hard to intercept.

There have been more than a 100 documented Lancet strikes on military equipment of Kiev forces, especially towed and self-propelled howitzers, since the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine last year.

Despite receiving more than 800 artillery systems from its allies, Ukraine is still struggling to match the fire power of the Russian military.


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Ding-Ding Motherfucker !

John Tosh

My prediction over a year ago: Russia will win this war but at a great cost to Russia

In Nigeria, the Western intelligence agencies have installed their African agents as the judges that will overturn the election and plunge Nigeria into civil war.

The Central Bank of Nigeria is run by an IMF agent. Many governors in that country are working with Western intelligence Agencies.

Will Nigeria be the next Ukraine ????


google nigeria flag in british colonial times ie before 1945. it tells you owned that country. kinda why the zionists thought about founding israel there before they realized they had to go to palestine to keep the lie going that the khazarian converts were actual israelites

jens holm

I dont see Your version but the big problems having a too big problem with a too big state.

And of course many Governess working with the westerns. It would strange if they didnt. Nigria is separated in many autonomes, so the local decides many things, where nasty corrupt oil drilling is a part too.

Going back Biafra as own country was a good option. But even there Ojukwu was highly corrupt too. Its not about the intelligence services but the big oilcompanies. They work hard to be able to take oil and dont clean after that. The populations has no real influence. They are still in tribe mpode, where the tribes are against each other.

But the tribes are not the tribes. The few in the top are running the economy for own purpose only.

jens holm

You are right the IMF is very much involved. BUT You forget they come, when everything already is catastropic.


Yes and cause more chaos.

jens holm

Who should solve anything there?

Isser Harel

Run nazi run

Psionists slaves of America

Zelenskyy has already lost the war. When he keeps doubling down all he’s doing is extend the pain and suffering of good Ukrainians. The death of 29 year old Yana “Yara” Rykhlitska, the angel of the troops is on him. She was worth 1000 Zelenskyys.

jens holm

The usual stuff from many here. When Russian dia by old age they even fly to heaven by own wings.

North Koreans won against the US back in the 50ies

A country made of negroes, Juden and Indians (the USA) sending their tax money to the Neonazis in Ukraine. This is beyond ridiculous


Germany bases weapon company Rheinmetall has now finalized the deal with the US and Ukraine to build a large tank construction factory directly in Ukraine. 600-800 tanks per year are needed says Ukraine. By having german tank factories directly inside Ukraine a minimum of 400 and up to 2000 battle-ready Panther tanks could be produced and put on the battlefield immediately each year.

With this no long supply-lines will be anymore and the tanks will be at the front within an eyeblink always.

I think putting tank construction factories in not too far away from the battlefield locations is a very good idea, also i’d advise the decision makers to place it directly behind the polish border on the polish side of the border. As with such an expensive and vast construction theater, the whole plant will quite easily fall victim to russian missile attacks – maybe even while still in the construction process. But if placed on the polish border, any russian missile strike would result in NATO-case resp. full NATO mobilization and immediate missile answer onto Moscow, Leningrad and losts of other important russian towns and get Putin into an even worst situation. So behind the polish border the plant is relatively safe, whereas inside Ukraine (at least if build above earth-level) I don t think it will make it for long. But whatever, we will see.



Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

What are you going to spew when Putin takes Kiev ? Think before you spew.


He is payed not for thinking.



I don t doubt Putin will take Kiev, but same as 7even-N-6 and by now likely most of the russian troops do as well, we all doubt that he will do so within this century, but is instead likely trying to wait it out till the next ice-age arrives and hopes that will freeze the little prick Zelensky and all his little friends penises into tasky little ice-cream-sticks for Jens. Maybe that’s Putin’s plan. I don t know. At least winning the war is not, that’s for sure.

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

Yes, likely the combined Polish-Ukrainain effort could produce some Panther tanks. Possibly some Ju-88 bombers, too.


The Russians will let the roof of that factory go on, then there will be a surprise visit from Mr. Khinzal.


This is not the only threat. There was a story with TB-2 factory in the Ukraine. Erdogan’s son-in-law S.Bairaktar was shocked when ukros proposed to give them a bribe for connecting to electricity supply. Pay and you will get power after 3 months. Don’t pay and wait for 2 years. At the end he changed his mind about building anything in the Ukraine.

jens holm

Thats right. And other things too.

USSR had so much underground there as military facilities.

Turks are used to coirruption. If true it was no surpice with “too”.

jens holm

Usual Rusican rhetorics.

Much as we are even more stupid Yourself. According to You we mostlikely will have build those factories in tents on well registrated football fields too.


Germans named their new tank “Panther”, and it’s not a joke. Denazification is needed.

jens holm

Its old traditional named. They used same animal names in WW2.


Thsts the problem.

jens holm

Yes. Some days ago the Germans was blamed to use Hitler symbols at tanks.

But those symbols was German created in 1814.

Today it was there about Rosevelt and Churchill too. Russians cant even handle calenders unless they used pages for maing cigarettes.

The US is a terrorist country killing ru civilians

The Rf should wait until the factory of tanks is setup and ready. And then bomb it. Not before.

Do You know where Ukriane are and they already has umbrellas and sunglasses for protection?????

“rather than found an intellectual elite amerika created a mulatto stud farm”. Rute Hamsun

jens holm

Its Knut Hamsun

Actually it is many states having a hat protecting all of them – more or less. As suaual You dont understand they and we have no moneyproblems as well.

Nazis in Ukriane are 2,15%. We send to 82,15 of the population there. The nazis are defending their own country in their woen country verywell. They shall not be blamed for that.

They are children of Putin contrasts.

Dick Von D'Astard

Zelenskyy could save a lot of his own peoples lives by keeping his forces well away from the Peoples Republic of Russia down in the Donbass.



Why should Ukraine keep its forces away from Ukraine? Your text makes absolute no sense, man. By the way, Zelensky is happy, he has enough Cocaine, gets more weapons and soon even some of the newest german tank construction factories will be built inside Ukraine to make sure Russia will bleed in Ukraine for years and years to come. So why should Zelensky be in bad mood, I ask you ?

See: https://counter-currents.com/2022/11/dark-days-for-the-kremlin/

Last edited 2 years ago by Boohootin

poko molo nebraska hillbilly tiresome

jens holm

Zelinsky and the whole Ukra population long time ago has decided they will rather die then be a part of the Moskva Regime.

None outside Russia believe in any options like that.

Romanian yankee whore

Yea, look how many Backmut residents came out and go with the russian soldiers, imbecile. Even I saw right now a hohol clip swearing crazy on how many citizens after theirs withdrawal greet russian liberators. Of course, west of Nipr is enough space for the ukroidiots homo imbecilis to be harnessed further by the ameriscum economic hegemony. East of Nipr, sorry is already awarded to russian speaking population.

jens holm

The residents of Bakmut mainly has been Russians. So its ot strage they go with them. They have remained and hoped for the Russian arrival.

An how many? Well not many. The town had 70.000 inhabitats. So the russians got a small % of them. The rest has not been there for months.

And its not about speaking. The USSR by Krustjov and before that Stalin made Ukraine like this.

jens holm

Sure. Why go to work when You has to go home too.

Max Schmidt

SS Oberstandartenfürzer SirGay “Flow” Pozdnyakov has been demilitarized in the Artiomovsk region. SirGay was the first genderfluid soldier to enter the White Supremacist militia “Right Sektor”. Back in Poltava, his family and friends are shocked. His sister (also a genderfluid person) is collecting donations on Patreon. If you are also genderfluid, make the fluid dollars flow towards her direction, come on now. Jens?


Ale zdrhali na tom poslednom videu, len čo je pravda. vedeli, že iba útekom sa môžu pokúsiť si zachrániť holú riť. Ako vidieť tak Ruské vojská si plnia svoje bojové úlohy ktoré majú stanovené počas ŠVO. Inak čo nevidieť bude Bachmut úplne oslobodený!!!

jens holm

43 years ago I lost my anus to lgbt mulattos

jens holm

Gagalia Youruí wrote this with his tail.

Raptar Driver

Russia’s go slow approaches is to minimize casualties on both sides. People forget that Ukrainians are Russians, they’ve been called little Russians for centuries. Another thing is that as long as this war continues in the Ukraine, Russians killing Russians, the satanic West wins. So maybe a go fast and get it over with strategy would work better?

jens holm

We are not involved as such. The USSR collpased their non keep empire by themself.

We just try to handle the leftovers, so it dont happen for them again.



You know he dead!


jens holm

we are over populated —we need 6 million abortions

jens holm

Gagaglarin wrote this with his own tail.

jens holm

If its true its nice some of the museum systems actually works.


I wonder how they came up with a name like Lancet?

jens holm

Me too. Next time I hope we fight for zink in stead of gold too.

Fabricio Lustosa

In the second video the drone hits the Ukrainian soldier in full. Must have pulverized the poor thing. More and more young and old being forced to fight for the regime of the Zelensky worm.

Roger Dodger

So nice to see ukronazis and their western overlords get blown to pieces.

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