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MARCH 2025

Kiev Forces Shell Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant In Serious Escalation

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Kiev Forces Shell Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant In Serious Escalation

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In a serious escalation, Kiev forces shelled on March 14 the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), which is controlled by Russia.

The nuclear facility said in a statement posted to its official Telegram channel that critical infrastructure came under attack.

“An attack against critical infrastructure at the power plant was reported. A shell-less explosive device was thrown near the fence behind which diesel fuel tanks were stored. Had the tanks been hit, it could have caused dire consequences,” the statement reads.

Director of the Zaporizhzhia NPP, Yury Chernichuk, said in the same statement that none of the facility staff was injured in the attack, nor any equipment was damaged,

Experts from the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) were recently rotated at the nuclear facility, according to the Zaporizhzhia NPP.

“[IAEA] inspectors were informed of the attack and potential consequences of such attacks,” the facility said, calling such attacks inadmissible.

The facility also gave assurances that there are enough highly qualified staffers on the premises to guarantee 100% safety at the nuclear facility.

The Zaporizhzhia NPP was captured by Russian forces in the very first days of the special military operation in Ukraine that began in 2022. After Zaporizhzhia voted in favor of becoming a Russian region in September of that year, the ownership of the NPP passed to Rosatom.

For the last two years, Kiev forces targeted the nuclear facility on numerous occasions, mainly using Western-made weapons like precision-guided missiles and loitering munitions.

The Kiev regime also attempted to seize the facility more than once. The most notable attempt was during the failed 2023 spring counteroffensive. A Ukrainian plot to blow up the facility was also reported by Russian authorities at the time.

The repeated attacks on the Zaporizhzhia NPP can be described as nuclear blackmail. Kiev believes that by threatening to cause a nuclear disaster at the facility, it could force Russia to make concessions. Its allies appear to be supportive of this dangerous plan.

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Satanic Anglo Scum!

these faggots are really desperate.


because they know the entirety of the zaporozhia region is lost to them forever hence the ukro desperation and anger.

Mule Kicker

ukrainian fascists are like babies. when they lose their rattles, they cry a lot and throw things out of their cradle.


nuke neo nazi kiev if they do it again


yes, contaminate all slav and rus cities / countryside with radiation and other fallout!! only a yankee shill would suggest that crap. the only nuke that need ever be dropped is on washington dc.

rus should have taken kiev in march 2022, but putin & co bottled it. 100,000s slavs and rus have died as a result. very few yankees though…

jens holm

i tink it gud idea. maybe send russlanders home und out of ukrain to care fur grandpas und grandmas who slow dye frum radioactivasion

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
gestapo mchappycrap

tru, radiological insubordination is a problem wit many eurotards..

jens holm

that i didnt write

jens holm

i real holm–i did rouke this

Local of Mairupol

gestapo boy, you are too coward, your brothers in arms are dying in the border to belgorod and kursk, while you a coward fascho is still your mom’s basement playing keyboard rambo. look at the mirror pussy, shame on you coward


western ukraine is pro-eu so get all the ethnic russians out of there and nuke it to create a permanent buffer zone.

Mule Kicker

western ukraine has a plan to infect eu with fascism. it’s already halfway there.

Mule Kicker

vicky noodleman says ‘what, me worry? 50,000,000 american goys dead is worth it.


had the tanks been hit, it could have caused dire consequences’

so why were the tanks, an obvious target btw, not (long ago) moved or split up or protected or buried (etc) to prevent a knock on impact? still more total f***ing rus incompetence.

ps: ‘thrown’ wtf?

jens holm

ukras has become better and better. russian are now and try to follow.

russia has succes there and there.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm
jens holm

as retired toilet scrubber success for me is taliban feces in my mouth

jens holm

sorry, i not finish and time run out on edit thingy

russia has succes there and there and there and there and there and there and there and there and there and there and there and there.

they soon get tired from succes and then ukraine win war.


they should have just deconstructed the nuclear powerplants after seizing them. it is clear that those in charge of ukraine and the west will destroy, contaminate and iradiate everything that they can’t keep themselves. even if russia keeps the territories after the war banderist right wing millitants will be trained and deployed for decades just like after world war two.

Last edited 11 months ago by kotromanic
jens holm

not its not. if so the powerplant was long time gone.

jens holm

i try make sense of it but my brain tied up in knots.

jens holm

amerika our alleyes but we have difoccult time to undersand somtimes. like if amerikuns call me ‘full of shit’, that in daenmark is big compliment, mean you very well fed.

see, so many trubles in world fur not understand each uther.


just “deconstruct” the nuclear power plants!?? i don’t think it’s that simple… consider the risks while deconstructing in a war zone. then consider the dangers of transporting the contaminated fuel and materials afterward. it would pose a huge risk and you would have homes and factories without affordable power. so many things could go wrong.

jens holm

i hope dey only shell nukular plant when wind blow over russland und not daenmark.

gestapo mchappymerde

n dunnit nuke wind of change – skorpian bands..

jens holm

not written by me.

jens holm

i not writ this–i writibit slobber in feces

jens holm

yu not real jens. real jens tell truth

jens holm

according medias in west some(ukras) has tryed to hit a diesel depot there.

thats not related to something about nukes.

but to me it make sense. ukras try to hit fuel depots and are doing well. they migh hope russian soon will use pedals in their tanks.

jens holm

excuse my senility—ukie attacks fail…except in dane amerikunt fake news; since i am fake moron i only believe fake news

jens holm

but ukrainiuns soon use petals in gunbarrels and ask fur mersy befor russia use dat

jens holm

macroon say russia not allwed to win but not say anyting about ukrain allowed to loose. i tink macroon have plan to make real scorched black earth in all ukrain so russia not win.


i noticed the majority of countries supporting the war in ukraine also supported nazi germany


yeah all besides uk, us and poland.

jens holm

dey just pretend like wif supporting democracy but insted destroying democracy of not write kind when tink people not looking.

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm

half of the other countries that are part of nato have helped in one way or another… apparently, math is not this guys strong suit

jens holm

it same way wif balkan wars like croat nazis und bosnia muslem nazis. we like nazi germany in daenmark. it why we invite them wif no problim to ocupy rent free und we spit on old amerkun alleys. only like new amerikun nazi alleys

Last edited 11 months ago by jens holm

ak sa takéto niečo zopakuje tak ruské vojská by mali udrieť na je v západnej ukrajine!!! aký požičaj taký vráť. to by tých bastardov zo západu malo priviesť k rozumu!!! svetu mier!!!

Ivan Notor

still puzzled that russia has given them the range to be able to hit the nuclear facility. and yes eu-west will blame russia reactor melts – white flag. the reactor should be shut down.


ze could kill kids infront of the entire un and besides a couple who would say nothing most would say it was russia.

jens holm

we very proud of stupidity in our peoples.

jens holm

it not easy to shut down, still have radonactivity in corps, like amerikun biolabs in ukrain

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