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MARCH 2025

Kiev Forces Spotted Firing FH70 Heavy Howitzers Donated By Italy (Video)

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Kiev Forces Spotted Firing FH70 Heavy Howitzers Donated By Italy (Video)

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Kiev forces have been spotted firing FH70 155 mm towed howitzers, which were recently donated by Italy, for the first time.

On May 27, Ukrainian sources shared a video showing a unit of Kiev forces setting up and firing FH70 howitzers on an unspecified front in the Donbass region, where the Russian military and its allies are advancing as a part of a special operation that began in February.

The FH70 was developed by an international consortium, which included Vickers Ltd in the UK, OTO Melara in Italy, and Rheinmetall from Germany.

The heavy howitzer is normally operated by a crew of eight soldiers. However, it is possible to operate it with a crew of only four. This howitzer is equipped with a semi-automatic loading system which consists of a loading tray and an automatic tube loader. It is also equipped with an auxiliary power unit that allows it to move on its own.

The FH-70 can fire all the standard 155 mm NATO ammunition with a range of 24 kilometers or up to 30 kilometers with extended range shells. The howitzer can fire a burst of three rounds in 15 seconds, or three to six rounds per minute.

In May, the Italian government approved the delivery of an unspecified number of FH70 howitzers from the Italian army inventory to Kiev forces.

Later, Rome said it is considering different options for delivering arms to Ukraine including PzH 2000 and M109L self-propelled howitzers, Sidam 25 self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, M113A1 and VCC-1 armored personnel carriers as well as Iveco VM90 and LMV light tactical vehicles.

The West’s massive military support to the Kiev regime is mainly meant to prolong the war in Ukraine on the hopes of weakening Russia.



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Bill Desmond


Bill Desmond

Looks like older equipment. Takes to long to set up


Correct –designed in 1968 it has ongoing flaws that need redesign–easily taken out as well.


Materia prima para quemar


Krysny Liman is fully liberated by the allied forces. Ukraine will be divided into 4 Parts unless it makes peace deal in the next 4 months.

Muhammad your Prophet

That’s because the Putin cockroaches are the scum of the world. Every country hates them. That’s why they’re all donating the weapons they have to Ukraine and can’t wait for Vladimir Putin to put a bullet through his brain.


Typical inbred Islamic mental defective!


Jesus fuck turdsama crawl back under your rock you worthless cunt! TEAM PUTIN is coming for you!


Go onto comedy Muhummad , you’ll be a big hit .

Martin Rapavý

If they cannot wait, are they already putting some bullets into their heads?


Just propaganda, this will not turn the tide.

Gheorghe Doja

The video it’s obvious from training. Look at the soldiers, that is not combat gear! They have no personal weapons. Definetly not filmed in Ukraine but on some training camp…




I’m Italian and the vast majority of Italians (about 2/3) doesn’t want “our” government to send weapons to ukrainian psychos, but the retards we have in power simply don’t give a damn about what we Italians want. The “peace plan” made by “our” Minister for Foreign Affairs is as dumb as he is (that means a lot) and is just an attempt to save his face at the eyes of his party, which has recently opposed sending weapons. Those cannons are not bad but they’re quite old and for sure they’re not very advanced tech. Anyway, if it was about me, Italy would immediately leave NATO and EU and impose sanctions on ukraine


Going to Italy in few days. Last time I was there it was around 50% of people in support I’ve spoken to.


it depends on the day and who commissioned the poll. In Italy the left, the centre and the far right (neo fascist) support sending weapons, while far left and the right (those who oppose EU) oppose. Anyway, if you read this poll: https://www.fanpage.it/politica/gli-italiani-sono-contrari-allinvio-di-armi-in-ucraina-il-sondaggio/ which is made by a site totally pro-EU and the Democratic Party (leftwing, former commies, now globalists), you’ll find 50% opposes and 24% supports which is about 2/3 of those who gave an answer. Moreover it must be said italian media are corrupt probably even more than how much Trump thought they were in US


Very interesting data, thank you. Let me ask, how many people (by your opinion) in Italy support the hypocrite slogans “stop the war”, “for peace”? I’m interesting, because yesterday I knew about one saxophonist from Italy. One of his videos consisted such slogan in the title. I told him, he should say it 8 years before, when nazis started killing people in Donbass, saying it now is hypocricy. Though the music was good.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон

it must be said that medias and famous people (actors, musicians, sport players) are all in favour of ukraine, because they MUST defend the lies told by the government. So for them “stop the war” means “Russia must retreat”. Anyway people supporting peace talks are the absolute majority, We just count neofascist idiots and pro-EU fanatics against them so, if I should say percentages I’d say (take it as a personal thought though) 60% stop sending weapons 25% send weapons or 20% Russia must lose (as Von der Leyen or Johnson say) 10% Russia should win 50% peace talks now Percentages doesn’t sum up to 100 because I prefer leaving some people swapping their mind.

Just consider that all medias say every day Russian soldiers are raping and killing children, they have mined seaports and other irrational things like this, so that 10% is not a bad percentage. But if you ask so called intellectual who don’t know what happened in the last 8 years, you’ll get 100% pro Zelensky.

Finally there are weird people like a friend of mine who has been pro Donbass for years, until he became engaged with a leftwing (so called partito democratico) girl and changed his mind


“But if you ask so called intellectual who don’t know what happened in the last 8 years, you’ll get 100% pro Zelensky.”

So usual for self-proclaimed intellectuals and “high morale” people. Ours (i.e. from Russia) moved to Israel and says that “true Russia has left the country”. These insane jews (musicians, actors, writers mainly) think that they are real Russia and russians. So I’m not shocked by italian (1/2 of jews also i guess) artists of all kinds. Thanks for sharing your valuable opinion, it really clarifies a lot.

Last edited 2 years ago by Антон
Ed Theman

To me it seems like the leaders of these Countries like Italy, have no choice because NATO and USA is pressuring them really bad to send something.

All this will do is just result in more people dying. Russia is going to win in the end no matter what.

You Italians sending weapons will just mean more people dead on both side, and the outcome of the war will be the same or even worse for Ukraine.


You’re right. That’s what the majority of us have been saying for weeks: our few weapons won’t change the outcome but would just add deaths and tragedies to both armies, but our PM is so dumb that he said we’re sending weapons for peace. To me it sounds like “War is Peace, Freedom is slavery, Ignorance is Strenght” in 1984 by Orwell. What’s even worse is that in the “democratic” Italy this PM has not been chosen by the Italians in elections but he was imposed on the parties just to avoid elections last (2021) spring. I myself have been trying to tell all people I meet to write to the representative or senator of the area they live in and say they don’t want to send weapons and that they should try and start serious peace talks, trying to mount pressure on the psycopath actor to find a solution, knowing that the longer the war lasts, the fewer concessions ukraine would be given and that in April they would have got better solutions than in June, and even worse in December and that in 2023 they would get fewer and fewer. But it seems like our politicians have no idea of how to deal with the situation. You know, they’re so dumb they don’t want oil from Russia because it “started” (they really don’t know what has happened in the last 8 years) and they take it from Azerbaijan, which didn’t start a war last Autumn against Artsakh, didn’t it? I honestly cannot say why Italian politicians are so stupid, we used to have good ones until the 90s, but now they just obey to what they’re told. War in Lybia, for example, was totally against our national interests, yet they supported. I was astonished then and still am now




Globalists puppet Western governments war mongers at their worst they care Not for Ukraine or her people only for the war to continue and more lives lost. The people in West Europe do Not agree or support the Globalists and our hearts are always with mother Russia and the people who long for peace and justice


Damn maggots once an EU globalist ass kisser always a globalist ass 💋.


All these so called friendly countries to Ukraine have to realize that the only way that they can truly help the Ukrainians is to stay the hell out of the this conflict. They should mind their own business, and stop partaking in evil! For Nato is evil to the core! The more they “help” with sending weapons to Ukraine, the worse it gets, resulting in more civilians deaths.

Last edited 2 years ago by Hjalmar

I have a feeling that the US does not want to wear down and weaken Russia, but to purge Ukraine of Ukrainians, even with the help of Russians. Many Marxist-Bolsheviks were from the territory that later became Ukraine, and many were tribesmen of Kolomoisky, Zelensky, Valtsman. During the Soviet era, there were several general secretaries from Ukraine – Khrushchev, Brezhnev. By the way, Trotsky-Bronstein was also born from these places. Ukrainians are complete suckers.


“I have a feeling that the US does not want to wear down and weaken Russia, but to purge Ukraine of Ukrainians” You’re not the first one who think so. Eduard Hodos is living on Ukraine, he is a jew himself, but exposing jewish conspiracy to clean these lands for New Hazaria. Looks too conspiring for me, that’s why I prefer to not trust such information, but this is what happens now, even if Hodos was wrong and there is no such plan. But here’s another — to make a wasteland here, which will drown resources from Russia to restore, this is what I believe.


I firmly believe that what is taking place in Ukraine is an attempt to weaken Russia, by draining its military resources, as well as trying to destabilize the country, making it easier to start an uprising there when people are getting fed up with the war going badly. Which it isn’t, as Russia are winning in what is soon to be a spectacular fashion! For Russia is representing all that is good in this world, the enemy, on the other hand, is pure evil. The ultimate goal is of course to get rid of Putin, because they (Nato and its minions) hate him and fear him, after which they will install their own puppet, after which they will do exactly what the Bolshevik Jews did in 1917 when they robbed the country, destroyed the Church and started to kill as many Russians as they could. They will also balkanize Russia into smaller units that will be easier to control. Unfortunately for Nato and its band of scumbags, they will fail as they still haven’t been able to figure out who Putin is and how he has everything under control. He is a master tactician, who cannot be defeated..

Tommy Jensen

That means Italy now are winning over Russia.


… As an italian i feel ashamed for my government


siamo almeno in due


Trio, I am also ashamed of your gov-t.) Joke. If seriously, nothing to be ashamed, it’s not your fault.


FH70, 70 is the year when research has started. 1976th — start of production. Another one uberwaffe for desperate ukro-reich.

Ru ru ru💘💘💘💪💪💪


John Wallace

This was just a training exercise and not actually firing in anger. Just like the American howitzers they take too long to get ready , fire a couple and dismantle so they can be moved before they are targeted so about as effective as farting in the wind or a death trap for their crews.

Cornelius Pipe

All that towed stuff is decades-old crap. It is just fodder for Russian aviation and counter-batteries.


Time to provide heavy arms and anti ship missiles to Yemen …


The gubermint of Italy like all the other collections of scum in Urupp, USSA khaZar occupied Palestine and Erdog in Turkeystan are all dumping their ancient military garbage on the retards in Ukropland. NOTHING is being DONATED to the Ukroppers by any of these arms trafficking demons. They are wantonly destroying Ukropland by feeding Monika Zelenski the illusion that rump Ukropland still exists. Meanwhile Ukroppers will be paying for the next century for the privilege of fighting the angloZionaZis’ last war in collapsing Urupp. With friends like these……..


A lot has already been waiting a chance to the recyclers after the JEWKRAINIAN defeat…they already has been destroyed by Russian bombardment….thousands of western tanks as well ..the Chinese smelters thank you in advance

frank -Z

in italy, people who developped a critical thinking and who are enough self secure, oppose sending weapons and sympathize with Russia. The problem is the huge propaganda machine that the italian government has been implemented….

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