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Kiev Forces Suffer More Human, Material Losses While On Counteroffensive (Videos)

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Kiev Forces Suffer More Human, Material Losses While On Counteroffensive (Videos)

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Kiev forces have sustained more human and material losses while attempting to advance on several sectors as a part of their ongoing counteroffensive.

The Russian Zapad Group of Forces said on July 5 that it had carried out a series of air and missile strikes against gatherings of manpower and equipment of Ukraine’s 14th Separate Mechanised Brigade and 103th Territorial Defense Separate Brigade in the Kupyansk direction.

The group’s artillery also destroyed a D-30 howitzer of Kiev forces close to Pershotravnevoye, a mortar near Novoselovskoye and one ammunition depot close to Peschanoye.

Meanwhile, new videos showed some of the losses Kiev forces sustained while attempting to advance in the directions of Bakhmut and Solder.

Other videos from the front showed recent strikes by Russian Ka-52 attack helicopters against two Ukrainian armored vehicles, as well as strikes with Lancet loitering munitions that destroyed two self-propelled howitzers, one of which was reportedly a German-made Panzerhaubitze 2000.

The Russian military also launched an new attack with Geran suicide drones against high-value military targets in the Kharkiv region, according to footage that surfaced online.

Failing to make any meaningful gains in any directions, Kiev forces once again opted to launch strikes against Russian residential areas.

Late on July 4, a series of artillery and rocket strikes targeted the town of Makeevka in the Russian-held Donetsk region. At least one civilian was killed and 41 were injured, including two young children. Early on July 5, a salvo of rockets hit the city of Valuiki in the Russian Belgorod region, injuring a woman.

Despite sustaining heavy losses and failing to advance in the first month of its counteroffensive, Ukraine will likely launch a new wave of large-scale attacks before the upcoming NATO summit next week. The Kiev regime is desperately looking for any achievement that could facilitate its entrance into the alliance.


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opet ja

boring. every day same videos, but nothing really happens. russia with the largest tank and ifv forces in the world is still in defense. not a single bridge across dnieper was destroyed, uaf troops, vehicles and equipment freely got to front from west ukraine.


one way to look at it russia may need those bridges for a massive counter offensive that must be coming at some time once the nazis have stopped banging their thick heads on a brick wall.


russian has no real counteroffensive capabilities left at this point nor were they ever good offensively!

Nuke the Nazis Today

the sound of victory counter offensive day 1 “we will take back every step of land” counter offensive day 2 “cyka blyat , stop exploding you cowards ” counter offensive day 7 “we are making steady progress, but its difficult” counter offensive day 12 ” it must not be measured in territorial gains” counter offensive day 20 ” we of course, blame the west for this mess we are in” counter offensive day 25 “we need more free shit”

Last edited 1 year ago by Nuke the Nazis Today

kiev in three days … supporter of the russian terrorist army, specialist in attacks and deaths of civilians and the biggest kidnapper of ukrainian children, the true nazis russians think that repeating a lie becomes true and in the alternative universe in which they live it is like that


afghanistan in 3 days became afghanistan 20 years of americans getting their necks snapped before they pooed themselves and ran for it. give up


you have a point! russia lacks the ability and will to hit long range targets that are so far away! they have no control over airspace and risk losing to many advanced aircraft! their targeting systems are not the best or most adequate and only hit stationary targets! but they absolutely should be hitting equipment crossing border on urkrain side and destroy the bridge in dnieper and they lack offensive capabilities so defensive attritional warfare is all they have left at this point


the ukrainian counter offensive remains hilarious with tiny gains made out to be the conquering of continents. russia is raping ukraine and will continue to do so!! there is no way ukraine will accomplish anything with their mickey mouse offensive.

Last edited 1 year ago by D.K.

it seems that you are not stuck in the same place without moving forward for a year and a half


it seems that you are stuck in joe’s rectum for 20 years or more


the russians are where they intended to be and have repeated it over and over again, and the ukrainians claimed they would reach crimea by now

Yupeng Gu

even if russian army disappears tomorrow 20% of ukraine is still in rubbles

Romanian yankee kurwa

they do not care about looses. south artemovsk they die like flies, in scores every assault. but they are still make small advances because they must show something to the masters. give blood for money, that’s the iq level of an idiot people. but kleschevka is almost lost for russians because of the stupidity of putin. remember what pma said once: in some areas ukroshits are outnumber russians 13-15:1. that is the sector.

Romanian yankee kurwa

what was done with great effort by wagners, klesheeka being in a valley surrounded by heights, is scraped by stupid politic of kremlin. putin seems to play soft games….he don’t understand that is war ! and a war is way more manageable in a dictatorship, and can’t have a normal civilian life at home and a war outside the fence. for that reason kukrainii shithole is far more good at war management. bad things start to happen as predicted.

Romanian yankee kurwa

where are that 800.000 retrained reservists ? i say reservists not conscripted one !!! putin must sign out for a while and let strelkov run that fucking war !


kinda agree. russia must destroy 5th column, traitors and paid cia/mi6 terrorists within.

for some inexplicable reason these fake ‘journalists’, ngo’s and other scum still operate almost unopposed, even those who fled last years returned: their western masters don’t need so many of these rats in lithuania, they need them in russia. they must be purged. who cares what nato media say, they never say anything true anyway.


russia losses as bad as ua. russia main problem is ministry of defense and shoigu. this guy eliminate the best units russia army had pmc wagner. russia army without wagner is garbage. putin, sacrifice pmc wagner for one incompetent guy shoigu. this is clear indication russia is run my klan, who are for themselves at the expense of russia and russians, but also good allies like syria or iran. looking back putin betrayed both of them in the past

Romanian yankee kurwa

one truth here: russia is run by gangs just like ukropizdan is. there is no wonder why kukrainii poophole is no. 1 in europe on corruption; and russia follows it closely.


lol reportedly 2/3 of all wagner fighters signed the rus army contract and are now fully integrated in the ruaf. also russia builds up new brigades, one every week, and rus arms and ammo industry runs on high steam 24/7. whyle ukros will soon run out of man, arms, ammo and supply material. theres not even a tehoretical chance for ukros to win this war.

Nuke the Nazis Today

kiev , the failed terrorist state held at gunpoint by the illegally installed anti democratic military junta, hell bent on destroying everything around them must be hit with strategic nuclear weapons within 4 minutes of their zapo provocation. its the only thing these nazi fuck ups will understand. instant desolation & nuclear wasteland for 1000’s of years.

Last edited 1 year ago by Nuke the Nazis Today

even because you and the rest of the russians survive a nuclear attack , if they are mentally retarded and do that they will also disappear from the map , you can be sure of that , only a mongoloid can think it ‘s for seed


la guerra sul campo è solo una delle tante guerre che si stanno combattendo. l’europa ha tradito il trattato sul grano ed ora la russia, con diritto, non lo rinnoverà. i paesi africani ne soffriranno ma a chi daranno la colpa?


banderovské fašistické zvery dostávajú do rypákov. tak to má byť. žiadne zľutovanie!!! prišli vraždiť na donbas? tak teraz nech nesú následky!!!


ukraine should be offered unconditional surrender and allowed to keep their evil dictator if he gives up war criminals.


destruction of the ukrainian bmp, stuffed with troops.


Biden has AIDS in his mouth

putin is the cause of these attacks and bear full responsibility for the deaths of these people. he has refused to kill jewensky and his nazi friends because putin worships and obeys the terrorist jews….his god is chickenshit satanyahoo.

USA #1 takes it in the ASS!!!

still the money keeps flowing and the dual passport holders keep buying more mansions and villas. hohol cretins dying for the neocons, the stupidity and absurdity is so great it’s simply mind boggling. even in death the organs are harvested to for another hand full of shekels.

war is hell, slava cocaineia!!

Nuke Europe Today

lol , when dont they suffer losses. losers.

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