Kiev forces used a British-made Brimstone missile in one of their recent attacks on the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, which is currently held by the Russian military.
On August 12, Russian sources shared photos showing the remains of the missile without clarifying in which attack it was used. Kiev forces attacked the nuclear power plant on several occasions this week. Fortunately, none of the attacks led to fires at the reactors and no casualties had been reported.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
- Click to see full-size image. Via Twitter.
The UK supplied Kiev forces with hundreds of ground-launched Brimstone missiles following the start of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine. The Brimstone missiles supplied to Kiev forces were of the first generation which utilizes an active millimetric-wave radar seeker and an inertial navigation system.
The maximum range of the ground-launched version of the Brimstone is unknown, but the air-launched version can reportedly hit targets more than 20 kilometers away. The missile is armed with a 6,3 kilograms tandem shaped charge warhead.
The mainstream media blamed recent attacks on the Russian-held Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant on the Russian military despite the presence of strong evidence confirming Kiev’s responsibility like the remains of the Brimstone missile. Russia describes actions of the Kiev regime as “nuclear terrorism”.
It’s worth noting that this was not the first time Kiev forces have attacked the nuclear power plant with weapons supplied by NATO states. In the last few months, the plant was attacked more than once with Polish Warmate loitering munitions. Kiev proudly took responsibility for the attacks and even shared footage of some of them.
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This will only shock the same person on this site. over and over again every time he logs into a new personality. everybody else already knows P.s. How’s that Kherson Assault going? its Aug 12 so Ukraine must have just taken Mariupol right?!? or are they already on the beaches of Crimea?
I have read that a bunch of ukronazi vacationers are UNDER a beach in Crimea LOLOL
buried six feet under, side by side with Bandera
RF forces should collect and return those metal fragments to its origin in England attached to Sarmat and send via hypersonic speed delivery. Kaboom! and the tiny fractured island is gone.
Dude you’re way behind this is a fast moving war. Ukraine is on the border of China about to slap them down and free Taiwan.
I thought it was Lithuania.
Following the failure of the sanctions and wonder weapons, the West has gone into the dirty nuclear bomb business. It fits in with the “weaken Russia” policy goal. I don’t know if it will work, but many have warned that World War 3 would be nuclear. Let’s hope it is just sabre rattling.
Sadly it isn’t sabre rattling. This thing is part of the red lines pertaining to common sense. No one in the past has ever attacked a nuclear power plant, even during a proxy war. These attacks shows that the western is under the thumb of a bunch of deranged, evil, drug addicted bunch.
Let’s hope they will at least understand Medvedev’s warning. He has said today that “nuclear power plants exist in Europe too and accidents happen”.
Russian tactical nukes would stop radio-active contamination of Europe from Zaporezhye nuclear plant fallout potentially risking a wide radius of contamination They’ve got to launch it now before it’s too late.
Not without reason that the elite have built nuclear-proof bunkers.
Would think they don’t believe in a saber rattling in the future.
After 5 years, they will emerge from the bunkers into a green, lush and peaceful world.
You mean after 50 years.
You are responding to someone who has been censored.
Presumably because he didn’t say anything about variant homosexuality or engage in spam advertising.
I already know the headlines in the Western zombie media: Russian forces attack the NPP with British made missiles, lol. Their lies are now so embarrassing and illogical that no one in the West is buying them anymore.
To kill themselves. Because they are even saying that the Zaporozhie NPP is full of ruskies. Obviously it is a common sport in Mordor ( as the media pundits see Russia ) to kill your own soldiers with nato missiles.
we illiterate oregun hillbilly have pick-up truck….we fake people…”in amerika sincerity has been transformed into authenticity”. Calvin Trilling
To follow their scenarios, pop a few peyote buttons beforehand. It’s bound to help.
For once, we can blame the white male for this. The one in charge of NATO, the UK, Ukraine and the idiots ‘just following orders’ on the trigger…unless they let a lady pull the trigger…but mainly this is Rothschilds’ provocation, unless someone else occupying NATO countries with a counterfieting banking cartel with his own multiple private islands and personal nuclear bunkers set this war up, which they feel they can be isolated from the consequences of a massive nuclear meltdown for the next 300 years? Didn’t think so!
Jews to not consider themselves as “white ” because they have been chosen by God to loot the globe on perpetuity :).
Time to use tactical nukes on the bunker where Zelensky is hiding !
Can you please for the love of good stop with your tactical nukes. They can only be used against a country who has none and has no allies who have some. So NO!
I am American and nothing comes before my country! But I denounce my country’s support for the corrupt 🇺🇦. 🇷🇺 could’ve been a formidable strategic ally of the US had it not been cold war minded boomers that run our country. I i dont like the 🇬🇧, the can’t do shit by themselves. Always piggybacking on 🇺🇲.
Why would you like Ukraine? It is sucking money in reverse.
American boomer and zoomer cunts get wet when they see a suck up. American purpose of life, eh.
You misread his post.
This situation should be viewed realistically, as it is: The US/west are basically threatening Russia with nukes and nuclear fallout via their UA proxies who the west radicalized, brought to power, trained, equipped, financed and politically supported. Those UA proxies are shelling the nuclear plant. Russia should make it clear to the west, if their UA proxies blow up the nuclear plant and irradiate the region, Moscow will respond in kind by ________.
This situation is very serious with the potential of triggering WW3 and nuclear war.
Medvedev has just done this today, by saying “there are nuclear power plants in Europe too and accidents happen”.
He should have used “the west” instead of Europe, just to make clear to the muricans that they will pay the price too.
You know what? I no longer give a flying fart. Every new day adds on to this screwed up wannabe monopolar shithole ain’t worth saving. And to think it’s all over that amoral shithole called Ukraine. Boggles the mind into a catatonic state of indifference.
our custom igloos in Montana are certified monkey pox friendly —beware our lgbt military. we have nearly eradicated eskimo marxist liberation forces
I hope you also have separate WCs for non binary vegan queers
It’s ironic. The people of Blighty are suffering from powercuts, because of political malfeasance, and yet their weapons are trying to destroy the power supply of a foreign country, via political malfeasance.
Let’s hope they don’t try that with the French, otherwise Blighty might have no power at all.
Its ok,Peter. Britain has sourced uber expensive US liquified Freedom Fracking gas that the US guaranteed will contain cancer causing nuclear particles that the EU refuses to buy. The US snake oil sales ‘persons’ have also guaranteed that the pipeline from Britain to Europe will also be contaminated for rather a long time.
Slava Rossiya.
It just a excuse to start a nuclear war. But when the war start it don’t care who started, there’s not going to be nobody to remember. So first put population in nuclear shelter win. So all this child provocations doesn’t make any sense.
Oberst-Gruppenführer Igor Oleksyuk of the Wehrmacht and Sturmscharführer Igor Oleksyuk der Reichsmarine were liquidated by the Somali Battalion. They got discounted tickets to meet Bandera. GF and wifey are now looking for new dicks.
So we have proof Britain is directly involved. Proof America is directly involved.
Russian war analysts making threats on Russian TV that the decision making centers will get hit by missiles.
I’m still waiting. Is this Russia’s final warning?
The Rand corp plan of 2019 is not “to weaken Russia” but “to destroy Russia” as stated in the plan ,an attack on a nuclear plant here would help NATO accomplish that.
Oh my nigha! Who reads those rants by rands? Just wet dreams of cuckolds sitting in the nuclear ready basements already for decades.
If someone wants a blueprint for this war they should read this one.
To the few it be known that Rand was the brainchild of a 70’s era blogger writing articles in a long disappeared periodical called Random Bullshit.
I’d do a couple of counters to the U.S./UK threat posed to the plant. I’d invite North Korean counter-battery warfare specialists to help jointly protect the Zaporizhzhia NPP site. Perhaps the possible temporary shutdown of the facility whilst the region (ZAPORIZHZHIA/DNIPRO/KRYVVI RIH) is fully liberated by Russian allied forces, might also be a prudent step to take here. Looks like Washington/London have helped make concrete, plans for Phase III operations for the Russian advancement focus.
Just shut the plant down. Decommission it, then ball’s in the West’s court. This is going above and beyond the absurd.
Its fake, serial number is as fake as yesterday russian fake photos with serial numbers from HARM missile. Just take a look how russian love to fake serial numbers and mix lies with truth. fake serial number on harm missiles – from russian source :D
A normal country would read the ukroids the riot act over this but the Brits?…… ‘Aim better, boys’.
BoJo always aspired to be Churchillian. He figured ordering his own genocide would be a start.