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Kiev Goes On Offensive In Europe

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Kiev Goes On Offensive In Europe

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Kiev Goes On Offensive In Europe

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While the Ukrainian military has been stuck and failed to advance on the frontlines, political officials in Kiev attempt offensive in Europe.

The situation on Ukrainian fronts remains tense but there are still no strategic changes. Russian forces went into offensive on the Bakhmut direction. To the south, Russian forces launched counterattack across the railway and approached Klescheevka. In recent days, Russian forces also gained some tactical success to the north of the city. As a result of counterattacks from their positions in Berkhovka, they approached the water reservoir and advanced southward along the railway.

In their turn, Ukrainian forces continue attempts to expand the bridgehead on the eastern bank in the Kherson region. They attempt attacks near Peschanovka and try to send reserves to Krynki. Due to the massive Russian fire, they so far failed to expand the zone of their control. Russian artillery and aviation have so far prevented the Ukrainian military from entering the second phase of the operation, which is transferring large forces and heavy equipment to the eastern bank for further offensive.

Precision Russian strikes are also destroying targets in the Ukrainian rear. On November 8, Russian attack in the Yuzhni port in the Odessa region resulted in damage to a civilian cargo ship under the Liberian flag. After the Ukrainian security services cordoned off the port in order to avoid any leakage of information, the local sources supposed that the vessel was carrying some military cargo.

On the night of November 9, large explosions thundered in the city of Dnipro. Sirens sounded in the Kirovograd and Mykolaiv regions. The local authorities have not disclose any damage.

Despite the ongoing hostilities, Kiev is busy knocking the door the European Union. On November 8, the European Commission recommended to launch accession negotiations with Ukraine and Moldova. However, the negotiations should begin after Kiev fulfills the remaining conditions, including those related to corruption, law on lobbying in accordance with European standards and guarantees for national minorities.

The EU decision was followed by the warning from Hungary. The country’s Foreign Minister claimed that Ukraine should not be admitted to the Union until the armed conflict stops, otherwise the war risks spreading to the whole of Europe. He pointed on the conditions that are still necessary to fulfil, since there is no freedom of speech respected in Ukraine, and elections are not even held there. The expansion of the EU should be aimed at preserving peace, and not at bringing war into Europe.

Meanwhile, Head of the Open Society Foundation, already arrived in Kiev. Alex Soros discussed the infrastructure renovation, investment projects, as well as the confiscation of frozen Russian assets. The new head of the organisation is set to stimulate the European integration of Ukraine, Moldova and the countries of the Western Balkans.

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soros spawn arrives in kiev? but i thought zelensky was for his merry band of ukronazis and not zionazis like kolomoisky.

who would have thunk it?


check southfront maps between may 2022 and september 2022. compare them to the maps all throughout 2023. ukraine is holding the russians back. russia spent several months trying to capture bakhmut, now they are fighting to takeover the town avdiivka. how is russia winning? your excessive coping is delusional.


coping? says the insane buffoon, who yesterday posted a dozen replies to fifty words i posted. who is delusional, psychotic idiot?


“says the insane buffoon”

you didn’t answer my question. whatever you are unable to understand you slander due to your inability to think rationally.

“who is delusional, psychotic idiot?”

you are. i can’t help the fact you are illiterate.


“who yesterday posted a dozen replies to fifty words i posted.”

in case you were unaware, there is an extreme limit placed on how long messages can be. but since you are only capable of digesting short messages with simple vocabulary, this further attests to my theory that you have a rather crude and limited mind.


there is a limit, but in your case your demented psychosis is well advanced.

good luck friend, lay off the medication.


“21. alani are men of great stature and beauty; their hair is somewhat yellow, their eyes are terribly fierce; the lightness of their armor renders them rapid in their movements; and they are in every respect equal to the huns, only more civilized in their food and their manner of life. they plunder and hunt as far as the sea of azov and the cimmerian bosphorus, ravaging also armenia and media.” — complete works of ammianus marcellinus (330-391 ad). book xxxi, chapter xxi.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

now according to you, this quote is false? according to you, archaeological research regarding indo-european, indo-iranian and indo-aryan peoples is a lie? even though you cannot prove it’s a lie? if i order a physical copy of this book on the internet, highlight the quote and take a picture to upload to you in a link; the information is somehow false? all because you say so?


on here you feel safe so you say things that would otherwise get your teeth knocked out, or your skull fractured. no matter the fact you are an insecure and retarded caveman, i know for a fact you wouldn’t have bothered to reply in the first place if i hadn’t rattle your cage to begin with.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

desperate envious retired janitor hillbilly sniff glue now senile


envious of you gopnik orcs and trailer trash countryside?

thuletide (.) wordpress (.) com (/) 2022 (/) 06 (/) 12 (/) russia (-) is (-) nigeria (-) with (-) snow (/)

poko molo

i am real eric–moron nazi retired hillbilly in oregon…i scrub toilet 44 years now bitter ugly irrelevant;


i suggest you do not waste your time in responding to such idiocy. he is likely no more than a paid shill.


i am not the moron who poisons the well by gaslighting others with false accusations. you can’t prove me wrong, so you resort to false accusations about someone being a “counter-revolitionary” as a lame copout. this explains your “quality of character” since it is completely impossible for you to get along with the “uber racist west” you endlessly bitch about:


“as long as there have been men on earth, the struggle between humans and sub-humans has been the historical rule. this jewish led war against the folks has belonged to the natural course of life on our planet as long back as we can see. one can comfortably say this struggle for life and death is as much a law of nature as man’s fight against pestilence and the attack by pestilence against the healthy body.”

— ss defender against bolshevism

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

you know what i think? i think you are what you accuse me of being. because you are fucking paranoid and worry about people finding out you’re lying. even though this is a tiny comment section that very few people will ever read. it cannot ever influence anything in the real world.


article titled – kiev media shared new video of ukrainian special forces fighting wagner in sudan


that is the article where i spammed the comment section. this article’s title is “kiev goes on offensive in europe”

in the future, try typing more words to not confuse that other article with this one.


nice try, pathetic fool. the saddest comment i have read in years…


??? this exact article i am commenting under is called “kiev goes on the offensive in europe”. now you tell me it is about sudan?

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

southfront (.) press (/) military – situation – in – ukraine – on – march – 29 – 2022 – map -update

southfront (.) press (/) military – situation – in – ukraine – on – april – 7 – 2022 – map – update

southfront (.) press (/) military – situation – in – ukraine – on – december – 15 – 2022

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

you are convincing nobody, lil bitch with your lil rants i suppose you need an outlet for your coping and frustrations tho.


why on earth do you think that would ever stop me from commenting on this site? at the very least you are being haunted by hallucinations of not see boogeymen in your vodka induced stupor.


begging in one last tragic scene, it’s the end of the movie for him and he wont get the oscar, he can return playing piano with his wewe, pendejo.


he deserved a oscar for his begging role in usa but not this time due to lack of creativity and sincerity, end of movie for him, he can retire in any of the mansions he bought selling weapons and stealing money. he wont make it to history’s hall of fame, they should’ve used a taller casting for such a role.


funny , haven’t you posted last year , you would celebrate the next year with the ukronazis in crimea? how is that? “russia spent several months to capture bakhmut” : 1. they spent several months not to capture bakhmut , but to eliminate as much western military as possible ; then they captured the town finally. 2. the maps show the “truth” : but only if you can see deeper strategic situation around the front , with range and efficiency of the weapons , with manpower , reserves etc

Last edited 11 months ago by Darius

eric many alias—poko molo, frisian , nappy ebonics etc


the more i argued with them, the better i came to know their dialectic.

sometimes i stood there thunderstruck. i didn’t know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. gradually i began to hate them.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
Professor Burton

stfu eric. no one wants another 150+ post thread full of nazi propaganda


where is your proof, yuri? basically your beliefs are not formed by facts, only by abstract beliefs formulated by baseless claims and emotions that cannot be verified or quantified using the scientific method. you are therefore superfluous.

russian (-) casualties (.) in (.) ua

https://ukraine (.) un (.) org (/) en (/) 247232 (-) ukraine (-) civilian (-) casualties (-) 24 (-) september (-) 2023

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
Professor Burton

shut the fuck up


you seem to believe the words of russia’s politicians and state-owned media are gospel, as if they retain a mandate from heaven (see zorastrianism, as well as chinese history). even biblical gospels contained errors and inconsistencies.

newsukraine (.) rbc (.) ua (/) analytics (/) course (-) toward (-) exhaustion (-) how (-) much (-) resources (-) 1694424067 (.) html


oryxspioenkop (.)com (/) 2022 (/) 02 (/) attack (-) on (-) europe (-) documenting (-) equipment (.) html


hehehe it was only a matter of time before this bot would paste a link to a propaganda site that literally uses pictures from iraq and claims it happened in ukraine.


“they spent several months not to capture bakhmut , but to eliminate as much western military as possible”

once again you are coping over the fact russia took heavy losses fighting ukraine armed forces (300,000 with 2:1 more losses than ukraine).

you pretend they are western soldiers in disguise when very few of them look american, or west european. vast majority are native russian or ukrainian speakers.

Professor Burton

do us all a favor and shut the fuck up

Take out soros,save humanity:

hey fuknut the kill ratio is around 15 to 1 in favour of the truth,now get off your woody high horse and save ye rocking horse crap where ikely hang out at some gay bar and stop pretending to be something you fukin well not,your bolshviekism is currently kiev,fukn drr nazi relic,with your modern savvy urban lgbtq ambitions,i got news for you gimp,russia hasn’t even shifted from first gear you moronic pfitzer loving desperate wannabe ceo aka askenazi soros funded runt soo fkn fullovit,medic!


it appears russian media blew the presence of the few foreign volunteers out of proportion, no matter the fact there are far many more right sector soldiers than the foreign volunteer corps. even so the right sector make up a fraction of the overall ukrainian army, airforce and national guard. not to mention most of their military hardware is soviet legacy hardware.

Professor Burton

no one cares about your half wit neo-nazi propaganda, shut the fuck up


i will also say your name is ironic since vladimir putin ironically brought up the macedonian alexander the great, saying “the west had invaded asia for over 2300 years. conveniently forgetting the achaemenid empire founded by cyrus the great had in fact invaded greece and the balkans in southeastern europe 2 centuries beforehand. darius i’s army who you name yourself after got his army’s butt kicked by much fewer indo-iranian scythian horse warriors in the 5th century bc.


cyrus the great was in fact killed by the scythians under rule of their queen named tomyris in the same century, much like how sargon ii of the neo-akkadian empire was slain in battle by the indo-iranian cimmerians in the 7th century bce.

alexander who married the sogdonian princess roxanna (from sognonia, now turkmenistan), who unlike in the later movie (acted by angelina jolie) was depicted in greek art as being fair-complexioned skin with red hair.


as for other tocharians or sogdonians in the tarim basin, some depictions of them being red haired with blue eyes exist on murals in the bezeklik thousand buddha caves. :

en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) bezeklik_caves# (/) media(/) file:central_asian_buddhist_monks (.) jpeg


the great yuezhi are located about seven thousand li [2,910 km] north of india. […] the skin of the people there is reddish white.

— the western regions, wan zhen (3rd century ad)

among the barbarians in the western regions, the look of the wusun is the most unusual. the present barbarians who have green eyes and red hair, and look like macaque monkeys, are the offspring of this people.

— book of han, yan shigu (1st century ad)


as for your childish, low-iq slanders against me for being unable to prove me wrong. there is a reason why russians are disliked by all of their neighbors; they are entitled foul-mouthed drunken louts.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

many of you here possess identical traits which do not make you sound tough, it makes you seem crude and vulgar.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

you’re too stupid to get an accurate impression of someone you don’t see or hear, instead you dive into a hysterical fantasy of cartoon caricatures similar to a house of mirrors at a carnival show.

jens holm

eric, autistic neo nazi on fentanyl

Icarus Tanović

i likes pcp and fentanyl!


i entertained the idea for a moment that maybe this kid was a brainwashed retard but nobody is stupid enough to argue that the country that forcibly mobilizes women up to the age of 60 is winning. so now we know for sure you are a jew. and once again between several dozen to hundreds of posts made by him. make it less obvious that ur paid to spread ur propaganda please

Last edited 11 months ago by WINSTON

russian soldiers in kherson are particularly confused. orcrainians cross the river. immediately die. new group crosses. they die. rinse and repeat.

the desert orc will tell you that this is what winning looks like hehehe.

this is an organized culling. like the gas chambers but for real this time.

Last edited 11 months ago by WINSTON

more like, usa has ordered their eu underlings to handle the fall out and foot the bill.


russia and china are signed up to the wef and goes along with the un’s agenda 2030. they went along with the covid scam, both sides are led by jews.

Take out soros,save humanity:

all the ceos whom are against russia and china and heterosexuals are in fact dual citizen american/israel = jew or more to the the fact euro/askenazi jew aka incest hitler!


russia and its commie eastern bloc alliance stir racial hatred against the white race, while banning religions they do not like. then turn around and write laws against “racial hatred” and “religious intolerance”. their definitions are clearly deceitful, luckily for them the west has been thoroughly infiltrated by crypto communists and freemasons who never cared about equality and like russia/china, etc only use that terminology to prevent us from defending our countries and birthright.


blame some non existent “communists” for your own weakness and stupidity..trump it the biggest jew c0ck svcking goy who ever lived..why don’t you just blame the devil ? the west is about to eat the big loaf of sh!t it baked all on its own..i truly hope you like the taste of it..you deserve it .


“blame some non existent communists”

it is very real with plenty of proof. they promote what is called critical theory, it is the marxist transition from class warfare to the subversion of culture.

“for your own weakness and stupidity”

don’t confuse me with the governments and ceos of the western world. we are still stronger with a better educated work force, despite the pestilence introduced by jews and traitors.


eric , the former communists promoted it really you are right. but do they still promote it? do they exist today? even if many of the former communist functionary were partially jewish , it still doesn’t prove “the pestilence introduced by jews and traitors”. i am pretty sure the educational decline example germany , italy, spain is rather homemade. there was no order to get stupid , the people followed the trends voluntarily.


“the west is about to eat the big loaf of sh!t it baked all on its own”

sorry, i have no interest in consuming and rolling around in cow shit like you pajeets do.

“trump it the biggest jew c0ck svcking goy who ever lived”

you conveniently leave out how much pootin has sucked up to the jews and israel.

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
poko molo aka eric

sniff more glue nazi


you confuse the criminal activities of ashkenazi jews and their puppet hosts with the white race itself. even though they openly hate white people and intentionally want to make us the minority in our own countries. and you are too stupid to figure out we are being scapegoated for their crimes. they don’t call ishmael (muslims) the broomstick of the jewish “people” for nothing.

poko molo aka eric

retired nazi janitor inferior envious…

Jean Paul France

we put an end to the jewish conspirators and coup plotters (trotskyists) in the ussr, in the 1930s, but we are not nazis but stalinists. we are also very aware of the trotskyist/ashkenazi role in the degradation of the left in the west, (mass immigration, feminazism, lgtbi). and we are not nazis but progressive patriots/social democrats/goyim communists.


in all honesty you are grossly misinformed about history and the world around you; how things are, and how they came to be. everything else about “the west” whose history you know nothing about is a smokescreen to lament about your own failings that make up your inferiority complex.

thuletide (.) wordpress (.)com (/) 2020 (/) 06 (/) 27 (/) leftism-and-mental-illness

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
poko molo aka eric

“i do not envy amerikan happiness–it is the happiness of a different and inferior species”. stendhal


“hatred reflects an inferiority complex—ressentiment”. max scheler


i thought the freemasons and other gnostic western circles support blind western aggressions whereever they start. as for ukraine , it’s clearly the west which supports the neonazi hatred against minorities and other religions. putin and the russians are really not to blame for this development. to imagine the (former) communists and the freemasons (maybe together with always evil jews) are the masterminds behind this aggression , is a little bit too much for me.


poko molo tolerate all diseases and cults…dumb amerikan want equality–the lowest common denominator…expected in your matriarchy where your oligarchy has equal privilege to buy mansions and you equally have right to live in tent and smoke crack


paranoid senile eric read believes all nazi propaganda and cia wikipedia🤣

Take out soros,save humanity:

dud in the end your gonna get by the sheer weight and sharpness of the iron sikel and no matter what you rant,soros is going down along with all its silly kweers pretending to be anything but,fact remains your just a slave of the slave of the slaves,you ignorant foolish lost soul,harden up,cope! no matter how its fought,you cannot overcome the might of the peoples in the real know =z=


you seem unaware how the governments in the west also hate white people and follow the willing of jewish supremacists to rule the world. everything whites are accused of are things every other race has done and continues to justify for themselves.

odysee (.) com (/) @historyreviewed:7 (/) guilt _ tripping _canadians_ and_ americans_ over_first_nations_and_history-p11-1-p07 (:) 3

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
Icarus Tanović

as soon as russian high command listen to gen.major kadyrov and whack them with cw, 15, 17 ton bombs it will be way better. man have guts, man have unseen bravery.


the chechens failed to takeover kiev and took excessive losses in the donbass. rape and murder isn’t bravery. you unwittingly to project your own subhumanity onto your superiors.

poko molo aka eric

“amerikans are mean bitter over-conformist semi automatons that cannot provide each other sexual pleasure”. david riesman


poked eric defines excess by gram of crack cocaine


video evidence for russian war crimes proving russian troop presence among the dead civilians:

archive (.) org (/) details peskov-liar_202310

archive (.) org (/) details (/) bucha-massacre

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

“bucha massacre” is debunked long ago , the videos were ridiculous , the actors terrible. it was a cheap fake of sbu , nobody speaks now about it.


french journalist jacque baud was in bucha when ukies contrived the fake massacre—moron poko molo sniff too much glue


russian soldiers shooting two civilians civilians in hostomel, kyiv oblast outside of the antonov airport last year:

t (.) me (/) eternalmuscovite (/) 15999

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric

t (.) me (/) proofww2 (/) 29

“nikita zhuravlev, the guy who burned quran in russia, got arrested, then beaten by ramzan kadyrov’s son adam, has recently accepted islam.”

t (.) me (/) proofww2 (/) 28

“islamist warlord ramzan kadyrov’s 15 year old son adam kadyrov, in a video posted by ramzan himself. ramzan then publicly praised his son for this action. this created a moderate outcry in russia. however, in a meeting with putin shortly after, putin praised kadyrov’s leadership.”

poko molo

i use alias eric—i am nazi hillbilly retired janitor in omaha–desperate to find lgbt attention


everything you say about me is a projection of the decadence you hoisted upon western civilization in an effort to destroy it.

type this into youtube, this is what putin’s rasputin ideologue does in his spare time:

“ангел 418. памяти алистера кроули (фрагменты). курехин, дугин, лимонов. осень 1995.”

poko molo aka eric

“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded w a fine coat of fraud. amerikans cannot think except by means of slogans they identify garbage as quality. the stupidity and ignorance of amerikans has long been a topic of hilarity in europe”. paul fussell


homosexuality and other forms of degeneracy were illegal in every white country for millennia prior to the 1960s.

greco-roman sources opposing sodomy:

youtube (.) com/c (/) leatherapronclubchannel (/) videos

en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) skoptsy

“the skoptsy were a sect within the larger spiritual christianity movement in the russian empire, best known for practising castration of men and the mastectomy of women in accordance with their teachings against sexual lust.”

Last edited 11 months ago by Eric
poko molo aka eric

“amerika requires a stupified population”. christopher lasch


en (.) wikipedia (.) org (/) wiki (/) lgbt_history_in_russia# muscovite_russia

“austrian royal councilor sigismund von herberstein described in his report rerum moscoviticarum commentarii (notes on muscovite affairs) observations during his travels in moscow in 1517-1526. he stated homosexuality was present among all classes.


english poet george turberville visited moscow in 1568 when ivan iv ruled russia during a bloody phase, was not shocked by the carnage, but about the open homosexuality of the russian peasants. adam olearius reported homosexuality among men existed on all levels of society and not treated as a crime.”


all your fake homosexuality rants are clearly a projection of your personal insecurities and fantasies

poko molo aka eric

“amrikans are farcical when it comes to money and force majeure–the 2 things they worship. my country has created 1 art form–the tv advertisement. you should not expect a democracy from a society like this”. gore vidal

poko molo aka eric

“ameikans are panicked by homosexuality…they only touch each other when inebriated. …the amerikan national character differs profoundly from those in europe asia latin amerika.. ” geoffrey gorer

Last edited 11 months ago by poko molo aka eric

poko eric molo latent homo? panicked obsessed by lgbt

poko molo aka eric

“what emerged from the amerikan melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty” hl menkhen


van der liar should be hang for what she’s doing, together with the dickhead borrel and other smacks from brussels.


zelensky coffin factory now expands to covid california new zealand and erics fentanyl trailer park in oregon

Jean Paul France

curious character, mr. eric, had never met a nerdy nazi.

he’s like a geeky star wars fan, but in this case he has fantasies of ancient aryans riding winged horses.

postscript: if you respond to this crazy person eric, you will reach 1000 comments.

Last edited 11 months ago by Jean Paul France

eric polo polo returns to sf afflicted with amerikan spelling fetish fetish for fake news, nazi websites, and consumption of burger to feed her inferiority complex

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