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Kiev Is Bending Over Backwards To Strike Russian Rear

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Kiev Is Bending Over Backwards To Strike Russian Rear

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Kiev Is Bending Over Backwards To Strike Russian Rear
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Kiev Is Bending Over Backwards To Strike Russian Rear

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Amid the ongoing battles on the frontlines in Ukraine, the warring sides continue strikes in each other’s rear regions in an attempt to inflict maximum damage in support of operations on the battlefields.

The Ukrainian military supported by NATO reconnaissance continues constant attempts to reach Russian rear facilities with drone strikes. The strikes resulted in fires on several Russian industrial facilities and oil depots in recent days.

According to the Russian Ministry of Defense, Russian air defense forces intercepted several dozen Ukrainian UAVs in the border regions on the night of June 28. 12 Ukrainian drones were destroyed in the Bryansk region, nine UAVs were destroyed in the Smolensk region, another UAV was intercepted and destroyed in the Voronezh region, two UAVs were intercepted in the Kursk region and another was destroyed in the Rostov region.

As a result of the night attacks, a fire broke out at an oil depot in the Tambov region.

In the morning, Ukrainian attacks continued. The Ukrainian military began using small-sized balloons for the strikes. They may carry explosives or set fires on Russian territory. Today, one of them was destroyed over the Belgorod region. Earlier, on June 25, another small-sized balloon was destroyed by Russian forces in the Rostov region.

In their turn, Russian forces continue constant precision strikes in the Ukrainian rear regions. On the morning of June 28, a series of strikes were reported in the southern Odessa region.

Russian drones and missiles are targeting Ukrainian rear facilities, while Russian tactical aviation is destroying Ukrainian reserves near the frontlines, pounding Ukrainian hideouts with heavy bombs.

Russian dominance in the air supports its offensive operations on the battlefields.

The Ukrainian frontlines have suffered no major changes in recent days, but Russian forces are grinding down the Ukrainian defenses, improving their positions simultaneously in several directions.

As a result of the prolonged battles, Ukrainian forces are retreating in Urozhainoe in the Zaporozhie region. Russian forces gained a foothold in the center of the ruined settlement.

In the Ugledar direction, Russian forces are expanding their zone of control in the nearby fields, approaching the strategically important road north of the Ukrainian stronghold in the city.

Amid the ongoing heavy battles in Krasnogorovka, Russian forces are slightly expanding their stronghold. They have recently captured new positions in the north-western and north-eastern parts of the town.

In the Avdeevka direction, the Russian assault continues in Karlovka in the south, while the Russian mop up operation is close to completion in Sokil on the northern flank.

As a result of the recent surprise offensive in the area of Torezk, Russian assault units reached the outskirts of Pivnichnoe, Torezk and New York. Demoralized Ukrainian servicemen are surrendering in large groups.


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good to hear there are mass surrenders. it looks the new heavy bombs are game changers because everybody understands now to continue is certain death.


“good to hear there are mass surrender”

thankfully common sense will eventually prevail…

Kim’s Dong

good the orchs realizes they lost and hand themselves over to justice. now it is time for russia to send onkel vlad to haag tribunal

wise man

den haag is not recognized by the usa, china, russia and many other countries. so what are you even talking about nazi? just surrender already. or face the fab3000

jens holm

as trump will replace nazi biden ukies will lose everything–i am senile and like slimy amerikan cuz i also worship money


cheering for either side is not in our interest as they are both controlled by jews. the best we can pressure for is a negotiated settlement to stop the senseless bloo.d shed and ki.lling that is taking place. the russian offer still looks the most realistic solution imo. as the territories it occupies are already defacto part of their sphere and its people looking for protection from ukranian revangists.


if the crimea and don bass are returned to ukraine tomorrow there will be a full ethni c clea nsing the day after by ukranian washington sponsered azov units against the russian population. they created them with the goal to provoke a russian response that happenend in 2014 and 2022.

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend
gay amerikunt village

of course you amerikunts inferior species require superior jew to govern u

tattooed amerikan hillbilly

like primitive tribe no individuality i have purple hair tattoo and worship money


no, nazis it’s your rear that gets pounded, z


these azov nazis are not real national socialists who fight against the jewish international marxism as hitler did in ww2. they are washington funded pawns just like isis israeli secret intelligence service. the taliban and alot of other fake opposition units in syria iraq lybia. the united states trains these terrorists and they serve a jew zelensky. no real national socialists would ever serve a jew.

Last edited 3 months ago by Awakend
The Iceman Cometh

ok, adolf … you’ll straighten ’em out though, i’m sure.


thank you

gay amerikunt village

dumb amerikunt nazi inferior to jew

hillbilly amerikunt

all amerikunt lick jew peniz

Kim’s Dong

the soviet monuments portraying strong warriors and great family was actually ukrainians. otherwise if they portrayed russians the statues would look like gollum.


banderites were portrayed in kiev on maidan hanging like the volksdetusches and traitors to the slavian people they were. true ukrainians fight today with russia to free ukraine from socialist faggots and western degenerated eu divorce/fag/whore ideology.

the west today brings you divorces, pedophiles, fags, necrofiles, zoofiles and purplehaired degeneration and its what banderites today worship. they prefer being inferior 2nd class german than proud slav.

Kim’s Dong

i get you are just paid to say these things. nothing serious.


no i am not i would feel eternal happiness if i could cleanse my nation from everyone voting the leftists and proeu and make it free from eu occupation. would fill in the trenches for real with faggot lovers and volksdeutsches.

so future polish children could live in a normal nation powerful and mighty in eternal slavian union with russia. so we could have normal families and not normalizing cheating, divorces, whores and fags. a normal life like our ancestors.

The Iceman Cometh

poles sold themselves out long ago. you know, they’re their own little hegemon in their own little minds. ask the czechs or slovaks what they think of the poles. pushy little mofos. i even heard from a lithuanian years ago that the poles in vilnius wanted to rename the streets into polish. i speak of the leadership but after all, who votes them into power?

Last edited 3 months ago by The Iceman Cometh
The Iceman Cometh

i dream of the day when the poles re-inherit banderite lands and all its consequences. giving poland a little bit of their own vietnam, like brzezinski used to say about afghanistan.


banderites have been in 1000 years enemies of poland, belarus (then called lithuania do not confuse with midget żmudź nation) and russia. they always served all our enemies like germans, swedes, tatars everyone who was enemy of slavs was the friend of banderites.

and still no one removed the problem in 1000 years sadly…..


lithuania its only żmudź. real lithuania i slavian belarus. the baltic faggots from lithuania, latvia and estonia are just treacherous balts serving the germanic enemy. the commies did ofc not solve this problem so those shits now hide behind usa and keep yapping their mouths.

as for poland there is lot of brainwashed people but 12 % patriots and we stand with russia we are proud slavs.


odd as polish history ( and for that matter ukraine as well) has them collaborating with every european invader france germany and the uk

The Enigma Machine

less serious than comments from you, a self-declared dickhead? lol

jens holm

hi dumb ugly inferior amerikunt

gay amerikunt village

we inferior species submissively beg burger from jew

Moshe Dayan

another idiot who believes lies like the propaganda history books of ukraine that say they built the pyramids 🤣🤣🤣 the west wants to depopulate ukraine and steal the gas running through the pipelines. all the farmland in ukraine is owned by black rock, statestreet and vanguard. sold into slavery by the old men of europe.

The Iceman Cometh

post 2014 ukraine fell victim to the same scam pulled on russia in the yeltsin era, loans for shares.

ukraine is in hock to western banks up to their eyebrows, especially blackrock and jp morgan. the idiots got themselves into a war that will end with those two bloodsuckers owning everything left in a rump ukraine. sold themselves into slavery, they did. russia had putin to beat them back. what does ukraine have? nada! their goose is cooked for the next 5 generations at best.


thank you

Kim’s Dong

you seem easily impressed. do you namedrop all the day?


bending over backwards to strike russian rear would make a good cartoon, thats a good one ratniks

Axon Amerikunt

amerikunt expert at being sodomized by taliban vietcong now ukies

jens holm

i worship money please send me used condom

jens holm

i poop in optato field


“to the north of ugledar, russian troops continue assault operations in novomikhailovka in an attempt to approach the village of konstantinovka and take control of the road leading to ugledar. the road between the settlements partially came under russian fire control.” november 2022.“in the ugledar direction, russian forces are expanding their zone of control in the nearby fields, approaching the strategically important road north of the ukrainian stronghold in the city.” june 2024.



wise man

your mom nazi

Axon Amerikunt

dumb amerikunt—already 25% former ukraine now russia—abkhazia south ossetia also–taliban stalemate sodomize you


how much men and equipment were wasted on ugledar? prigorzhin the jew was right when he complained the mod didnt care for their losses or to improve tactics.

its only now that shoi.gu got replaced this are somewhat improving.

but you can still also question the competence of his accomplis geras.imov

less human meat wave assaults and tanks are more used in ww1 fortress fassion with some succes. fab bombs that level entire fortifications at lower cost.

Axon Amerikunt

how much cowardice does amerikunt display


you can down vote me, and call me names all you want, but sf’s own statement from two years ago and from yesterday reflect the sorry truth: stalemate.


even in today’s headlines sf confirms this sad reality. “the standoff in ukraine is not abating. the frontlines are inflamed by bloody encounter, while the warring sides are exchanging strikes in the rear areas.”


stop shooting. stop bombing. declare peace.

gay amerikunt village

only dumb amerikunt believes russian victory is stalemate

jens holm

in my potato field nothing has changed since 1750


stability is the sign of mastery, he-he.

Last edited 3 months ago by Антон

why not upload this one to bitchute like the rest ?

Degeneration Of Russia

russia losing energy war. renewables made up 44.7% of eu electricity production. in 2023, renewable energy was the leading source of electricity in the eu, accounting for 44.7% of all electricity production. renewables generated 1.21 million gigawatt-hour (gwh), marking an increase of 12.4% compared with 2022.

Jimmy Nicholl

gazprom is collapsing and china won’t invest to siberia 2 pipeline.

jens holm

dumb amerikunt lies again

Moshe Dayan

propagandist liar. go clean the used condoms of ramses ll your buddy.

jens holm

russia record energy profits 2024—try harder moron amerikunt

Kim’s Dong

never, you’re a fool

Moshe Dayan

can’t even tell a believable lie. such bs.


you still believe east and west are nog controlled by the jews. they control both sides its 2 different sides of the same jewish coin. its all created for a end game in which we will mutually dedtroy eachoter so they can have a world of their own


i agree with you 100% !!!! but sadly lots of the people in usa same as in russia and europe are so brainwashed by the tens of years of continued jewish brainwashing medias, jewish-infested schools system and history lies that they cannot grasp the obvious facts, which you mentions resp. that both sides – east and west – are fully controlled by jews.

Last edited 3 months ago by Teresa999
gay amerikunt village

dumb amerikunt never been to russia can hardly speak ebonics not russian….bolnoy durak

gay amerikunt village

since u r inferior amerikunt you need superior jew to control u

jens holm

as we degenerate into lgbt gazprom signs record dal with china iran mongolia

Axon Amerikunt

as degenerate lgbt hillbilly we are proud of our senile vegetable politics that fail to defeat taliban

Potemkin Village

humiliated rooskie bastards taste honey.

gay amerikunt village

amerikunt sodomized by taliban want more peniz in anuz

The Iceman Cometh

seems to be a problem with the headline.

kiev is bending over backwards to strike civilians in the russian rear.

there, fixed it. whether they’ll fix their sorry-asses in the west though remains to be seen.

R. Ambrose Raven

quite apart from rendering such service to nato, such attacks have political as well as military value – they strengthen the ukrainian side’s bargaining power in any armistice. ironic that given the assertion that russia is refining more oil than allowed under opec production agreements, the attacks on russian oil refining are merely reducing output to where it is supposed to be anyway.


we amerikunts bend over for taliban and zelensky—we inferior burger species

jens holm

commies 28%, nr 33% france rejects amerikan imperialism in ukraine—mararoni moving to nazi denmark

gay amerikunt village

my anuz hurt when taliban sodomized me

Kim’s Dong

pootin, don’t hide behind fake name!

hillbilly amerikunt

as an inferior burger i wish i could be equal to pygmy—“rather than fpound an intellectual elite amerika created a mulatto stud farm”. rute hamsun


so how many ukrainians surrendered ??? 10 -25- 50 – 100 ???

Karl Heinz Neumann

i can’t count them anymore, there are millions of pig ukrainians who have surrendered to german authorities and are now loitering in frankfurt’s streets at the expense of the german value-adding population 👿👿👿

Massa John

steeling flats & chicks


southfront really should stop using the term “strategic” referring to pig and chicken village roads

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