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Kiev Is Throwing Dust In Eyes, Preparing To Attack

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Kiev Is Throwing Dust In Eyes, Preparing To Attack

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Kiev Is Throwing Dust In Eyes, Preparing To Attack
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Kiev Is Throwing Dust In Eyes, Preparing To Attack

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Just as at the beginning of 2022, Kiev and Western media predicted the exact dates of the start of Russian military operations in Ukraine on a weekly basis, so today all mainstream media are drowning in guesses about the beginning of the Ukrainian counteroffensive.

Newsweek stated that the counteroffensive of the Kiev forces was scheduled for April 30, which means that there will definitely be nothing on April 30. There are rumors that the counteroffensive may be timed to coincide with the Victory Day on May 9.

In their turn, Ukrainian media and officials are throwing dust in the eyes, and report that the weather does not yet allow the full use of all military potential, and heavy losses undermine their ability to launch a large-scale operation.

All the ongoing comments on the Ukrainian offensive operations are nothing but part of the information war.

Meanwhile, preparations for a large-scale offensive by Ukrainian forces continue on the fronts.

The Ukrainian army will likely launch offensive operations in several directions at once. Most likely, the steppes in the Zaporozhye region will become the main battlefield. Ukrainian forces continue combat reconnaissance operations near Pologi, and their reconnaissance groups are active along the entire front lines in the region. It is expected that Ukrainian forces will try to break through towards Melitopol and the Sea of Azov in order to capture the port of Berdyansk and threaten the Crimean Bridge.

At the same time, another attack may threaten the Ugledar direction in order to cut the Mariupol highway and complicate Russian logistics.

In the south, Ukrainian forces also increased their activity on the western bank of the Dnieper. They are equipping firing positions with long-range artillery. Civilians are being forcibly evacuated from Stanislav. Military columns are moving at night from Krivoy Rog in the south direction to Berislav.

Crossing the river is a necessary step for a successful offensive on a broad front. The task of the strike from the western bank of the Dnieper is to divert attention and pin down Russian units.

In the Donetsk direction, large-scale offensive actions are unlikely. However, for sure, the Ukrainian military will increase the intensity of shelling of the civilian population in the Donetsk urban agglomeration in order to overload Russian air defenses.

The ruins of Bakhmut may become a field for Ukrainian attempt to take revenge. The defeat of tens of thousands of Ukrainian servicemen by Wagner units was a big blow to the Ukrainian military command. The Ukrainian Army may try to split the Wagner units and the Russian Armed Forces in an attempt to surround the city.

The Ukrainian military is also accumulating forces in the Kharkiv region, on the Kupyansk and Svatovo fronts. In the case of success in this area, Ukrainians will have the opportunity to surround the Lisichansk-Severodonetsk agglomeration.

In its turn, the Russian military is closely observing enemy maneuvers, destroying Ukrainian military columns and manpower, strengthening defenses and launching massive airstrikes on Ukrainian military positions.

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Heroic Odessa Brigade against Ukranazis in Kherson

BRICS bank is ready to wipe the US dollar from the face of the planet Earth. A fair multipolar world has ONLY benefits for the Global South! Vadia con dios greenback!


Since when does BRICS have any relevance anymore, its as broken an economic alliance as your ever gonna see. More worried about the takeoff of the yuan.

BRICS is the future and the future is NOW…

1. The USA/NATO have zero chance to win this conflict, of which they started via a violent coup d’état in 2014!

2. Ukraine is but a whore on her knees swallowing western goo waiting for the next man in line, as she stuffs her sack with dollars.

3. Russia will take all of the EU should this continue and the world will never look back.

4. The time of the Collective West has come and gone.

5. The future lay within a Russian/Chinese led multi polar world.

6. Bye Bye America, it was good knowing you.



Victor R Talluto

And what are the 300,000 new Russian troops going to be doing?

Joseph Day

Storming over the Belarus border to Kiev as soon as the offensive starts


Sure, just like the first time. that worked out well.


It did work out very well for Russia. Stopped Kiev’s Donbas offensive dead in it’s tracks. Kiev hasn’t recovered since.


Trying to make it to Germany in time for asylum applications and summer parties in Berlin.

Michel LeBlanc

There is a T34 in Berlin left there as a reminder.

Only idiots start land wars with russia.

Study a history book dumbass!


Ukros have at least 600-800k troops. Not all of them will be used for this offensive ofc, most are not even motorized just badly trained territorial militia. But they prepared some 50k as an elite breakthrough units armed and trained by nato with quality equipment, and perhaps another 200k troops of various quality to support and keep pressure on different front.

Not sure ho many troops Russians have in Zaporozhie region but I doubt more than 50-100k, other are in different areas or in Russia even Belarus. Strelkov was right, 300k mobilization was not enough. But still if Russia prepared their defenses AFU offensive will fail.


Ukraine doesn’t have that many troops. Maybe 300-400k, most of which have been ripped from city streets and jr high. At least half are logistics troops, so count on no more than 200k in actual manpower on the front. We won’t count the sheep-dipped NATO pussies trickling in, because very soon; there will be Chinese and North Koreans trickling in to help take out the Nazi trash.

Not to mention the junk the NATO pussies are sending are moving coffins for those Nazi fucks.

Last edited 1 year ago by VirgoAtheist

600 to 800k huh? Whoo! Impressive! Any proof of that? Or you just sucking your dark and stinky place?


This is a good point, even more, ¿ where is the so called winter Russia offensive ?


So what,happened with all the Russian mobilized troops? Why hasn’t russia done a massive offensive , the Russians better not mess up like in Kharkov where they lost so easily against a more mobile and higher numerical enemy.


There was no real plans for any major Ru. offensive, I’ve been keep repeating that for months. Just a ruse. A few units going up and down in Belarus, plus Belarus Army pretending to be Russians, in order to trick Ukros to keep a lot of their units near Kiev thus giving time for systematic attacks on Bakhmut and limited attacks in Kremena/Svatovo region.


Attack costs more casualties than defense. Let the Ukros attack and bleed out and then counter-attack.


Indeed. The refusal to surround Bakhmut and take those Ukies off of the board now means we can’t strike west and take Zaporozhie and Dnipro to cut off the AFU as they push south. All we’re going to get is pushing back and forth across the front. Why is Russia not looking for a breakthrough?

This must be what WW1 was like. Frustrating af.

Icarus Tanović

Fuck this shit, level that ughledar to the ground.

jens holm

Barry like old senile Jens anus but now torn and bloody


I really want to see if the ukranians will be launch an extreme attack over russians. Because all this tension created about the offensive one day must end. There is no much information over the defense and the numbers of conscripts by russia. This make a bad sensation of possible loose by russian forces. So lets the offensive begin.


I am trying to figure out what the goal of the russian army is? Could it be to sacrifice as many people as possible for as little ground as possible? Everyone can see that their tactics are still failing, and no new fronts are being opened… this is so pathetic there are no more excuses, even the pro-russian shills cant convince anyone that this is going well


Ukraine will be depleted of troops and Western gear after this failed counter-attack.


Russia took 90% of Bakhmut. Ukraine lost 120K men there around Bakhmut, Russia is winning 7-1 to Ukraine according to US document leak. How else would Ukraine survive in the upcoming years lol.


In the meantime Fuehrer Zelensky visited the Banderastan a$trodrome to supervise final preparations for the regime’s summer moon shot where 16 Ukrap a$tronoughts will make the first ever moon landing despite all the nonsense spouted by Mr Lira and Mr Marytanov recently who both falsely claim that Slumville astronauts walked on the moon (actually more hopped), rode in a dune buggy doing wheelies, not to mention played moon golf more than half a century ago with Fredrick Flintstone “patented” though now lost tekkknology.

Meanwhile in the real world Odessa awaits liberation in the summer, please.


To be everywhere is to be nowhere…

Looks like Ukr going on the offensive across the entire front hoping somewhere is weak.

Russian air force are sitting waiting to drop 9000kg bombs onto cockroaches that have come out of hiding…

This will be the end for Ukraine.


Russian forces will retreat when Mercury goes retrograde. That will be from April 21 onwards. And will advance again after Mercury goes prograde (May 15) onwards. Typical.


I find it strange that the scripts have been handed out the storyline agree to and now we wait for the counter-offensive play.

Isn’t unpredictability part of the art of war?

If Russia pre-empted the counter-offensive with one of their own wouldn’t that throw Ukraine off-balance?

To me Chasiv Yar would be my choice, the Bakhmut theatre has been used to slow Russian advances because I believe Chasiv Yar is a needed town for Ukraines Counterattack.


Ukraine has two options that might result in the swift end of this conflict if they’re successful, and one of them is far less risky than the other which means it’s the most likley to happen. An attack on the land bridge or an attack into Russia itself. Any talk of an offensive in the Donbass is probably diversionary, as Russia would still be in a position to continue the war well into next year even if Ukraine at great expense managed to re-conquer Bakhmut, and Ukraine is on the clock in terms of both men and material so they really can’t afford that. Furthermore the weather does play a crucial role in determining when the offensive might start. All you have to do is look up the weather in Orikhiv and when the rain starts becoming more sparse or there’s a long pause sometime in May is when the probing attacks will likely start or intensify.

poko molo amerikunt

we hillbilly #1 sodomized lgbt by taliban

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