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Shovel At Hand! Kiev Is Waiting For Russian Offensive

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Shovel At Hand! Kiev Is Waiting For Russian Offensive

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Shovel At Hand! Kiev Is Waiting For Russian Offensive

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On the night of January 16, the Ukrainian military attempted another massive drone attack on Russian border regions.

Last night, at least four Ukrainian UAVs were intercepted over the Belgorod region, 8 more were intercepted and destroyed over the Voronezh region.

The fallen wreckage of the drones damaged several civilian buildings. At least one child was wounded as a result of the attack.

In response to the ongoing attempts to launch drone and missiles strikes, as well as the constant artillery shelling in the border regions, the Russian military continues counter artillery suppression on Ukrainian territory.

The city of Kharkiv, the largest one in north-western Ukraine, is constantly struck by Russian precision strikes. Over the past weeks, the strategically important military-industrial facilities and various buildings used for the accommodation of Ukrainian military personnel came under Russian attacks.

More military bases and areas of accumulation of Ukrainian forces were destroyed in the region, including by the Russian artillery shelling. The Russian military pays special attention to the areas near its border. In recent days, the destruction of several Ukrainian warehouses in the border town of Volchansk were declared by Russian military officials.

Russian drones and artillery are also destroying military infrastructure of the Ukrainian border guards, not to mention the ongoing regular operations by Russian saboteurs in the Ukrainian rear and in the border regions.

The Russian military is set to decrease the military potential of Ukrainian forces deployed near the border in order to prevent it from the possibility of launching attacks on civilians and any military facilities on Russian territory.

The Ukrainian and NATO military specialists consider Russian operations as a signal of the upcoming new Russian offensive.

Unable to predict the exact direction of a possible Russian attack, the Ukrainian military is forced to establish new lines of defense not only in the Donbass, where Russian troops continue offensive operations, but also in the border regions of Kharkiv, Chernigiv and Sumy. As a result, the cost of defense is growing and the Ukrainian military is running out of time.

According to the US Institute for the Study of War, the Russian offensive may begin in the coming weeks as soon as the ground freezes on the eastern and southern frontlines.

Meanwhile, the flow of weapons, ammunition, equipment and funds from NATO is drying up. No matter what, Kiev continues its war in the media. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine proudly declared that if the army runs out of weapons, soldiers will continue fighting with shovels. Kiev is definitely exaggerating the morale and motivation of its servicemen.

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because of the constant attacks ukraine will lose more territory because a safe dmz has to be created and also the city of odessa will be free again. now waiting for the big push!

Gneaus stapo

keep on waiting dawarish, at current speed/ performance realistic time frame is 2034 .


okay expert. we all forgot the massive success of the ukrainian army when they reclaimed all of the territory they’ve lost during the counter offensive.

Gneaus stapo

kill ratio 1:3 in attack, no effect of last year 300k forced moviks, no general winter, russia’s black sea fleet deactivated by a country without a navy itself, ships sailing freely again, looses and losses for the flatheads, mutiny, more political motivated murders in russia, endless stream of lies/ fake numbers ( where are the new 1600 tanks medicorejew boasted about) and so on.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
kuleba's kiss of death

thanks, i had a good full minute laugh over that.


my ex-husband stapo gestapo suffer from humiliation brain damage when mulattos in fresno sodomized it


you are unwittingly describing the jewish dominated vchk, nkvd and kgb. germany was made the fowl in an all too similar fashion to how jews sacrifice fowls (chickens) to their imaginary transgender deity in their kapparot atonement ritual on pesach (passover). they transfer their own sins onto chickens, and sometimes human beings.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

according to pesachim 49b in the babylonian talmud, the central law book of judaism:


rabbi eleazar said: an ‘am ha-arez, it is permitted to stab him [even] on the day of atonement which falls on the sabbath. said his disciples to him, master, say to slaughter him [ritually]?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

poko molo inferior to pygmy envious of jew


he replied: this [ritual slaughter] requires a benediction, whereas that [stabbing] does not require a benediction. r. eleazar said: one must not join company with an ‘am ha-arez on the road, because it is said, for that [the torah] is thy life, and the length of thy days: [seeing that] he has no care [pity] for his own life, how much the more for the life of his companions!


r. samuel b. nahmani said in r. johanan’s name: one may tear an ‘am haarez like a fish! said r. samuel b. isaac: and [this means] along his back.”

according to the 1907 jewish encyclopedia:


“am ha-arez” is someone who is ignorant of jewish matters. this is heavily implied that it refers to any person who is not jewish.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean


“ukraine lost 543 tanks and 18,000 armored vehicles during the counteroffensive.”

– putin

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean


hundreds of pieces of military equipment destroyed by russia in ukraine turned out to be inflatable dummies.

the armed forces of ukraine are actively replacing military equipment with dummies so that the russian army wastes ammunition on false targets, cnn reports. thus, one of the factories constructing sewer pipes now produces replicas of the 155-mm m777 howitzer that are worth several million dollars are being produced for less than a thousand dollars.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

as certified amerikan idiot i believe cnn


you are subhuman.


you also impersonated me several times with the intent of discrediting my opinions. let me guess, are you a descendant of the turkic and mongolian hordes that raped and pillaged europe and asia for centuries? 1 in every 200 people on earth is descendented from genghis khan’s hordes. your mongolic ancestors were the sworn enemies of holy crusaders from the polish-lithuanian commonwealth, muscovy and kievan rus.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean
the pleasure seekers

we like impersonating idiots. it gives us pleasure. i like to have a bowl of popcorn at hand. in fact, think i’ll pop some up now. don’t go away


fuck the holy crusaders and your fake semitic faith that come from the zog tribe.


now putin is letting open the flood gates to undo their sacrifice. if he succeeds entirely, the holy martyr’s sacrifice will have been in vain. it was similar to the ancient aryans of the androvono culture who conquered india from central asia. these people migrated from southern russia to what later became turkmenistan and afghanistan, this was centuries before they took over the indus valley.


rig veda (book 1, kanto 130, hymn 8): “indra in battles helps his āryan worshipper, he who hath hundred helps at hand in every fray, in frays that win the light of heaven. plaguing the lawless he gave up to manu’s seed the dusky skin; blazing, ’twere, he burns each covetous man away, he burns the tyrannous away.”

english: tinyurl(dot)com(slash)bfnz3r58 sanskrit (latin characters): tinyurl(dot)com(slash)yakv8urj


(book 9, kanto 73, hymn 5) tinyurl.com/mhvyh5vy “o’er sire and mother they have roared in unison bright with the verse of praise, burning up riteless men, blowing away with supernatural might from earth and from the heavens the swarthy skin which indra hates.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

(book 10, kanto 96, hymn 8) tinyurl.com/3pcsd2z7

“at the swift draught the soma-drinker waxed in might, the iron one with yellow beard and yellow hair.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

ephedra sinica, an herb native to russia, mongolia and northern china, is a strong candidate for the ṛigvedic stimulant drug called soma (सोम), or haoma in avestan. as the name suggests, it contains ephedrine, a powerful stimulant with a similar binding profile to amphetamine.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

conservative zoroastrian communities in yadz, persia, were found to consume ephedra regularly well into the 19th century. additionally, tocharian mummies in the tarim basin, modern day xinjiang province (prc), were found to have been buried with ephedra twigs.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

since we are well into the kali jewga, the degenerated equivalent would be a meth addicted bike gang. this is far from ideal. it shows how far things have gone downhill, huh?

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

why would a young lady be attracted to “bad boys”? the same reason why young maidens were attracted to knights on a white horse in a shining suit of armor. the aryan horse lords of the eurasian steppes were those sorts of men.


“he, much invoked, hath slain dasyus and śimyus, after his wont, and laid them low with arrows. the mighty thunderer with his fair-complexioned friends won the land, the sunlight, and the waters.”

tinyurl.com/56ejm4yj rig veda (book 1, kanto 100, hymn 18)

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

zend avaesta, sacred books of the east (1898): tinyurl(dot)com(slash)ajkbt7bf

fargard i. sixteen perfect lands created by ahura mazda, and as many plagues created by angra mainyu.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

1. ahura mazda spoke unto spitama zarathushtra, saying: i have made every land dear (to its people), even though it had no charms in it: had i not made every land dear (to its people), even though it had no charms in it, then the whole living world would have invaded the airyana vaeja (abode of the aryans).

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

2. the first of the good lands and countries which i, ahura mazda, created, was the airyana vaeja, by the vanguhi daitya. thereupon came angra mainyu, who is all death, and he counter-created the serpent in the river and winter, a work of the daevas.

3. there are ten winter months there, two summer months; and those are cold for the waters, cold for the earth, cold for the trees. winter falls there, the worst of all plagues. [hum 35: “ten are there the winter months, two the summer months,


and even then [in summer] the waters are freezing, the earth is freezing, the plants are freezing; there is the center of winter, there is the heart of winter, there winter rushes around, there (occur) most damages caused by storm.”]


oh! are you still here? if you made it this far, congratulations!

you can find security footage from march 2022 of russian soldiers shooting two ukrainian civilians with their backs turned (this aired on the clown news network, known as cnn):


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

cnn is owned by news corps. the owner is jewish. many jews are in management positions at cnn. this is normal for the usa and many other “western” countries. even russia suffers from this problem, as well as much of eastern europe.


jewish media ownership:


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

times of israel article – jews do control the media:


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

another infograph illustrating jewish media control:


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean
gestapo mcstupid

soon enough.. .


your problem:

“just as the night rises against the day, the light and dark are in eternal conflict. so too, is the subhuman the greatest enemy of the dominant species on earth, mankind.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

the subhuman is a biological creature, crafted by nature, which has hands, legs, eyes and mouth, even the semblance of a brain. nevertheless, this terrible creature is only a partial human being.

although it has features similar to a human, the subhuman is lower on the spiritual and psychological scale than any animal. inside of this creature lies wild and unrestrained passions: an incessant need to destroy, filled with the most primitive desires, chaos and coldhearted villainy.


a subhuman and nothing more!

not all of those, who appear human are in fact so. woe to him who forgets it! every great creation, idea, and artistic expression on this planet were brought forth by real man. it was this true man that thought to invent and to create. it is for him there is only one objective:


to pave the way to a higher form of existence, to give shape to the endless nothing, to make progress on the elusive quest for continuous improvement.

thus evolved culture.


so just as the plough, modern tools and the concept of hearth and home helped to form human society and create the family, the people and the state. so then must mankind become good and great, rising above all other living creatures. dwelling in the realm of god!

however, alongside mankind dwells the subhuman.


this subhuman hates all that is created by man. this subhuman has always hated man, and always secretly sought to bring about his downfall, first like a thief, and then like a brazen killer.

the subhuman is united with his peers. like beasts among beasts, never knowing peace or calm. the subhuman thrives in chaos and darkness, he is frightened by the light. these subhuman creatures dwell in the cesspools, and swamps, preferring a hell on earth, to the light of the sun.


in these swamps and cesspools the subhuman has found its leader: the eternal jew! jews understand the desires and needs of their fellow creatures. jews endeavors to corrupt & manipulate this horror of inhumanity until they are rallied towards a common goal in the destruction of true man.


beginning as early on as the destruction of persians (biblical book of esther), jews glorify this destructive act. honoring it; declaring the holiday purim to celebrate the organized mass murder of 75,000 aryan persians, who died as victims of jewish hatred & evil.

even now, world jewry still glorifies this terrible act – as its greatest religious holiday.


the eternal hatred of the subhuman for mankind exists; they envy the clean and noble character of man. so they have tried to destroy what they hate, and from out of the vast deserts and endless steppes they have gathered hordes of their huns whose leaders attila the hun,


and genghis khan descended on western civilization bringing with them violence, fire and death, to every part of europe they came.

the subhuman hordes would stop at nothing in their bid to overthrow the world of light and knowledge, to bring an apocalypse to all human progress and achievement.


their only goal is to make a desert wasteland of any nation or race that shines with creativity, goodness and beauty.

the only goal of the subhuman is chaos.


so for millennia this law of nature, the conflict between man and his anti-man, the subhuman has occurred. over and over a new attila the hun, and new genghis khan, appears at the gates of europe attempting to wreak havoc and destruction on mankind and his creations.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

but today bolshevism is the new attila, the personification of the subhuman horde and its destructive power! but bolshevism is not a phenomenon of just our time, not a product of our modern era. neither has bolshevism evolved within the framework of human history.


bolshevism is as old as the jew itself! lenin and stalin are only two who have prepared the way for this new horde!”

—der untermensch, 1942.


“when a nation loses its leaders by blood and violence, the next step becomes their state, then economic, cultural and spiritual slavery. all that remains of such a nation, tainted by the mixing of blood and race, is the feeling of lost identity. they lose their own unique significance, and soon enough the nation ceases to exist. only those that can be preserved, untainted, can prove that this nation ever existed.”

— reichsführer-ss heinrich himmler 1935



1. tinyurl.com/2v45nexh

2. tinyurl.com/4wpf8d23

3. tinyurl.com/mr35vywv

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

the subhuman: tinyurl.com/5ww97r42

“nowhere in this ss pamphlet are the slavic peoples denigrated, and in fact many of the traditional slavic nations are mentioned in text and photograph as being part of the greater european family. european nations specifically mentioned in this book include portugal, spain, italy, france, belgium, the netherlands, denmark, norway, finland, italy, switzerland, slovakia, croatia, greece, bulgaria, hungary, and romania.”

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

anyone else who comments here is an imposter seeking to impersonate me. clearly they don’t think my comments are enough to discredit me. yuri/tom sawyer must impersonate me to discredit me. this would be unnecessary if i really were unreliable.

the odessa files

can’t wait to see the townfolk kicking the ukranazi occupiers down the potemkin stairs and out to sea.


not looking good for the us again (ukraine, israel, and kurdish) all losing hard.

it is all thanks to the us btw they hire the worse people lol.

Gneaus stapo

sure dawarish, especialy the idf is bleeding/ dieing like flies, the usa is too scared to do anything and especialy iran/ houtis are truely working on behave of bric nations. chinese are super happy their companies get paid later due to suez canal/ read sea problems disturbing trade, saudis also super happy, nothing is as good for safe passage of super oil tankers than shia houtis reenacting pirates of the carribean, ups red sea.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gneaus stapo
Gneaus stapo

and they play really well, because they hired the best actor in the world, volodimir zelenska! if he makes problems, get the best boxer in the world, vitali klitschka, and then he will fight zelenska! the russians are laughing their heads off about it and the ukros are winning the war.


Gneaus stapo

then zelenska becomes the king of russia and sings the japanese national anthem backwards every night. then he refuels his polski fiat and drives comfortably to the crimea, drinking a huge liter of sparkling wine

Gneaus stapo

and if zelenska does not die, then he lives forever


Gneaus Stapo

i sniff coke with zelensky and hunter then we do the hank panky the gay rothchilds and baruchs like to watch us.


it is nothing compared to the amount of death the vile idf inflicted upon the palestinians.


the houthis did attack the us navy’s surface vessels and international shipping.

on the bright side, the us military will begin to look more like sudan’s:

report: u.s. army sees ‘sharp decline’ in white recruits


Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

“white men no longer want to join the army to fight israel’s wars and spread lgbtqism throughout the world.

call it “white rage” if you must, we’re just not going to sign up is all (hahahaha!)…

far be it from us to take away opportunities from bipocs and lgbtqs who have been waiting decades to be fully represented on the frontlines!”


“in 2018, 56.4% of new recruits were categorized as white. in 2023, that number had fallen to 44%. during that same five-year period, black recruits have gone from 20% to 24% of the pool, and hispanic recruits have risen from 17% to 24%, with both groups seeing largely flat recruiting totals but increasing as a percentage of incoming soldiers as white recruiting has fallen.”

gestapo mcstupid

nauseous gestapo lost the plot again, time for a tantrum.

kuleba's kiss of death

right after davos, zelensky hopped on a plane to medellin to ask the narco cartel bosses to send more foot soldiers to him for live fire practice. also, to replenish his yayo stock.

Last edited 1 year ago by kuleba's kiss of death

“karate buryat”

if you see any double commenting from me, it means the orange text “awaiting approval” disappeared.

all my links are 100% virus-free

dgd.goodkidsgame. com/detail/coco_15947

this is my last comment under this article here. anymore under my name and jens holm are merely trolls impersonating me.

gestapo mcstupid

ok shawn, u are obviously a very important person in ur own diseased mind.


then simply stop posting bullshit while impersonating me. stop pretending to be multiple people you kike.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean


scientists discover gene that predisposes ashkenazi jews to schizophrenia variations of the dnst3 gene make ashkenazi jews 40 percent more likely to develop schizophrenia and similar diseases.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sean

“all my links are 100% virus-free”

you really are a desperate turd.


why all hillbilly in poko molo trailer park call you yawn?


you say that while forgetting about the hicks that reside in russia’s underdeveloped, rural areas that resemble third world countries.


obvious moron hillbilly poko molo amerikan knows zero about russia–can hardly write amerikan language, no other


the karate buryat thing was a frozen corpse of a russian soldier that got stuck in a weird position. a buryat is a mongolic ethnic group from tuva or something.


there is a way for russia to stop these attacks from ukraine

carpet bomb dneipro the israelis are showing you the way russia and netanyahu is such good friends with putin it shouldn’t be a problem

Gneaus Stapo

even my dumb ass knows that’s not true. stop sniffing my coke

jens holm

russian dont have that many carpets.


holm the village idiot

jens holm

they are prepared.

they has slepp too much and are board.

all has extra cameras for russian long distance zig with only one leg.


sniffing glue bad for jens dementia

jens holm

glue gud–my astrologer sell me half price cuz i poor retired janitor

jens holm

any lgbt here that can send me used condom?

Donald Moore

a new industry that zelensky has started, making shovels since they are much cheaper then rifles and they need no ammo! they can also be used to dig foxholes and a burial plot when he or she dies!

Last edited 1 year ago by Donald Moore
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