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MARCH 2025

Kiev’s Kamikaze Strategy

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Kiev’s Kamikaze Strategy

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Kiev’s Kamikaze Strategy
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Kiev’s Kamikaze Strategy

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The Kiev regime risks to lose a major battle in the Media, as Ukrainian fighters in Mariupol are surrendering en masse. Amid the image of coward Russian soldiers, Ukrainian servicemen are treated well and receive all necessary medical assistance as Prisoners of War.

So far, thousands of Ukrainian servicemen have surrendered to Russian forces in Mariupol.

The most massive surrender since the beginning of hostilities in the city took place on April 12. More than 1,000 Marines of the Armed Forces of Ukraine voluntarily laid down their weapons.

The Russian Ministry of Defence reported that as a result of successful offensive actions of the Russian armed forces and militia units of the Donetsk People’s Republic, 1,026 Ukrainian servicemen of the 36th Marine Brigade voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered.

The Ukrainian military defended one of the two main centers of resistance, the Ilyich plant.

Among the surrendered servicemen of the Ukrainian armed forces, there are 162 officers, as well as 47 female servicemen.

151 wounded Ukrainian servicemen of the 36th Marine Brigade received primary medical care on the spot, after which they were all taken to the Mariupol City Hospital for treatment.

The surrendered Ukrainian military are informally interviewed by military correspondents on the ground. Ukrainian soldiers deny the use of chemical weapons by the Russian military against them.

The day before, the remnants of Ukrainian troops surrounded on the territory of the “Illicha” plant made an unsuccessful attempt to break out of the city.

A group of up to 100 Ukrainian soldiers on armored vehicles tried to fight their way out of the plant and leave the city in a northern direction. Air and artillery strikes foiled this breakthrough attempt. According to the Russian MoD, 42 Ukrainian servicemen voluntarily laid down their arms and surrendered.

Another large group of Ukrainian servicemen surrendered on April 4. 267 soldiers and officers of the 501 Independent Battalion of the Ukrainian Navy laid down weapons in Mariupol. The battalion was assigned to the 36th Independent Marines Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy. The unit lost more than 50% of its personnel killed and wounded in the fighting for Mariupol.

Ukrainian groups are breaking up daily one after another. The soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine do not know what to do with the wounded, do not understand where to turn and what to do next, because resistance is useless, and there are practically no combat forces left. Despite the main nationalist forces hiding in the Azovstal plant, there are only some groups left, afraid to go out with a white flag to the Russian troops.

In its turn, Russian MoD, DPR and LPR military officials, as well as reporters on the spot are actively sharing information about the treatment of the Ukrainian servicemen being held. They are not tortured, not mocked on. They receive all necessary assistance in Russian hospitals in Mariupol and nearby towns.

The Russian MoD had also secured am humanitarian corridor for soldiers of the AFU territorial defense units and foreign mercenaries to leave the encircled areas of Mariupol.

Russian units are regularly addressing Ukrainian fighters, calling on them to lay down their weapons peacefully.

The head of Chechnya Ramzan Kadyrov addressed those who are still hiding in the basements and tunnels of the Azovstal plant: “you know that we treat prisoners well. Come out! Think about your own and other people’s families, like more than a thousand of your Marines did today.”

While the Ukrainian military is surrendering en masse in Mariupol, Kiev is provoking Ukrainian soldiers remaining in the city to attempt escapes and counter-offensives, promising them military assistance outside the city. In fact, by sending Ukrainian soldiers to commit suicide.

Kiev needs heroes — not just heroes but martyrs, which means dead.  Its tactics are aimed at maintaining the image of terrible, cruel Russians. Surrender greatly affects the readiness of the army to stand “to the last Ukrainian.”

Even failed attempts to break through are presented as a symbol of perseverance and an example of how to die for the motherland. Nazi fighters hiding in Azovstal are waiting for the fate of great martyrs and heroes, following the example of some kind of Ukrainian “heavenly company”.

Nevertheless, after it became obvious that nothing threatens the Ukrainian soldiers in captivity, the number of surrendered has increased tenfold, whole units are laying down their weapons.

However, neither the Ukrainian nor the world media pay attention to this, because Kiev keeps on announcing new victories daily. Zelensky is silent about the defeat of the Ukrainian army in Mariupol, but proudly declares the detention of the pro-Russian politician Medvedchuk, already making demands to the Kremlin for his exchange.

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Good video recap.

Last edited 2 years ago by Justaguy

Ukrops lose more men in Mariupol alone in a single day than Russia in the entire conflict, with over 1000 captured and 500+ killed Ukrop bots: w-w-e’re winning dude trust me.


Your a loser pufta,nothing more too add and all your mi6 fake mates,mat rot in ternal hell,liars!

Islam is a scourge and a menace

They forment trouble.

Nome de Plume

They foment trouble. They ferment in their own juices and they foretell their own demise.

Islam is a scourge and a menace

They aspire to be terrorists.

Cheryl in San Francisco

And child traffickers, and organ harvesters.


They are ISIS practically. After all it was clear from day one that ISIS was just a brand name for everyone to use in their clandestine activities. In the case of the ukrops, these activities are not so clandestine and even State approved.


USA killing Muslims. Impérialisme kill Muslims. Nato kills Muslims, so they kill so asiates, christians in africaine, asia, midlle East and now in Russia. US impérialisme make troubles and war everywere in the World


ah yes, nothing like being treated ‘nicely’ after having your country invaded, this russian propaganda is so full of shit its amazing

The Objective

Your mouth is so full of shit it’s amazing. actually it’s just revolting.

Last edited 2 years ago by The Objective

oh no did i hurt your feelings? go complain to the mothers of all those dead russians left behind after the withdrawl from kiev


Het p00f,the only ones feeling whoms hurt are you and your sodomised satanic losers, dont insult higher intellects here and learn to show some respect for the fallen ye maggot!

The maharaja

Did you not see the irony in picking the name r”ussianmom” then like a dumb fuck tell someone to “go complain to a “russianmom” ? SO question are you always this fucking retarded or do you actually try and push it for some shock factor? Fucking idiot!


Shut your mouth, your président is a clown. Hé loves cocaïne and young Boys. He cry and he need too much money for his sad movie,

Aunt Polly

This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. John 3: 19


the light must have come in through the invasion LOL


What god wants,god gets pathogen poof,fuckoff ok,your bio weapon labs are all doomed! GO HOME MI6 P00FS!

Nome de Plume

Truth hurts. You’ll get over it.


you mean like the truth of how the russians withdrew from kiev and chernihiv regions ahahah southfront was scared to show it on the map, then the russian army took months to take a city while outnumbering the defenders over 10 to 1, that might take some time for you to get over


Get over it p00fter,no ones gonna die in vain for you assflogged mi6 media faggot gimps!

Don Scrotus

Russianmom states resolution of perplexing interrogatory with contribution of oligarchical subtext. Passion of zealous compartments focus on glorified agnostics. Also, big fan of anal.


they didnt attempt to take the city. operation hasnt been ongoing for months. ukraine has no army left


In Ukrain are British , germans israéliens, georgians, Canadians, and aller the smala of the nato gang, ukrainians have 100000 anti-tanks, and billions of amunition And Europa pays for that. They have 600000 soldiers+mercenaries from 63 countries. Russia have100000 soldiers in ukrain. And they have destroyed Nato and ukrainian army, the navy, Aviation, missiles, s300, and tanks, and hollytzers, Ukrainian Army is broken liké the brain of zelensky with alcool and drugs like said Lavrov. And russian are very cleaver


in angola they use stupid nazi like you for nursemaid


im still trying to figure out if your actually pro russian or are just on here pretending to be one to embarrass them


Great observation ;)


Russia values ukranian lifes more than you degenerate homosexual aids infested gutless ponders! fuckoff pufta,do you honestly believe your more important than any ukranian or russian? GETA LIFE!


ukraine fucked about the found out lol

got beasted by russian army

Pure Ideology Chips

ah oh, sadly we still remember how the great hero Mr.Bandera treated us in 1942. given a chance we would be happy to take back lwów.


Poles are not interested in taking Ukrainian cities – stop pretending you are Polish!


Of course Kiev’s regime prefers mistreatment of prisoners of war. Not just they are sick haters but they hope by abusing Ru pow’s in return Russians will abuse Ukr pow’s so they choose death over surrender. Russian reaction is smart: by treating Ukr well they only encourage more of them to surrender.


I think that the Kiev-junta knows full well that this war already is lost and that Ukraine probably will be cut in half (at least) when they have to surrender, something that will happen very soon. They still cling on to that ridiculous notion that they through some miracle will be able to win. The facts tell a different story : Russia is far superior at every level. The people of Europe are not prepared to join the fighting and risk retaliation. All they dare to do is to send some blankets, clothes and first aid, and if they are think they can get away with it perhaps some weapons. The only weapon the junta has at present is the press, TV and propaganda machine. So you are right, the evil Kiev-usurpers will even kill thousands of their own people just to blame Russia for the dirty deeds they themselves have committed. It is absolutely disgusting.


We are sending arms. We’ll send thousands of Javelins, Stingers, suicide drones. We are also sending old tanks, AA, artilery. This will be mass produced. Eat this russians.

Pure Ideology Chips

mass produced? you mean the bmp-1 produced by the annexed DDR? or the oldest version T-72 left in those ex-warsaw pact countries? humorous indeed.


sick haters? have you seen this comments section its riddled with anti semites and people calling for the carpet bombing of ukrainian cities, u must be new here, and yes they were treated so well with that invasion and all they must just love the russians by now LOL


At least they weren’t shit in the feet, knees and groins to prevent them from running before they were tortured for hours before being executed! Putin so far is the only one who has shown integrity, honesty, courage, mercy or even concern for all parties involved!






lier? https://southfront.org/execution-of-russian-pows-by-afu-and-georgian-fighters-on-march-30-video-21/


The russians just need to rain more missiles on ukrops, especially the nazi battalions and the political centers.


I think we’re seeing an accelerated decline of the ukranian army.

Nome de Plume

Problem is the creeps at NATO HQ might be lured into mission creep, all the way to armageddon.

I expect the Ukranazis to encourage them to everyone’s very last breath. After all, what do they have to lose.


take a look at the map… they have barely made any progress in weeks


donbass is secured, ukraine is demilitarised, denazification of ukraine is going well.

are you confused or ignorant of the mission objectives ?


By denazification you mean removing anti Russians from Ukrsine. Now, the entire world is anti russian. How this was your objective?


Too much CNN for you, Oy! Or are you an ABC worshipper?


Their objective was to secure the Donbass area. And look at the map, that’s exactly what they’ve done. If you would have paid attention, the goal was not to take over the country as the media wants you to believe. With the Donbass secured, the dpr and lpr have a strong position in any upcoming peace talks or negotiations. On the other hand though, if the map is mostly the same for “weeks”, it also means the nazi’s didn’t make any progress either, so what’s your point exactly?


It is always best to avoid war and everything that follows the start of warfare. I am an American and a military veteran (US Army) of twenty (20) years. It really is best to avoid war, but I understand that people in the southern US States still refer to our Civil War (1861-1865) as “the War of Northern Aggression”.

The slave-keepers wanted to keep their slaves, so they blame people who did not accept slavery for starting that war and still think of the Northern Army General T. Sherman as a war criminal.

There was a war going on in Ukraine for eight (8) years before anyone started talking about it in the US or Western Europe, now most people around me just line up as cheerleaders for the Ukrainians who rioted and forced out the legally elected government that was in office 8 years ago. Research “Revolution of Dignity” and “Euro-Maiden” movement. There were a lot of complaints of genocide against Russian speaking Ukrainians over that 8-year period…but not very much of that was in western news? This is what happened in the 1930’s, the world watched and saw the Nazi’s come to power in Germany and chose to do nothing and when Russia was attacked Russia lost about 27 million people. It just looks to me like this time the denazification had to be a Russian led effort before the Nazis were so powerful that the whole world was at war again.

It’s not about Putin or Zelenskyy and (AZOV 30B) probably would not have let Zelenskyy stick to the “Minsk Agreement” even if he tried.

I spent too many years in the US Army to believe everything I hear on any news station, without fact-checking for myself.


words of wisdom yours, for sure.


The western MSM propaganda in these days resembles the Gerbil propaganda of 1930s-1940s


solid points




nato is controlling ukr and zelenski. nato trained them azovs, funny ukr people dont see they are being used. guess the ukr have a cultured hate of russians that nato globalists are exploiting.

be careful of hate look how blind it can make you.


I can see no problem with NATO training all Ukraininan males (several millions of them) to fight Russians and supplying them with arms. Russians terrorized Europe for decades so this is a payback time. Javelins, Stingers, drones cost very little and can be mass produced. And small disclaimer – I’m not really typical prowar in my country. I’m actually member of political party in my country generally seen and criticized as being too soft on Russians. Just few months ago I personally didn’t really object against Russian occupation of Crimea or Donbas. However, the time has changed. I think it is suitable time now to teach Russians a very valuable historical lesson.

Last edited 2 years ago by datrum

dickhead, this mission is about protecting Donbass so if u dont really object to that then wht lsson are you wanting to teach?

‘we support you and will ruin you for your actions?’ that the lesson?

Russia Parade in Kiev

“protecting donbass”… In two months Russian aspirations were reduced from Global Superpower that had technical-military means to push back NATO to before 97 borders – to Regional Power trying to survive.


Thank you for you service and insight Sir


Not sure how much experience you have with Soviets and Russians but historically they consider all eastern Europe and central Europe as their own. Most people here are really scared of Russians. I have to admit that some people here admire communists and Russians and most would not fight. On the other side once Ukrainians started to resist Russian occupation nearly everyone is happy to support them. For this reason as long as Ukrainians keep fighting they will be flooded with europeans with arms Europeans are scared to death by russians. And this is not some irrational fear but historical experience. Poles, Slovaks, Czechs, Germans and even Hungarians experienced Russians first hand. Ukrainians are fighting also for them.


Exactly the proof is there for their eyes but Putin followers dear or are incapable of accepting the truth, they are like any terminal sick person in a state of denial. Put your self the question ; Why are all those former vassal states of Russia: Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Poland, Finland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania, Kazakhstan, Azarbeidjan, Croatia, Bosnia,( both under Yugoslavian flag but controled by Moscow puppy Tito from 1945 untill 1980-90) Mongolia so fanatically against Russia even after threats from all hands? Because it was so good to live under Russian occupation? Or are they just happy to be out from under the Russian yoke? Do any of you Putin whiners know? Probably, but saying so is probably worth 15 years in prison. Kneel and pull down your trousers Russian bastards.


For whining, your dribble fits the bill. Go join your bros in Mariupol before it comes to you, coward.


That’s nothing compared to what awaits you, scared little nazi.


civil war was not fought to free slaves in america


Correct but suits his claims beter, as its name is not Frank but it sells beter.


Better, wanker.


Russia joined Nazi to attack Poland! – molotov, ribbentrop – anything? Jeez!


Treating their prisoners well helps to shatter the dreams of the Nazis. They have been carrying much in dreams, and now they get to add some experience. I still hope Nazis get executed in tribunals, too.

Last edited 2 years ago by Markgm
Nome de Plume

What sort of horror show would pass as a dream for a Ukranazi? I don’t think I even want to speculate.


Nazis are being executed on the streets. And their bodies destroyed. This is the rule. No mercy for nazis and foreign mercenaries.


warning issued to ukcappystan yesterday–more ukrappy attacks on Russian soil will incur direct bombing missile attacks on kiev and ukrop decision makers—no more compassion for the stupid nazis


Bombing is irrelevant. There is nothing much in Ukraine to be destroyed. Most children and women have been evacuated to the west. Not many factories are working there any more. Mostly farms which are hard to be bombed. Ukr army is dispersed with very little heavy weapons. It is mostly man pads now. So we just need to mass produce manpads and suicide drones and send them to Ukraine to molest Russians. This can go on for years or decades. Sooner or later Russians will run. they run from Kyiv and they will run from Donbas.

Last edited 2 years ago by datrum

In Your dream, crazy monkey

Mexican Statesman

Ukranian women and widows will need husbands and boyfriends and friends. That is what the gay Zelensky doesn’t tell you


Women and widows are very well cared for while men fight. We have millions of them in EU countries. I think they are better off than russian widows.


lol u put ‘i think’ into that sentence, funny guy


Captured Ukrainian soldiers should be treated according to the Geneva convention agreement, but the foreign mercenaries should be executed on the spot.




Too confusing.


And foreign invaders ? Fed at the swines? Kanibalism again?

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

Jizzrag, even the American press is warning readers not to believe this Ukrotard fairy tales. You dolts have finally jumped the shark. “Be skeptical. Ukrainian sources more than once have reported hits on Russian warships blockading Odessa and other ports since Russia widened its war on Ukraine starting the night of Feb. 23.” https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/04/13/the-ukrainians-claim-they-damaged-a-russian-cruiser-be-skeptical/?sh=53bc0a3b3971


Getting better by the every day. Tower of lies is crumbling




Besieged the azovstal plant and starve them out or tear gas them out .

Thomas Turk

I read the nasty Rushans are bringing up fire engines, to pump sea water down thru the steel work air vents, so the brave Ukies, Azos, Yanks et al will have to swim out to leave their HQ, biolabs.. whatever. C’est la vie, c’est la morte. C’est la guerre.


Ordinary Ukrainian soldiers are not the enemy as they are just following orders or have been mislead by the Governments psyops run over past years. It’s the hardcore Nazis and the sociopath parasites – those that try to profit off the backs of ordinary Ukrainians, that are the end targets. This includes most of the current command, government and slimy oligarchs and their mafia who are headed to the gallows.

Those that have profiteered from the war, looted, killed civilians or used them as hostages / human shields are going to be sent to a very dark place in a very frightening way. For that lot, there is no need to surrender, Russia will hunt you down with no remorse.


You are really funny. Now tell me why russians always go to places where they don’t like them. That is the reason why EU will gladly supply as many arms as Ukrainians will ask for. This was will go on for a very long time and many thousands of russians are going to die for Putin and for nothing. It is already worse than Afganistan. Tell me, how many lifes and years you need before Russia runs from Ukraine. Will 100 000 young russian men and 10 years be enough or you need more?


Right. Afghanistan – remember?

Russians, new underclass of the World… always poor, always obey tsar or other dictator… unbelievable


The new underclass? That’s Australia, the U.S.’s new bun-wiper.

John Tosh

Through Russia comes hope of the world.

Vladimir Putin - Leader of the Free World

They are the only major power to push back against Globo Homo and the NeoCon Rodents. Not perfect by any means but at least a formidable force for sanity and tradition.


Well, I don’t like EU and I don’t like Biden. I admired Putin for he gave up Ukraine and took only Donbas and Crimea. Now look what you have done to me. I support sending arms to Ukraine to fight Russia. Everyone in EU is supporting Ukrainians. Mark my words, there will be lot of arms send to Ukraine and tens of thousand of russians are going to die for nothing. Maybe hundred of thousands. Sad but inevitable.

Last edited 2 years ago by datrum

The arms you pissants send will be returned in kind, mark it.


Thank you for persisting to provide an important voice.

Here in Australia we have an echo chamber broadcasting a singular narrative. We are told how everything is Putin’s fault. That Russians are evil, probably drug lords, and along with China, soon perhaps India, too, are all vilified for not stepping into line, according to the US demand for their rules based order.

I for one, do not accept that narrative infact I reject it outright as propaganda. That is a deeply felt loss, of a kind, to see clearly that the democracy and freedom I enjoy is not what it seems. That censorship fell on those whom voice dissenting viewpoints, almost overnight, an information dome lowered from above keeps us isolated, and is clearly a contradiction of the very principles they claim to respect. Nevertheless it an untenable and ultimately destructive of democracy itself.

Perhaps I am reading this wrong but I am inclined to say this War might well be know to history as the First Climate war of the twenty first century.

Oh, if I try to post any links connecting to Southfront, it is summarily blocked. The only way to get around that censorship sometimes means screen recording and posting with a source reference. I hope that is okay?


Yes, you are right. There is heavy propaganda in EU and western world. But, Russia is even worse. But I don’t agree that this is climate war. No, this is just old time school Russian invasion like so many before. This time Putin bit off bigger piece than he can swallow. That is all. Instead of Iraqis or Syrians, Russians will die in thousands this time. That’s the only difference. I’m very glad that my people are not dying. To keep it that way we just need to sand shit load of arms to Ukraine. That’s all.


“I’m very glad that my people are not dying. To keep it that way we just need to sand shit load of arms to Ukraine. That’s all.” With morals like that, you’ve already dug your grave… just jump in.


Interestingly enough, most of the people in West don’t trust mass media when they talk about domestic politics. They know that mass medias are government’s puppets. But with foreign news most of people are happy to follow the media narratives: “We are the good guys, so you are the good guy too and West is the best.”


Question : Why would Russian allow for Foreign Mercenaries to leave any areas ???

Instead of taking them for immediate Court Martial

There is also a report that some of those captured in Mariupol among the Marines are from the United Kingdom have they been identified???

Will their names be released ???

The maharaja

They will be released to a point. If they think they are in danger of being sent to Siberia would you lay down your weapon? If you thought you would be shot? Would you lay down your weapon. The idea here is they are released they go back if they fight again its one man? maybe a few not going to sway things . However when they tell everyone they were let go makes everyone really consider dropping their guns instead of fighting it out. Thats the idea and like I said to a point. Then it may change.


Russia cheats and is unreliable remember the thousands killed in the human corridor at the Iloviask train junction, Donbas. Agreed passage by the Russians on their word of “honour” to be killed. And the Cossack 46.000 returned by the Britse WWII to be killed by the Russians, 4.000.000 women raped in Berlin WWII 10% shot afterwards, the 40.000 Polish officers shot in Katyn and trayed to blame the Germans how did no such things. and lot of others


You know Berlin is a city not a country? Try again.

Last edited 2 years ago by CrniBlack

There are very few if any. Maybe dual citizenship? Ukrainians don’t need foreign soldiers. Maybe for training or operating high tech weapons. Why they would be in Mariupol?


Thank you Russia for being kind to surrendering Ukrainian soldiers. That shows true honor and compassion not shown to Russia during WWII. Not seeking revenge is the measure if a man. Once the American people wake up and cast aside their evil leaders, Russia and America will become the greatest of friends. Good Intellectuals and artists already are. As an American artist I work closely with 5 Russians and I love them. American/Russian brotherhood is unchangeable destiny soon approaching as we enter the age of Aquarius. The Cold War ends soon. Pray.

Last edited 2 years ago by Sebastian

Agree. If Biden and Putin go to hell the world would be much better place. And they can take all EU officials with them.

Last edited 2 years ago by datrum

There was no Russia during WWII. There was Soviet Union back then. Russia and USSR – different type of governance – not the same thing

Gorgeous George

The Russian MoD had also secured am humanitarian corridor for soldiers of the AFU territorial defense units and foreign mercenaries to leave the encircled areas of Mariupol.

You must be kidding.


They used that tactics in Syria. Maybe Putin is not that stupid and he is happy with what he has now. There might not be any further russian offensive. Now, it is up to Ukraininans to be on offense. We’ll see how it goes. They have years or decades to play this out.

Last edited 2 years ago by datrum

Humanitarian corridor for soldiers of the AFU territorial defense units and foreign mercenaries all the way to Siberia


Great men and women, only surrendered because they lack weapons. This is no defeat this is a victory parade of the will and honour and love against the war criminality, and indiscriminated sacrifice of own Russian boys. They held up the “world power” for nearly 2 months. It is avictory Russia never can claim without showing their failure. Something els then https://t.me/c/1736151536/4935

Last edited 2 years ago by Johan

You Ukro-Nazi lovers are truly delusional.


Okay expert


senile nazi upset–loser cry

John wood

This is now a Russia USA war in all but name China and non aligned state need to support Russia USA know if they loose Ukraine that’s it’s for their unipolar world where they dominate and continue to bully everyone else


Most probable they remember the Russian deceit and lies , example the murdering on the Ilovaisk train junction and others, the kossacks in Linz Austria myrdered by ten thousands. The treachery and murdering by Russian of Ukraine soldiers passing threw a humanitaire corridor out of Ilovaisk train junction.


You wrote “female servicemen”. It is biologically impossible because there are no female men. You should have written simply servicewomen.

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