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Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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On the night of May 16, Russian forces launched another massive attack on the military facilities of the AFU in Ukraine. According to Ukrainian reports explosions thundered in the capital, as well as in the Kiev, Kharkiv, Kramatorsk and Cherkasy regions.

The main direction of the recent attack was the Ukrainian capital Kiev, where the air defence systems provided by NATO states was active for several hours. The head of the local military administration called the attack on the city “exceptional in its density”. “The maximum number of attacking missiles” was recorded in a short time period.

The Kiev regime traditionally claimed that all Russian drones and missiles were intercepted, including several Kinzhal and Kalibr missiles.

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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According to the official statement Ukrainian Air Force intercepted all:

  • 6 Kinzhal ballistic missiles;
  • 9 Kalibr cruise missiles;
  • 3 ballistic/anti-aircraft missiles (to be defined);
  • 6 Shahed 136/131 strike UAVs;
  • 3 UAVs (Orlan, SuperCum).

While the military authorities claim that they miraculously intercepted 18 Russian missiles, the mayor of Kiev confirmed several strikes in the city, which allegedly resulted in some minor damage. According to mayor Klychko, several explosions thundered in the Solomenskiy district of the capital. Russian drones were reportedly intercepted in the Darnitsky district and near Boryspil. As a result, several cars caught fire in the city, a building was damaged and wreckage of several missile fell on the local zoo in Shevchenko district. He calmed down the world which is closely following the military developments in the country, assuring the public that “none of the animals and workers were injured. Now anti–stress measures are being carried out with four-legged friends,” – Klitschko.

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

Ukrainian officials published photos of the burning cars to hide the real losses

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

Ukrainian officials have published photos of burning cars to hide the real losses

Now, when our dear readers do not worry about the animal in the zoo, they can read the truth about the latest Russian strikes.

On the morning of May 16, the Russian Ministry of Defence reported:

Last night, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation launched a massive strike with high-precision long-range air and sea-based weapons at the locations of the AFU units, as well as storage sites for ammunition, weapons and military equipment delivered from Western countries.

The target of the strike has been achieved. All assigned objects are hit.

A high-precision strike by a hypersonic missile system “Kinzhal” in the city of Kiev hit the Patriot anti-aircraft missile system manufactured by the United States.

The destruction of the US-made Patriot system was filmed by one of the cameras in Kiev. The video clearly shows that the system makes about thirty launches per minute. The Patriot system is the only one deployed with the Ukrainian military capable to launch so many missiles. The deaths of US ‘military advisers’ who coordinate the operation of the advanced US weapons in Ukraine is also highly likely:

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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The video above also confirmed that several Patriot missiles failed to be launched properly and fell on the city streets. During the night strikes, numerous missiles of the Patriot and Iris air defense systems failed and fell in Kiev; they were found by the locals:

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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The head of the office of the President of Ukraine, asked not to film the work of the air defense. However, videos from Kiev confirmed that the Kiev regime was blatantly lying, hiding the heavy losses. Numerous targets were hit in the city:




Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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The Kiev residents who were proudly filming the work of the foreign air defence systems revealed the areas of their deployment. More “beautiful pictures” were published by Reuters:

Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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Kiev Lies, US Suffers Losses: Russian Missiles Destroyed Patriot System, Other Targets In Kiev

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The Kiev regime is traditionally lying about the situation in the country. Ukrainian authorities understand that the destruction of the Patriot air defense system is another heavy blow to the myth of the reliability of Western weapons. To hide the failure of the American air defense, Ukraine is creating legends about the interception of Russian hypersonic missiles. Let’s hope that at least the mayor of Kiev Klitschko did not lie that all the animals in the zoo are safe and sound and they receive all the necessary psychological assistance.


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it is important destroying nato toys but even more important to kill ukros. when russia kill 600 t or 700 t ukro nazis, that’s over…. the dead of a failed state, the last broken anglo toy.


indeed, while the western scumbags can spam out more equipment, they can’t easily replace dead mercenaries and nazis.


>missiles were intercepted, including several kinzhal

lmao you can really tell the ukro propagandists are coping and seething, they really dropped the ball on this one. no air defense system in the world can intercept a kinzhal but the ukro gov just went ahead and claimed it anyways lmfao. who the fuck even falls for their crap anymore.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

they never intercepted a single kinzhal. for days they lied how they intercepted one and then finally klitchko show “evidence”: something that not even remotely looks like kinzhal.


Last edited 1 year ago by Banderats

if they had genuinely intercepted one, it would be considered a great feat. i would get broadcasted on every single channel, 247 on a loop. yet all we get is crickets, zip, zilch, nada, null void.


maybe they could show the mathematical equation that makes it possible . lolz


klichko was a clown of kiev even before the clown of kiev.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон
jens holm

ukras only intercepted my dildo. i sent it to klit-schko for his birthday

Uncle Ho

zelensky was hoping for one so he could shove it up his ass and dance around in front of his fm olde men owners.


ukroid lies are absolute joke, they claim “6 kinzhals” (all missiles even we saw massive hits of the ground, they failed to censor all videos) but they also claim only 2 mig-31 were involved into attack. one mig can launch only one kinzhal!

ukroid stupidity only equals their insanity …


the audience for which this lie is intended, and which will pass, as all previous lies, such as the americans’ landing on the moon, have passed and persisted…


no flag draped casket($) headed for dover afb…

too expen$ive… especially when you are in this country illegally and have not “officially” declared war on it’s adversary through that governing body of international law that is an “absentee landlord”.

after 9/11/2001, gone is the ucmj and u.s. constitution that has etched on the $hit house walls of the u.$. supreme court that torture is “legal up to the point of organ failure”… -john yoo deputy assistant attorney general

Last edited 1 year ago by Matt

no flag draped casket($) headed


yes, but eu and usa are determined to send foreign soldiers, i mean nato soldiers. they have no plans to stop their hybrid war in u-kraine. only russia could stop them.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

gordana, fašista iz srbije? i vi bi osvajali susjede? pobjedili smo vas fašiste i boljševike više puta, i opet ćemo. živjela ukrjaina, europa i slobodni svijet.


jebala te ukrajina, majmune. jebala te ta tvoja europa, posebno zapadna iz čijeg šupka ti i plenki virite. živjela hrvatska, bez glupih, korumpiranih udbaških hdz svinja i veleizdajnika koija je opljačkala moju zemlju i raselila ju kuš pederu, ako tako voliš ukrajinu marš u bahmut, čujem azov treba topovskog mesa. ako te zanima fašizam/komunizam, kontaktiraj banske dvore. tamo je sve puno takvih.


are you are accusing serbs for fascism and bolshevism ? you sound like the prostitute who is teaching the honesty


russia won’t stop them, she wants them to keep coming so she can kill them. when they stop coming to kill russian families, then we will know the war in ukraine is close to the end, when russian forces will do their mop-up operations.


by stopping them i meant denazification and demilitarization of u-kraine. as putin stated. no other way to stop nazis. same should be done with nato and uk and eu.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana

yes you need 18 years for a new batch. for the dead gringos the dod regrets to inform their relatives that their sons died in a non existing war, like in laos in the 70’s. arlington could not care less, it’s his kid now, for eternity

Last edited 1 year ago by Oramerda

oh, that is what they are going for. the number 35 does not appear in military terms over and over again for no reason. in 2035 they want to built up a massive military, everything until then is preperation and intermedeate measures.


es imposible que ucrania pueda aguantar este tipo de guerra masiva el pais lamentablemente terminara borrado del mapa por culpa de eeuu inglaterra y las malas decisiones del pueblo ucraniano con lavado de cerebro de la cia y tavstok de inglaterra


not just ukros, patriots and other sophisticated western ad systems are operated by nato crews


by your mom 😂 your bullshit here is hillarious. 6 (six!!!!!!!) kinzhal were shot down- 100%. its such a embarassing disgrace for russia. even their best hightech is worthless against western technology operated by ukrainians. not much time left and russia will fall apart and is history. finally. thanks putin for doing everything to destroy this shithole and its culture.

Last edited 1 year ago by Daddy
Romanian yankee kurwa



glory to russia! saving the world from american nazis and their collaborationists!

Madam Defarge

yes. glory to russia.


we will never know the truth , both side lies


we’ll probably not know what exactly was hit but what we do know for sure is that at least several missiles hit their targets, despite the claims of the ukro military, as evidenced by the video. i’m not really sure why they keep making claims that can be debunked in all but 1 second but who am i to dictate how the ukrainian government should treat their cattle.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sunny

jiden lügen!

Madam Defarge

the ukraine citizens were told not to share videos or photos with anyone. that should tell you something about the lying, dying kiev make-believe “warlords.”


they intercept all my ass. apart from that that the morons reportedly shot some 30 patriots in the air, with each missile costs 2 million usd, to intercept shahab style 20k usd drones? lol


patriot launched all them intercepters and hit the grand total of fuck all.


“i”t looks as capital letters not working. “y”ou have error.

error could be corrected by editing comment. i. y.

Last edited 1 year ago by Gordana
jens holm

it seemes biassed , i will check on wikki. when i was married (yes, with a wuman ha ha), guys came to us fer threesome. we with wif enjoyed it. negroes too came. now i divorced, fer som years now. she stil meet the saime guys we used to fukk together. smart wuman

Madam Defarge

sorry. you won’t find “dear abby” here.


when they say they calmed the animals, i suspect they mean using a lead pill to the head. then probably feasted.

btw: where is waldo today?

AM Hants

same mayor of kiev, who was happy to show images of the miniature kinzhal missile, that they allegedly took down. a much smaller missile than what could be found on the russian jets. there again, isn’t he the same mayor, that nuland said was not the full ticket?


that witch nuland said to ambassador pyatt via phone call that shenko (poroshenko) will be president of nazist regime, yats (yatsenyuk) – pm and klich (klichko) – mayor of kiev. pyatt asked her about position of eu, “f**k the eu” – nuland answered, because klichko is agent of germany, and germany was promised to have more influence after the coup with higher rank for klichko. eu stays f**ked till present day and looks like having pleasure.

Last edited 1 year ago by Антон

sanatate curata! trebuie repetat zilnic tratamentul! tactica din wwll aduce victorie!


southfront is like the neighbour aunt, who speculates so much but doesn’t provide concrete evidence.

__ too many missiles were being launching, so it must be patriot.

__ there was an explosion in the site, so the patriot has been destroyed – of course, by russian hyper-dypersonic invincible, state-of-the-art missile.

Last edited 1 year ago by Sephiroth

thanks for the dislikes.

Sephiroth = Shithead

all military experts in the world agree it was pac (patriot battery) launching missiles, it cannot be anything else in ukro arsenal. even cnn. they didn’t confirmed the destruction of course but no one but you fucking idiot tries to deny it was pac


reuters also admitted something happened with patriots. they need a few days for damage control and to make some sci-fi story ghost of kiev style


if i was a russian nuclear strategist today, i would be very worried. you just received proof of concept that western air and missile defenses can intercept 100% of your tactical nuclear delivery vehicles (srbm, cm, aircraft) in a time-coordinated, multi-vector attack.


another pinocchio zelensky fan talking nonsenses and lies.

Sephiroth = Shithead

failed moron your baboon brain failed long time ago, the only thing ukroids intercepted was their own baryaktar 😀

they intercepted 0 kinzhals. 0

same as your iq

Last edited 1 year ago by Sephiroth = Shithead

patriot launches looks like a salvo of those homemade palestinians rockets used in the middle-east ghettos last week. wait …


autoreply but i came to some conclusions abounding to this first impressions : we saw a discharge fire before an impregnable hit. the good thing is it might have saved a bunch of civilians lives, the bad thing is they did it despite the costs to save what they could of the launch systems. my 2 cents , don’t worth more …


they would have a harder time intercepting 2 ton falling dumb bombs, numbering in the hundreds, dispatched via the bomb bays of strategic bombers.


russia should fire a volley of nuclear tipped icbms at ukraine to test whether russian nuclear deterrent can overcome western air defences. another benefit is that this propaganda war by both sides will come to a permanent stop.

Western Defector

ukrainokrops fucked in the ass!

Clown Z

ukraine propaganda is not even believable, not a chance they shot down all 18 missiles, if they shot down kinzhals then they need to show the debris.

Slava Cocaine

yeah they “intercepted 6 kinzhals”, while only two were launched lol… and at least one hit pac battery. looks like they all are crack addicts like their fuhrer osama zelenshitsky.


i think the reality is slowly sinking in here in the uk. we will be having our own regime change soon…

very soon these war mongers are going to be weaned of the appetite for war and lust for blood.

go on russia, majority of the the world’s population is rooting for you.. love ya.

i wish all the neo cons, neo liberals and least but not last, the neo nazi scums, could all converge in a single warehouse. for russia to take out with one shahed or two

AM Hants

only trouble, is the fact that until they fumigate westminster of all common purpose and wef graduate politicians, it does not matter who is leading the nation. we need vocational mps, who are banned from lobbying or being loyal to the lobbyists and globalist interests.

Britannia rules toilets swishes

shall i count the decades to uk’s regime change on my fingers or my fingers and toes?

brits are the dumbest sheeple on the planet. don’t flatter yourselves. the only worse sacrificial mutton are the ukrops themselves.

Pawel Pawel

die meisten tiere sitzen in der regierung und stadtverwaltung.

808 is from another planet

that’s panic firing of those missiles, reminds me of bagdad 03, the ukr air defence panicked.

hell even their minister is starting to sound like sadam’s information minister lol.


bwahahahah. grab your ankles, jewmerican filth. the revolting judeo-masonic empire of lies and hatred is crumbling on all fronts and from inside. no more defence for scum of the earth. seems like every single type and kind of the most “advanced” western air defences not only fail to protect targets but even being destroyed themselves all the time.


just foken scurry jewmerican filth from everywhere you’re at. running with tails between legs from afghanistan was just begining. the humanity will kicks you out of the middle east, europe, the pacific relatively soon, and then out of alaska and california ass kicking is a coming. scurry jewmerican filth , incineration is breathing down your cowardous, weak and stupid neck. fry.


just foken scurry jewmerican filth from everywhere you’re at. running with tails between legs from afghanistan was just begining. the humanity will kicks you out of the middle east, europe, the pacific relatively soon, and then out of alaska and california ass kicking is a coming. scurry jewmerican filth , incineration is breathing down your cowardous, weak and stupid neck. fry.


la otan esta metiendo armas masivas en enormes polvorines en polonia para ucrania con la tactica de la guerra eterna infinita como en siria esta guerra sera la mas masiva y fuerte de toda la historia en cuando a potencia de fuego desplegada no tendra igual a nada anterior aun la segunda guerra mundial

Last edited 1 year ago by ARMAGEDEON

i fell bad for the zoo animais tho…


patriots were sent to bandera 🔥🔥🔥

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