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Kiev Media Shared New Video Of Ukrainian Special Forces Fighting Wagner In Sudan

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Kiev Media Shared New Video Of Ukrainian Special Forces Fighting Wagner In Sudan

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Ukrainian media shared another video which is reportedly showing clashes between the special units of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine (GUR) and Wagner fighters in Sudan.

According to the anonymous sources, the fighting took place in late October or early November, presumably in Khartoum.

Earlier, Ukrainian and US sources shared more videos which were allegedly filmed by Ukrainian special services in Sudan. LINK, LINK



The footage raised doubts, since people on the videos could not be identified and the Ukrainian authorities have not officially recognized their participation in the fighting in Sudan. African sources suggest that the ongoing PR campaign was launched by the Sudanese military and the GUR after a series of painful defeats of the Sudanese army. It its turn, Kiev attempts to internationalize its conflict with Russia to gain more support from its Western patrons.

Given their number, the participation of Ukrainian specialists will not affect the situation in Sudan; Washington is yet to find money to pay Kiev for any operations in Africa. On the other hand, the video raised legitimate questions from Ukrainians, why are the special forces of the GUR fighting in Africa but not in Ukraine?!


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as far as western propagandists are concerned they only need a symbolic number of “ukrainian special forces” in order to peddle their lies to the gullible masses.

nazi regime from kiev can ill afford to play war games in africa while their own forces are systematically dismantled by the russians.


if ukrainians were incompetent, russia would not have lost control of anything near kiev. they would not have lost control over kherson city, and they would not have lost control over much of kharkiv oblast. russia couldn’t manage to takeover the city of kharkiv. both sides are fighting over specs of dirt in trench warfare reminiscent of world war 1 on the western front, the most static front of that particular war.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

a dozen posts in reply to my fifty words? not too obvious you are paid to be a clown here on sf? had you simply watched scott ritters documentary available here on sf you might just love zelensky a bit less, psycho.

jens holm

many know much more then you and even in detailed maps, photos and films from ww1 and ww2

i dont about replyes. i dont need that as support. i operate in facts.

well educated was not in front, og you dont dont have any.. the planners most likely never has been there. they dont has acces to simple maps or cant use them ass well.

ukras at kiev were clever and many. they just normal commen sense. you used butja.

jens holm

you still think we are of you by some mantra. we are only afraid for them, which wish to throm nukes. and much we have conytol

after several years af no real planning they expect second class ussr leftovers. very impressing that they and putin has ignored vital changes. not so many morons. he have only some.

jens holm

talibanned moron ameikan hillbilly ontologically insecure feminized irrelevant

jens holm

no me at all

captain hohol

look at this postmodern fag coping hard.

look, if kiev or the united states were competent they wouldn’t dumping billions into a war that ukraine is going to lose, leaving what remains of ukraine an eternal prostitute for the imf.


nerd, tell me more about all the decisive victories of the afu. oh, that’s right, they have none


actually ukrainians are incompetent. the only problem with this war is that it is artificially kept in a state of balance so that it can keep going for as long as was predetermined by the script. to end this war within a week, russia could simply destroy bridges on the dnipr and it would be over just like that. but they don’t and aren’t planning to, because the war is not meant to end.

Last edited 1 year ago by WINSTON

you are coping over the fact the russian army is not what it cracks itself up to be. it shares similarities to the ridiculously higher red army losses in equipment and manpower in comparison to the wehrmacht’s own casualties.


the eastern front had the most disproportionate military losses in germany’s favor. the explanation has less to do with german strength and competence and far more to do with the russian leader’s historical disregard for human life since the time of ivan the terrible.


nazis defeated humiliated by ussr…dumb hillbilly eric envious inferior

captain hohol

look at these hilarious and irrelevant historical arguments, ukraine is losing, they’re resorting to terrorism, the people of ukraine are having their souls sold to the eu only for what is left of ukraine to basically be invaded by forced immigration policies from the eu that will, and this is the best part, force all of those banderites and azovites to become aliens and enemies of their own government as they inevitably resort to terrorism to oppose the government they fought for.


if your internet was not strictly censored and if you tried to think more critically, you may someday notice ukraine’s government is by no means national socialist. their government structure is identical to the democracies found elsewhere in eastern europe, it has nothing comparable to the old soviet structure of lukashenko’s belarus.


moron eric exposes more stupidity

captain hohol

you’re right, and that’s why common ukrainians are in for a very miserable surprise, when their traitorous politicians whore out their country to eu practices that will result in that country being awash in unwanted migrants.


if you want a really bad take on what national socialism was, watch brandon martinez’ videos on odysee. i strongly dislike that guy. he is sometimes right, but he still lies about hitler a lot. the only difference is he lies to a far less degree than russia and any western country.


watch the bbc (british national tv channel) newsnight documentaries showing the problem with nazis in ukraine post 2014, they have actual swastikas and go into government meetings and tell them how to vote and take protection money from businesses and stuff. they are on youtube, this was before things like rt was taken off air and the bbc was ordered to start lying about ukraine.


richard tudor’s book ‘hitler’s revolution’ and alfred rosenberg’s ‘myth of the 20th century’ followed by some of the fascist material is where to go. read giovanni gentile’s ‘the doctrines of fascism’ and mussolini’s biography (the one he wrote). follow that up with sir oswald mosley’s ‘fascism: 100 questions asked and answered’.


“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen…” hunter thompson


but to be perfectly honest, you may never endeavor to read these books. pornographic pinups seem more your style. the various other fascist and ns authors you may never read, even if they were not censored wherever you live.


i just think you are a moron for thinking ukraine is a fascistic country, an ideology you are completely ignorant about, and would probably like if it were given a different name and aesthetic. if it were fascism with soviet iconography you wouldn’t tell the difference. your perception of fascism is essentially the banality of marxist-leninist ideology in practice and not in theory.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

amerika more fascist: “tsarist russia far more free and just than amerika where corporations rule and robbery and thievery is made official”. vissaron belinsky

Inspector Gadget

the americunt is well versed in giving fascism a happy smiley face 🙂 re-beanding — this is amerikkka in a nutshell. the world ain’t buying your shit, neo nazi scum. go join the front in ukraine. you’d fit right in with all the other half-wits.

captain hohol

nah that’s the hilarity, ukraine is run by shitbags who are doing the dirty work for international neoliberals, you have literal nazi sympathizers fighting for tranny book hour and rapey migrants on their streets.



oh that’s right, you actually think ukraine is doing what wagner did in africa. if russian state media told you the earth was being invaded by extraterrestrials, you might actually believe them for a short while. the problem is russians are dumber than americans, you all talk and act tough until push comes to shove and you get a black eye.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

more tantrums from senile hillbilly amerikan child

captain hohol

any american who isn’t a pussy knows that the american government is in the wrong, that the american government is run by evil neoliberals and that with the likes of hillary clinton saying that she wanted to start war with russia in 2016, we all know that it’s not for any good reason.

smart americans don’t want war with russia, because the smart americans along with the russians don’t want tranny book hour or pride parades or leftist progressive garbage in their schools.


if i had a shred of respect for you i would not have spammed the chat. not to mention there was literally a neo-nazi group fighting for russia called ‘rusich’. so i don’t ‘understand your point.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

not nazi eric idiot—stop sniffing glue

captain hohol

azov are still nazis fighting for tranny book hour.


patton’s attitude towards the russians is remarkably similar to the attitude of less educated russians, especially those who were were manual laborers in the soviet union:


desperate hillbilly projecting her inferiority


“the difficulty in understanding russia is that we do not take cognizance of the fact that he isn’t european but asiatic. he thinks deviously. we can no more understand a russian than the chinese or japanese. from what i’ve seen, i have no particular desire to understand, except to ascertain how much lead or iron it takes to kill them. in addition to his other amiable characteristics, russians have no regard for human life. he’s an all out son of a bitch, barbarian, and chronic drunk.”


“what emerged from the american melting pot is a race that hates truth and beauty”. hl menkhen…the people of amerika accept a level of ugliness in their daily lives nearly without precedent in the history of western civilization”. yuri bezmenov


patton’s derogatory words against the russians is how i perceive the russian attitude towards those “gay, racist nazi westerners”. their low-iq take is absurd, putin has no respect for the intelligence of russians.

in light of patton’s derogatory remarks, hitler’s comments about russians and slavs were comparatively constrained; albeit cold and insensitive all the same. hitler was reflective and witty in his remarks; patton was blunt and rash.

Last edited 1 year ago by Eric

moron amerikan believes intelligence can be measured quantitatively….idiot eric never read…’mismeasure of man’. s gould


lol you had to edit that moronic rant? my guy you need a new hobby. as western society collapses upon itself i’m sure your projections and helpless cries for help are only going to ramp up.

jens holm

its for sudan and several others. there are many group af private armies.

many are supported by the ones, which buy things from there. its money, weapons and luxury many local rulers as well as the leaders which control the coutries.

i remember one product because i knew a polish women. here we could buy as many banas as we wanted. in poland they had them and they were expensive.

thats why poles never like ussr and infantile systems. they want bananas in stead of potin.

jens holm

this is the real part of the world and trade and almost to best to the price – to the local rulers. most there tribe things and the big sudan splip up hardly made times for the local.

by that some few wagners or ukras means nothing. this is just propaganda.


another ukro fake to pretend they still have an army. they only have zombies and junk.

Mr. Henkel He

i’m thinking ukrainian special forces would be more concerned about defending ukraine or regaining territory lost to russia. nazis could give a f less about fighting pitched battles with russians in africa.


amerikans losing everywhere


forgive my inferiority and stupidity–i am amerikan hillbilly


meanwhile ukrainian woman are being forcedragged into the ukrainian front

captain hohol

sad for those ukros who get caught up in a country like sudan, sudan is friendly to russia and thus the banderites won’t find many friendly places to hide if things go wrong.

John Kesich

i guess ukrainians have a poor sense of direction, or are their special forces the only ones clever enough to avoid the meat grinder back home?


rump ukrappers are the dumbest clowns on the planet. they have been exterminated in rump ukrapland and yet they send their “best” nazi scumbags to afreaka? wtf?


debili fašistickí si sami nasrali do hniezda. miesto toho aby bojovali doma za vlasť, bojujú vonku za peniaze? to ako fakt?

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