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MARCH 2025

Kiev Regime Forces Under Increased Pressure To Step Up Counteroffensive Days Ahead Of NATO Summit

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Kiev Regime Forces Under Increased Pressure To Step Up Counteroffensive Days Ahead Of NATO Summit

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The pressure comes amid stepped-up blackmail by Washington DC which is now threatening that it will slow down or ever cut so-called “military aid” to the Neo-Nazi junta in case its forces don’t demonstrate they’re capable of advancing, taking and holding Russian position.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

As if the situation for the Kiev regime forces wasn’t bad already, the political West has now increased its already massive pressure on Kiev to “perform better” during the much-touted counteroffensive against the Russian military. Considering the disastrous losses and no actual gains, this will be a virtually impossible task for the already battered Neo-Nazi junta troops. The political “leadership” (aka NATO puppets) in Kiev, including its frontman Volodymyr Zelensky, are now publicly showing signs of desperation and pleading with the Kiev regime forces to “show results” mere days ahead of the major NATO summit that is due to start in Lithuania on July 11.

The pressure comes amid stepped-up blackmail by Washington DC which is now threatening that it will slow down or ever cut so-called “military aid” to the Neo-Nazi junta in case its forces don’t demonstrate they’re capable of advancing, taking and holding Russian position. Zelensky held talks with several journalists and mainstream propaganda machine outlets over the weekend in an attempt to “quell rumors about the failure of the counteroffensive”. Indeed, even Western propaganda couldn’t ignore the disastrous way these counteroffensive operations have been conducted, as ample evidence of horrendous losses on alternative platforms (particularly Telegram) simply cannot be ignored.

Still, Zelensky effectively accused the mainstream propaganda machine (the same one that has been lionizing him for about a year and a half now) of spreading “Russian disinformation” about the results of the counteroffensive. Yet, it’s not really clear where the supposed “disinformation” comes from, considering the actual state of the Kiev regime forces, particularly in the past several days. Indeed, numerous headlines in nearly all countries of the political West have relayed the increasingly gloomy prospects of the counteroffensive, with many now “suggesting it might be failing”. This is a major hurdle for the Neo-Nazi junta’s attempts to hide its massive losses.

As the political West’s favorite puppets are trying to keep their unsustainable narrative alive, Zelensky is doing anything he can to help with this increasingly futile effort. He now even claims that “torrential rains had slowed down some processes quite a bit”, but admits that “the reality still is that every kilometer of liberated territory and gains costs lives”. Despite close to $170 billion in so-called “aid”, Zelensky also urged NATO and the political West as a whole to send ever more weapons. He also blamed the losses specifically on the lack of or the late arrival of artillery systems and munitions, claiming that “the lost battles would have been won had there been more of both”.

“We stopped because we couldn’t advance. Advancing meant losing people and we had no artillery. We are very cautious in this aspect. Fast things are not always safe,” Zelensky complained in one of the press briefings. He then emphasized that “[he has] a duty to his troops” and to “not take risks that are unnecessary” (although that’s exactly what they’ve been doing for over a year now). “If they tell me that two months will pass and thousands of people will die, or three months and fewer people will die, of course, I will choose the latter. Between time and people, the most important thing is people,” Zelensky said with a straight face.

In regards to the growing urgency of constant (and, if possible, increased) flow of military supplies from NATO members, particularly the US, Zelensky specifically took aim at the Republican-dominated Congress, which lately had many calls for audits on the massive amount of funds earmarked for the Kiev regime. Worse yet, this comes amid “rumors and concerns over the waning enthusiasm for the war effort in Washington DC” and the political West as a whole that might be demonstrated more openly at the “sensitive moment” of NATO’s annual summit. In other words, the deeply corrupt Neo-Nazi junta henchmen are extremely concerned that the constant flow of billions of dollars will suddenly be cut.

While Kiev regime’s top generals parroted their usual complaints about the sore lack of air support for their counteroffensive operations, specifically mentioning the much-touted F-16 fighter jets that are now being delayed to late 2023 or even the next year, Zelensky didn’t miss the opportunity to criticize the “dangerous messages coming from some Republicans” (probably referring to the aforementioned audits). Still, he praised the sudden June 29th visit by former Trump administration Vice President Mike Pence, stressing that “maintaining bipartisan support is the most important thing for Ukraine, regardless of who wins the 2024 US presidential election”.

“Mike Pence has visited us, and he supports Ukraine. First of all, as an American, and then as a Republican. We have bipartisan support. However, there are different messages in their circles regarding support for Ukraine. There are messages coming from some Republicans, sometimes dangerous messages, that there may be less support,” Zelensky insisted.


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Mexican-Illinoisian 🇲🇽Z🇷🇺

looks really bad for the ukranazis. 😆🤣😆

US is becoming a shithole

1 week left to show some real gains, ukronazis are getting desperate.

Romanian yankee kurwa

cocalansky manipulative psycho being a filthy khazar don’t give a shit to sent another 100.000 ukroidiots to suicide for the sake of the yankee cabal imperial interests. that’s not him who is a damn fucking fool but the low iq people who put him in charge of that kukraina shithole.

Chris Gr

khazars exist in both sides, don’t you know?


but not in the tenches. the gentiles do the dying.

Chris Gr

prigozhin was ashkenazi and was in the trenches though.


le perdite ucraine rispecchiano le loro strategie: 1° fase: carri armati e veicoli corazzati= distruzione massiccia di attrezzatura; decine di carri persi al giorno. 2° fase: mezzi blindati veloci e truppa= lievi avanzamenti sul terreno ma moltissimi morti e impossibilità di solidificare i guadagni semplicemente tattici. fase attuale dell disperazione: aviazione, un po di carri e uomini= 4 aerei abbattuti oggi e carri e uomini distrutti e solito risultato, guadagni minimi.


parece correto.


plan b is false flag attack on zaporozhye nuclear plant. they already started with psychological/media preparation.


e’ una possibilità ma mi sento di dubitare: il vento potrebbe soffiare verso ovest

AM Hants

there is an article about it, over on rt russia. allegedly, they are planning events for tomorrow night, using ‘high precision weapons’ and ‘kamikaze’ drones. rosenergoatom announced ukraine’s intention to attack zaes on the night of july 5


quando il nemico sa tutto allora non si fa nulla. sarebbe come a dire:” guarda che questa notte vengo a rubare a casa tua” difficile che il colpo riesca. ma gli ucraini sanno fare tutto il peggio; aspettiamo domani.

AM Hants

senza dubbio è per questo che la russia glielo fa sapere. si spera, per evitare che accada. chi sono rimasti e solo chi compirà gli atti suicidi?


if rt a tv network knows about it, you can be damn sure the russian general staff and their intelligence assets know about it.

Yupeng Gu

how about catch zelenskyy and force feed him plan b pills


“western allies are concerned that the “successes” of ukraine’s “long-awaited counteroffensive” are measured in meters, not kilometers, while support for kiev’s forces is on shaky ground” cnn writes.

Charlie Braun

nato is asking impossible tasks from ukraine.

AM Hants

zelinsky is trying his best to keep them sweet. including, telling his forces to up their game, after they have lost at least 300,000, just so zelinsky can gate crash ‘red carpet’ events. when are they going to turn on him?

Chris Gr

just like the arabs. they once supported both fsa and hts and now they are against them.

AM Hants

i must admit, i do like how the middle east has turned. guess washington hates it when their vassels leave the plantation.

Chris Gr

i don’t like it because there is more of terrorism and destabilization.

Yupeng Gu

he’s not even in ukraine anymore, even if they turn on him he will establish a government in exile in poland or uk.

russia need to establish a provisional ukraine government and recognize it immediately to counter zelenskyy


the pretend joo’s in control of washington and the us won’t accept any ukrainian gov except one of their making, which if you recall was how this conflict started in the first place. oy vey.

AM Hants

there is talk they are going to use a storm shadow, or similar, laden with du and aim it at the npp, tomorrow night. i wonder what will happen if ej ends up returning it to sender? no doubt russia is fully aware and highly prepared for their tricks.

Florian Geyer

the fact that the storm shadows operation requires hato technicians, is a legal reason to send a similar missile londonistan.

AM Hants

few names that i would happily like to see on the toy. can you imagine it, if russia had the toys to return it to sender? still, we have got the ‘stop oil’ protesters to defend us, if needed. they seem to be more effective than the uk forces, haha. have you seen the us general, trying to recruit? not a good look, bleating about your depression and the only cure was to put on a frock and sort your lippie out, whilst hiding your meat and two veg.


pense speaks for no one. republicans hate him. he is a traitor and a pussy. bidunce and the eu/nato wankers don’t give a shit about uke casualties at the front. they act like fat drunk nigloids watching football on tv.


just a thought but could it be that the intention of the zionist in washington was always to destroy ukraine as punishment for its role in the nazis regime of ww2?

it seems all western countries are being used in this way to achieve a righteous retribution.

Ivan Freely

i suppose but the zios had plenty of time to deal with these nazis in the past as there were fewer of them back then. why wait until now?

AM Hants

you do know, courtesy operation paperclip, many of the ukie nazis ended up in the us and now in positions of power? what was zelinsky saying about wanting to be i*rael ii? the nomadics want to go home.


isreal isn’t their ‘home’, it is an artificial annex built on a fairy tale, the keziah real ‘home’ was khazaria, till svyatoslav i kicked them out and scattered them. and they can’t go back as novorussia is now being remade, so they are stuck in the us their current squat.


only on russian propaganda sites are russians not fascists , in the alternate reality they paint the world they are saving the world , the russian troll loves to eat ice cream with his forehead

AM Hants

do you actually know what a fascist is? when president putin was elected, there were 17 other presidential candidates to vote for. over in ukraine, there is no opposition. over in the us they rely on dominion voting machines. have you ever heard of a fascist head of state, who regularly holds 4 hour ‘question and answer’ press conferences with over 1700 national and international journalists?


lol seriously? assuming that elections are free in russia is the same as believing in santa claus, meek people


questa è una opinione…. ora argomentala e dimostra

mighty orc

inferior hamburger humiliated again—seek taliban therapy…..”russians being in the truth are far more able to act against world opinion than others”. geoffrey gorer


hatred of russia is understandable, knowing it’s the only country that could flatten you and kill your entire civilisation in a few minutes. russia has the right to do that to you and everyone you know and you need to take it. lie down and accept that you can be melted by russians and can’t do anything about it

Last edited 1 year ago by Clubofinfo
mighty orc

more pressure for zelensky biden coffin factory to increase profit

Yupeng Gu

nah they just buy coffins from china, their factories already went bankrupt


the next thing ukraine will do is bomb nuclear power plant by dirty bomb.


the hurdy gurdy man from nato wants his monkey to put on a show until next week. but the monkey only takes the money and that’s it. so the nafo-monkeys jump even more because they only get peanuts.


a fuking joo comedian killing off my people // olle long shank this war was lost when— how mike myers creates classic characters shoopingt with torah bright — with kanye west — natural born killers – ending (part 2) — me/russians was not even engage

Zelenky Needs More Cocaine

after usa left vietnam, the communists took over. after usa left afghanistan, taliban took over. after usa leaves ukraine, russia will take over. usa is a big loser country, they waste their resources showing us what pathetic little weasels they are

Chris Gr

the vietnamese commies were more moderate than others. however, the afghans were extreme.


bad propaganda. a lie. the military in the west fully understands the challenge of advancing against lines of built in defenses and mine fields. the west will soon provide longer range missiles and f16’s. more tanks. more arty with ammo. stop lying.


russians should bomb that nazi-nato summit.

jens holm

me sawyer send 141 nations used condom and taliban humiliation unbearable

Chris Gr

we the soviets lost from massoud, hekmatyar, shias and taliban all together. us only lost to taliban. therefore, soviet union is superior. lol


history repeating itself, adolf was in denial during the later stages of germany’s unternehmen frühlingserwachen, and zelensky has gone the same way.

Nuke the Nazis Today

the sound of victory counter offensive day 1 “we will take back every step of land” counter offensive day 2 “cyka blyat , stop exploding you cowards ” counter offensive day 7 “we are making steady progress, but its difficult” counter offensive day 12 ” it must not be measured in territorial gains” counter offensive day 15 “our aims have always been to only inflict maximum penalties on our enemies” counter offensive day 20 ” we of course, blame the west for this mess we are in”

Last edited 1 year ago by Nuke the Nazis Today
John Kesich

this nato war is being driven by politics (and delusion) rather than military planning.

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