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Kiev Regime Got What It Was So Eager For

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Kiev Regime Got What It Was So Eager For

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Kiev Regime Got What It Was So Eager For

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The President of Ukraine made another loud statement, which in fact admitted that the Kiev regime had unleashed a war.

In an interview with Spiegel, Zelensky said that he had made his own decision to abandon the implementation of the Minsk agreements, of which he informed Macron and Merkel. He allegedly did not notice a desire to preserve the independence of Ukraine in the agreements signed by the Kiev regime and approved by the UN Security Council. In their turn, according to Zelensky, his Western partners primarily wanted to satisfy Russia’s appetite a little at the expense of Ukraine.

Kiev acknowledged that it has always perceived the Minsk agreements as imposed and not leading to any settlement.

Zelensky’s statements are nothing more than an attempt to whitewash his European partners, whose reputation has suffered after recognizing the long-term militant policy aimed against Russia.

In December 2022, Merkel said that the Minsk agreements were needed to strengthen Ukraine. Former French President Francois Hollande agreed that the agreements “temporarily stopped the offensive of the Russians.” Secretary of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine later confirmed that there was a program to prepare population for war.

Both Kiev and its Western patrons have admitted that they are guilty of fomenting war in Ukraine, that they deliberately killed the citizens of Donbass for years, ignoring international agreements, and did everything to involve Russia in the war. Such policies have always deserves international tribunals.

The Kiev regime got what it was so eager for. Now Russian forces continue to push through the Ukrainian defense on the fronts and strike at strategic facilities throughout the country.

In the Zaporozhye direction, Russian troops launched another attack on Novoandreevka.

In the Ugledar region, Russian units are advancing to Prechistovka and have bypassed Ugledar from the west.

On the Donetsk front, Russian troops are destroying Ukrainian strongholds in the western districts of Maryinka. They continue their assault in Peromayske. Russian offensive operations continue in Avdiivka, Veseloe and Novokalinove.

In the area of Bakhmut, Russian troops are approaching Chasov Yar, their offensive on Ivanovskoye continues. The defense of the Armed Forces of Ukraine cannot withstand the pressure on the eastern districts of the city. To the north, Wagner fighters are storming Paraskovevka and Krasnaya Gora. PMCs are also advancing towards Fedorovka.

In the Starobilsk direction, Russian troops stormed the village of Sinkovka. Near Krasny Liman, fighting is ongoing in the area of Zhuravka.

Last night, Russian forces launched dozens of strikes with missiles and Geranium-2 UAVs, destroying more Ukrainian strategic facilities. Explosions thundered in Slavyansk, Kramatorsk, Konstantinovka, Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Mykolaiv regions.

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Joseph Day

The fools are finished. Why can’t they see that


its not over until the fat lady sings (USA)

jens homo

I see mulatto penis goodly

Buford T Justice

The puppet master in the west doesn’t give a damn about these guys . That beady eyed little rat , Zelensky , is only a puppet . The Ukrainians are being lied to , they think they’re winning .

333 Boisya svetok geran fuckin fascist xoxol Nazis

Now that we all know that US and UK did NS1 and NS2. It’s time for the RF to apply vengeance (Wie Du Mir So Ich Dir), which means the RF has to destroy the underwater communication cable between US and UK under the international waters of the Atlantic Ocean. Prove to the free world that you have balls, Russia, otherwise you will lose respect among Herrenländer. And you know what ? NATO can do nothing to stop it – Russia has more nukes and you and her nukes are better than yours. And a impenetrable AD. Russia, do it asap or the world will laugh you, they will call you paper tiger. https://vk.com/video-22167015_456239088?list=0b8c7e91f790594362

Last edited 1 year ago by 333 Boisya svetok geran fuckin fascist xoxol Nazis

You have less brain than a chicken , the typical kremllin parront with 2 nurons

The heroic Odessa Brigade against Ukranazis

You parrot with 1 neuron didn’t become that hysterical when your country bombed NS-1 and NS-2 causing an ecological catastrophe in the marine fauna and flora. Btw, your English is miserable. So go to the desert and kill yourself Jens.

Last edited 1 year ago by The heroic Odessa Brigade against Ukranazis
William White

Problem is, it only takes 1 nuke to destroy the World and the lunatics in the West might just be crazy enough to try it. Bomb the City of London with conventional bombs, do the whole World a favor!


The cables are nothing. It would be more effective to simple take out several EU pipelines like the greentree or Europe 1 and 2 would be satisfying. Doing so would have disastrous consequences for EU economy

333 Boisya svetok geran fuckin fascist xoxol Nazis

sounds like a good alternative as well. Or both as far as it gets.

Field Marshal Z

Doesn’t Poland have brand a new one with Norway? Hmmmmmm. It would be terrible if some kind of accident happened to it ;). What caused the disaster? *Shrugs shoulders* It’s a mystery.


Terrorist mental retarded thats what you are

333 Boisya svetok geran fuckin fascist xoxol Nazis

ok nigrilo nigga

Stance land rover

Hahah dead white “people” everywhere

Blowing up the Norwegian pipeline to Poland would also be nice.


That would only help nato gain casus beli to get involved directly making a victory with convetional weapons in ukraine even harder. A better a strategy is to destroy whatever arms shipments and aid they get in concentrated piles and pockets. Like they are doing now in donbass

John Tosh

The Holy Bible predicts the end of the beast with 7 heads and ten horns.

The G7 is coming to its end. Glory be to God the creator. May the planet earth never again see such evil. Amen


The prophesy could also be speaking of NATO.

David Schultz

I was really hoping that you would address how the Russians lost a 1000 guys in one day. At least confirm or deny it. Not just Pretend it’s not a huge news article


NATO and their puppet masters in D.C. have always wanted war with Russia. It’s their only reason to exist. We have an evil, war for profit regime in D.C. who keep foreign wars for profit going constantly. They get rich while the American people foot the bill, and the entire world suffers. They have no souls. Poot Americans fight and die in these endless wars. These elite war mongers spread nothing but chaos, genocide, and ill will around the globe. They are the same ones who steal elections and put a puppet in the White House. And an easily controlled moron at that.

Nigel Maund

Great work Russia and keep it up and God bless your Armed Forces!! Victory will be richly yours!! Many people in the West, living under Fascist style censorship and destruction of freedom of speech, long for a comprehensive and total defeat of the Globalist New World Order Satanist Cabal of Monsters.


some one clever should put trackers on the armaments that are send to Ukraine. Then the Russians can destroy them once they are on Ukraine territory or waters. Best whit the instruktors in it.

Vitamin Protein

the Russians are already on a rampage wiping hundreds of N@zis everyday, no need for western support as Ukraine already lost and is losing more, I would argue the west is moving a little to Asian, there they dont want to have competitors, so they either invade Myanmar or Taiwan.

Vitamin Protein

Putin should “Ora, Ora, Ora” Zelensky lol


They got more than the bargained for 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺

Dan Simpson

Would be cool if y’all hired a VO artist. I know a guy ;)


Until the bridges are gone this war will continue. 11 bridges would end the supply of all heavy equipment and push the rest on to 4 roads. Hit them all and the war is over in weeks. Months to encircle and cut off bakhumet….why ? for fjck sake cut off every garrison …. hit the damn bridge.

Buford T Justice

Stand by , major Russian offensive soon to come . Putin’s getting serious , finally .

Big Ted

I feel sorry for the Ukrainians caught in the middle. Russia needs to make NATO & the WEF mafia really pay for pain & suffering they cause. No where should be safe for those parasites to hide!


The NATO allies have so little regard for all the life on the planet as to even consider a hot war against Russia. The world must demand a negotiated peace settlement to their high risk plan regardless of any political perspectives.


People of Kiev didn’t deserve any of this. NATO put an army there to attack Russia and Russia is killing it. Unfortunate for people who are killed with it.

"R" Addison

Macron is not a zionist-Fascist, but Zelensky is! Ruination of the Ecology–gRowing splendid-gRains, may have been the majoR reason, for Russia’s withholding theiR needs on ‘nationalism’?


On to Kiev!

Boba Lazarević

Usually politicians just fail to deliver what they promised to the voters. This dumbo actually managed to deliver completely opposite of what he had promised.

If he doesn’t end up the same way Mussolini did back in the day, hanged upside down by a meat hook on the public square by his own people, it will be a small miracle.

William Zabel

The Kiev regime is another us plaything being used to attack Russia and turn it into a vassal of the US as evidenced by the worldwide map on the Pentagon’s website that shows Russia as a vassal of the US.

Good luck with that one!

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