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MARCH 2025

Kiev Regime Looking For New Soldiers Among Ukrainian Refugees Abroad

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Kiev Regime Looking For New Soldiers Among Ukrainian Refugees Abroad

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The SouthFront Team received a letter from one of our readers from England. He takes part in the UK Government Homes For Ukraine initiative and hosts a young couple of refugees from Ukraine.

On January 30, he received an official letter from the Department of Equalization, Housing and Communities. The host was demanded to provide the following personal data of his guests:

  1. Whether the sponsor hosts or hosted a Ukrainian refugee(s)
  2. Whether there is (are) a male person(s) among the refugees aged 18 plus
  3. In case a male person(s) left the residence, report this(their) posible location and other available informmation
  4. A male Ukrainian(s) aged 18 plus personal info: name, surname, middle name, age, current location of residence

In their turn, the refugees have to visit the Ukrainian embassy to “specify their personal data individually”.

Kiev Regime Looking For New Soldiers Among Ukrainian Refugees Abroad

Click to see full-size image

Our reader wondered what was the reason for collecting such data about his guests:

Distinguished Editor,

I’m James. I reside in Ipswich, East England. I’ve been part of the UK Government Homes For Ukraine initiative for 5 months now. I am hosting a sweet couple from the city of Lviv or something like that, a young lady and her husband. Both in their late 20s. They have already found a job and we get on well together. They are simply nice people but that’s not the point of the story.

Just a couple of days ago I received a letter from the department for leveling up, housing & communities that told me to report the authority a certain data on my guests. I will obviously do that, but I just don’t really get the reason why should I. Moreover, it looks like B… (the lady’s husband, the refugee) must now visit his country’s embassy in London for only God knows what reason. The letter reads ‘Embassy of Ukraine enquiry’.

What does that ‘inquiry’ mean? Why would Ukrainian embassy gather such data? Does anybody know what is it all about?

I hope this email finds you and you would be kind to post it on your platform!

Best wishes,

James …

Obviously, this is not just a survey on Ukrainian refugees. The fact that the embassy is interested exclusively in Ukrainian men over the age of 18 indicates that this measures are taken amid some mobilization procedures. It is likely that the Kiev regime is starting to look for new soldiers among refugees abroad amid the ongoing preparations for the spring offensive on the fronts which was recently announced by Biden.

Earlier, the National Bank of Ukraine predicted that at the beginning of 2023 the total number of refugees from the country will increase to nine million people. Which is probably a fairly modest forecast.

The general mobilization of Ukrainians continues amid fierce fighting along the entire front line of Donbass, heavy losses of the Ukrainian Army and the outflow of foreign mercenaries. For example, on January 1, the founder of the private military company “Mozart” Andrew Milburn recognized the victory of the PMC “Wagner” and announced that his mercenaries are leaving Ukraine.

The mobilization resource in the country is sharply decreasing. The AFU mobilizes people of older age groups, with chronic diseases, who have not served in the army, that is, those categories of the population who are unlikely to be good soldiers. Ukrainian men are captured by the military right on the streets throughout the country. LINK, LINK

Kiev Regime Looking For New Soldiers Among Ukrainian Refugees Abroad

The Ministry of Defense of the United Kingdom has published training footage of Ukrainian crews of Challenger 2 tanks

The search for soldiers abroad may be an attempt to facilitate military supply chains to Ukraine and training of Ukrainian soldiers abroad. Ukrainians who are currently being hunted by the embassy can be mobilized to undergo training in the UK and join the crews of Challenger 2 tanks and participate in other exercises. So the refugees will soon return to their country, but already as part of combat units.

On January 14, the UK was the first among NATO countries to announce the transfer of 14 Challenger 2 tanks to Kiev. The other day, the Kingdom’s Defense Minister declared that the AFU would receive tanks before the beginning of summer. On February 5, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak called Zelensky to tell him that British instructors had begun to train Ukrainians to operate Challenger 2 tanks. Sunak promised to make every effort to ensure that “British military equipment arrived at the front as soon as possible.”

In addition to the UK, the training of Ukrainian tankers was organized in Germany, where they are taught to operate German-made Leopard tanks.

Despite the claims of the military officials that Ukrainians are quickly mastering the operation of foreign tanks, some Western experts doubted that Ukrainian tankers would be able to master the management of complex Western military equipment within a few weeks, even if they already have experience in managing Soviet tanks. If the Kiev regime begins mobilizing new servicemen among the refugees in the NATO countries, their training would take even more time.


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This letter looks fake – the English is laughably poor, and the quality of the letter is not what you would expect from HMG. Not convinced it would have Gove’s signature either. How trustworthy is the source of this?


Apart from the fact that the ‘Department for levelling up, Housing and Communities’ sounds absurd, and I doubt any such department exists…………….


Unfortunately that department really does exist. What the hell is ‘Levelling up’?


Levelling up is some bullshit con by the UK Government to improve areas of the Country that are poorer,like all the other shit its nonsense.

Anatolio Mamontow

Its sad to be an ukrainian.


Cheer up Vlad Putin, oh what can it means. To be sad Rooskie bastard and shite military team.

Seeking lowest common denominators

Strange notion from a country that’s been levelling down for decades.

The Old Man

It’s called “Inversion” and it’s clearly satanic.


so now they gonna give money to islamic terrorists in Tower hamlets because they are skint because they dole scrounge and the area is a tipping skip because they shit where they eat knowing full well that inbred government cucks will just give em more cash? this obviously worked with teenage females and baby bonuses per child. Enoch Powell was right.

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
Hohol bitch

Die ukroniggers, die ukroniggers. Defend my freedom to suck dick in Brussels for local shitskins. I love being a cumdump for them.


The heading includes “governmen” so it must typed by a product of affirmative action quotas.

Vlad the Sissy from Rumania

I am still waiting when will the libtards send their flying niggers and their screaming faggots to do anything 😆😆😆😆🏳️‍🌈🖕🐒🖕🐒🏳️‍🌈🖕 The hippie nation of cucky JFK and the sissy nigger MLK is dead.


Nah they would rather kill all ukrainians instead and pretend they are helping them. The U.S only fights “jew wars” meaning covert and proxy. A real one-on-one straightforward war would be much to honorable for them.

Last edited 2 years ago by Kenneth

This looks very like a forgery. The English is not that of a native speaker . examples: “governmen” for government “precising” – this form is never used!! There are “mistakes” in the letter, too: “or something like that” – English native speakers do not say this “to report [to] the authority {a} certain data on my guests” needs “to” and not “a” “for only God knows what reason” – God only knows! “Why would [the] Ukrainian embassy gather such data? Does anybody know what is it [it is!] all about?” “I hope this email finds you” – not used.


I read that at the 24th february ukraine will counter-attack russian positions


History may hold those that can conceal the potential victims of a Ukros NAZI’s death sentence heroes.


More Jewish cannon fodder pawns


Not a single white is to escape the claws of Babylon


Cursed be the Jews


Fuck the Ukrainians too, the more deaths the better to these animals


It seems to me that they have lost their minds, the bandits, the forces of evil, the masters of the West. They no longer know what to invent for a hypothetical victory that will never come. I truly believe that the forces of evil are in the last days…………………………

Florian Geyer

The Thick Brit military and MP’s regularly wargame the war in Ukraine in ‘battle simulators ‘ located in kids amusement arcades.


They also believe themselves to be omnipotent……………. as Khrushchev once told them: “UK is a lion without fangs!”. Ha ha ha!!! The British were offended.


Normally those male refugees NEED to go into BRICS or Arab countries, or where not exist ukraenian embassies. Or to go into Russia.


No matter where the white flees the Babylon Jew claws will be after them


There are such attempts also in Poland, Spain and maybe in some other countries as well. I would ask: are the Ukrainian refugees save enough in these countries , so that they could not be departed by force to the sure death on the Ukrainian fronts? I know meanwhile 3 families in Germany who only left Ukraine to save their sons and husbands from being sent to the front. They don’t trust the EU and are ready to flee further if the situation will be dangerous.

Philip Nash

This must be fake, probably put out by the Ukraine embassy in the UK to locate draft dodgers. The first two lines of the letter are a give away: 1.” Dear refugee host”. No native English speaker would forget to capitalize Refugee Host. 2. “..inquiry to the UK governmen on precising..”. government misspelled and the use of a weird, meaningless english word precising.


The term IS capitalised when used adjacent to James’ name. And do you know any native English speakers? They can’t even spell their own names usually, let alone other words. As for “precising” it is neither weird nor mis-spelled, although somewhat incongruous. What it looks like to me is that the writer of the letter simply cut and pasted a cack-handed Ukrainian letter sent to HMG.

Abu Qahwa

Actually you may be correct there. The letter itself has clearly been cut and pasted between the authentic top and bottom parts. Nevertheless the covering narrative by “james “does not quite gel either as written by an educated English speaker


précising verb

Present participle of précis.

cough, cough … you were saying?


Precising sounds like some new bureaucratese Newspeak. They hide the BS by obfuscating and expanding words. Neighbourhood banks were replaced with “banking centres”. Methods were replaced with methodologies. Precising will be their new excuse to invade your privacy by demanding answers to questions they have no right to ask. For example: “Excuse me sir, but we are precising your vaccine status, so tell us when you got your last booster.”

Abu Qahwa

Agreed as per my comments above


That letter is freaky, if I was Ukrainian refugee, I would leave UK asap.


The letter is legitimate. They are looking for Challenger tank crews.


but cant the shitty pollacks or niggers do the dirty work. why does white people kill each other. put niggers in those tanks and let them burn. in 50 years there wint be any white people left. wheb you put a Jew cocksucker as leader. look what happens . send over Bashars army , he has to pay pack for 8 years off support by putin


The Babylon Jew claws wants every white daed to the last man woman & child

AM Hants

So why is Michael ‘Bullingboy’ Grove, recruiting for Ukraine? Wasn’t Boris, David Cameron and George Osborne also ‘Bullingdon Boys’ and all seriously hysterical where Ukraine is concerned?

Talking of the UK Government, has anybody seen the advert for them recruiting for Vaccine Administrators, for the largest vaccine push of all time? The applications for the position was due to close on 14 February 2023, but, the advert has been pulled or hidden for now. I wonder what Virus they are going to push next?

Nose, Nose

The latest I have is that, allegedly, the government has pulled the entire vaccination campaign.


The G7 recently stated that vaxxine passports should become “mandatory” for international travel. There’s no way they are going to stop what clearly, has been an entirely successful scam and genocidal assault upon the population; 3/4 of whom seem quite happy to do anything they are told to do.

Abu Qahwa

That’s the frightening thing : that the vast majority meekly comply with each and every government diktat measure, all in the name of “keeping us safe “


Embassies are sovereign soil. Remember Julian Assange, 6-7 years… There is a risk that he could be arrested at the Ukrainian embassy.


There will be alot of Ukrainian toilet washing mamoshkas whom will be single this spring and be whored out to fat British men. Thanks for your service Zelensky.


If he goes to the embassy he won’t come back.

Abu Qahwa

This is obviously false – photoshopped fake letter between authentic top (addressee etc.) and authentic bottom (sign-off) Note difference in background gamma/brightness) plus grammar error – whoever heard of “precising “as a verb !, “under the enquiry “(sic) or “in case “rather than “in the event”, plus random use of upper case. The cover story by “James ” also is clearly not written by a native English speaker as it includes weird phrases such as ” a certain data “(should be some or just certain data) and ” why should I “(should read “why I should “) Rather disappointed that SF sub-editor and contributors did not recognize this as a fake.


The fact that the UK govt is assisting in this is disturbing….


yea UK Government acting as agent for Ukraine forced conscription. For sure this illegal under UK’s own ratified international hum rights treaties. Hey but when it comes to fighting Russia anything is allowed; freeze and seize bank accounts, sanctions to smash your own industry, hyper inflation and now send Ukrainians back home to their death. A new recruit survives 4 hours in Bakhmut according to Kyev TV.


Ruling claas filth of island monkeys on Pirate Rock running down the last of the Ukrapper canon fodder to keep their dumpster fire burning in rump Ukrapland….What kind of Orwellian pedovore trash has a “Department of Levelling UP…? Hopefully Pirate Rock will be the first to get glassed over when the main event kicks off and then followed by Slumville USSA. Humanity can no longer afford to tolerate the reptilians of the angloZionaZi empire of filth.



“…told me to report the authority a certain data on my guests. I will obviously do that…”

Signed, A British Cuck

Last edited 2 years ago by JoJo

There is lot of UKR-nazis hiding in Poland. Pick them all up! Cannon fodder is needed like never before.


No put Niggers and arabs or pakistanian. and pollacks in those tanks

USA is a shithole, EU is becoming one

“Have to…”?! No, he does not.

Fuck Ukraine, I’ll never go back! Burn in hell!



Victor koyer

This isn’t new. In the 1940s, my Austrian father was a teenager. He was requested by the Nazi Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. He went to there, at Nazi cave-building that was to 200 m from Casa Rosada. The Nazi fat embassador commanded him to fight for the Führer and Vaterland. His answer was NEIN! and he returned home without problem.


Ja, ja, this is a true story – all Germans used to say nein to furer… Ukrainians abroad will form good and professional soldiers. Deal with it. Most fierce fighters agains Nazi Germany were Poles who escaped abroad. They went back to Poland and destroyed German occupiers when the time came…


To the last no brainian! I wonder if this pertains to a certain young poroshenko scrumming scones in blighty?

Last edited 2 years ago by banderitelivesdontmatter
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