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MARCH 2025

Kiev Regime Missiles Hitting Poland – Incompetence Or False Flag?

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Kiev Regime Missiles Hitting Poland - Incompetence Or False Flag?

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The Kiev regime is adamant that anyone claiming this wasn’t fired by Russian forces is a “conspiracy theorist”, which obviously also includes the presidents of the US and Poland.

Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

On November 15 at approximately 3:40 PM CET (Central European Time) at least one missile hit the village of Przewodow in Poland, close to its border with Ukraine. The Western mainstream propaganda machine was quick to start blaming Moscow. A senior US intelligence official even told the Associated Press news agency that “a Russian missile has killed two people in NATO member Poland.” Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki called an urgent meeting to discuss the incident, while the Polish Foreign Ministry issued a statement claiming that a “Russian-produced rocket fell on the village of Przewodow at 3:40 PM local time, near the border with Ukraine.”

Still, as soon as the footage of the missile wreckage was shown, it became clear that the weapon in question was fired by the Kiev regime forces. Multiple US officials admitted this was the case. According to the AP, “key questions around the circumstances of the missile launch remained amid the confusion caused by a blistering series of Russian airstrikes across the nearby border in Ukraine, none larger than who fired it. Russia denied any involvement in the Poland blast. Three U.S. officials said preliminary assessments suggested the missile was fired by Ukrainian forces at an incoming Russian one amid the crushing salvo against Ukraine’s electrical infrastructure Tuesday. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss the matter publicly.”

The statement clearly contradicts the initial claim that the missile was Russian. Even the Polish government, which can be described as anything but sympathetic to Russia, issued a rather ambiguous press release, mentioning that the missile was “Russian-made” instead of just Russian. Most of the Kiev regime’s arsenal, particularly its surface-to-air missile (SAM) systems are Soviet/Russian-made and were inherited from the USSR. In addition, US President Joe Biden himself commented that it was unlikely the missile was fired by the Russian military.

And indeed, the location of the incident is nowhere near the engagement range of the system which can fire the missile. Preliminary reports and the footage acquired by various sources indicate that it was most likely fired from an older iteration of the Soviet-era S-300 SAM system. The Kiev regime forces operate several versions, but the vast majority belong to the S-300P/PS/PT series. The missile in question was most likely 5V55K, with a maximum engagement range of approximately 45 km. Modernized versions of the post-Soviet era were never deployed in Ukraine, while the closest Russian air defense units are at least 150-200 km away, in Belarus, and operate much more advanced systems such as the S-400.

In addition, it makes no sense for the Russian forces to fire a surface-to-air missile at a time when their long-range missiles are targeting Kiev regime’s strategic assets. On the other hand, it does for the Neo-Nazi junta forces, as their air defenses would certainly have the motivation to try and shoot down incoming Russian cruise missiles. Still, this didn’t prevent the Kiev regime foreign minister Dmytro Kuleba from claiming that “Russia now promotes a conspiracy theory that it was allegedly a missile of Ukrainian air defense that fell on the Polish territory. Which is not true. No one should buy Russian propaganda or amplify its messages. This lesson should have been long learned since the downing of MH17.”

On the other hand, Polish President Andrzej Duda urged the public to “remain calm” and issued on Wednesday a statement claiming that a missile was likely a Russian-made weapon fired by a Ukrainian air defense system. “We currently have no evidence that the missile was fired by the Russian side,” he said.

He also said that the Polish military and other state services such as the police, firefighters and border guards raised readiness, adding that “the military is increasing the monitoring of national airspace as investigators are still working to establish the causes of the explosion.” Duda also stated that “there are no indications that the incident would be repeated.”

And yet, the Kiev regime is adamant that anyone claiming this wasn’t fired by Russian forces is a “conspiracy theorist”, which obviously also includes the presidents of the US and Poland. “Hitting NATO territory with missiles… This is a Russian missile attack on collective security! This is a really significant escalation. Action is needed,” Zelensky was fuming during his Tuesday night video address. He claimed that it’s “only a matter of time before Russian terror goes further.” At best, the claims are indicative of the futile attempts to justify the Kiev regime’s incompetence. At worst, they imply that the Neo-Nazi junta is desperate to get NATO directly involved in the crisis.

The same could be true for certain Polish military and government services, as the implications that the much-touted “Patriot” batteries stationed along the border failed to intercept the incoming missiles mean that this either calls into question the system’s capabilities or indicates complicity.

In any case, regardless if the incident was accidental or a possible false flag aimed at escalating the conflict, the perpetrators are quite obviously unaware of the potentially cataclysmic consequences of their actions. Whatever interest they may have in seeing World War Three happen will fade into oblivion the moment strategic thermonuclear weapons start flying.


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The Crunge

Could be both. An incompetent false flag.


Americans throw them (Poles, Chehs and the Baltics) under the bus really fast. Now we should expect NATOs article 5 to be activated against Banderastan.

John wood

Correct duplicity will prevail though


They just get more ridiculous in an accelerating pace

peter god

still to be determined if accident or purposeful. the manner in which they lied does make it look like if not on purpose they were willing to start ww3 regardless


Let’s hope not, but if the shit really hits the fan and the realization suddenly (and finally) dawns on Washington, that Russia is minutes from launching a full nuclear strike as retaliation for something stupid. You can bet that it doesn’t matter who will be thrown under the bus. Everyone will be thrown under the bus and it will be everyone for himself. And we can’t really blame the US for that. Who would in his right mind proceed to nuclear armageddon to satisfy some petty historical grievance from some Waffen-SS wannabee in the Baltics, or the traditional Russophrenic grudge that permeates the Polish society? It seems the Polish do have a grudge against everyone though. Germany, Russia specially. The shocking bit was how fast the Baltics, first and foremost, Latvia of course, was calling for article 5. They would be molten corium in the first minutes, yet they were eagerly awaiting for the master’s approval. You can’t beat the hysterical zeal of the vassals.


A little bit contradictory comment. Surely you cannot beat the hysterical zeal of the vassals (see for example ISIS). On the other hand, vassals are created and supported by a Hegemon. In that respect you can and must blame the US.


B-b-b-b-ut Poopin Joe says Russia wasn’t involved https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/nov/16/poland-missile-unlikely-to-have-been-fired-from-russia-biden-says

Either A) It means that the U.$. finally has realized after a thoroughly drug fried military culture and their commitment to unending war(s) of theft since 9/11 can’t keep the “circus” going any longer given the neighborhood and adversary that will hand them their ass?…


B) Russia made them another deal with their physical PM to get them at least through the first part of the winter?…

I lost all respect for Russia when they didn’t go the extreme 8 years ago in protecting the DPR/LPR East of the Ukraine after Yanukovitch was overthrown by Langley/MI6/Mudssod

Last edited 2 years ago by Matt

… and how would u explain to the world why go extreme on Ukraine 8 years ago? So called west doesn’t make whole world, if west goes extreme, it doesn’t mean rest of the world respects it. what was the state of affairs 8 years ago and now, related to Russia – World (exclude West)? Only MSM-West (because there is also other part of the West that uses brain) sees SMO as invasion, rest of the World supports it by ignoring imposing sanctions. Why does world supports it? Because Russia tried every diplomatic approach in past 8 years.

Max Schmidt

SS Oberstandartenbumser Sergay Khomik (call sign “Be Gay”) and his groom SA Landser Vadim Odude (Oh dude) have been destroyed in their flat in the city of Dnepropetrovsk. Together they are already boarding their trip to bandera. It is said that the couple has no kids.

Last edited 2 years ago by Max Schmidt

The missile was actually fired by Russia. Early in the morning Polish president ran to Biden, begging for strikes on Russia. But Biden adviced him to pretend that it was a wayward missile fired by Ukraine. The reason being that Europe is already economically ruined and cannot afford to fight another war.


I doubt that very much,by all accounts it was a S300 not any sort of cruise missile like a Kalibr,fact is Nato don’t have the balls to fight the Russians like real men,those Baltic Nazis were almost having an orgasm at the prospect of Barbarossa 2,which the stupid retarded lunatics wouldn’t survive.


If that missile was launched by Ukraine (as clarified by Biden and polish president), NATO’s article 5 must be invoked against ukraine.


Stoltenberg is saying that although it is possible that the missile that hit the polish border was fired be Ukrainian air defence That Russia is still to blame! What planet do these Western politicians live on ? If I drive a Truck and hit Stoltenberg as he crossess the road leaving him as a vegetable who is to blame me as the driver or the firm who made the Truck. Personally Stoltenberg needs a good beating as far as I am concerned…..


Blowing up NS1 & 2 is also Russia’s fault — as they were delivering gas… when not it wasn’t needed…

Romanian whore

Let down the fucking 5 artichoke ! It can’t be applied to an error. All international laws recognize that. To pretend that russians somehow are as imbeciles as the ukroshits are, by spoiling 1 S-300 missile for a agricultural truck is utter ill will or imbecility


Almost certainly false flag. Was almost certainly on purpose. The weapon system can almost certainly be made to strike a ground target. Not really sure how targeting system and flight control work on those things, but even if none of them worked at all I bet somebody could figure simple trajectory and make the damned thing fire if they knew how it worked.

Romanian whore

Nope, that AA missiles can’t target ground targets, for 100% sure. But it’s radar can be fooled by a nearby massive piece of metal if suddenly it lose it’s interception.


Maybe disasterous consequences will finally come to the clowns who are hooting and hollering on Ukrainian tv stations.

Jimmu Tenno

El estúpppppido Putin debería ordenar el bombardeo de todas las estaciones de TV controlados por los n-e-o-n-a-z-i-s incluidos radio y TV, es lo que los OTANeros hicieron impunemente en Yugoslavia así no tendrían que seguir vomitando su odio a Russia ni manipulando a los todavía ciudadanos neutrales que quedan en Ucrania

John wood

The clown still trying to get nato involved when he is losing Doesn’t care about the people just wants the land Hence bombing his own civilians since 2014


Congratulations to the North Atlantic Transgender Organization this is Trans awareness week. We would like to extend our warmest regards to the North Atlantic Testicular removal Organizaiton.


>>Zelensky was fuming during his Tuesday night video address. He claimed that it’s “only a matter of time before Russian terror goes further.”<< The cokehead is dangerously trying to start off WW3…


Stupid is, as stupid 🙄 does or evil is, as evil does. Zelensky and his Ukronazis join intelegencia with Polish Nazis to orcastrate some mastermind critical thinking 🤔. Careful of the friendly fire 🔥.


On one side the Poles want to be independent but are deeply subjugated to Washington military bases like the rest of Europe. These Natostan warrior nations; ” sarcasm”, have brown rings around theirs noses. Seem to be of their pedophile WEF fearless leader, KLAUS SHWABB, G20 grande standing, giving the likes of young WEF pedophile leaders, Trudeau, Macron the direction they deserve 👏 👍. We all with you Darth Pedophile.


I can see USA, South Korea and Japan really have North Korea on the ropes with all the military posturing. North Korea flying missiles over Japan making these subjugated hypocrites, look like they and USA need more whine with their cheese. US aircraft carriers with all their aircraft no match for China’s hypersonic missiles being paraded out on display.

WT Baker

Has it been determined that it was actually a missile? I have seen one photo of what is described as a fragment of a missile yet that photo could be of anything, anywhere. This does sound like a desperate false flag attempt by Kyiv. Call in the “White Helmets” and “fact checkers” now!!!! LMAO.

Tsar Bomba

americunt incompetence—


Ukraina kłamie i zaatakowała nasz kraj. Polacy są za bratnim narodem Rosją , a nasz rząd to marionetki USA. My nie lubimy ukraińców to chazarzy, a my razem z Rosjanami jesteśmy Słowianami!

Karl Pomeroy

Even though Russia undoubtedly did not fire the missile that struck Poland, the strike was still Russia’s fault, due to the barrage of missiles they fired at Ukraine destroying civilian infrastructure. Putin has gone off his rocker. He has abandoned all humanitarian concerns and should be overthrown. I’ve long been a Russophile, and reamain a strong supporter of the DPR/LPR. But this war has gone too far. Special operation? Coulda woulda shoulda been.


Sure. 🙄

Romanian whore

You’re imbecile, or you pretend to be, asshole ?

J7 media

From 4chan – interesting! Kyiv is at 50.4501° N, 30.5234° E Lyiv is at 49.8397° N, 24.0297° E The exact location Russia hit is 50.4501° N, 24.0297° E

Location checks out. Don’t know exactly what this indicates, but if we assume it was fired by Ukranians, and it appears from the crater size to be a surface to surface firing mode, then what was the intended target?


Obviously the uaf their stuck in reverse even their missiles go backwards UAF = retreat,try again even when it’s a tiny village of no importance, get destroyed by russian artillery rinse and repeat the Russians just sit there and grind away until one day the UAF have noting left.

WT Baker

Ask the question, who has been screaming for “collective security” as an excuse for NATO countries declaring war on Russia? This is obviously the action needed to do exactly that. Zelensky has been constantly crowing about how Russia plans to do this and that in order to start WW III which is actually his deflecting on his own threats. This missile was intentionally fired into Poland, but exactly by whom? Look for the footprints of British and possibly American “advisors” involved in the firing if said missile.

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