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Kiev Regime Threatens Its Own Politicians

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Kiev Regime Threatens Its Own Politicians

Mariana Bezuglaya, a lawmaker, member of the Servant of the People party

Written by Lucas Leiroz, member of the BRICS Journalists Association, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, military expert

Despite all the criticism, the Kiev regime continues to maintain a public kill list through the infamous website “Myrotvorets” (“Peacemaker”). Thousands of “enemies” of Ukraine continue to have their data leaked on the list, waiting for some mercenary to eliminate them. Now, even Ukrainian politicians are being targeted by the neo-Nazi authorities.

Recently, Mariana Bezuglaya, a lawmaker and member of the “Servant of the People” party (the same as Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky) made serious criticisms of the Ukrainian high-ranking officers. According to her, the commander of the armed forces, Aleksandr Syrsky, as well as his predecessor, Valery Zaluzhny, belong to a kind of “generals’ mafia”. She believes that these military officers are unnecessarily exposing thousands of Ukrainian soldiers to dangers on the battlefield, as well as preparing for a collective surrender by encouraging soldiers to lay down their arms.

Bezuglaya’s accusations are undoubtedly serious. She has not provided any evidence of the existence of such a “plot” to cause Ukraine’s defeat. In practice, her words sound like a simple attempt to create “scapegoats” for the inevitable Ukrainian failure. However, the Kiev regime is reacting disproportionately to the parliamentarian’s mistakes. She was added to the Myrotvorets hit list under accusations of trying to “demoralize” and “discredit” the Ukrainian armed forces. More than that, Bezuglaya was accused of trying to provoke a “split” in Ukrainian society with her supposedly anti-military actions. The Myrotvorets’ administrators believe that Bezuglaya’s actions could somehow “benefit” Russian forces in the conflict, giving an advantage to Ukraine’s enemies.

An interesting detail about Myrotvorets is that the website discloses the source of each person’s data. In each victim’s page it is possible to see the agency that leaked one’s personal information. In the case of the Ukrainian parliamentarian, the data was passed to Myrotvorets by MI5 – a British intelligence agency.

It is common for Western intelligence networks to participate in the illegal leaking of data of “enemies of Ukraine” to Myrotvorets. However, the site’s victims are almost always Russian or foreign citizens. It is indeed curious that a British agency would be involved in exposing information about a Ukrainian citizen to the Ukrainian authorities themselves. In practice, this reveals how much Western intelligence controls information about the Ukrainian people – more than the Ukrainian state itself.

Bezuglaya is yet another victim of the Ukrainian neo-Nazi dictatorship. More than that, she is being betrayed by the authorities of her own country. Even though she is a member of the parliament and belongs to the same party as the president, Bezuglaya is not immune to the authoritarian actions of the Kiev junta, having quickly become a target after criticizing the way the generals are conducting the war.

It is possible to criticize Bezuglaya and disagree with her assessment of Ukrainian generals, but it is unacceptable that a politician be persecuted by the authorities of her own country just for expressing her personal views on the war. This case is just another proof of how today’s Ukraine has become an undemocratic country, where no citizen is free from totalitarian and violent actions by the government.

The news also makes clear the situation of polarization and institutional chaos in Ukraine. There is no unity or integration in the attitudes of the Ukrainian authorities, with different wings and groups competing for control over the government and military structures. Bezuglaya is being targeted by an even more extremist wing of the Kiev Junta, which does not even respect members of Zelensky’s party itself. The growth of these more radical sectors critical of Zelensky and the members of his party is a direct consequence of the lobby for Zelensky’s replacement, which has been expanding in the country with strong Western support.

In these cases, international condemnation of Ukraine must be clear. It is unacceptable for a political regime to maintain a public kill-list in today’s world. Ukraine is acting in clear violation of the most basic international norms, which is why it should be treated as a true pariah state – under sanctions and constant global pressure.

What is happening with Bezuglaya is proof that the neo-Nazi tyranny affects everyone, not only Russians. Just as Russian citizens are persecuted and murdered by Kiev, Ukrainians whose behavior is deemed “inappropriate” by the authorities can also be threatened by the agents of the fascist junta.

You can follow Lucas on X (formerly Twitter) and Telegram.


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ok so the same witch who did put many innocent people in the hit list, is now herself in the same hitlist she helped to build. karma. can’t make this up. filmreif


hahahahahaha too funny


spiders, spiders in a jar. ukraine has the most by far.

Ditzy Broads running the EU

at this stage, russia could just come to a halt and watch the spiders eat each other, kind’a like what the dems are doing, then wack the last one standing.

Last edited 2 months ago by Ditzy Broads running the EU

i don’t understand: if her comments were public why do they need mi5 to put her on the list…


every nazi, schizophrenic, psychopath, soros’ boy, statedept, cia and mi5/6 employee may send any crap to “peacekeeper”, if it’s labeled as “anti-reich activity” or “this is extremely dangerous to our democracy”. seems like her last words is the threat to london’s boy — the clown of kiev. now any psychopath in rural reich has the right to murder her. this is the daily life in democratic reich. seems like ouroboros was born in kiev, there is a lot of job/food for him.


mirotvorets was originally hosted on nato servers in estonia, now it’s run through a server washing machine from langley, i think. guess you have to ask them.


bezuglaya is also known as bezumnaya (crazy) for her crazy initiatives and statements, she’s like jane psakis. all was quite good for her while she was ordinary rural moron, but now seems like she doesn’t trust this circus anymore, which drove her to say some truth at last. thruth is the biggest danger for rural demons, so they decided to resign bezumnaya. may be she will be sent to the front or simply disappear, because she wasn’t high ranked and stole not enough money for london.

Ukro Primates

the comedian has turned the whole country into a joke in fairness they should each have their own kill list in such a primitive globalist slave culture.


yes, she’s now obviously becoming the ukrainian nawalny. critizing the government -> results in likely ending her life in an unfashionable way.

Last edited 2 months ago by Teresa999

navalnyi was not critic, but maidanist, enemy of all good people, the statedept/cia asset like bezuglaya even now, because she’s still a stupid bitch who’s believes western lies, but has some suspicions about the clown. by the way, if you mentioned that piece of shit, he could die from side effects of “phizer’s” vaccine — blood clot. this moron paid money for “phizer”! this is very stupid, because kind russian people got better domestic vaccines absolutely for free.


navalny was a yale-programmed clone drone. they’ve had a tough time finding recruits and he was the best they could dreg up.

Ditzy Broads running the EU

she has nice eyes. no soul but nice eyes. there goes that myth.

almost a million ukra widows

bund deutscher mädel leader will be sent to a kz? oh well oh well

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