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MARCH 2025

Kiev Threatens Crimeans: ‘Ukraine Should Be Treated Not With Respect, But With Great Fear’

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Kiev Threatens Crimeans: 'Ukraine Should Be Treated Not With Respect, But With Great Fear'

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Amid the wave of loud claims on the upcoming Ukrainian offensive on Crimea, the Kiev officials do not hide the Nazi nature of their goals. Adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine turned to direct threats to the citizens of the Russian peninsula.

The tourist season in Crimea this year will be “hot,” said Mikhail Podolyak, adviser to the head of the office of the President of Ukraine, in his recent interview.

“Ukraine will explain that it needs to be treated not with respect, but with great fear,” he claimed.

Podolyak believes that the population od Crimea has always been “oriented incorrectly” and did not understand that there is a state of Ukraine. Today, Kiev is publicly declaring its wet dreams of changing the people’s mind and force them to treat the terrorist Kiev correctly, i.e. with great fear.

The Kiev regime does not stop claiming its rights on the strategically important peninsula. However, it openly admits that the population of Crimea did not even acknowledge such a state as Ukraine and has always identified itself as Russian.

Podolyak’s claims once again confirm that:

  • Nazis are in power in Ukraine;
  • they are still ready to force the Russian people to “love Ukraine” by military and terrorist means, as they have been trying to do for a decade in Crimea as well as in the republics of Donbass;
  • that the Crimeans made the right choice during the referendum in 2014, which indeed showed the true will of the population of the peninsula.

The Kiev regime has completely lost the country’s statehood. It has no means to rebuild an economy that has been in decline for decades and has been badly damaged by years of hostilities. Kiev has no means to restore its own regions, not to mention Russia’s Donbass and Crimea, which it dreams of returning by force, realizing that the population of these regions will never voluntarily become part of the Nazi Ukraine.

Ukraine has been sold to the West, and Kiev will have to pay for all the “support” from NATO. For Kiev, control of Crimea is just a populist narrative disseminated by officials to assure the population that they lose no hope of wining the Russians. For Washington, control of Crimea, which it would gain if the Russian army failed, is control of a strategically important peninsula from which it could threaten the European part of Russia and prevent Moscow from its power in the Black Sea.

Control of Crimea is vital to Moscow, which it is likely to fight for by all means, including nuclear weapons.


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Erik Nielsen

This is Orwell speak. “The Crimeans made the right choice by voting to leave Ukraine for Russia” AFTER America spent 5 billion on the shethole in the belief Crimea belonged to Kiev.

That is not democracy. That is theft and criminality. International criminality. You cannot vote yourself to 5 billion bucks. Here is something you have completely misunderstood.


When you invest in plunder and rape you’d better calculate the risk of not making a profit.


Well, it’s even worse than that. Occidental collective = Goebbels. On the other hand, //www.youtube.com/watch?v=zY4w4_W30aQ


It’s more democratic then America being in Syria illegally, occupying vital oil refineries.


America don’t exist. Better read the en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Dutch_Wars if you want to stay alive.


Wikipedia 🤣


like i said many times long time ago. russia should fill up a large cargo ship full of infantry armament and ammo, ship to crimea and hand over all the armament to every registered male between 18 and 45 years. than you would get a kind of homeland defence forces at least 250.000 man strong, who can secure whole the area behind the front, while the russian and allied forces can move forward with such secured back.



I feel the best deal for lasting peace would be exchange of land. Ukraine and EU and USA officially admit Crimea to become part of Russia. (This because Crimea is of extraordinary strategic need to Russia as base for its blacksea fleet and waterway enterence into blacksea resp. mediterranian sea).

And therefore Russia retreats from Donbass and all the occupied ukrainian territory (excluded Crimea), because east ukraine has resources and minierals in the ground which are crucial for the economical survival of Ukraine. All those ethnic russian families who want to leave get 4-5 million euro compensation and re-settle over the border into their beloved russia.

And thats it, all problems solves, no war anymore, everybody happy and everything would be fine. But as both sides are not interested in peace, I guess this war will drag on till eternety and much likely spiral out of control into something bigger very soon, sadly.

Isn t that the best peace plan ? At least everybody could cope with that and be happy. Everybody saves face. here is no better solution than this. War and eternal bloodshed is not the answer.

Last edited 1 year ago by saint53

Kiev-Juden wollen nur Frieden unter ihrer Herrschaft


Genau wie in Germanistan aka “Deutschland”..leider.

Nose, Nose

Diese spezielle Art von “Frieden” will außer denen aber eigentlich niemand außer den Leuten auf dem Friedhof, auch wenn man von denen kaum eine Antwort bekommt.

William White

Russia will never give up Crimea and why should they, no one in Crimea wants Ukraine and Ukraine is going to be gone soon anyway. The west is finished!


@Wiliam White

Read my post correctly please. I wrote Russia shall keep Crimea but leave Donbass. Because Donbass have important ground-resources which are important for Ukraines economic survival.

So much money wasted by USA+EU as well as Russia on war. Better give that money to the ethnic-russian Donbass families, so that they can re-settle to Russia. They will be the kings over there with 4-5 million Eur in their pockets !

Tell me Willian, why you want World War ? Ukraine, EU and USA will not surrender Donbass – its not possible because then Ukraine itself would be done. Same as Israel will not give up all its territory and all Jews jumping into the Sea. Yes by violence you can force these vermin to do so, but before that they will use Samson option and blow whole world into shreds by israeli nuclear weapons. And USA is not interested in peace – especially because their economyy is close to done, they need war. Russia is a vast country and has trillions of resources and minerals from Siberia to Ural etc. Why you want to steal the Ukrainians their only small bit of land where there is their mineral deposits ? Donbass isn t important for Russias economic survival, but it is for Ukraine’s so of course they will fight for it till eternity.

It is really as in this conversation between russian and ukrainian soldier. Listen carefully to what they are saying (here listen) talking between ukrainian and russian soldier admit battle: https://funker530.com/video/ukrainian-and-russian-have-conversation-during-cqb-situation


Last edited 1 year ago by saint53
Raptar Driver

It’s too late for that, they attacked their own people for 8 years, now they are permanently part of Russia.


“ground-resources which are important for Ukraines economic survival” That is the price natostan and the rump Ukrappers will obvioUSly pay for the Donbass slaughter of the last 9 years. As for the survival of the naZi sewer per se…where the heck you been?



What you propose is slavery for the Ukraininas, make them stoneage people. No they will n ot accept that. They had much better living standard than russians – till you moronian orcs invaded their country. Why should they vote for becoming slaves of Russia? No they won t , so you tyrannts think you can achieve your goal with violence – I tell you you are asking for total World War. And you – same as Hitler back in 1939 – will be blamed for it by all of mankind. Always those who raid a foreign country are the once who started the war. Read history and realize this fact. That is how it works, and it was Russia who invaded Ukraine in 24th Feb 2022 and not the other way around.

You had the choice to negotiate. I here told you what a reasonable solution would look like. But no – you want to destroy a foreign country and openly speak for massmurdering them and enslaving the rest of the people. That’s satanic, that’s sadistic, that’s antichristian and absolutely inacceptable. Fullstop

With this you highlight that Russia is the aggressor, wants nothing but war – and hence deserves to be isolated, be made the pariah and marks itself for being the enemy of the civilized world.

Last edited 1 year ago by saint53

The point of no return has been reached and there will be no peace. because american cunts have been seeking for it for too long. They could mind their business, build their fence, but no. 30 biological warfare labs just miles from the russian border, american funded pseudo-revolutions all around russia’s sphere of influence. As a result, Europe is destroyed from within. With friends like that, no need of enemies. If we all turn to glass, the only comforting thing for me is that america will have a taste of its own médecine, and survivors won’t have to cope with it.

Bernard Davis

Ukrainians had much better living standard than Russians??? Sorry to pop your bubble, but Russian per capita income in 2021 was approximately 4 times that of Ukrainians. It is no wonder that the people in Crimea and the Donbas want to unite with Russia– they are way better off financially (apart from all the other reasons, such as not wanting to live under Nazism).

Erik Nielsen

You just forgot the Joos in your peace plan of 5 million to each Russian Dumbass family. The Joos want their Khazaria land back which include Crimea and East Ukraine, and they want it back free of charge with usury on everybody living there not Jooish. Your peace plan lack therefore the most important part in it.


You do realise that the ukraine has been created by enemys of russia for the sole reason to be used to destroy russia. Any ukrainian culture, economy and populace will allways only be used to fight russia. If the russians resettle the donbas people to russia then the ukrainians will claim they stole those people and need to fight russia to free them by “liberating” the territory they now live on. Listen to them they allready say that every ukrainian who fled to russia has been kidnapped.

The ukrainians do not want to win in donbas they want to destroy russia it is the entire reason they exist. Their identity has been created and continuesly developed for this sole reason by their creators poland, autria, germany, britain, usa at diffenrent times. Well in cases of britain and the usa mostly by ukrainian expats of a specific ukrainian background.

Romanian yankee whore

Sorry man, that’s NOT ANYMORE POSSIBLE ! After 14.000 innocent civilians killed in 8 years, such ethnic Donbass pogroms, and such great sacrifices from russians till now, there WILL BE NO territory to give back to ukronazi narcomaniacs. NO 1 mm ! Only MORE TO TAKE ! SMO goals will be fully fulfilled with any cost. Even if that means NUKE. You don’t understand the grand picture at all. It’s not about this war but about own Russia existential mode.

Last edited 1 year ago by Romanian yankee whore
Chris Gr

Why do you see Jews everywhere? Why Jews and not secret societies?


Cause it is probably no coincidende that people like Blinken and Nuland with eastern european jewish ancestry make “sugestions” which get taken by Sleepy Joe and others without questioning. There are people in usa and uk that have infiltrated it to use the vast recources of their host country to fight their private vendeta against everything russian cause some tzar more then a century ago or some communist leader some decades ago wronged them.

These people need counceling and not access to descision makers who have no clue about a region…


It’s easier for these people to formulate a simpleton’s world view if they just blame it all on “Jews”. There’s a reason that identitarian politics are so useful to the plutocrats who actually rule.

Nose, Nose

And when can you acknowledge that they *are* the plutocrats, by and large?

Nose, Nose

The Jews are largely a secret society. They don’t usually openly propagandize their goals. Have a look at this tweet for a taste of what Jews want: account: TraianusVI timestamp: 1621685887 728771074 And this is only part of the problem.


Yeah, everyone would be happy…except for the poor people living there. Why the hell do you think Russia entered this SMO in the first place? Ignorant.


Rump Ukrapland will be demilitariZed, denaZified and dekiked. The remnants will be a backward farmyard landlocked on all sides. Odessa, a Russian city since 1794, will of course return to Mother Russia as well as all other ethnic Russian regions. Natostan must be destroyed and with it the inevitable collapse of both the evil EUSSR and the Satanic USSA aka the angloZionaZi empire of filth.

There is no other way of guaranteeing Mother Russia the security that she will definitely achieve. The only choice for rump Ukrapland is how small and how many inhabitants will still be alive when the papers are signed in Moscow. Z



What an greedy arsehole are you. Look at the map. Ruusia aka UDSSR already has 100 times more land then most other countries. You’re not even able to explore all your vast territories. You need help from China and other countries to explore your riches, and still you are so greedy and want to even more expand your country into the sphere of other souveran nations ?

What kind of capitalistic maniacs are you ? Russia is big enough, so big it cannot even cope with its actually size. Get real man, you are by far overplaying your cards.

Bernard Davis

Certain mistakes in your English tell me that you are German. Who was it who said that the foul womb that gave birth to the monster is still fertile in Germany? Brecht?

Erik Nielsen

Hitler is still alive in an undergound bunker on Antarctica waiting to jump out of the closet in the right moment.

Nose, Nose

But if so, he’ll only jump at people like you, given his age.

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

His portrait is hanging on every closet door in Western Ukraine.

Give Banderastan to Mikey the Masochistic Polack. He’ll eat anything.

Nose, Nose

Brecht got some things right, but being a communist, I’ll still call him out as an idiot, if not outright malignant. If Jews blame nazis for being bad people, that’s just victim blaming.

Erik Nielsen

If I were Russia I would take back Kazakhstan, and thereafter Alaska, as they are also ancient Russian motherland belonging to Russia with Russian roots and history and many old Russian speaking people.

On the long term Mongolia and some East European countries preferring to leave a stinking Gay7 could be admitted into the Sovjet Union again.

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

You’re just a provocateur. Norwegians are slippery, slimy folk anyway. Always hiding behind something. Too many fjords there, made them into naturally born trolls hiding in the rocks.

mike l hutchings

how about this plan…. forget about saving face. Russia doesn’t retreat one damn foot in the Donbas and Crimea is Russian. that’s the bottom line and so are Kharkov and Odessa. anything less will encourage the US to keep its foot on the neck of Europe until they are thrown out and Europe leveled in the process. the US and Britain are maritime powers not continental ones. I am an American and what they are doing is not in the interest of Americas survival. it’s hard to believe that the power brokers in the DC SWAMP are so dense that they don’t know a losing hand when they see one. they are dismantling our republic and the protections guaranteed by the constitution. blinded by truck loads of cash and they know not what they do. if they did, that would make them evil.


Your “republic” was always a plutocracy. It has existed in its current geographic form for less than 150 years, as Hawaii was only stolen at the end of the last century. It’s hard to say how long the state will keep its current form as the US status as sole hyper-power dissolves. If it is useful to the plutocrats, the country will be broken up, like any other empire. It’s less than 200 years since the US stole half of Mexico.

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

I’m pretty sure that’s the Russian plan already. Written in stone and delivered on Zelensky’s head.


You are on a world of trangenders, like you have said many times. Go fight against mails.

helene matz

another ponce with a secret ticket to izrahell or yankfascistan

Mahmud the Twink

Awwww Another inbred faggy muzlim. Not a day without a Jew cock in your ass, no?


Märchen: “es war einmal…”


Gorbachev and perestroika only left the West with a rathole in Ukraine to fill with weapons and a war for Russia to fight. Khrushchev gave away Crimea that was not his to give.

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

Lenin gave away the Donbass and more and Stalin gave away S. Ossetia.

What is it with Washington and its love for diktats from the dictators of the evil communist empire?

Must be from that ‘rules-based order’ they keep blabbering about.

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

Stupid ukies complain about the old soviet empire but were it not for them, Ukraine would be the size of a postage stamp.

So, it’s funny when the Ukies say ‘we will decommunize’ and Putin answers: ‘good idea, let us help’ and Ukraine finally gets that postage stamp.

Last edited 1 year ago by The Kaiser's Kielbasa

Have the kike koke hoes in Kiev turned to meth? They are sounding craZier and more evil than ever. Z

Nose, Nose

Then you haven’t been paying attention. I find them saying that at least 6 bn people on earth have no right to live, evil enough, and the guy saying it has not much to do with Kiev or meth, I presume. He speaks English with a French accent, and he frequently travels to the US or Canada to talk to paying audiences.

720 y. o. Big Guy SENILE sleepy Joe aka Pedo Peter

“Ukraine should be treated not with respect, but with great fear,” I say, and I am the President Joe Pedo Peter

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

Hey, I’d fear a total nutcase fugitive from a psychiatric asylum running around with a knife in a crowded room and yelling ‘I’ll cut your throat’ too.

In the US, the cops just shoot such folks dead after yelling a few lame ‘stop or I’ll shoot’ orders.

Sort of like what Putin finally did after watching the maniac run around cutting throats for 7 years.

Wayne Gabler

Stop the Brussels funding and pro PR and the movement is imploding under its own weight. Brussels is losing a lot more than they are gaining. They are also looking at a future where their Nation will be like Western Ukraine is becoming if they don’t drop Russian sanctions and do the NATO roll-back. The alternative is Brussels will be flying a Russian flag.

Romanian yankee whore

This congenital nazi imbecile and neo-faggot brainless ass dildo player Podoliak when asked from a romanian TV post what to say to those already growing numbers of 25% of romanians who are against supply of Kiev reich junta anymore he said: ”tell those 25% that russians will soon arrive at you and will cut your sons into pieces’. This mothafucker moron think we live in medieval era and he can manipulate us like his hohol idiot flock of sheep, stupid illiterate cretin. Such low level trash is pathological delusional and only make us a lot more aware what kind of crazy mentality those nazi whores have.


To even be saying things like this at this point is unhinged,

The Kaiser's Kielbasa

The entire EU is unhinged. Probably got that way on purpose so it could crawl up Uncle Sammy’s arse unimpeded by hinges & such.

Israel first

All bluster.

Ukraine can’t take anything and has few soldiers left.

But they’ll scrape the bottom of the barrel to make sure most gentiles are dead.

The Jews win either way.


But not the israelites of old who are now even treated badyl in their home by the khazar imposters.

Warrior Nation

Crimeans will fight to the last Ukrainian!

Lindsay Graham Cracker

Good for them! Can we send them some aid?

Hmm, wait a minute…… Why you tricked me! That’s not nice.


Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky wrote a book about guys like the ukroretards, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demons_(Dostoevsky_novel)

Last edited 1 year ago by jorge
Miki Miric

Koga straši ovaj seronja,ovo je u stvari psihološki rat,ali žalosno je što za izvesno vrijeme Ukrajinaca neće ni biti.


>>>the population of Crimea has always been “oriented incorrectly” and did not understand that there is a state of Ukraine. <<<< then leave your filthy nazi hands from it… Kyiv showing up at there is prone to genocide…..


Kyiv showing up there is prone to suicide.


Occident is done. There’s no pi nor period. But can survive, perhaps. Any way, all the occidentals demons will be killed. You can say that was said by Spartacus.


Crimea is independent, it’s citizen have Russian passport, Ukraine have no right on Crimea and people don’t want to be with nazi ukrainian regime. If Kiev want’s to be feared, there is no room for them in a peaceful world.

Joseph Day

Lmao, offensive on Crimea, they tried already, and failed, didnt get far realy.Ukraine will do nothing but retreat now, just like Hitler after Stalingrad


The problem with ukraine continuing any aggression toward anyone is that russia has ukraine’s infrastructure mapped out at this point and if they wanted to they could hut the ukraine off and prevent road travel, electricity production, electricity transmission, water treatment/sewer, fresh water delivery, fuel delivery, road travel, probably communications. Russia has some really smart people in their govt. and military and the mean to d serious probably permanent lasting damage to the ukraine anywhere inside their borders, so the question for zelensky is what kind of shape does he want to leave his country in when he finally sneaks off to america with all his money.


Zelensky will be clinging to the landing gear of an aircraft taking off screaming for money and a ride.

jens holm

I am a robot


Hearing from Western independent media of a most successful Russian military operation on the night of 8/9 March against a secret nato bunker in Kiev with a hypersonic missile! nato losses are very high with senior Western military losses and a complete destruction of the facility in question. Well done our Russian cousins keep up the good work ……..

AM Hants

1994, the Classified UK Prime Minister’s Papers, stated that Ukraine would lose Crimea, owing to the fact they refused to invest in the infrastructure of Crimea and also the fact that they had no respect for the people.

1991. 1994 and 2014 the people of Crimea voted to go home to Russia, in accordance with the United Nations Charter and International Law. They never got a voice or vote, back in 1954 when Crimea was removed from Russia and gifted to Ukraine, under Krushchev.

Peter Jennings

It’s not the first time that a junta has made threats to harm innocent civilian holiday makers. Western shysters are desperate to land its forces in Crimea, as it did in 1854. Probably without Turkey this time around. This time it’s Ukrainian’s who are fodder for Russian artillery.

Sodomorenko and Gomorrachuk

Ukrainians have been killing innocent civilians for 9 years now. Time for God to flood that country again, and repeat the Great Flood. Who’ll toss Zelensky a life vest? Not me, said God.

That was the origin of the story, by the way. When the land wall at the Bosporus collapsed and the higher Mediterranean Sea came pouring into the lower Black Sea and flooding Ukraine.

Peter Jennings

Perhaps that’s why Ukraine has such good farmland. Biblical flood stories have their origins. Something also washed over north Africa at one time. That also came from down the Mediterranean area. The scars are still visible from space.

Wake up US/EU, and smell the shit

USNATO’s primary interest has always been in grabbing Crimea and turning the Black Sea into a NATO lake. It was the same for Georgia.

Isser Harel

With satanist advisors to the ukro pig state like matt hancock, and the other lying thieves around him ,is it any wonder why they behave like the rapist civilian murdering army they are..

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