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Kiev Tries To Play Fake Muscles

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Kiev Tries To Play Fake Muscles

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In response to the devastating Russian strikes launched against the Ukrainian rear on July 8, Kyiv launched a media campaign aimed at hiding the real losses.

Ukrainian propaganda supported by the Western MSM spread fake news about the alleged Russian attack on a children’s hospital and other civilian facilities in Kyiv. All the evidence, including clear footage from the Ukrainian capital and even claims from some Ukrainian political officials, revealed the truth: the hospital was struck by the Norwegian NASAMS air defense system, while missiles launched by the US-made Patriots were falling on the heads of the city’s residents.

No evidence can stop Kyiv from lying. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine declared that the capital was targeted by 13 Russian Kh-101 missiles, 11 of which were allegedly shot down by the almighty Ukrainian air defenses.

Kyiv’s blatant lies have nothing to do with reality. Dozens of Russian missiles were filmed pounding Ukrainian military-industrial facilities.

Playing the victim, basing its policy on lies, Kyiv is trying its best to suck out more and more money from its patrons. Bloody provocations always take place on the eve of large meetings in the West, like the ongoing NATO summit in Washington.

The Ukrainian military has no means by which to respond to Russian attacks. Without NATO weapons, it can only attempt some drone strikes in the Russian border regions, which have no significant impact on the balance of power on the frontlines and inflict much more damage to civilians than to the Russian military.

Kyiv launched another massive drone attack in an attempt to play at flexing its muscles. At least 38 Ukrainian UAVs were destroyed over five Russian western regions at night.

As a result of the night attack, an oil refinery caught fire in the Volgograd region. The strikes were launched in two waves. The second wave was launched after the rescue units came to the spot and began to eliminate the fires.

In response to Russian precision strikes on the Ukrainian military and industrial facilities, Kyiv’s forces increase attacks on civilians in the Russian border areas. Over the past day, four civilians were killed and twenty others were wounded in the city of Belgorod and villages nearby.

The Kyiv regime and its Nazi units are supported by Western warmongers, who supply their modern missiles to provide the Ukrainian military with a chance to reach the Russian rear and prolong the bloodshed. The White House finally acknowledged Kiev’s attacks with ATACMS missiles on Crimea, calling the strikes “extremely effective.”

In response, Russian forces are effectively destroying the launchers of US missiles in Ukraine. Last night, four HIMARS MLRS platforms, prepared for strikes on Crimea were destroyed. Three more of these launchers were destroyed the night before in the Kherson region.


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more and more khinzals are being used, the war is coming to an end


god willing yes!


this would have been over a year ago if russia had adopted the tactics that nato and israel use instead of treating these ukrainians as “slavic brothers ” and pulling punches


we amerikunts are fake—“the cult of friendliness–amerikunts are only friendly when they want something” christopher lasch

jens holm

everbody knows—“the cult of sincerity–amerikunts are not sincere–it is a performance”. david riesman

Christian Bernhard

die menschen im “westen”, welche sich wirklich für diesen krieg interessieren, informieren sich längst nicht mehr über die msm!

leader gibt es aber noch viel zu viel, den enes scheiß egal ist, wo und wie ihre steuergelder von korrupten politikern vergeigt werden.

iphone, xbox, coca cola, kfc oder snickers sind für die meisten leute wichtiger

Christian Bernhard

the people in the “west”, who are really interested in this war, have not been informed about the msm for a long time!

unfortunately, there are still far too many who don’t give a damn where and how their tax money is squandered by corrupt politicians.

iphone, xbox, coca cola, kfc or snickers are more important for most people

Last edited 3 months ago by Christian Bernhard

es gibt ganze lehrstühle darüber wie man die menschen mit gefühlen dazu bekommt das zu wollen was den regierungen passt. die meisten leute hatten schlichtweg nie den grund etwas anzuzweifeln. jeder von uns hatte irgendwann ein schlüsselerlebnis wo er gemerkt hat irgendwas passt an der offiziellen geschichte nicht. die die dazu keinen anlass hatten haben keinen grund nicht zu glauben das die storys des westens alle stimmen und die bösen “diktatoren” alle nur lügen.


there are whole schools of thought on how to get people with feelings to want what suits the governments. most people have simply never had a reason to doubt anything. each of us has had a key experience at some point where we realized something was wrong with the official story. those who have had no reason to do so have no reason not to believe that the stories of the west are all true and the evil “dictators” are all just lying.

Christian Bernhard

…indeed! the “dictators” are the best example! guys like erdogan, orban, putin or katschinsky were elected to their offices with well over 50%, germany had a 27.6% chancellor followed by a 25.9% chancellor! now one can certainly argue about “narratives”, but the term “dictator” would therefore apply more to the german chancellors, apart from the difference between the party chairmanship and a presidential election system!


if you mentioned erdogan, he won in the second tour with 52% against 48%. this is his lowest support, but it gave him excuse to name turkey as real electoral democracy. orban with his party collected over 50% last time, but western and liberal msm in hungary wrote it was like a fail, because it’s a bit lower than after previous elections. they wrote about “fail” in headers, but not about result over 50%. many people don’t read after a header.

Christian Bernhard

…in der tat! die “diktatoren” sind das beste beispiel! typen wie erdogan, orban, putin oder katschinsky wurden mit deutlich über 50% in ihre ämter gewählt, deutschland hatte eine 27,6% kanzlerin gefolgt von einem 25,9% kanzler! nun kann man über “narrative” sicher streiten, aber der begriff “diktator” träfe demnach eher auf die deutschen kanzler zu, abgesehen vom unterschied des parteiwahlsystems gegenüber einem präsidialwahlsystem!

Last edited 3 months ago by Christian Bernhard

if this weren’t a real war, zelensky would have a great career as a circus roustabout cleaning up elephant crap. as it is, he outcraps the elephants every day of the week in his miserable little life.


putin is a coward…he needs to go…put mr medvedev who can walk the talk!!! putin worships chickenshit satanyahoo and wouldn’t bomb the zio nazi jewscum ruling in kiev. else the war would have been over now… all he has to do is flatten all the zio jews ruling homes, parliament when they are planning schemes….cut the head off the snake, it’s dead


the head of the snake are the anglos at washington dc. your empire is crumbling so you’re looking for a scapegoat, hoping that you won’t be targeted.


totally true and confirmed


if we could have potato muscle in amerikunt head we could distinguish tranny from ladyboy


sick of looking at pictures of this zelensky pos. when will he and his cabal finally find their way into the trash bin of history?


putin answered to you near 2 weeks ago when he was in vietnam — this will happen in first half of next year.


why do we have to wait till then?


we are just waiting while others are fighting to get rid off judeobanderites, waiting is not a big deal.

jens holm

amerikunt coward alway back down as they did in cuba 1962


fake muscles like macron with his biceps. i guess it wasn’t photoshopped. when you are moving your hand fast or hit something with fist, muscles are shaking like waves at sea. his pr-managers selected the photo when such shaking created the illusion of bigger muscles and published it. returning to the clown of kiev, 38 drones is blind shadow of cruise and ballistic missiles which pounds nazis at least one time a week. or using kamikaze drones instead artillery due shortage of artillery.


good job russia


and on the western propaganda ‘news’ this morning was a report that biden is reportedly going to send more patriot launches to ukraine.

Ramses II

any truth or honest work done lately for vladolf ghey boy fanclub?

Ramses II

okay. nothing then.


this report has some interesting inferences

claiming that nato is “prolonging bloodshed” is odd when the banderist regime has openly recruited foreign mercenaries and staged events to entice foreign intervention i keep saying that these people are not russia’s “slavic brothers” maybe someone will listen

Edgar Zetar

guess ukraine and their masters are studying and perfecting the gorilla tactics warfare just like palestine against israel using drones. zelensky is an actor its obvious he loves to plays roles. even when zelensky sleeps he only dreams about their role he will play next day. the sausage piano player and their masters. when zelensky wins the election we know c.i.a incepted their propaganda completely in ukraine.

Edgar Zetar

guess ukraine and their masters are studying and perfecting the gorilla tactics warfare just like palestine against israel using drones. zelensky is an actor its obvious he loves to plays roles. even when zelensky sleeps he only dreams about their role he will play next day. the sausage piano player and their masters. when zelensky won the election years ago we knew c.i.a incepted their warfare propaganda completely in ukraine. only bad thing will happen to ukraine citizens afterwards.

joke biden

only amerikan muscle taliban transplant brain

evjensy holmchuk

amerikunts are fake…”the cult of sincerity–amerikans are not sincere it is a performance”. david riesman

evjensy holmchuk

“the cult of friendliness–amerikans are only friendly when they want something”. christopher lasch

evjensy holmchuk

“obamas job is to lie to a nation of liars”. kiese laymon

evjensy holmchuk

“amerikan adults speak about themselves and their achievements as they did when they were little children”. geoffrey gorer

evjensy holmchuk

“nothing can thrive in amerika unless inflated by hyperbole and gilded with a fine coat of fraud”. paul fussell

evjensy holmchuk

“russians rarely cheat. each other–russians do not need written contracts or agreements”. alexandr herzen

Last edited 3 months ago by evjensy holmchuk
evjensy holmchuk

“play fair with russian or do not play”. otto von bismarck

evjensy holmchuk

“amerikans are 300 million used car salesmen..” hunter thompson

evjensy holmchuk

“from the inception of amerika it has been informed by ubiquitous sleaze and hustling”. walter macdougal

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