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MARCH 2025

Kiev-Ukraine Proved To Be Behind Crimean Terrorist Attack (Incriminating Video)

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On August 23, unidentified persons damaged a gas pipeline, located in Crimea, that is used for supplying gas to a military unit and to the villages nearby. On September 4, suspects, including Mejlis deputy chairman Nariman Dzhelyalov who acted as an intermediary, and perpetrators Asan and Aziz Akhmetov, were detained by Russian security service (FSB).

It was established that the act of sabotage was orchestrated jointly by the Main Intelligence Directorate department of the Ukrainian Defence Ministry’s in Kherson, the so-called Tavria operational service, and the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar People, a pro-Turkish extremist nationalist association, akin to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham.

According to FSB, the attack was organized by Riza Yagyaev-Veliulaev, an agent of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (GUR), who escaped from Crimea after he took part in a thwarted terrorist attack in August 2016, as well as his curators – Maxim Martynyuk, an employee of the military intelligence of Ukraine, and his chef, the head of the Tavria operational service, Viktor Zelinsky (not President Volodymir Zelensky, but almost).

The explosion was of a symbolic importance, as it was carried out on the eve of the Independence Day of Ukraine, celebrated on August 24th.

Such an attack ordered by the top level officials of the Kiev regime is not a usual sabotage aimed at damaging the enemy’s military infrastructure, but should be classified as an act of terrorism against the civilians of its “own population”, as per official Ukrainian narrative.

It was yet another act of aggression orchestrated at the state level that had not only left the Crimeans with no gas supply, but had important political consequences.

Zelensky hypocritically linked the perpetrators’ detentions to the launch of the international Crimea Platform forum aimed at “protection of Crimean victims of the Russian occupation regime”.

“This is how Russia reacts to the start of the Crimea Platform. All detainees must be released,” the president wrote.

As always, President Zelensky used the detention of “the innocents” to demonize Russia. GUR tried to present the accusations as another Russian provocation. The attack was another failed attempt to provoke an ethnic conflict on the peninsula, as the Crimean Tatars are regularly used by Kiev to later claim “their discrimination” after detentions.

Even the US State Department put it’s two cents in and called on the Kremlin to release all detainees. To no avail.

In order to avoid the speculations by the Kiev regime and its allies, Russian FSB released the video showing the suspects’ interrogation, when they pleaded guilty to a crime and described the preparations to the attack in details, including all the orders from their Ukrainian instructors.

SouthFront publishes the video with English subtitles.

It was revealed that the perpetrators had traveled to Ukraine in June and were trained to use explosives. They received the explosive device that was hidden in cheese wheel in July. They received all the necessary instructions, including the coordinates of the explosive installation site in messages from Ukrainian facilitators. After the explosive device had successfully detonated, they were asked to delete the correspondence.

This is only one of numerous attacks carried out by the Kiev regime against the population of Crimea. Despite regular attempts to damage strategic infrastructure facilities on the peninsula, the Kiev regime has already blocked the water supply to Crimea, facilitates the terrorists transfer there, let alone the famous Crimean blackout.

The Kiev regime remains committed to its terrorist methods not in order to return Crimea, as its population is increasingly convicted that the decision made in 2014 was the right one, as much as to once again attract the attention and money of its Western partners, for whom the Crimean dilemma is no longer an issue.

The only surprise is the peaceful reaction of the Russian side. De facto, the Kiev regime has carried out another act of war against both the Russian Federation and civilians in Crimea. Within the logic of international relations of the 20th century and earlier, this is not only a good reason for war declaration, but a necessity to declare war against the aggressor in order to protect the population from further acts of terrorism. Why the Kremlin avoids this? It is a separate issue.


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“The only surprise is the peaceful reaction of the Russian side. De facto, the Kiev regime has carried out another act of war against both the Russian Federation and civilians in Crimea. Within the logic of international relations of the 20th century and earlier, this is not only a good reason for war declaration, but a necessity to declare war against the aggressor in order to protect the population from further acts of terrorism. Why the Kremlin avoids this? It is a separate issue.” Brilliantly said.

Marcus B Nestor

It could also be said the the terrorist action was , “within the the logic of the 20th century and earlier”, a CRMINAL matter, and best dealt with as such, especially given the paltry scale and scope of the attack…I’m not saying it was a trivial matter or that the measured Russian response was necessarily the optimal one, but it was a legal and an appropriate one .There is more than one good reason for this. The obvious one is that its entirely the hope of the regime in Kiev to provoke a military response from Russia, that would give a pretext for escalation by NATO and the US. Another is that the criminals who carried out the attack should not be elevated from criminal actor to state actor (even though they were). When a Ukrainian thief is caught stealing in Russia it is not a reason to launch missiles against their forces in the Donbas.


We have to face the facts, these are pawns attempting to make Russia retaliate so that Russia will be forced to support a failed state (Ukraine) and be in a further state of financial hardship.

It is simply not feasible, and Putin knows this.


There is no need to respond. Usraina is facing long cold winter. Economy and infrastructure is zero to none level. Bomb is ticking in Kyiv anyway.


Because most of Ukranians are hostages of a Nazi fan club liders and one should not start a war with whom feels related. it will take time but even ukranians will rise against their kidnappers and join Russia.

Corrupt shithole of Ukropisstan

Time to take Kiev Comrades. Its nothing kore than a terrorist CIA colony up to no good. Please liberate Kiev.

The end

In order to respect yourself and earn you short stay on this cosmic ball of happiness, you need to free yourself by yourself. This is a job for Ukrainians and not Russians…


Who will pay for the huge bill of feading them,warm them up in the winter and rebuild the country? The E.U and Nato were the one´s making promessis of integration and support, why does they don´t fulfill?

L du Plessis

Ukraine Gov is becoming like the US Gov, a terrorist Gov.


If Russia doesn’t send a crushing response the US and its puppets will be emboldened,history shows that,problem is Mr Putin is far too reasonable.


Mr. Shoigu is the next in the list, they will learn sooner or later.


Send the mongols packing to allah and their nazi collaborators

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