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MARCH 2025

Kiev Whipping Up Anti-Russian Hysteria

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Kiev Whipping Up Anti-Russian Hysteria

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Written by Matvey

On December 1, 2022, the Ukrainian parliament passed in the first reading a draft law banning the usage of books in Russian language in scientific activities and education, as well as banning references to them. This step was a logical continuation of Kiev’s campaign against everything related to Russian literature.

Back on June 14, 2022, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted a law banning the import and distribution of books from Russia, Belarus and from the “occupied” territories of Donbas and Crimea. It is expected that from January 1, 2023, in Ukraine it will be permitted to publish literature only in the Ukrainian language. At the same time, even before the start of the conflict in Ukraine, the import of books from Russia to Ukraine was significantly reduced, and after February 24 the flow of books from Russia was completely stopped. Thus, the introduction of new laws legally secured the ban on Russian literature.

In May 2022 Oleksandra Koval, director of the Ukrainian Book Institute said that more than 100 million copies of “propaganda books,” including Russian classics, must be removed from public libraries in Ukraine. According to the official, the first stage of the purge will be the removal of ideologically harmful literature published during the Soviet era. First of all, from the libraries will be excluded books “that promote imperial narratives and pro-Russian politics. In the future, children’s books, love novels and detective stories will be banned. For example, at the end of 2022, Ukraine banned a book for young children called “Transport” because it featured a Russian tank and communist symbols.

The struggle against Russian literature could not help but affect scientific works published in Russian. Importantly, it is now forbidden to refer to Russian scientific articles and journals in the scientific works of Ukrainian authors. Thus, scientists from Ukraine risk losing a whole layer of research and publications, since Ukrainian science is largely based on Soviet and Russian research.

Moreover, as a result of the new law, entire scientific fields are under threat. For example, Gennady Yefimenko of the Institute of History of Ukraine, who specializes in the history of Ukraine in 1917-1938, stated that his works were destroyed because the subject of his research was the Soviet period in the country. Volodymyr Paniotto, Ukrainian sociologist and professor at Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, said that about 100 of his scientific articles were also banned. A lot of foreign mathematical literature, references to which he uses in his works, are published in Russian translation, i.e. also cannot now be used in Ukraine. “How am I supposed to write scientific articles and books … without referring to my works? And what’s next – confiscation from libraries and burning in the square?”

It is ironic that in its desire to get rid of everything associated with Russia, Kiev itself is repeating the mistakes of the Soviet government. Back in 1918, the Bolsheviks lead by Lenin issued a decree on the “Order of requisition of libraries, book storages, and books in all.” According to this decree, foreign scientific literature, including works by Plato, Kant, Schopenhauer, Reckia, and Nietzsche, were to be confiscated and destroyed. The culture of the people itself was destroyed through the “Cultural Revolution”.

The consequences of introducing new laws against “anti-Russian” scientific literature in Ukraine may be long-lasting. As a result, Kiev will be able to triumphantly declare the successful eradication of any traces of Soviet and Russian research in Ukrainian science. However, the desire for voluntary isolation in the end will only lead to a slow degradation of scientific work in Ukraine.


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In short: the reich parliamentarians want Nazi unification is for this need to erase Russian Soviet culture is to adopt the pro Western style with Nazi culture. It is not a matter that in a few years this country will become authoritarian where the president will become the Führer

Israel first

The modern west, is the exact opposite of the Nazis. There is very little in common between them.

Bernard Davis

Except that the so-called west has no compunction whatever about using Nazis as shock troops for their strategic purposes. Little in common?


In a few years? Only if you mean in minus few years cause this was the case for a few years now!


token futile and pointless

Remember Bucha!

Time to destroy russia!


US and UK have been killing and genocides 6 million of innocent peoples in The Middle East lol.


Lo mismo que hizo la Alemania nazi

Israel first

Could the Russians load up an old plane with explosives, get it up to 70,000 feet, and fly the thing straight down on the Ukrainian Rada when it is in session? Russia should consider that.

Jürgen Scadock

Bücherverbrennung wie im III deutschen Reich !Faschismus!


I joined eternal muskovite and they are basically white trash, racist, and snobby towards especially Africa.


I have no problem with commies targetting those fuckers.


As a collateral damage they also destroyed Hungarian school and education for the 150,000 Hungarians living in Zakarpathia (which was Hungarian territory for 1000 years). And then they threatened Hungary with marching across it an occupying in two hours. And then they ripped off the Hungarian turul bird from the castle of Munkács that was there since 1896 … and then they wonder why on Earth is Hungary so much against them.

I wonder why 🤔

EU must not be USA slave

Romania, Poland and Moldova should be against them just as much.

But the only one with balls to deal with them is Russia.


One of the more idiotic moves Russian regime keeps doing is not taking the opportunity to drop a FOAB on the Ukrainian parliament/Verkhovna Rada! They should take the opportunity to wipe out as much of the scum in one go! The Ukronazi regime is a terrorist organization but Putin goes too soft on terrorists like Turks and Israelis too.


They Nazi nuts but extra with a little more Satanism on top.


The Decree that this “expert” is refferring to was called “On Protection of Libraries and Book Depositories of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic” . The intent was to centralize and register all libraries under the same aurthorities in order to create pubblic and free libraries (you can search for that decree if you don’t believe me). The fact that libraries owned by privates (or private institutions or foundations) were looted was what the decree was aimed at avoiding by creating a central register for all the avilable books. Private owner were allowed to keep theri books but were obliged to register them. I really don’t see the need to alter history, which should be the point that the author is trying to make…


Nothing shouts Fascist as clear as book burning. The Church did it in the Middle Ages, and before and after that. The nazis did it. And these nazis do it. Expect silence on mainstream media as dozens of brown shirts throw books to huge bonfires, while chanting jingoistic slogans and calls for genocide and extermination.


This is just yet another self-inflicted wound. Banderite ideology is extremism and it just spins faster and faster and will eventually destroy itself. With a bit of help the process can be sped up.


I don’t know about all them, perhaps Kant was okay, but there is nothing wrong, and no loss to humanity, banning Plato.

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