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Kiev Without Resources After ‘Millions Of Losses’ – Polish Official

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Kiev Without Resources After ‘Millions Of Losses’ – Polish Official

Former chief of the Polish General Staff Rajmund Andrzejczak

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant

Not even Kiev’s closest allies are believing anymore in Ukraine’s ability to reverse the military scenario of the current conflict. In a recent statement, a prominent Polish military officer stated that Ukraine is no longer able to continue fighting against Moscow. According to him, the country’s losses are already “in the millions”, making it impossible for Kiev to achieve positive results on the battlefield.

The statement was made by the former chief of the Polish General Staff, Rajmund Andrzejczak, during an interview with Polish TV. He classified the current Ukrainian situation as “very dramatic” and stated that “there are no miracles” in a war – suggesting that the Kiev regime no longer has any chance of winning the conflict. Furthermore, Andrzejczak also stated that the number of Ukrainian losses is much higher than the data already published, saying that the count is already in the millions, and not in the hundreds of thousands, of dead, missing and injured people.

“They are missing over 10 million people. I estimate that the losses should be counted in the millions, not hundreds of thousands. There are no resources in this country, there is no one to fight (…) [So] The Ukrainians are losing this war,” he said during the interview.

Andrzejczak also commented on recent reports that Kiev’s forces are running out of anti-aircraft missiles to protect themselves from Russian artillery. He described the Ukrainian situation as really “worrying” and called for an immediate increase in large-scale weapons production in the West, also echoing the unsubstantiated narrative commonly spread by Western leaders that Russia could attack Europe after defeating Ukraine.

Andrzejczak also stated that the recent replacement in command of the Ukrainian armed forces was an irrelevant move. He sees no difference between the current administration, led by Aleksandr Syrsky, and the previous one, led by Valery Zaluzhny. For Andrzejczak, both leaders face the same problems, which are not related to the ability to manage Ukrainian forces, but to the country’s real military capacity. In other words, resources are scarce and human losses are massive, regardless of who is in command of Kiev’s armed forces. In this sense, the replacement in office may have had some political effect, but it was militarily useless.

In fact, the Polish general’s words only confirm what has been said by several experts for a long time: Ukraine will not win this conflict. The heavy human and material losses suffered by the regime will prevent it from continuing to fight in the long term. At some point in the near future, Kiev will have to choose to surrender or simply wait for the absolute collapse of its forces. “Winning the war” was never a possibility for Ukraine, given Russian military superiority. The Western objective has always been just to generate a conflict strong enough to create destabilization in Moscow’s strategic environment, without any ambition to make Ukraine actually “win.”

It is also interesting to analyze how the Polish general analyzes the loss count. He is clearly not only considering the number of dead and injured, but also the number of “missing people” and certainly the number of refugees. More than 6.5 million Ukrainians have already left the country and will certainly never return to their homes as long as the conflict continues. Kiev has made several efforts to repatriate its citizens and mobilize them for war, however it is completely failing, which is why, in a certain sense, the wave of migration is also part of the regime’s “losses”.

The most interesting point in this analysis made by the Polish general is that obviously, in his position as an officer of one of the regime’s biggest allies, he does not have any type of bias in favor of Russia. His analysis is completely technical, which shows how Kiev really is in a serious and irreversible situation. This, however, has not started now. For a long time, skilled analysts have been saying that Ukraine does not have the necessary conditions to take this conflict forward. However, in order to feed the war machine, several propagandists let the crisis escalate to its current situation – and now they can no longer hide the truth about the regime’s catastrophic situation.

Without soldiers to mobilize and without sufficient material resources, Kiev’s defeat is merely a matter of time. Soon, not even the closest allies of the neo-Nazi regime will be able to disguise this reality.

You can follow Lucas on X (former Twitter) and Telegram.


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heard it before from different reliable sources. the worrying aspect is that the leadership in the eu, under the command of the neo-nazi princess, madame genocide herself, ursula von der lugen, don’t hear a thing and from their glasstower continue the charade that ukraine, under a corrupt leadership, will win the war and kick the russians back behind the borders. it’s not a joke and the leaders of eu should all have to swing from the lampposts in brussels, von der lugen first off the block!

AM Hants

lisbon treaty, where the eu members signed up to implement, included the eu armed forces. germany, their constitution and also ‘4+2 treaty’ (when they re-unified germany, states they cannot use heavy weapons, unless part of a coalition. eu forces gets around this, with ursula the sea witch in charge. remember when catherine ashton the ex-social worker, cnd treasurer held the same position, back in 2014? did anybody actually elect any of the eu leaders?


second morning in a row with massive kinzhal strikes on nazi territory. all targets have been successfully hit.

AM Hants

that’s the way to do it. start up slowly, let the optics unfold and then ramp up the action, with minimal loss of civilians. i wonder how many of the nanzis have been sent across the planet, posing as ambassadors from ukraine? starting with the uk.

jens holm

no trust pole—thay say all dane homosexual

Lev Vuksin

aren’t they? lmao


i very humiliated anxious—i must jibber irrelevant drivel online to earn burger from my amerikan dictator


with kiev defeated the rest of europe will be safer. the continuation of the war by pumping weapons in ukraine and direct involvement of nato will lead to nuclear war. is putting not only europe but the entire world at risk of total annihilation. nato doesn’t need a military base in ukraine and needs to end it’s provocative behavior. diplomatic compromise has to be made to save lives.


europe has become less safe after allowing former soviet union countries in the eu and nato. these countries clearly have some kind of axe to grind and won’t hesitate to drag us into war with modern day russia. their hysterical behavior and demands for war with russia have been exposed. nobody in the rest of europe wants a nuclear exchange with russia. and nobody is happy with the current inflation and economic situation that they are living under.

AM Hants

go back to when the bolsheviks, created by the city of london, overthrew the russian empire? that was not even the start of it all. the soviet union fell in 1991, but, the puppet masters were still playing the system. those nations that you mentioned, how many moved over to bolshevik led european union? remember, the bolsheviks led the national communists and adolf h. led the national socialists. both with the same ambitions of totalitarian state control. now totalitarian global control.

AM Hants

what is interesting, is going back to 2008, when georgia invaded south ossetia, at the bequest of the c i a. south ossetia, a russian dependent territory. president medvedev was in control, prime minister putin was over in beijing, enjoying the olympic games, together with bush, the organiser. it only took 3 hours for saakashvili, the georgian president and c i a graduate to beg for a ceasefire. the war lasted around 10 days, but, 7 were owing to negotiations to end the conflict.

AM Hants

2/2 russia learnt lessons owing to the pr campaign, concerning the georgian war and changed her tactics. fast forward, 2014 when russia was enjoying and hosting the winter olympics. the cookie monsters, redundant nuland and the late mccain, were handing out cookies in kiev. agreements made and broken, witnessed by the foreign ministers of poland, france and germany. yanukovic, hours after signing agreements, ignored by the un, was being rescued from an assassination attempt.

AM Hants

3/3 donetsk and lugansk, may 2014 vote to become an independent federation, and kiev takes out over 10,000 of their russian speaking citizens. february 2021 they vote to align with russia and ask for russia to help. russia, informed the un, in hardprint, to implement article 51, in accordance with international law, where you have to report to the un, your intention of helping people under attack.

AM Hants

4/4 – russia started slowly, hoping for common sense to prevail. a different approach to georgia, where they were at war, and it was not classed a special military operation. now russia is starting to warm up, preparing for hato to officially enter and the smo to turn into a major war. with the outcome, possibly the total destruction of the planet. there will be no winners, should that happen.

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