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Kiev’s Forces Are Balancing On Edge Awaiting Decisive Russian Advance

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Kiev’s Forces Are Balancing On Edge Awaiting Decisive Russian Advance

Russian loitering munition hits a target on the frontline

The first Saturday of November took place amid the slow but ongoing advance of Russian forces in the areas of Ugledar and Bahmut. Active offensive actions of Russian forces were also reported around the settlement of Pervomaysk in the countryside of Donetsk. However, offensive actions of the Russians in these directions face a strong resistance of units loyal to the Kiev regime that still experiences no lack in cannon fodder that it can throw to the frontlines of the conflict.

The advance of the Russians around Ugledar stuck in the area of Pavlovka. The village, located on the important crossroads, is partly controlled by Russian forces (over 50%) but its northern part is still contested. The weather conditions and reinforcements recently deployed by the Kiev regime played their role. Despite this, the situation for pro-Kiev units there still remains critical.

The area of Bahmut (Artemovsk) is another point of attention of the Russian military. The frontline there currently lies around Opitnoe (south of Bahmut) and reports appear about the movement of forward Russian units in the eastern and northern vicinity of Bahmut itself. Together with the tactical advances of the Russians around Pervomaysk it seems that the Ukrainian Armed Forces lost steam in the entire area of Donbass. Currently, they are mostly focused on attempts to prevent further advances of the Russians in the aforementioned areas.

Another key hot point is Kherson region, where the recent evacuation of the civilians organized by the Russians crated ground for a wide range of speculations by pro-Kiev media and MSM. According to their version of events, this was a pretext for a ‘large Russian retreat’ from the region. Despite this, the facts on the ground demonstrate no signs of the Russian retreat. Instead, Russian units deployed in the area regularly inflict heavy losses on units of the Kiev regime that try to attack in the direction of Kherson city.

It should be noted that despite obvious military successes in defense in Kherson, strategically, the Russians still experience logistical difficulties with supplying their group of forces on the right bank of Dnepr (Dnipro) River. These difficulties as well as a regular threat of strikes on civilian targets became the key factors behind the evacuation of civilians. Thus, the Russian military has reduced the need to supply and protect tens of thousands of civilians there. Therefore, they can focus on active military actions in the region.

Meanwhile, the Russian Defense Ministry released a November 5 report on the progress of the military operation in Ukraine:

The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation continue the special military operation.

In Kupyansk direction, enemy units forming up to 1 battalion tactical group attempted to attack Russian positions towards Kuzemovka (Lugansk People’s Republic).

Russian artillery and Army Aviation have neutralised the units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

Over 140 Ukrainian personnel, 3 tanks, 2 infantry fighting vehicles, 3 armoured vehicles, and 5 multipurpose motor vehicles have been eliminated.

In Krasny Liman direction, the attacks of 3 company tactical groups of the AFU towards Stelmakhovka, Ploshchanka and Kremennaya (Lugansk People’s Republic) have been frustrated.

Intensive action by Russian troops, supported by artillery, has resulted in the neutralisation of the enemy.

Over 60 Ukrainian personnel, 1 tank, 2 armoured fighting vehicles, 3 pickups, and 1 motor vehicle have been eliminated.

In South Donetsk direction, artillery units and assault groups have neutralised AFU units near Novomikhaylovka, Pavlovka and Vremevka (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Over 120 Ukrainian personnel, 2 armoured personnel carriers, 2 armoured personnel carriers, 2 armoured vehicles, 1 pickup, and 2 motor vehicles have been eliminated.

In Nikolayev–Krivoy Rog direction, 2 enemy mechanised infantry companies, supported by tanks, attacked Russian forces’ positions towards Sablukovka and Sukhanovo (Kherson region).

All the attacks have been repelled.

Artillery, Assault and Army Aviation have neutralised the AFU units.

Over 80 Ukrainian personnel, 3 armoured fighting vehicles, and 4 motor vehicles have been eliminated.

Operational-Tactical and Army Aviation, Missile Troops and Artillery have neutralised 5 command posts, including one of 15th National Guard Regiment near Krasny Liman (Donetsk People’s Republic), those of units from 60th Infantry Brigade of the AFU near Vysokopolye, Novaya Kamenka, Chervonoye (Kherson region), as well as 87 artillery units at their firing positions, manpower and military hardware in 179 areas.

1 command post of the Security Service of Ukraine has been neutralised near Kupyansk (Kharkov region).

1 armament and military hardware storage base of the AFU has been neutralised near Volnyansk (Zaporozhye region).

6 ordnance depots have been destroyed near Ivanovka (Kharkov region), Slavyansk, Druzhkovka (Donetsk People’s Republic), Novaya Kamenka and Petropavlovka (Kherson region).

1 self-propelled fire unit of Buk-M1 air defence missile system has been destroyed near Belogorka.

1 Ukrainian radar of S-300 air defence missile system has been destroyed near Novonikolayevka (Kherson region).

Fighter Aviation of Russian Aerospace Forces has shot down 1 MiG-29 airplane of Ukrainian Air Force near Velikoaleksandrovka (Nikolayev region).

Air defence facilities have shot down 1 Mi-8 helicopter of Ukrainian Air Force near Ugledar (Donetsk People’s Republic).

Moreover, 9 unmanned aerial vehicles have been shot down near Kalininskoye, Sadok, Tomarino (Kherson region), Stepnoye, Nikolayevka and Zelyony Gai (Donetsk People’s Republic).

In addition, 27 projectiles launched by U.S.-manufactured HIMARS multiple-launch rocket system have been intercepted near Leninskoye, Mospino (Donetsk People’s Republic), and Novaya Kakhovka (Kherson region).

In total, 331 airplanes and 169 helicopters, 2,435 unmanned aerial vehicles, 386 air defence missile systems, 6,335 tanks and other armoured fighting vehicles, 882 combat vehicles equipped with MLRS, 3,554 field artillery cannons and mortars, as well as 7,048 units of special military hardware have been destroyed during the special military operation.

Summing up events of the recent weeks, it is possible to draw a conclusion that the group of the Russian Armed Forces involved in the operation in Ukraine has still not finished the phase of regrouping and resupplying. The reinforcements have arrived, but there are much more to come. So, media reports about ‘large offensives’ towards Bahmut and Ugledar are premature. The fighting there is ongoing on the tactical level and is not supported by any really ‘large movements’ of Russian troops. Nonetheless, even a small-scale offensive activity of the Russian Armed Forces on a limited part of the frontline has already created significant difficulties for the Kiev regime.

Reports of the previous weeks demonstrate the intensification of Russian strikes on depots, command centers and gatherings of artillery and air-defense systems in close rear of Kiev’s forces in the southern and eastern sectors of the frontline. These actions, together with strikes on military industry facilities (remaining) and energy system of Ukraine, have not only short-term but also mid-term impact. The Russian military command is in no hurry. Therefore, large offensive operations of the Russians are yet to come.


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Russia has already lost the Ukraine war. Hope Russia won’t collapse like USSR.


till the end of this year russia and allies will have around 550.000 man on the front lines, than we will see who will loose what.


You are very funny HAAAAAAAAAAA


good planning by russia. russia needs to take all the time in the world. just use drones and missiles to destroy them all making sure not much supplies come to the front. and then just mop them up.


Hope you’ll get off the booze and dope.


And then you woke up with your pencil dick in your hand…lol

Assad Defeated Zionists

NATO’s proxy war is a complete failure Their most expensive weapons are being destroyed piecemeal and their economies are imploding. Can’t wait for the GOP to take back the House and the Senate and defund Zelenskyy. Trump-Taylor 2024. Slava Putin.

Sgt. Based

NATO be like



Americans sip some coffee with some cake to eat next to it , while the Russians are getting killed in their tens of thousands. America can now use Ukraine as a proxy against the Russians thanks to the ”smart” moves of Putin.


“while the Russians are getting killed in their tens of thousands”

LOL the next well informed : where do you get these overwhelming infos?


Bakhmut has seen tons of reinforcements from both sides, meanwhile SF is talking about no major troop movements in this area, this is just an obvious cover-up of the fact that they have been trying to take bakhmut for months with no success


“Bakhmut has seen tons of reinforcements from both sides, ”

not really. If you follow the front in the last 2-3 months , there were other hotspots than Bakhmut. And many commentators said , Bakhmut has not the strategic meaning since the front north of Kramatorsk etc moved eastwards.

“this is just an obvious cover-up of the fact”

I don’t see there any cover-up , just usual clashes , actually unimportant.

Marshal Antonescu

SF is constantly deleting ‘en-masse’ replies. That’s very bad. As for the subject Russia can’t do any offensive in the next 2 months. Different and multiple reasons. And the truth is being in defensive they have a hell more effect on destroying ukronazi filth and the casualty ratio is growing slowly in favor of the russians. Not in the expected mathematically direction as was in the summer but growing. But that isn’t producing a result for the banderist Kiev junta forces because it is balanced by the constant rotation and replenishment of ukroshit battered troops with idiots dying for the oligarchs who drives very expensive cars in Bucharest, Warsaw, etc and who fuck theirs widows when trying to survive Ukro-shithole economic situation migrating all over Europe. Absolute imbeciles down to its core !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially when your Slava KUkrainii is no more yours, but bought by JUSA kikejoo’s and chinese. Some estimates now bring the total of Ukrainian farmland controlled by foreign companies to over 2.2 million ha as for 2015. Now, there is many more, about 2.5 million ha or over 60% of entire country agricultural land. https://www.oaklandinstitute.org/blog/who-owns-agricultural-land-ukraine

Last edited 1 year ago by Marshal Antonescu

“As for the subject Russia can’t do any offensive in the next 2 months.”

I suppose one can’t know it for sure at the moment. You even don’t know if they can’t do or they don’t want to do. I follow this conflict now for some months , and it seems more and more complicated. The best solution was the federal Ukraine. The second best was the agreement between Russia and Ukraine about NATO and Status of the Russian Ukraine direct after the start of SMO. The next is ceasefire between Russia and NATO with some global security guaranties… what will be the next , it all depends not only on Russia? So if you try to evaluate how good or how bad the Russian MoD is acting , you must have some information about all the background , which aims can be reached by the warrying parties. It seems to me , Russia wants to achieve: – security guaranties concerning NATO – security for the Ukrainian Russians (unfortunately it is now escalated so that the only solution was to join the new territories to the Russian state) – neutralise the aggressive Ukrainian nazi state , which perverted to the American proxy and bridgehead to conquere Russia (the blueprint of Zbigniew Brzezinski , how to controll and finally conquere the Eurasian plate). This is the direction and destination. If 2 months or 2 years , Russia is fighting for their survival , for the right to live their culture and the existence of their country.


I agree Russia is fighting for its survival, now the question is why is the Kremlin and the oligarch class sabotaging the fight.


there is no urgency for Russia to control any particular thing in Ukraine, as the problem is the West. Once the idiot volunteer supply from the West are all dead and frozen, the war will come to an end. That is how other wars against Russia concluded and this one is little different

The Crunge

I hope this offensive is decisive. They said after Mariupol fell the Russkies had a ton of soldiers and would easily get a bunch of land and the war would end soon. Then I heard the Uke defenses were about to collapse from all this artillery shelling from these superior Russian forces and the war would conclude quickly. Now they’re saying with these 300,000 or so troops Putin is putting in the Uke defenses will collapse soon. They also said the Ukes are running out of troops from these offenses of theirs that’s killing high amounts of their soldiers and they’ll lose the war soon. I’ll believe it when I see it.

Putin is sad

I hate to tell you that the offensives in the Donetsk area, Bakhmut and Ugledar, have come to a stop. After initial success on the first days the operation was stopped in the mud. The main problem is that the Ukrainian defense, built in 8 years, controls the hilltops. If they loose position in the lower parts they can fall back on their artillery and repel the attacks and prevent any reinforcements from the back. That is exactly what has happened this time around. It amazes me that RF are still using the same old tactics that failed in the past. In the Luhansk area the RF are in the defensive and the UAF are in a position to attack at will. In Kherson elite forces of Russia are in a defensive line and fighting daily to prevent a Ukrainian breakthrough. They have prepared fallback positions but the main problem is that Ukranian forces have cut off the supply routes. That means that the RF on the left bank of the Dnjepr are isolated. A strategic situation that in the long term is untenable. Personally I think that we still need a new world order but I am afraid that Russia is not going to realise it. We just picked the wrong battleground in Ukraine.


This autum will be really disaster for Ukraine and US and UK regular soldiers that pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers because tree leafs are falling so they can’t hide their heavy weapons in the forest ,they will suffering from heavy loss of life and equipments ,sad US and UK will selling their widows and daughters as prostitutes and sex slaves in US and UK.

Lance Ripplinger

It is mud season right now in Ukraine. I believe the Russians are waiting for the ground to freeze, which will enable them to launch a large offensive. Right now, they seem to be building up their supplies and manpower. There are still a lot of the drafted troops in training, who had been called up on mobilization. It has also been reported that there have been a lot of volunteers showing up to fight. Russia, according to the latest polls, is more united now, than ever before.


And the grind goes on 🇷🇺 🇷🇺 🇷🇺


Russians f*ked up the attack. Get over it

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