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MARCH 2025

Kiev’s Official Admits “Horrible Losses”

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Kiev’s Official Admits “Horrible Losses”

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According to a Ukrainian diplomat Kiev will admit its losses in the future, after the end of the conflict.

Written by Lucas Leiroz, journalist, researcher at the Center for Geostrategic Studies, geopolitical consultant.

Increasingly, Ukraine’s defeat is being admitted even among officials of Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime. Recently, a Ukrainian diplomat claimed that his country is suffering “horrible losses”. According to him, the government is hiding the real level of losses, which is expected to change after hostilities cease. It is not clear, however, when the conflict will end, which leads us to believe that reality will continue to be omitted for a long time.

Vadim Pristaiko, Ukraine’s ambassador to the United Kingdom, said during an interview with the British newspaper Daily Express that Kiev really avoids commenting publicly on its losses on the battlefield. According to Pristaiko, since the beginning of the conflict the Ukrainian government has maintained a policy of not disclosing the real number of dead and wounded people on its side. Pristaiko said he believes that this data would only be provided after the end of fighting. He also admitted that he expects a “horrible number”, showing no optimism about his country’s situation in the military scenario.

“It has been our policy from the start not to discuss our losses (…) When the war is over, we will acknowledge this. I think it will be a horrible number,” he said during the interview.

Indeed, it is common practice in any war for both sides to be cautious about claiming their losses. There are many reasons why this happens. The main one is that the defeated side, by admitting that it is weakened, not only makes it clear to the opponent that it is at a military disadvantage, but also favors the psychological and moral situation of the adversary, giving it confidence in victory. However, this reason alone is not enough to explain why Kiev hides so many of its losses.

In the Ukrainian case, the target of war propaganda is not the enemy side, which is fully aware of its own combat conditions, but Western public opinion. As a NATO proxy state and fighting a war to serve Western interests, Kiev’s neo-Nazi regime relies on the support of its allies to continue conducting maneuvers. Without this support, Kiev would be forced to surrender, as its weapons and national troops are virtually exhausted. However, this support depends on a certain level of “approval” from public opinion in order to continue to exist.

The population in western countries is unhappy with the visible consequences of NATO’s war against Russia, such as the exponential increase in the cost of living, mainly food and energy. It would be very difficult to convince ordinary citizens to support a prolonged war against Moscow, with no deadline to end, if Kiev’s defeats became public. This would further increase popular dissatisfaction and generate a large wave of protests. And this is exactly why the mainstream media works so hard to hide the truth, trying to make it look like Kiev can win, relying only on more guns. In this sense, not disclosing the real number of dead and wounded Ukrainians is a tactic of war whose target is public opinion itself. The objective is to continue legitimizing and justifying the sending of military aid.

The main problem with this is that there is a limit to how much the truth can be hidden. EU officials began admitting late last year that Kiev had lost more than 100,000 men on the battlefield. Some intelligence agencies’ reports estimate even higher numbers, with over 200,000 losses. At first, the Ukrainian government felt threatened with these data being exposed and reacted with lies of difficult credibility, such as the pronouncement of Zelensky’s adviser Mikhail Podoliak, in December, stating that the deaths were estimated between 12,000 and 13,000 men. With false data, which visibly diminish the real level of the Ukrainian defeat, Kiev became increasingly discredited and harmed to public opinion, which is why the strategy now seems to change, with some officials starting to admit that there are “horrible losses”, but making it clear that more detailed data can only be provided later.

It is important to note that this alteration does not change the narrative of the supposed “necessity” to continue the war with Russia. It is just a shift of strategy to garner support. Previously, the narrative was that Kiev was winning and “had a chance”, now it is said that regardless of the military scenario and losses, Kiev “needs to win”, even if that means fighting to the last Ukrainian – or even the last Western soldier, as some Kiev officials already openly call for direct NATO intervention. This is also clear in the words of ambassador Pristaiko himself, who during the interview disqualified any possibility of negotiation or peace agreement and stated: “So, we have to fight to the very last of them or, very unfortunately, the last of us as well”.

In fact, there is no expectation that the conflict will end anytime soon, as Western sponsors of Kiev want not only to prolong but also to create new fronts in other countries. For NATO, the more Russia is engaged in combat with proxy nations, the better. If, as the ambassador says, public opinion has to wait for the end of the war to know the real number of losses, then it is likely that the truth will continue to be hidden for a long time. It only remains to be seen whether Western citizens want to continue having their money invested in a war about which they are prevented from seeing the data.


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opet ja

UAF won’t have enough troops for upcoming offensive. All their brigades are depleted by at least 50%. They also lost a lot of experienced soldiers. And maybe Russians will go into some preemptive strike or offensive before UAF gets more vehicles.


They did no preemtive stikes till now why would you believe they will start doing it. It must be clear by now that russia does not want or is incapable to do it. Choose which version you like better. It does not change the outcome.

Romanian yankee kurwa

Hot news fucking jumerican slaves ! Pamfil Military Academy here you nazi psycho bitches ! Casualties of the ukroshit banderanazi shithole as per 11.IV.2023: KIA aka denazified clown servants REACH 150.000 MIA aka vaporized clown servants around 49.000 -50.000 WIA aprox 380.000 from which around 130.000 forever totally heavy disabled; 170.000 disabled unable to return front. POW’s 3500-4.000 Total Cocalansky reich casualties: 500.000 aka dumbfuck idiots fighting for a filthy rich khazar clown and a 55% Kukrainii owned by another rich entities from Jumerica !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nation of fools and retard IQ peoples !

Erik Nielsen

Kremlin official also admitted horrible losses on the Russian side. But there is nothing so wrong that it is not good for something else: There is more girls to us……………………..LOL.

1 poseidon nuke enough to tsunamize the whole UK

stop spamming the forum troll


Russia army has loss around 20 soldiers a day because their job are giving fire support from tanks and artilery instead of close range fighting with opponent, Donbas Kerson Wagner Chechen militias have job to fight close range with Ukraine soldiers and US NATO regular soldiers pretend dressing as Ukraine soldiers.

Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London

Ok, so according to a Nazi diplomat, Kiev will admit its losses (+-500k) in the future, after the end of the conflict. Cowards. Nazi cowards.

Last edited 1 year ago by Hypersonic Tsar Bomba 2.0 locked on DC and London
opet russian sissy

Russia does not have enough troops for the offensive. They have claimed their draft in the Fall and their kept talking ofrever about their planned huge offensive in Winter. It is mid spring and it turned out just lots of puff air. All Russian brigades are depleted by at least 50%. They have also lost a lot of experienced soldiers trying to storm a single town called Bakhmut. And now maybe Ukrainians will go into some preemptive strike or offensive before Russians decide to retreat on their own.


The only offensive they need is among the nonrussian advisers of putin.

Michel LeBlanc

Losses.are at least 10 to 1 in favor of the russians.

What are you smoking?

Nato just keeps jumping into range of russian artillery tubes…so why not blast them?

We could explain it all day to morrons like you, you will still never get it.


Zal het even sterker vertellen totaal Oekraïne verliezen is 400,000 totaal russen, verliezen 32.000 dat is zelfs bijna 13 tegen 1, je droomt te veel


why not 500.000?



I agree. Moreover I’ve read somewhere that Russia is indeed already withdrawing troops. But not from Bakhmut but from Avdiivka, thining-out the numbers there and throwing them into the battle near Bakhmut, not the city center but the places around the town, where the unfinished cauldron is, because Ukraine, especially in the southwest of Bakhmut (especially around Ivanskoye and south of it ) has managed to even retake some substancial amount of terrain.

And since large ukrainian troop reserves – ready to attack are positioned behind as well as north and southwest of Bakhmut, Russian military command has decided to give up on Avdiivka assault and instead throw the troops from there into the area north of Bakhmut (to put pressure on Ukraine and to prevent ukraine from also regaining territory there, as that would mean reopening a second route into Bakhmut, a route which is currently under russian control) and south of Bakhmut in order to stop ukrainian advance there – an advance which could in worst case (if supported by another offensive speer manouver from ukrainian reserve troops deep in the southwest of Bakhmut) otherwise lead to the russian southern cauldron flank being cut off – and getting encircled themselves. So it is clever move from russia to give up on Avdiivka now and better fully concentrate on Bakhmut in order to not lose that important town.

But at the same time it also shows the desperation and limits of the russian offensive capabilities, as they are now for everybody to see, not strong enough to take both towns (Avdiivka and Bakhmut) at the same time, which is why they have now decided to abandon their “Avdiivka project” in favour of the more prestige bearing and strategically much more important town of Bakhmut.

Last edited 1 year ago by primo553

Teveel weed gerookt? Rusland heeft niet eens haar hoofdmacht gebruikt. Ze hebben meer dan 1 miljoen militair personeel, ongeveer 32.000 zijn gedood en Oekraïne meer dan 400.000 zijn gedood, man ze hebben in 8 jaar tijd sterkste leger en defensie opgebouwd met hulp van VS en NAVO en dan kom jij even zeggen dat de russen niet genoeg troepen heeft, je leeft in je eigen bubbel .

Uncle Ho

Better get new “information” sources because it’s embarrassing to be thought of as an uninformed fool who believes lies the thieves in kiev say as they are literally running out of places to hide all their new money.


Did the Western Berserkers ever expect to defeat Russia on the battlefield ? Why do they now pretend to care about losses except to gain some sort of sympathy which would equate to more money and weapons to cause the death of even more Ukrainians. The NATO beasts could care less about deaths except that they too many will upset their plan.

Psionists slaves of America

200,000 Banderites KIA at least. denazification is going according to plan.


1 million soldiers for the Ukraine. 400k for Russia. The Ukraine can’t hold them back so their losses are obvious.

By the way, I love how an army of bots gives negative reactions to comments here these days. The propaganda war is all they seem to win.

Erik Nielsen

As I said they wont stop before they have reached the magic figure 6 million butts, buried with their arses above the ground to be used as bicycle parking………………………..LOL.

Harry Taylor

It almost seems like Zelenskyy was put in power to Genocide Ukraine


Definitely looks like that. An actor with no clue of consequences. Depopulating and destroying seems to be the agenda here with the pillaging of the country. This is the model for war across the globe with weapons and big profits from rebuild using loans. The citizen pays.


Who do you thank for All this death and destruction and for what? For greedy control freaks who sit in high towers. Proverbs 24:17 KJV Rejoice not when thine enemy falleth, and let not thine heart be glad when he stumbleth.


zelensky should surrender both his army and himself.


Look like War in Ukraine have been draining US and NATO resources money and their prosperity.

Uncle Ho

After war is over and many new ukraine millionaires can leave and enjoy good life the families will find out their sons died for thieves.


If the Kiev junta persists in fighting to the last Ukrainian, this whole tragic situation will have one positive effect… the Russians will get a huge territory cleared of Nazi garbage!


Banderist losses and jewish losses are what Ze and his comrads care about. Ukrainian losses not so much.

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