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MARCH 2025

Kiev’s PR Campaign Resulted In Massive Shelling Of Mykolaiv

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Kiev's PR Campaign Resulted In Massive Shelling Of Mykolaiv

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On the morning of July 15th, Russian missiles hit several targets in the city of Mykolaiv and the Mykolaiv region. The mayor of Nikolaev Alexander Senkevich confirmed more than ten powerful explosions as a result of strikes of high-precision weapons of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Missile strikes hit the buildings of two educational institutions in the city which were turned into accommodation facilities for Ukrainian servicemen and foreign fighters.

The first target of the missile attack was the buildings of the Nikolaev Shipbuilding Institute, which were turned into a military base of the Ukrainian National Guard.


Another strike hit the local Pedagogical Institute. It was also reportedly used for temporary locations of Ukrainian military.

There is a legislative ban on shooting attacks by the Russian army in Ukraine, thus civilians are afraid of sharing photos and videos from the spot. According to the reports, at least five ambulances and a large number of people in military uniforms were seen on the spot after the explosions.

Along with the strikes on the military facilities in the city of Mykolaiv, Russian forces also hit areas of concentration of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU) in the towns of Stepova Dolyna in the Mykolaiv region and Posad-Pokrovsky in the Kherson region.

On July 14th, about ten more explosions were reported in the city of Mykolaiv. Among the targets that were destroyed, there are the local school No. 51 and the Mykolaiv hotel. Explosions were also reported in the area of the old railway station near the Nikolaev-Cargo station.


The Armed Forces of Ukraine have been using the local school No. 51 in the city of Mykolaiv for months. This have been confirmed by reports of the local residents and footage showing military equipment in the school yard. The civilian facility was used for accommodation of the Ukrainian military.

The hotel destroyed by the Russian missiles was reportedly used for accommodation of the Ukrainian military command.


Russian troops have recently increased the number of attacks on AFU positions in the southern Ukrainian regions. Not so long ago, Kiev announced its plans to launch a major counteroffensive and regain control of the south of the country. Ukrainian propaganda claimed that the Kiev regime was going to mobilize a million soldiers to repel the Russians. However, any action has yet to be taken. It is unclear whether the General Staff of Ukraine is preparing any counterattacks, but the situation on the front lines in southern Ukraine remains tense, and the Russian military should always be ready for any attacks on military positions and civilians.

Especially considering the constant strengthening of Ukrainian forces with foreign military equipment. In Mykolaiv, at least two MLRS M142 HIMARS launchers entered service with the 201st anti-aircraft missile Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

As a result, amid such loud statements by Ukrainian military officials, the Russian side reacts accordingly, destroying military facilities in the Mykolaiv region before Ukrainian troops could send reinforcements to the front line. Another PR campaign of the Kiev regime cost the lives of dozens of Ukrainian servicemen.


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Can be very confusing between Nikolaev in the Dnieper Oblast and Mikolaev in the Kherson area.

Muhammed Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك


I have an Ukrainian neighbor. Her car’s license plate is “Kiev”. I guess she did not get the memo that she is an anti Ukrainian hater :D

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Last edited 2 years ago by Work AT Home

I translated the Arabic text in your name.

Is it you or your gods you are aiming for.


Nikolaev city is the center of Nikolaev region near Herson city. Nikolaev is well known as shipbuilding center in the past, all aircraft carriers of USSR were built here, the shipyard was found in 19th century, but now there is no shipbuilding at all, ukrainization = deindustrialization (among other negative results).


The reason the Ukrainian military makes such outlandish and bold announcements is because they are told what to do and say by the U.S. to trick the foolish U.S. and EU masses into believing that Ukraine actually stands a chance to repel the Russians just so the U.S. can continue to rob the American sheeple of hundreds of billions of dollars in aid packages and weapons transfers till the last Ukrainian. There are even videos on telegram with pictures of javelins being sold by Ukrainians on the dark web for 30,000 dollars each. Its a giant weapons racketeering operation funded by the hibernating fat American tax payer coupled with the siphoning of literally hundreds of billions of dollars by corrupt U.S. politicians. Democrats just introduced a bill to give 650 billion dollars to Ukraine via the IMF which is also controlled by the U.S.


I’s like to believer that the US leadership has such forethought however that would be giving them far too much credit (I blame leaded gas) I would say these mythical ‘counteroffensives’ are just the Ukraine oligarchs effort to convince the US and EU states that Ukraine has a strategy and is at least trying to win the war …. if only they had enough weapons and cash … in small, non sequential bills or bitcoin if possible.

You’ll notice that the “million man offensive” came at the same time Zelenski asked for the USA to raise their welfare cheque from $5B USD/mo to $9B USD/mo. The oligarchs are going to pocket the money, sell the donated weapons on the black market and fuck off to some tax haven in the Central America.


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Last edited 2 years ago by Anglia

The Ukrainian oligarchs are very much involved as well of course. Zelensky is said to have a billion dollars in assets and wealth. The reason the war will continue is also because the U.S. is not only paying the salaries of all the Ukrainian politicians but also handing out generous bonuses to the Ukrainian high ranking military officers to continue to send the poor conscripts in Ukraine to the front lines to keep the carnage going. Like I mentioned above the democrats in congress have just introduced an outrageous bill to give Ukraine 650 billion dollars in aid to Ukraine via the IMF. So far the U.S. is set to send 650 plus the 70 we already sent which is insane. Of course the vast majority of that money will be stolen by the politicians since there is zero congressional oversight. This level of extreme corruption to me symbolizes the beginning of the collapse of the U.S. as an empire. It happened in Rome, all empires eventually fall, the end is near and the world will be celebrating.


The dark forces of evil are all in a concerted effort to hide the realities of events on the ground that’s why RTNews was completely banned in Europe, and now Ukrainians are not allowed to take photos of bombing aftermath in order to keep the lies credible.

Muhammad your Prophet

Russia’s supply lines are so pathetic that Ukrainian forces are picking them apart methodically. Looks like the ruskies never truly recovered from all the supply disruption they suffered at the beginning of the war. Vladimir Putin was likely hoping he could prevent Ukrainian forces from deploying those howitzers before the Russian army became fully exposed. Not that it’s been much of a secret. It’s pretty well known by now that the shitty Russian army is absolute garbage.

Michel LeBlanc

Crimea river.

Ukraine sucks american balls just like you.


Of course. And that is why Russia keeps advancing, while the Ukro-Nazis are “strategically” retreating.. ;)

You should come up with some new material…moron.


You’re literally a bot lol your opinion is trash.


Better now? Take your valium,try another nap,why? You forgot to wake up

Last edited 2 years ago by ALASKA IS RUSSIAN NOT BIDENS
Joe Bidet Is A Senile Pedo

Sounds like a JewSA/Mossad wet dream you are having their kikey boy. Tell Momma you need clean sheets again!


Wont be long Usa will be suking chinas kok!

Pamfil Military Academy

When US fake jews deep state global owned corporation will reach a redline imprint more and more fiat/toilet paper money to feed theirs banks with cash (and after to rob the US citizens via digital cards and an induced high inflation), they will command Ze fag cocaine actor to take a break…..he have a lot of multimillion dollar assets/accounts to acommodate to, maybe with a new fake identity and a facial surgery like the romanian head of the internal secret service, Pacepa in 1977.

Last edited 2 years ago by Pamfil Military Academy

Lol whoever programmed some you bots should be fired. Russia is the aggressor. Plain and simple. You’re literal bots and you think you’re smart 😂


These were all legitimate targets, for that is the Russian way to wage war. The Ukrainian way, as we all know, is to bomb any place within range that will kill as many innocent civilians as possible. The reason for this major difference when it comes to warfare? Answer : The Russian alliance have a leader unlike any other in history, a noble Christian man who genuinely cares about the people in both Russia and Ukraine, and this righteous man wants to keep the casualties of his special operation to an absolute minimum. This man represents that which is good. His opponents in this war are, as we all well know, evil. As a matter of fact they are as evil as it is possible to be in this world, for they rejoice in the destruction of nations and the maiming and killing of the innocent. The more they kill, the more they rejoice. And the more suffering they bring to their victims, the happier the become.Therefore to exterminate this evil is a noble act and all who take part in this noble war are heroes of all of mankind. Forever.

10% for the Big Guy

The RF does not believe the “1 million Army” hoax, nor does the Western MSM. Let’s not forget that the person who coined this fiction is a professional comedian, so don’t expect much of seriousity from this subject.

Last edited 2 years ago by 10% for the Big Guy
Cheryl Sanchez

yep, those civilian places they sue for militaRy meetings and teaching sessions wIth foreign agents will cause more targettinG from the Russian MOD


Most of this city sits on the east side of the rivers. I think the UAF can be denied operation or use of Nikolaev by end of summer.


Currently Ukrainians boot lickers of the west are the most stupid political and military group in the world. They definitely need the Russian knowledge and culture to clean them from 31 years of decay.

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