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Kiev’s Rift With Neighbors Widens As It Continues Flooding EU With Cheap Grain

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Kiev's Rift With Neighbors Widens As It Continues Flooding EU With Cheap Grain

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Written by Drago Bosnic, independent geopolitical and military analyst

The NATO-orchestrated Ukrainian conflict is probably the most consequential clash of global superpowers ever since the end of the Second World War. Luckily, it represents only a fraction of civilian casualties in comparison to the political West’s war crimes and aggression against the world which has killed dozens of millions since the Korean War onwards. Such belligerence continues to this very day, with the troubled Biden administration bombing nearly half a dozen countries only in the first weeks of this year. This comprehensive aggression against the entire world will continue until the fangs and claws of the likes of NATO are blunted one day and its malignant influence is contained only within its (preferably diminished and reduced) power pole.

Until then, the political West will continue being the greatest threat to global peace, a state of affairs that’s now affecting not only the world (primarily due to the US-led power pole’s neocolonialist policies), but also the people living in Western countries. For instance, Germany’s suicidal policy of renewed enmity with Russia has pushed its economy to the brink. Its ongoing deindustrialization is unparalleled to anything the country has gone through since WW2 ended, while the general crisis soon spilled over to other primary sectors of the economy, particularly the crucially important agriculture. By promising to send more funds to the Neo-Nazi junta in Kiev, Berlin made a commitment that it’s simply not able to honor without damaging its own economy.

Somebody has to bear the brunt of the expenses, so who did German political elites choose as their sacrificial lamb? The farmers, of course! Their hard-earned benefits for feeding the entire country were effectively taken away, because “there’s no money left”. When asked how come there aren’t enough funds for German farmers, but there’s more than enough money for the deeply corrupt Kiev regime, the government in Berlin had no viable (much less believable) explanation. In addition, the overall economic performance of Germany was far worse than expected, resulting in a rather sad attempt to conceal its failures and even falsely present them as “not a recession”. Tens of thousands of German truck drivers, farmers and agricultural workers protested.

However, this issue was only the tip of the iceberg for farmers across Europe. Namely, their own governments ending benefits and/or imposing additional taxes and other expenses is one thing, but allowing cheap agricultural products from Ukraine to flood European markets is a whole other problem. The EU’s climate change cultists and their radical policies are most certainly another issue for the Poles, but this is still far more manageable than competition from Ukraine which largely relies on dumping to establish a firmer presence in EU member states, particularly neighboring ones such as Poland, Hungary and Romania. Expectedly, this also has a spillover effect on other crucial sectors of the economy, particularly the transportation of goods.

This is precisely why Polish farmers protesting such policies are also supported by Polish truck drivers who are now in competition with Ukrainian trucking companies transporting a plethora of cheap commodities from Ukraine. Polish truck drivers are in danger of going out of business because their Ukrainian counterparts work for lower wages and are charging less, leading to what Poles see as “unfair competition”. While this is certainly a viable strategy in capitalist markets, it can indeed be dangerous for the host countries in the long term. This is why EU members such as Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and Romania are putting in place protectionist policies designed to prevent long-term damage to their primary sectors of the economy.

As previously mentioned, agriculture and transportation are particularly affected, which explains why farmers and truck drivers are most likely to protest if protectionist policies aren’t put in place and/or adequately implemented to protect their interests. This is where it becomes perfectly clear that the pompously announced “brotherly alliance” between Warsaw and the Kiev regime was nothing more than a “marriage of convenience” (although it actually resembles an “affair” far more). The bureaucratic elites in Brussels are also deeply involved in flooding EU markets with cheap Ukrainian commodities, particularly grain, as they’ve allowed them to go into Europe without having to follow strict regulations that domestic farmers are forced to adhere to.

Coupled with the EU’s suicidal energy policies, all of this causes a volatile mix of issues that are making it impossible for farmers across Europe to stay in business. In addition, the downward spiral in domestic agricultural production will inevitably affect animal husbandry, as livestock farmers will eventually be forced to rely more on imported food rather than their own to feed their animals. This could have disastrous long-term consequences, as it could soon open the door for further imports of cheaper Ukrainian livestock, making it very difficult for local farmers to stay afloat. It should be noted that this issue had been brewing for years before the special military operation (SMO), but it stayed under the radar because it wasn’t that extreme.

To a certain extent, the conservatives who were previously in power in Poland kept their promise to protect the interests of farmers, although this wasn’t enough. However, the new government led by the Brussels bureaucrat Donald Tusk effectively ended these protectionist policies, further angering Poles. The government was forced to make promises that it would take action and tighten border control on Ukrainian companies, but these promises were never kept. Former Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki publicly supported farmers and truck drivers, even calling for the introduction of an embargo on Ukrainian agricultural products. This demonstrates just how “friendly” the previous Polish administration was to the Neo-Nazi junta.

Laughably enough, some farmers in Europe were even accused of being “pro-Russian” for protesting against Ukrainian grain imports. This shows the political West’s “Russia, Russia, Russia!” obsession transcends the heydays of McCarthyism of the 1950s, as the political elites show a willingness to fight any sort of (rightful) public anger and dissent by pulling the “evil hand of the Kremlin” card. But who knows, perhaps the Poles suddenly decided they love Russia more than anything else in the world, which is why they’re blocking Ukrainian wheat. Ridiculous jokes aside, it’s impossible not to see another angle in this mess. Namely, the actual hand of Uncle Sam and various transnational corporations is certainly behind the ongoing unraveling of EU agriculture.

Many have forgotten that American companies own much of Ukrainian arable land. Corporations such as “Cargill”, “DuPont” and “Monsanto” are among the most prominent ones. The likes of “Vanguard”, “Blackrock” and “Blackstone” are the largest shareholders in the aforementioned agricultural giants, owning trillions in assets. Together, these massive transnational corporations own over 17 million hectares (or around 30%) of all arable land in Ukraine, making it impossible to hide their role in the ongoing crisis. The involvement of Washington DC’s top leadership is also undeniable, as back in 2022 US President Joe Biden proposed the export of 20 million tons of Ukrainian grain to “stabilize food prices” caused by the mythical “Putin’s inflation”.

Well, it seems that this “stabilization” is finally reaching Europe, with the Kiev regime serving as both a scapegoat for US corporate interests and a springboard for the elimination of EU competition in agriculture and transportation. Either way, Europe will continue to suffer for the sake of the financial and economic interests of its masters across the Atlantic, just like Ukraine is suffering by being used as a geopolitical and military tool against Russia and the multipolar world.


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jens holm

i buy bread frum dat grain and i feel woozy. maybe it have too much pestekticides.

it prety kool thou, it glow in dark. i tink i make cookeys frum it und lure in neigborhud kiddies.

Last edited 1 year ago by jens holm
jens holm

i never wrote that.

jens holm

i wrote all it but forgot like my bff joe

jens holm

my taliban astrologer wrote for me

jens holm

corekt–but only like boys under 1o years


if the “eu bloc” had any common sense, all ukronazi exports would be banned.

unfortunately sheltered & priveledged pigs run eu policy on behalf of the western shareholder class.

welcome to western “democracy”…

Foogly shoshana

no one wants nasty ukraine grain because zelensky mixed his cocaine into it🤫

Mule Kicker

lots of depleted uranium added to give cocaine a bigger kick.

gestapo mctaco

cocain grain, mmmmmm.. happy mcburger time…

jens holm

latest roumours says ukras will make vodka for the russian cars but russia only has rubels.

jens holm

these roumours came out my anal cavity this mourning on toilette seat

jens holm

lucky day. gold ring fall out too

jens holm

i only believes lies an rumors–stupidity is a virtue in dumbmark

Mule Kicker

if you don’t believe approved lies and rumors in canada, castro will throw you in jail.

jens holm

their is no suffer in europe. as the almost the rest of the world we are in a a little down for a while.

the main problem fro eu is we already to low the food pruction. ukras by that is a lot extra.

jens holm

why dumb dane 35% need treatment for mental illness?…in russia 2%

jens holm

cuz we alcoholics—conume more per capita than all nation except ball tics australia—we psychologically culturally impoverished

jens holm

i worship money—i pray every day to dollar and ask forgiveness for not licking amerikan boot for half dollar

emperor gates

jens go down on all amerikan homosexual—eu is amerikan slave disunited alliance—-you have no culture—only amerikan burger

Mule Kicker

a ‘little down for a while’ in holmospeak means a downward death spiral.

Mule Kicker

general foods laboratory says no american grain for eu, only cheerios, wonder bread and pop tarts.


blackrock owns ukraine and wants to destroy eu small farms.. eu leaders are bought out.. only solution is to cancel the eu.. not that hard if everybody agree


ukraine #1 export cheap hookers

jens holm

i only like their 12 year boy hooker

jens holm

i rouke this but i prafar 10 year old

Mule Kicker

vd extras no charge

jens holm

hip jigger need glue what? slobber on my diaper

gestapo mcshitbag

wot…. n… wot..

Peter Jennings

the farmers interest is our interest. one cannot have one without the other. the eu want to spend funds meant for the people on their wars. years of mismanagement have bankrupted their countries and now that the people are demanding their rights our gov’ts are worried about inflation. although they didn’t worry about that before. quite the opposite. we are ruled over by shysters. the people will remedy that or die. the choice is as simple as that.

jens holm

we have complete solidarity w all amerikan homosexual transgender–no rift

emperor gates

i fired tomsawyer due to incompetence and sexually harassing male employees

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