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MARCH 2025

Kiev’s Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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The Armed Forces of Ukraine continue senseless shelling on civilians in the Donbass region as well as in the Russian border regions.

On October 3, Ukrainian forces shelled the village of Golovchino in the Belgorod region. As a result of the attack a 48-year-old woman was killed. According to Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov, Ukrainian shells hit the center of the village, destroying civilian infrastructure. Vyacheslav Gladkov clarified that as a result of the shelling, two private houses were almost destroyed, and 51 buildings were damaged. The buildings will be restored as soon as possible. The governor added that all security services and the head of the district were deployed on the spot.

“I would like to emphasize that the armed forces of Ukraine fired on a village where there are no military equipment and facilities, but civilians live: children and the elderly”,- Mr. Gladkov noted.

The village of Golovchino is located about ten kilometers from the border with Ukraine. It was already shelled by the aFU twice on April 19 and 26. On April 19, three civilians were wounded, and more than 30 houses were damaged. On April 26, four houses and several non-residential buildings were damaged.



The Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics which have recently entered into Russia were also shelled by the Kiev regime.

Ukrainian militants fired central Voroshilov district of Donetsk from their military positions in Karlovka. The attack was carried out with US-made HIMARS MLRS. According to the DPR Representative in the JCCC, the AFU fired two missiles. One of them was shot down by Russian air defense means, the other fell near the Green Plaza shopping center. No casualties were reported. Several shopping centers were damaged.

Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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The day before, the Kiev regime hit the territory of the DPR with 140 shells from barrel artillery of 155, 152 and 122 mm caliber, as well as mortars of 120 mm caliber.

11 settlements were shelled. As a result, two civilians were killed in the Kuybishev district of Makeevka.

Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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In the Luhansk People’s Republic, the AFU hit the town of Starobelsk with US-made HIMARS MLRS. Ukrainian forces shelled one rocket targeting a kindergarten which was damaged.

Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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Kiev's Terrorist Strategy Kills Civilians In Donbass & Russian Border Regions

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The attacks on civilians are carried out by high precision foreign weapons, i.e. that Ukrainian forces intentionally kill civilians in an attempt to threaten the pro-Russian population of the Republics.


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The identitarian kooks of the failed Ukrainian CIA project have made it clear all along that they are happy to have a civilian population that rejects their hybrid Nation of Islam/Prosperity Gospel/Scientology program killed or displaced. The Russian failing, if indeed it is a failing, is that they have tried to win hearts and minds. US, French and British demonstrated time and again in both WW2 and their colonial predations that they view civilians as fair game, to be made examples of for psychological strategies.

Vlad from Romania

UK nuked the indigenous population of Maralinga and Emu Creek and other islands, so genocide is their game. Entire populations, you know… Cooked alive.

Last edited 2 years ago by Vlad from Romania

Alexander Dugin: “We are dealing with a barbaric, terrible force. There are no rules anymore, we are in a completely different phase of global confrontation. And we must realize that we can hardly resolve this crisis by soft negotiation. We must be strong, we must win, we must mobilize our entire society. We laughed a lot at them. At Biden, who is out of his mind, at Zelensky, who is a drug addict, but the West attacks us very harshly, and sometimes effectively and painfully. This theme of mockery of the enemy has exhausted itself, we need to take this battle seriously. A drug addict and a senile old man communicating with spirits is a facade. Behind this is the iron power of Anglo-Saxon and NATO civilization, the West, liberalism, globalism. This is the result of the last 500 years of their history. They stand for their idea, a totally false and totally inhuman idea, but most importantly, we have no place at all in their world. We must realize that we are condemned, and no compromise can be reached with this terrible, dark, cruel force. We must be mobilized for this fundamental confrontation in order to save Russia, humanity, and the world in the end.”


Vladimir and the Mullahs should have followed my advice and fired all of the missiles at once

Miki Miric

Pa neka ubija kada u Kremlju sjede idioti poput Šojgua, Gerasimova itd itd,majmun do majmuna.Zasto ste krenuli u rat kada niste spremni za njega,sve vam je u haosu, cijeli svijet vam se smije.Zao mi je hrabrih ruskih vojnika koji živote ostaviše zbog idiota koji žude za ordenjem,nesposobnih generala koje treba streljati.


Are we somedayseing Russia actually win against Ukraine? So far, I can only see Ukraine shelling and marching into Russia with impunity. I thought that someone would have prepared a counterattack to actually bite after taking in the Donbas. I don’t understand what is going on. If someone can please explain?


What’s likely happening, is Russia is playing a military fake. They are literally pretending to lose ground in order to draw the AFU to come out of their fortifications. Once the rainy season hits, everyone and all equipment will most likely remain where they are until SPRING. During the Winter, the Russians will attack with a ferocity unseen since WW2.

jens holm

Sure. And people are unarmed, when they have no arms too♿.

Z for Victory

Strange, really. Why electric power, bridges and railways are not targeted by russians?

jens holm

People like You have no medias.


Wipe the felch from your goggles and watch this media, you stupid cunt: “Bin Ladens Cave according to Rumsfeld” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=be8Ego6xd2o

Putin is a genius

War is terrible.


Russia, this is all on you. You should have went in HARD with everything. Turn the fucking lights out on those people. Instead? You let them regroup, let their Reich leaders visit as they please, let them charge their drone batteries, etc. Who is to blame? If I was the leader of the RF, I would have ordered around the clock air strikes on all key and strategic infrastructure. For 3 months, then move in with ground forces to mop up the debris.

Florian Geyer

This is why you clean toilets and copy paste Nato propaganda.

You are even too stupid to realise that you are stupid, ‘none’. You even have a stupid pen name.

Slava Rossiya.

Florian Geyer

If Kiev and its US masters continue their murders of Ethnic Russians, the result will likely be clusters of Magic Mushroom Clouds in Decision Making places. LOL

Slava Russiya

Captain Hohol

If Russia is smart they won’t need to do that, instead all they will need to do is cook a few hundred of them in place as they organize for an assault and watch the rest of them refuse to join their barbecued friends. Really only about one or two and you’ll have mass demoralization of UAF soldiers and their foreign associates.

Once they find themselves needing to cover open ground with no place to dig in and fight without getting a small nuke lobbed at them, it’s over for Ukraine, nobody wants to get in an APC drive a few hundred clicks only to get cooked in a field somewhere.

There are smaller nuclear weapons that Russia has, big enough to clear a whole field of them but small enough not to kill everyone else also.

Captain Hohol

P.S, the U.S and Europeans will not escalate to using nukes themselves, imagine what China would do watching Russia and the U.S go at it.

China would have a field day basically claiming everything the U.S can’t protect anymore if they got in a nuke fight with Russia.

The Americans cannot have this, it’s not worth it, Ukraine is not worth it to the U.S even if they make it seem like it is.

The American government will take their stupid ‘L’ and they’ll act like bitches for a while trying to make life hard for Russians with more sanctions but the U.S is about to have a change, and once the people who are causing these conflicts now are out of power, you will see new leaders abandon hostilities with Russia because there is no point.

Putin knows this, he knows it’s the people in charge “right now” that are the problem, they are not going to be running America forever.

tommy homo sawyer

“americunts are 300 used car salesmen that have no qualms about killing anyone that makes them uncomfortable”. hunter Thompson

Last edited 2 years ago by tommy homo sawyer
Plain as the nose on their face

USA = State Sponsor of Terrorism

jens holm

Russians again and again even use russians as human shields.

At least she died in her home. Not all do that in those days.

Latest news. Many Russian soldiers are told the fastest runners will participate in the Olympics. I hope none will.

Remember Bucha!

More revenge for Bucha.


Dem Russen ans Bein pinkeln, mehr nicht


This is Murder for the sake of Murder there is No logic in it other than to terrorise the population and destroy . This is pure genocide by any measure those involved from the top down must be brought to justice for these crimes This is Europe 2022 not the dark ages yet I see Zelensky’s wife dressed in her finest clothes launching a ship in Turkey while the victims in the above videos and photos were being Murdered. How can she and her husband even show their faces in public Shame on them and theirs for all time……

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