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Kiev’s Use Of British-Made Weapons In Russia’s Kursk Is Already Backfiring

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Kiev’s Use Of British-Made Weapons In Russia’s Kursk Is Already Backfiring

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Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

The British Ministry of Defence has announced that Kiev can use British weapons in the attack on Russia’s Kursk region, during which civilians are being killed, with the exception of Storm Shadow cruise missiles, reported the Independent newspaper. However, Kiev always had approval, and rather, the public announcement made by London on August 15 was only made because footage humiliatingly emerged of two destroyed British-made tanks in Kursk.

“There has been no change in UK Government policy, under Article 51 of the UN Charter Ukraine has a clear right of self-defence against Russia’s illegal attacks, that does not preclude operations inside Russia,” the newspaper quoted the British ministry as saying. “We make clear during the gifting process that equipment is to be used in line with international law.”

Thus, anti-tank missiles, artillery, armoured vehicles, and other weapons supplied by the UK to Ukraine may end up in the combat zone in the Kursk region, the article says. However, this does not apply to the Storm Shadow missiles, which have a range of 500km, as London has authorised for use only in the internationally recognised territory of Ukraine.

Nonetheless, despite London at this moment in time not allowing the Kiev regime to use Storm Shadow missiles against Russian territory, British ministers are working to convince allies to allow the system to be used against Russian territory, according to The Times.

“Behind the scenes, ministers are trying to persuade allies to approve Ukraine’s use of Storm Shadow cruise missiles inside Russia. Governments have so far been reluctant to allow Ukraine to use long-range weapons that could, in theory, hit Russian towns and villages because of the risk of escalation,” the newspaper reported.

Last month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said he had received permission from British authorities to use Storm Shadow missiles against targets in Russia, a claim denied by sources at the British Defence Ministry in a report by The Telegraph. According to the publication, authorisation depends on the UK and two other countries.

Therefore, there is evidently a massive contradiction between the claims made by the Times and Telegraph. Russia’s ambassador to London, Andrey Kelin, clarified the situation and said Moscow is taking into account the UK’s initial position on the use of the missiles, which was announced in May 2023. The head of the Russian diplomatic mission stressed that statements by British officials about Storm Shadow are quite vague, which allows the media to interpret them in different ways.

During his visit to London in July, Zelensky urged the UK to work with Western allies to “remove the limits” on the use of the Storm Shadow missiles and delusionally and/or disingenuously told senior ministers that giving Ukraine “long-range capability” would force Russia to “seek peace,” even though the missiles will not change the course of the war and the fact that it is the Ukrainian president who outlawed negotiations with the Kremlin.

Although Ukraine has used UK-donated Challenger 2 tanks as part of its surprise incursion into Russia, as a UK source has confirmed, the British Ministry of Defence is not officially commenting on what specific UK-made weapons are being used by the Kiev regime. Nonetheless, on August 15, British media were forced to acknowledge that Challenger 2 tanks were being used by Ukraine after footage emerged showing two of the British-made tanks destroyed by Russian forces. This is obviously a major humiliation for London and will likely harden their resolve to eventually approve Ukraine’s use of the Storm Shadow missiles – if Russia does not destroy them first.

It is recalled that Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said that any shipments containing weapons to Ukraine would be legitimate targets for Russia. The Kremlin believes that the supply of weapons to Ukraine undermines the resolution of the conflict, in addition to directly involving the countries NATO and represents a “dangerous game.”

The Storm Shadow missiles will not change the course of the war, i.e. Russia’s eventual victory, but Ukraine would have the capability to terrorize civilians deep in Russian territory instead of just on the border regions. Despite false claims of heroism in Kursk, the Kiev regime is in a desperate situation as Ukrainian forces are on the verge of being encircled and destroyed by the Russian military.

Desperation leads to more foolish decision-making, and the UK can be expected to eventually approve the Kiev regime’s use of Storm Shadows, which will certainly be used almost immediately to terrorize Russian civilians. Epitomizing the desperation is the very fact that the Kiev regime has expended its very limited resources to attack Kursk while the Russian military continues to liberate territory in Donbass without needing to divert soldiers or military equipment. But as seen, the attack on Kursk is already backfiring, on both the Kiev regime and London, as Ukrainian soldiers are being disposed of whilst British-made military equipment are being destroyed.


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“london” is a pigsty of degeneracy.

laughable stupid swine…


y incluez-vous les migrants et autres clandestins ?


tru u french bastard, now go headbutt an italian…

Last edited 6 months ago by Dstroj

ha ha ha !!! comme j’aimerai t’avoir au près de moi dstroj. j’ai plein de bisous à te faire…. et tu me donnes encore plus envie à voir tes petits yeux me supplier de cesser de te les donner…


24 hours 50 little soldiers from ukraine is 100 are killed or injured just for holding the occupied territories, the rest are committing crimes against civilians. the only way to end this is to kill zelensky in kiev in a massive bombardment and then create coups d’état throughout the european union for his hatred of the russians


zelensky is just a cia puppet and a comedian

gay little brits

europeans are a global problem

Capitan Hohol

europeans enjoy shitting in their own backyards. just look what they are doing in ukraine. europe is going to get nuked at some stage. they will deserve it


c’est certain que les guerres sont provoquées par les européens et non par un cartel de mafieux mondialistes qui se cache derrière des peuples comme le loup se cache sous la peau d’un agneau. toi aussi tu es comique. la naïveté qui se dégage de tes mots fait de toi une très bonne proie. c’est précisément la naïveté qui fait avancer le système que tu dénonces.


(…) suite – nous avons en france un célèbre homme d’église qui disait : “dieu se rit des gens qui se plaignent des conséquences dont ils chérissent les causes”. ce homme se nommait jacques-bénigne bossuet né le 27 septembre 1627 à dijon et mort le 12 avril 1704 à paris. instruis toi l’ami et tu sauveras ta famille, ton pays et ta culture devant les prédateurs mondialistes qui haïssent la diversité humaine dont tu fais pourtant partie.


les européens = cartel de mafieux mondialistes


macron est un mondialiste antichrétien qui promeut l’homosexualité et la décadence. c’est pourquoi il a nommé un premier ministre homosexuel en france, non pas pour montrer l’égalité, mais pour provoquer la société et remettre en cause ses valeurs et sa culture.


vous avez raison alexander. cependant, si macron parle français, il n’est pas français. il l’exprime chaque jour sans vergogne car c’est un apatride d’orient, un élément de la communauté organisée dont la seule vocation est la destruction des peuples souverains parce que cette communauté haineuse se (…)


(…) dit élue des dieux et leurs écrits messianiques disent que les autres doivent être asservis. ils nous font une guerre ? faisons-leur la guerre jusqu’à mettre ce cartel hors d’état de nuire. aujourd’hui ils couinent d’hier ? demain ils couineront d’aujourd’hui.


not all europeans – but unfortunately the majority of the leaders and the media (and too many of the people, but i hope not the majority)


t’es un vrai comique toi. en tant que petit britannique, tu n’es pas européen ? si tu parles ainsi c’est que tu dois être wokiste, ou d’afrique ou d’orient ou alors, tu es d’une inculture encyclopédique.


pourquoi négligez-vous le coup d’état aux usa suivi de sa dissolution puis de son occupation par toutes les armées du monde sans oublier un procès des apatrides du type nuremberg ? si vous voulez la fin de toutes ces histoires, couper la totalité des têtes du dragon de satan et le corps s’écroule.

gay little brits

the gay little brits are clinging on to their pathetic crusades haha


many years ago while watching a bbc tv programme about wwii i heard prominent british intellectuals saying that hilter liked the english and he thought that they were like the germans.

i was surprised to see and hear how they felt proud of being complimented by hitler in racial terms.


things make more sense when you consider that at the highest levels in otan and basically every country the goal isn’t necessarily to win a war but instead to cause enough chaos to consolidate control and sweep any dissent under the rug. the idea being that desperate sheep will go along with anything for a hint of food. what could cause more desperation to take advantage of than a global nuclear conflict?

Capitan Hohol

british challenger tanks are absolutely useless in the steppes


british military equipment is garbage. overpriced and years behind schedule. sa80 – worst rifle in the world. wheeled apc programme – £5.5 billion wasted for nothing. challenger rubbish. uk has bought flying turkey f35s for its crap white elephant aircraft carriers that are always breaking down through design faults. ships and submarines colliding and running aground. 12 serviceable destroyers. others scrapped for lack of crew.


army of 70,000, navy 29.000. just another woke tik tok lgbt army of gays and trannies and wimmin. useless white men not wanted. led by clueless halfwit chinless wonders like radakind. no artillery. all 32 self propelled guns sent to ukraine and now rusting in moscow knackers yards. they might actually win – the ruskies/ chinks/ iranians would die laughing.


when you see russia engaging in dialectical and informational contortionism, it is undoubtedly because it is in serious trouble.


then u wake up with stinky potato chips stuck to ur filthy nether regions…….

bloated clown….

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