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MARCH 2025

Kim Jong-un’s New Year Speech: Nuclear Button Is Always On My Desk

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Kim Jong-un's New Year Speech: Nuclear Button Is Always On My Desk

In a New Year speech, North Korea’s leader Kim Jong-un vowed to accelerate mass production of nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles.

The entire United States is within range of our nuclear weapons, and a nuclear button is always on my desk. This is reality, not a threat,” he said. “This year we should focus on mass producing nuclear warheads and ballistic missiles for operational deployment.

“It is necessary to activate large-scale production and practical deployment of nuclear warheads, ballistic missiles,” Kim said. “[Norh Korea] can cope with any kind of nuclear threats from the US and has a strong nuclear deterrence that is able to prevent the US from playing with fire.”

Kim said that it is important that military tensions on the Korean peninsula be lowered and added that the path to dialogue with South Korea was open.

According to the North Korean leader, Pyongyang was mulling the sending of a delegation to the Winter Olympics Games which are set to be held in South Korea in February.

“The Winter Games to be held in South Korea will be a good occasion for the country. We sincerely hope that the Winter Olympics will be a success. We have readiness to take various steps, including the dispatch of the delegation,” Kim said. “North Korea’s participation in the Winter Games will be a good opportunity to show unity of the people and we wish the Games will be a success. Officials from the two Koreas may urgently meet to discuss the possibility.”

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I thought Mr Kim was just trying to order office supplies. :D https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/e1ebf3337c0e5ea8caa54767117a279fec7f7af2c29d91471de1264358c7b846.jpg

Solomon Krupacek

easy, pzivj, easy!

Ryszard Ewiak

For now we can sleep in peace. However, it will not always be that way. The Book of Revelation warns: “And another horse, fiery red, came out, and the one who rode it was granted permission to take peace from the earth, so that people would butcher one another, and he was given a huge sword.” (6:4)

Jesus warns: “Terrors [φοβητρα] both [τε] and [και] unusual phenomena [σημεια] from [απ] heaven [ουρανου] powerful [μεγαλα] will be [εσται].” (Luke 21:11) Some ancient manuscripts add the words “and frosts [και χειμωνες].”

There will be also significant tremors, famines and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions. Some manuscripts add also the words “and disorders” [και ταραχαι]. (Mark 13:8)

“A great sword”, “terrifying things and mighty unusual occurrences from heaven”, “significant shakings (of the ground), famines and epidemics along the length and breadth of the regions, and disorders (chaos, anarchy)”. This weapon will also cause climate change and global famine. (cf. Revelation 6:5, 6) We have here a complete picture of the consequences of the global nuclear war. When and how will this happen?

Let me remind here a fragment of an ancient vision: “And [the king of the north] will go back (to) his land with great wealth [1945. This detail indicated that Hitler will attack also the Soviet Union and will fight to the bitter end]; and his heart (will be) against the holy covenant [Soviet Union introduced state atheism and believers were repressed]; and will act [it means activity in the international arena]; and turned back to his own land [1991-1993. The collapse of the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Russian troops returned to their country]. At the appointed time [he] will return back [it also means the breakup of the European Union and NATO], and will enter into the south [this can be Georgia], but it will not be as the former [2008 – Georgia] or as the latter [Ukraine], for the dwellers of coastlands of Kittim [USA, in the beginning without Britain] will come against him, and he will be dejected, and will go back.” (Daniel 11:28-30a)

What will induce the “king of the north” to enter into the south? Jesus said: “For nation will rise against nation”, as in 2008 in Georgia, and then…

Moses writes: “And ships from the direction of Kittim [US Navy], and will afflict Asshur [Russia] and will afflict Eber [remaining enemies, including Iran and China].” (Numbers 24:24a) It will be suicidal mission. This armada will not return home. (Numbers 24:24b)

This will be a slaughter. However, it will not be Armageddon. As Jesus foretold: “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains”. (Matthew 24:7, 8)

In 1882 British troops occupied Egypt. Great Britain then took the role of “the king of the south”. Around the same time, Russia expanded its influence in the region, which previously belonged to Seleucus I Nicator, and took the role of “the king of the north”. (Daniel 11:27)

All the details of this vision are being fulfilled from the time of ancient Persia, in chronological order. It is true that this vision is variously interpreted. As one can see, it has a lot of details. Therefore the insightful person is able to detect any error or sophistry. (Daniel 11:33; 12:10)

John Mason

How about having a less depressing, fictional comment. Something enlightening, such as ‘nature retaliated and destroyed USA’. God only wrote The Ten Commandment and man wrote the rest. Try abiding by the Ten Commandments.


Happy New Year! Love and peace for Mother Earth! I have always wondered why God did not make the commandments 11, meaning : 11. Mind your own business.

John Mason

not wrong, be a better place if everyone did.


Not possible, or are you willing to stop eating bananas any other exotic fruits or vegetables, or domestic fruits/ vegetables off season, just to name only ONE example of how globalized the planet is? I can give at least another 1000 examples of how our economies and way of life is connected, nationalism is a relic from the past, used by charlatan politricians

John Mason

Exactly, if everyone minded their own business you wouldn’t post such tripe.

Icarus Tanović

YOU are the one that posts tripes, mumbling around about 10 God’s commands.

John Mason

They don’t apply to you do they?

Icarus Tanović

YOU are the one that post tripes and troll people here. Nobody have asked you about NOTHING.

John Mason

Go away you useless piece of garbage and a poor excuse of humanity. Run along little boy and suckle a pigs tit.

Icarus Tanović

You’re in charge of nothing, and nobody have asked you anything. You’re welcome.

John Mason

Keep on displaying your lack in profundity.

Icarus Tanović

Looks who’s talking.


It is the naked truth


big difference between free trade agreements and globalization. 20 years ago, when the “globalization ” was introduced the people in Norway had bananas and South Africans enjoyed smoked salmon and it had nothing to do with globalization. globalization is just another tool for enriching the 1% and extend the borders of the zio-mafia. it is amazing to see the degree of your deep confusion. or may be you are benefiting from promoting the sick idea ? just google globalization. you’ll find some mind- opening info.


Another conspiracy believer, pfhhh so pathetic. How come so many of you need ONE enemy? Mayebe because of the christian background, that defines the world in “good” and “bad”?


ha ha ha! delusion-paranoia- schizophrenia- death. go figure it out!


Northern Ireland right?


i did not expect an intelligent respond from you. don’t bother.thanks.


An intelligent response on your mad riddle?


Until it’s perfecting their delivery North Korea remains a perfect puzzle that the US can’t break with force.


The US has never been very good as solving puzzles and prefers to hysterically throw the puzzle on the floor :)


Yes, haha, it reminds me of that fat kid that wipes all of the chess figures onces he realizes that he cannot win, lol.

paul ( original )

I have no special inside knowledge in this matter, However, my assessment is as follows. See if you agree. America certainly has the force available to level N Korea, as is often boasted. But similarly N Korea has the force available to level S Korea, destroy a good chunk of Japan, eliminate several US bases in the region and probably inflict massive damage on one or two US cities. So its not at all clear who is in the better position. Saying the USA would win the war is not very meaningful.

John Mason

Fairly accurate assessment Paul. Problem that the US faces is if they attack NK and NK retaliates as you suggest then that could also encourage those nations who have unwanted US bases on their territory to act and attack. US could be staring at multiple offenses and they won’t have the manpower or the assets to defend themselves especially if China and Russia step in.

paul ( original )

Yes the chain reaction is something that was in the back of my mind. It’s one of the imponderables. It is certainly something that is not a zero probability.


Their chain reaction would be US become so unpopular in both Japan and Korea that they maybe would be forced to leave or the least their ruling government unable to keep their support politically on sensitive foreign policy. As it is it can’t become an aggressor in North Korea crisis.

John Mason

One can also come up with the theory that NK could make peace with SK and resolves differences with Japan then that would solve many problems including those with Russia and China. If that ever eventuates then the US would have to close up shop and go back to the USA.


fair enough. i don’t see a problem with: US could be staring at multiple offenses and they won’t have the manpower or the assets to defend themselves especially if China and Russia step in.So what? let them face the music. what goes around comes around. unless … they stop stirring sh*t . as much as I hate war mongering if it comes to it, let them get it with a cherry on top.


Wacko jacko talking


There are many in Europe who would be pleased to see the US forces pack up and go home as well.


I would be please to see all troops pack and go home. Americans or not.


Agreed! Let them go home ASAP

Ivan Freely

If the US plans to attack first, they need to take into account of China’s response since North Korea have a defense treaty with the Chinese.


And you lead the force against those “unwanted” US-Bases right? Dream on. :)

John Mason

Go back to your troglodyte existence.


I don’t see why the US has to attack north Korea in the first place. It’s like the US somehow has a right to attack any country and if that country’s leadership is not a US duck-head it’s ok to attack it. The US GOVERNMENT should take care of their own people instead of crying about 10-12 koreans or syrians.


Isn’t the U.S. a democracy? The government is the people, and you voted on this mad man. Has the U.S. had any real reason to attack anyone?


We vote for who we like. So do the Koreans. The US population voted for they’re favorite mad-man as well. The US GOVERNMENT doesn’t have a say at that. I guess it must be maddening.


Actually both North Korean, US and a number of Japanese, South Korean anti war/occupation faction aware the level of devastation potentially happened in such open war. Only that the US so crazy lately that the North Korean leadership convinced that they may well be trying despite aware of the risk on the region. Thus they level the game by making sure they could mutually harm each other in the event of such conflict.


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Ivan Freely

I consider surviving a war while your opponent is wiped off the face of the planet a win. The US can easily absorb damages inflicted by North Korea. This is provided that Russia, and especially China, do not intervene.


I consider your loss a non one.

Icarus Tanović

Is the matter of fact they surely will.


North Korea has had the ability to hit the US with missiles for many years, has have many other nations. It is Jewmerica that is menacing North Korea and blocking a peace treaty and reconciliation between the Koreas. The solution the problem on the Korean peninsula is a peace treaty, not continued instigation of tensions by the US. And the blocking of a peace treaty and reconciliation between the Koreas by the US. The primary cause of the problem is US belligerence, intolerance and hostility towards N Korea.




US territorial waters and economic exclusion zone:



International Maritime Boundaries



Why does Southfront push mainstream media crap. Don’t we have an infinite number of zionist controlled outlets for this?

N Korea is a nation with scientific and heavy engineering skills. It needs a ‘sting’ of the greatest strength to dissuade monsters from thinking it an easy victim. END OF STORY.

Meantime, while Southfront carefully looks away, the jews of Israel have carried out atrocities against those they call ‘sub-Human’ in Israel. Where’s Southfront’s coverage of Ahed Tamimi? Even RT is starting to give this brave girl some screen time.

Southfront has gradually changed across the last months. It is clear the zionist plan to infiltrate sites like this one and subvert it from within has succeeded here. Those that run Southfront can ensure infiltration by zionists (who will disguise themselves under any lies to get in) FAILS by running hard-hitting stories on Israeli atrocities and Israel’s blood brotherhood with Saudi Arabia.

The inflitration only makes sense if the editorial direction of Southfront can be changed- made safe for jewish extremism. Bashing N Korea, or justifying jewish atrocities in Gaza- both of which Southfront is now doing- are proof the infiltrator(s) have enough editorial control. Putting zionist crimes under the spotlight will make these fifth columnists go mad, and thus expose themselves so they can be thrown out.

Zerohedge was ruined when an Israeli agent got a job as moderator on that site. He banned all the literate regulars who posted well considered anti-zionist comments. Even after the owners of Zerohedge caught the agent and threw him out, zerohedge was unable to recover.

another Israeli agent targetted Common Dreams by hitting the comments with unhinged ‘anti-semetic’ posts. His aim was to get Common Dreams to end its coverage of Israeli crimes, by making it seem that such coverage ‘encouraged’ anti-jewish ‘nazis’. Common Dreams actually closed down its comment section in response- and only later tracked down the apparent ‘nazi’, only to discover he was an Israeli jew POSING as a nazi to cause Common Dreams to self censor.

Even today, Common Dreams has reduced coverage of Israel’s crimes to near zero, and hides its comment section. The jewish terrorist was wholly successful in neutering Common Dreams.


Pathetic story

Icarus Tanović

You know better? They made them selves into this situation that everything that happens bad will be blamed on them. They’ve made them selves looking like monster, doing most loathsome acts of terror against common human-fellow human.


You are simplifying reality, blaming one specific group, wich is pathetic.

John Brown

In any war started by the racist supremacist global Jewish confederate slave empire with NK; both NK, SK and Israel 99% of their populations killed and their countries will be turned into melted glass and the USSA racist supremacist Jewish government will cease to exist along with about 30 or so of America’s largest cities with probably and 100 million dead Americans , so world racist supremacist global Jewry would probably be wiped out forever, therefore I put the chances of such a war at one in a million or less, its all just a distraction while the empire slowly crumbles before its total collapse.

Icarus Tanović

Good point.

Langaniso Mhlobo

USA can’t destroy small countries militarily in month of years how will it destroy with nuclear weapons.Maybe if we say it will be a hit and run nuclear war then I will agree.

Any nuclear missiles towards North Korea will be intercepted by North,Iran,Russia and China and that mean chaose for Yankees.


Forgot to take your medications again?

Icarus Tanović

Just shut the fucck up, okay?



Langaniso Mhlobo

It is you imperialist kids who are making vampires and zombies.Just by pumping medicine into them.The whole world will be a beter place after your zombies, satanist and terrorist creator and interference organisations USA and NATO perish.

Icarus Tanović

They are affraid, so affraid of North Korea. Otherwise they’d be doing some ‘peaceful’ protests programs, just like it started in Syria… and numerous other countries, that are such a mess now.

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