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MARCH 2025

Kissinger’s Ukraine Peace Solution May Seem Reasonable But In Fact Unreal

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Kissinger's Ukraine Peace Solution May Seem Reasonable But In Fact Unreal

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US’ National Security Strategy is in line with Kissinger’s vision.

Written by Ahmed Adel, Cairo-based geopolitics and political economy researcher

Although former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger claims that he does not want the disintegration of Russia as a nuclear power, he does want the defeat of a Russia led by Vladimir Putin by creating the conditions for a deep political crisis that would inevitably lead to the destabilization of the country, its political and economic weakening, and the replacement of the Russian president.

At first glance, it appears that Kissinger’s commitment to stop the war in Ukraine, start peace negotiations, and preserve the Russian state and Russia’s role in European politics is a reasonable compromise and contrary to the radical views of American officials.In The Spectator magazine, Kissinger pointed out the importance of a quick peaceful solution to the conflict in Ukraine, warning that the desire to make Russia, as a nuclear power, completely powerless or to even break it into several states could cause chaos of unfathomable proportions in the world.

“The dissolution of Russia or destroying its ability for strategic policy could turn its territory encompassing 11 time zones into a contested vacuum,” Kissinger said.

“Its competing societies might decide to settle their disputes by violence. Other countries might seek to expand their claims by force. All these dangers would be compounded by the presence of thousands of nuclear weapons which make Russia one of the world’s two largest nuclear powers,” he added.

A careful reading shows that the former American diplomat wrote the article in conformation to the US’ new National Security Strategy. In the Strategy, among other things, it was pointed out that the US is not against the Russian people, but it is against Russia’s leaders.

In this way, perhaps there is a misconception about Henry Kissinger having a different position than Washington towards Russia. The official policy towards Russia has already been determined in the recently adopted National Security Strategy, a military-political document which will direct the US’ foreign and defence policy.

In the Strategy, Russia is marked as a rival and enemy of the US, while Putin is repeatedly mentioned in an extremely negative context as a person with whom Washington no longer wants to hold talks with. Therefore, expecting Kissinger to have a different attitude towards Russia than the one established in the National Security Strategy is a completely misplaced understanding of American foreign policy.

The peace advocated by Kissinger in his article is nothing more than an invitation for political crisis and the internal destabilization of Russia, especially as he advocates for a peace process linked to Ukraine’s membership to NATO.

“The alternative of neutrality is no longer meaningful,” he wrote in the Spectator magazine.

Kissinger said he had proposed a ceasefire in May in which Russia would withdraw to the front lines before the February 24 military operation began. He added that Crimea would be the subject of “negotiation.”

The 99-year-old suggested that if it proved impossible to return to the status quo established in 2014, internationally supervised referendums in former Ukrainian territory now controlled by Russia could be an option.

However,his proposal completely overlooks the reason why Moscow launched its military operation to begin with – Kiev’s insistence on becoming a NATO member and its fascistic policies towards the Russian minority in Ukraine.

Returning Russia to the lines from before the military operation would undo all the progress made and inevitably lead to political consequences in Moscow, something that Putin is unlikely wanting to risk. If Russia agreed to conclude peace on the terms that Kissinger proposed, the country would lose all the gains made in pushing back NATO’s forces in Ukraine.

When analysing Kissinger’s article, it should be remembered that he belongs to the hegemonic Western liberal order, an order which refuses to cooperate with Russia. None-the-less, this has just made the giant Eurasian country pivot towards Asia for its political and economic priorities.

One of the most important results of the war in Ukraine, which in the long-term will certainly be unfavourable for the West, is the final turning of Russia towards China and other Asian countries, and the affirmation of Eurasianism as the dominant ideology of Russian statecraft.

The West has given Moscow no choice but to pivot towards China, and if Kissinger’s supposed balanced peace solutions are anything to go by, there are little prospects that this will change in the near future.


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Clearly the West has only clown, it is no act that they arranged the comedian to become Führer.

From Pisky to Marinka

It’s OK if Russia turn toward China, Iran, North Korea, Nicaragua, Somalia or Erythrea. Maybe they deserve to be together?


So Pisky and Marinka and other sleepy hollows in Chochol-land are better places ? Where they will go ?



Exactly, and I said this from the very beginning. Russia should only have upgraded the DPR military to a point of being a extremly strong underground army, like the iranian resp. libanese Hezbollah. And it (Russia) should never have invaded Ukraine with its official russian army. That was the dumbest move Putin ever did (at least if we assume that it was his decision to do so).

And of course, it’s no wonder that more and more Russians lose trust in the russian government’s leadership, because Putin messed it up. But not only in 2022 but already 8 years ago, when after 2014 US Blackwater jewish Victoria Newland’s (a jewess with real name Nudelman) maidan coup Putin did nothing, and let the pro-russian president being chased away like a dog. Then he set aside and looked and watched calmly for 8 (!!!) full years, only to then suddenly decide that it is now time to invade. And with this kind of acting he messed it all up. And – and at least to me that seems likely – he did this on purpose resp. cheated the russian people. Self-defence, you can claim when someone beats you and you beat back. But if someone beats you, and you do nothing, then you cannot come AFTER 8 YEARS kill him and his whole country, and then claim that to be “self-defence”. No, it is not. Not anymore after that long time of 8 fuckin years !

Btw. Russia has enough land. They do not need Donbass Donetsk , Lugansk for industrial survival of the Russian federation. But Ukraine does need this mineral-rich territories (which are since about 1991 full legally ukrainian land, also according to the UN) for its economical survival. That’s fact. The people in the mentioned regions, indeed are pro-russian, feel russian, and hate the ukraine government and all ukrainian pro-government people. So these both different kind of people (national ukrainians and donbass-russians) obviously can t live together anymore. Hope to this point at least, we all agree here. Then now look what the US and Europe are spending on war, and what Russia is spending on war. Wouldn t it be much more clever, to instead of wasting all that precious money on stupid war, and kill each other, to just sit down on the table and give each Donetsk and Lugansk, Donbass etc. family 2-3 mio $ for that they leave and move/re-settle to their beloved Russia ? With that money, they will be the kings over there, will have likely much bigger house and garden, and life will be much easier for them. No missiles, no war, enough money, only russians not “evil ukrainians aka Nazis” around them. So what’s the matter ? Where’s the problem ?

I’ll tell you ! The problem is: Both ! USA+EU as well as Putin-Russia are not interested in making peace and solve the Donbass problem in a peaceful way. Why ? Because both (!) USA+EU+Zelensky as well as Putin-Russia are controlled and dominated by jews. And these jews (behind the scenes) are the ones really calling the shots. And they do not want peace. They want that the christian nations and people’s jump to each others throats and mercilessly slaughter each other !! That’s what the whole thing is all about. All else the medias are telling us to “explain” what is happening is just bullshit !


(btw. if the politicians do not want to talk about peace and on what conditions it can be, why not at least we here in this forum can discuss about that and how to make peace acceptable to ukrainians and russians. Wouldn t that be much more clever than discussing how to kill each other again and again more brutal and effectively ??)

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater
Andrey Melnuk's son NOT at the front but in the EU

non starter


Then,I don’t understand why these men are, as is well known, long time friends

Muhammad Allah جثث فاسدة مصاصة الديك

Putin must count his fingers after taking the fat nasty Jew by the hand.

True, this Jew suggested that Russia should be allowed to keep Donbass and Crimea.

If Kissinger is friends with Putin, so is Zelensky, and then this war is staged by the Zionists whose goal is that there should be no more than 300 million people on this planet and where the Jews are the ruling elite.

Then the conflict in Ukraine is just the beginning of something bigger.



Yes very very true what you just said. I fully agree with it ! You hit the nail on the head with that comment. Indeed you are completely right. Muslimeen obviously are more clever, at least regarding realizing the truth about Jews than their todays christian and hindu neighbors are. (this is likely because their countries are run by jews and they – the christians for example – are exposed for decades since their births to evil jewish propaganda 24/7). Interestingly, even the hardcore pro-putin fanboys and invasion-apologists here have come to understand that it is very weird that the russian medias (read jewish-controlled eastern propaganda medias) are telling them that Russia (with its at least 2nd to 3rd strongest army on earth, and all the high-tech weaponary) is not able to overrun that relatively weak ukrainian plain land and victoriously finish this war.

On the other hand everyone with a brain can see that the US and EU medias (read jewish-controlled western propaganda medias) never mention that the US and EU deliver only as much weapons to Ukraine that their jewish puppet clown Zelensky can keep on the fight and isn t losing it – but they refrain from giving the Ukrainians the amount of support in men and weapons necessary to kick out the orcish invader from the Ukrainian territory. Just think about the amounts of weapons USA delivered to England and Soviet Union in World War 2. It was several 1000 times the amount of weapons the USA is currently giving to Ukraine, so we see that all that both so-called sides (which are in fact one big jewish controlled entity) USA and Russia are not interested in ended the war, but obviously in prolonging and escalating it into something much bigger. Which is exactly what you said in the last sentence of your comment. And what is also what I tell the readers here since day 1 of this whole conflict. And thank God more and more intelligent folks on this forum have slowly come to the very same conclusion. The writer the Objective mentioned something going in that direction just recently, and also Karl Pomeroy started thinking through the fog, and got to question the stories and things the western but also the russian propaganda-medias are telling their audience. When hthen led to their comments being deleted immediately by this “so free and truthloving russian southfront forum”.

I right now, really assume that this “southfront”board here is most likely a very clever usa-jewish sponsored anti-russian operation, because I refuse to believe that indeed russians could be so stupid to set up a forum, which then completely delegitimates all russian positions, and shows to the whole world, by censoring all the interesting comments -especially those which propose peace-talks, that todays Russia is nothing but a zombified hardcore dogmatic communist shithole run by judeo-bolshevic clowns and chabad-asslicking dwarfs ( maximum hellbend on keeping this war going) – who are all part of one big overdimensional jewish criminal cartel, called World Jewry or (renamed by their media in today) today NWO/JWO resp. New World Order / Jewish World Order.

Last edited 2 years ago by Bridgeindawater

It is shameful that Putin has the time to meet with an old war criminal.


Get the old fuck euthanized. Now !

Western Defector

I got banned at Elon’s Twitter for saying something just like that about Biden.

John Stone

In the context of current events, there is really no chance at all that Russia would use Kissinger’s proposed agreement as a starting point, yet along go along with it. Given the behavior of the collective west, Russia has to retain its status as a powerful nation or it will be done in, and the agreement doesn’t allow for that. At a minimum, Russia is locked into retaining the Donbass and the land route to the Crimea.

Either Kissinger is unfamiliar with the military situation and thus puts forward an incompetent proposal, or he knows in advance that Russia won’t go along and only put the thing out to socially position himself. Perhaps he has picked up a lot of criticism for his previous proposal and this is the response? Could be he is pandering to his critics.

Kraken Heads

Kissinger? Really? How old is that guy? Really.


Any “Peace solution” would be just a pause to prepare te next attacks. You can not make Peace with somebody who intenta to finish you be any means. I mean you can but it is suicide…

For strategic reason a longterm defense of Donbas and the “new republics” will only be posible if Russia takes Ekaterinoslav. Thats not only the historic capital but the entrance and logistic hub for the whole region.


Jabba the juice is demented and raving. The war criminal thug will soon be joining its master in hell but hopefully it remains conscious long enough to see the evil angloZionaZi empire of shit get flushed.


Kissinger is old and slow thinker living in the past… there is no place for Russian Federation in the future. World geopolitics needs two alternative superpowers – China and the USA. Russia must be dismantled as aggressive and unproductive country – creating only havoc and wars and at the same time horrible place for its own citizens. Future peace will be based on USA/EU alliance and modern China with Asian tigers as alternative systems. Russia will remain as a small country without Siberia and other Asian Republics who would become independent..

The Crunge

Kissinger should just die.

Edgar Zetar

Hahahha Kissinger is so puppet of Deep State, he is so out of touch with reality, the only world Kissinger could conceive is the World were USA only reigns over all others and decides what the world must be and how all their should live inside their world. Kissinger is an old crazy madman so why waste time reading what he says or write.

Roger Dodger

Kissinger, a war criminal that is still breathing.

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