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MARCH 2025

Kosovo And Serbia Sign Normalization Deal In U.S., Recognize Israel And More

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Kosovo And Serbia Sign Normalization Deal In U.S., Recognize Israel And More

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On September 4th, US President Donald Trump issued a statement on the “historic commitment” of the normalization of relations between Kosovo and Serbia.

The deal was signed in the White House.

“After a violent and tragic history and years of failed negotiations, my Administration proposed a new way of bridging the divide.  By focusing on job creation and economic growth, the two countries were able to reach a real breakthrough on economic cooperation across a broad range of issues.”

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said that “this is a good agreement for Serbia, and it would sound triumphant if I said congratulations, but I am sincerely pleased, like all members of our delegation, with what we have achieved.”

The Serbian side considers the categorical refusal to recognize the “republic” as a special victory – after all, the Kosovar prime minister Avdulla Hotti previously stated that he was going to discuss only the issue of recognition of independence in Washington.

One of the key points of the agreement is the inclusion of Kosovo in the Balkan “mini-Schengen”, which will put an end to the anti-Serb trade provocations of Pristina, which previously imposed 100% Duties on Serbian goods imported into the territory of the region.

It is also planned to build a number of highways and railways – in particular, railways through Kosovo to the Albanian port city of Durres on the Adriatic coast. Pristina promised to stop attempts to seize the property of the Serbian Orthodox Church and respect court decisions in her regard, and the United States promised to become the guarantor of the safety of Serbian shrines and clergy in Kosovo.

The US is using the chance to push some other agenda in the normalization of ties, these include: the participation of both sides in promoting the decriminalization of homosexuality, the recognition of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and the ban on the use of 5G equipment from “unreliable suppliers” (this obvious relates to China) look rather strange.

Both sides agreed on the following points:

  • Implementation of the agreements on road and rail traffic between Belgrade (as well as Niš) and Pristina.
  • Participation of Kosovo in the “mini-Schengen”, previously announced in the agreements between Serbia, Albania and North Macedonia.
  • Mutual recognition of diplomas and qualification certificates.
  • Diversification of energy supplies. (what would that mean? is this a hint of Russian gas?)
  • A ban on the use of 5G equipment from “unreliable suppliers” (an obvious allusion to the Chinese company Huawei, which has already begun to deploy a network in Serbia).
  • Implementation of court decisions regarding the Serbian Orthodox Church.
  • Work with 69 countries that criminalize homosexuality to advance its decriminalization.
  • Recognize Hezbollah as a fully terrorist organization and fully implement measures to contain its operations and financial activity.
  • Pristina agrees to an annual moratorium on applications for membership in international organizations. Serbia agrees to a year-long moratorium campaign to revoke the recognition of independence, and will refrain from formal or informal requests from any countries or international organizations not to recognize Kosovo as an independent state.

A significant point in support of recent US foreign diplomacy is the support of Israel, recognizing Jerusalem as its capital, and approving of its annexations.

This is also a part of this normalization deal.

Serbia agreed to open a chamber of commerce office in Jerusalem on September 20, 2020, as well as move its embassy to Jerusalem by July 1, 2020.

Kosovo and Israel agreed to mutually recognize each other. It is unknown if Kosovo would also open an embassy in Jerusalem, but it should presumably happen sooner or later.


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Free man

Peace is always better than war and conflict.


The “peace” of the Zioterrorists is the peace of the grave. That’s how they conquered Palestine for example, with massacres and displacement of the Palestinians by the Western-backed Rothschild neocolony.

Potato Man

Yeah you stupid ass, go with “peace” LMFAO. Do you even try to think tho? Like why now or what’s in it for them? Yeah so they get up one day and said let give a “okay” to thief. UNDER FUKING UN A COUNTRIES CAN’T STEAL ANOTHER COUNTRY LAND. If you didn’t know they are Balkans. Peace mortherfuker really….


Not when it results insomething likeVichy fra.

johnny rotten

A lot of promises, beautiful words of intentions that will never be kept, as usual in the Balkans.


You have NO CLUE on the subject otherwise you would not say those EMPTY nonsensical words that have NOTHING to do with the situation!

You are champion of empty meaningless words and you make your stupid verbal pirouette’s since you actually have NO SUBSTANCE AT ALL in that comment ! It is just verbal diarrhea, humongous ego and hot air, and shitload of meaningless EMPTY WORDS just like lust like your spiritual brother (in nothing to say) “shitocracy”


Some people will get their knickers in a bunch and start calling the Serbian rulership “traitors” and “whores”, but no one can blame them really. Ever since Russia stopped being an assertive world power with the dismemberment of the USSR, they’ve been either blatantly siding with the Western globalist Ziocorporate terrorists under Yeltsin or trying to “accomodate” a sort of Russian-style Ziocorporatism into the broader geopolitical landscape. Even China does it, since it was Kissinger’s Zioterrorist “advisors” that were sent with Nixon to “open up” China with Western industrial and tech transfers against the Soviets.

So far, they only thing Russia’s done for Serbia is selling some military equipment at a discount, but just like Vucic with this pro-EU bullshit, Putin’s goal is “partnership and business” with the West, selling them cheap gas and whatnot, and trying to get their hands on every dollar or euro they can. It’s the IMF/WEF/NATO world order we live in, and nobody’s trying to achieve a fundamental change from that so there you have Serbia kissing ISISraeli ass, after the global Zioterrorists and their jihadis destroyed the former Yugoslavia.


FUCK OFF YOU anti-Russian PIG ! Snakes like you are no friends of Serbs and there is not single word of truth in what are you saying there !

James Adams

Stop being a Russian bot. Its people like you who support Vucic and his criminal gang !!! The Serbian people dont want their country sold of.


FUCK YOU NATO-Nazi son of whore !


Serbia and Kosovo made the right choice, I hope we can do the same with the Palis.


FUCK OFF JEW PIG ! Sucking Albanian Muslim cock will not save you PIGS ! You are no friends of Orthodox Christians and you will never be !


Apologize for your comment or you’re blocked. You’ve crossed the line here.




Okay buddy, you’ve made you choice. Don’t bother to reply to me as I won’t see your comments anymore. People call me a racist, but when others do it to me then it’s okay. Fuck off, blocked.

James Adams

Are you a Chinese troll or something?

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Sure you blocked me once upon a time as well, then you unblock me to read my comments you fucking prick!

Sorry, you are not a prick, as you don’t have a full one.

James Adams

What? Orthodox people and Jews get along perfectly. You have no idea how to have a discussion. Just stop talking.



Lone Ranger


cechas vodobenikov

Vucic is corrupt, however not stupid. hopefully this chuda will improve conditions


Vucic is Western puppet. The fact that he is totally corrupt is of secondary importance. I would love to hear how on Erath is he “not stupid”? All he is doing all the time is being systematic traitor to Serbia and legitimizing renouncement of the Serb territory that was opposed to Serb constitution and UN resolution 1244 and even Russian support to the UN resolution 1244. In these last days of his FULL betrayal of Serbia, Vucic is even openly turning against Russia that creates problems to his high treason by insisting on resolution 1244 and sovereignty of Serbia over her entire territory guaranteed by that resolution !

So what you say is basically completely wrong and out of touch.

viktor ziv

Allow me to rephrase; Vucic is corrupted liar. Famous in mobilizing radicals for his EGO agenda and then trying to wash hands asking serbian moral elite for selfies.


Vucic is trash,he should be charged with treason.

James Adams

Vucic needs to go before he sells all of Serbia of !!!

Potato Man

(KOSOVO AND SERBIA) Two most powerful countries in the world and they make so many important choices….another word two bitches of NATO and EU wannabe.

“The Accession of Kosovo to the European Union (EU) is on the current agenda for future enlargement of the EU. Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia was enacted on 17 February 2008 by a vote of members of the Assembly of Kosovo.” yeah didn’t see that coming LOL.

They are not as important but yeah I can see them got bully or someone pay them to do this….when was the last time you hear anything from Kosovo or Serbia?

Laurent Parodi

The president of Israel Donald Trump is working well.


Kosovo is Serbia https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/394ab3964afa39907614a4176b66a4f0425fd7b86705cce8ddb13fc7947df78b.jpg versus serbian traitorous elites https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/9a3f7f54353160eb08bfec85ed60553b0428097c48a362a07e0959208faf8217.jpg


Bull’s-eye ! In those two photos you have said everything. I don’t know if you are Serb or from Mars but I couldn’t have said it as good as, even if I tried very hard.


not from mars.lol im romanian, bro.


God bless Orthodox Romania ! And I thank you for your comment my Orthodox brother. Because reacting negatively on almost all comments gives impression that I am clinical case, who likes only to attack people to empty sick aggressivity. But their comments hurt truth and Serbia (even when with good inattention’s) because they pretend to understand the situation about which they do not have clue. Serbia is classic example of the country victim of color revolution and living laboratory for CIA experiments today.


i know that.we are just neighbors .long live Orthodoxy resistance https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/06929c1c8be507243874f36c6e0de270202665197b5f7a93508d765f048faa45.jpg

Tommy Jensen

Now I understand why the cross is made of heavy iron. “6. You shall murder”…………………………LOL.


you don t understant any of the symbols and orthodoxy,buddy


we have been fighting islam for 8 centuries. i buried them in România. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/af954640ac2825755ff6768f3 1cc846e3e3682ff2bfeb4ad2913ab5ddc58bf40.jpg night attack by Theodor Aman https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/6ac44cb38db89558089e3995f1ba15b2d7ad49b26929579792254b2a231f9204.jpg


What is there to understand? Black flags with skulls? Known users of such and similar symbols are pirates, Nazi SS squads, ustaše, četnici, Ukrainian makhnovists, and ISIS flag is also black and white oh what a surprise lol. Christianity is a middle-eastern religion that trampled across indigenous European pagan religions, the true Slavic pantheon included, Perun, Veles, Rod… I don’t have anything against Christianity except that some people try to tie it in with nationality, when it has nothing to do with it. Christianity (Catholicism, Orthodoxy and any other branch), like Islam (Sunni, Shiia, Suffis…) and Judaism are sects. We need a country who’s national identity is separated from any religion AND WILL NOT BOW DOWN TO IMPERIAL US INTERESTS, not Orthodox ISIS (the guy in the picture lol) or Ustashe blackshirts. Some Roman general thought he saw Jesus’ initials in the sky before a battle in the middle of fucking Italy and now Slavs are christians because of that (well because the tribal leaders of old figured conversion would benefit their economic interests so they forced it upon the people, just like Vucic now does with american colonialism) (at least Romanians actually have the word “Roma” in their name so I guess it makes sense they’d have taken the religion from the Romans too)?


what you understant? nothing bro.mask up and shut up, you spreading korona virus..


I advise you the same.

Fog of War

” Kosovo is Serbia ”

Not anymore it seems.


What about land swap. Wasn’t that the whole point of the talks? Speeded up deal just to manage something before November will not have any positive effect.

James Adams

The President of Kosovo got ousted so the deals of I think. The deal wasnt good anyways. All it did was ensure Vucic continues to sell of Serbia.


No lol, the point of the talks was for Kosovo and Serbia to lick Trump’s asshole and ofc Israel’s asshole because Trump (like any other american president) is an Israeli asset! Trump just wanted a photo shoot with his dogs (Vučić and Hoti) so he can role play as a peacemaker.

Tommy Jensen

This was the last country in Europe to be infiltrated and managed by US Deep State Department, and we did it with a minimum of cost. No bombs, no colour revolution, only US stick and carrot………………LOL.

We won again and you lost……………………………..LOL.

Anduin Lothar

U.S. dumped like 20tons of depleted uranium on Kosovo, round 10 tons on Serbia, ppl are still deminning unexploded bombs, and are still wondering when will U.S. pay for war crimes it did, like bombing of schools, hospitals, nurcereries… U.S. even bombed city center with cluster munitions, nearest military target was like 150 km from there…

James Adams

Vucic is a dictator he doesn’t speak for the Sebian people !!! He needs to go !!!

Assad must stay

All of these “normalization” deals seem to benefit only israel and not much in return to the other side lol


Thank you for covering our shame, let the whole world know how our government officially made Serbia into a US colony.

Fog of War

Interesting list of demands. This is how you tear down the fabric of moral societies. Ask yourselfs, why does ZioAmerica constantly push Homosex on all the countries of the world ? There has to be something in there for the Zios, something inportant.

” The US is using the chance to push some other agenda in the normalization of ties, these include: the participation of both sides in promoting the decriminalization of homosexuality, the recognition of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization and the ban on the use of 5G equipment from “unreliable suppliers” (this obvious relates to China) look rather strange. “

Omega Red

Why is Serbia recognizing Kosovo? This is a historic outrage. Probably the biggest humiliation I have ever seen a country go through.

Fog of War

And there goes Serbia. Next step joining the EU and NATO.

Servet Köseoğlu

Usa is running country in Al-capone style..What’s the point of servicing this photo to Public?Every nation has a pride.. https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/ca1f61db58ad6d5c0611da4efb38fff5421b75c721b78dd35828411091891ce8.jpg



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