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MARCH 2025

KRG Forces Collapse In Kirkuk Because Of Intra-Peshmerga Tensions, Absence Of Long-Awaited Suport From U.S.

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KRG Forces Collapse In Kirkuk Because Of Intra-Peshmerga Tensions, Absence Of Long-Awaited Suport From U.S.

Iraqi troops are in the cabinet of former Kirkuk governor loyal to the KRG

Amidst growing tensions in the region, Iraqi units have taken control of the city of Kirkuk, the K1 military aiport, the Baba Gurgur oil and gas field, and a state-owned oil company’s offices.

Iraqi forces had moved into several major oil fields north of Kirkuk, as well as its airport and an important military base, according to Iraqi sources. Kurdish party headquarters inside Kirkuk had been abandoned. Baghdad said the Peshmerga had withdrawn “without fighting”, but clashes were reported south of Kirkuk.

While politicians and authorities led by Barzani’s Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) have said they will stand their ground and fight, their rival Patriotic Union of Kurdistan (PUK) has been more amenable to an agreement to allow Baghdad to enter.

Supporters of KRG President Masoud Barzani blamed the PUK for a lose of Kirkuk and US for an absense of the support.

Peshmerga spokesman Brig Gen Bahzad Ahmed told the Associated Press that the fighting south of Kirkuk had caused “lots of casualties”. He alleged that pro-government forces had also “burnt lots of houses and killed many people” in Tuz Khurmatu, 75km south of Kirkuk, and Daquq. However, he was not able to provide any confirmation to his words.

U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad had described the situation as “stable” but said the “heightened tension” was distracting from the fight against ISIS militants. The US consulate in Baghdad said that they support the notion of contentious territories being controlled according to the Constitution.

The US-led coalition against ISIS, that backs both Iraqi Army and Peshmerga forces, has stated that they “strongly urge all sides to avoid escalatory actions,” and has not shown support for either side of the conflict.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a statement that the operation in Kirkuk was necessary to “protect the unity of the country, which was in danger of partition” because of the referendum.

The Iraqi parliament asked Abadi to deploy troops to Kirkuk and other disputed areas after the referendum result was announced, but he said last week that he would accept them being governed by a “joint administration” and that he did not want an armed confrontation.

Abadi also appointed Rakan al-Jibouri to be the new governor of Kirkuk instead of Najmiddin Karim, who had supported Kurdish independence.

On October 15, his cabinet accused the KRG of deploying non-Peshmerga fighters in Kirkuk, including members of the Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), which it said was tantamount to a “declaration of war”. KRG officials denied these allegations. Then, a video showing PKK members in Kirkuk appeared.

Turkey also accused Erbil of collaborating with PKK forces, and promised to take the necessary measures. Turkey’s National Security Council called for the federal government in Baghdad to take control of the border crossing between Turkey and the Kurdish region in northern Iraq and proposed closing Turkish airspace for flights heading to or departing from Kurdish territory in Iraq.

Kirkuk is an oil-rich province claimed by both the Kurds and the central government.

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andy l

Well that was easy enough the Kurds didnt put up much resistance after all.

Daniel Castro

They must be pushed back to their historic regions, then arabs shouldn’t go on invading them, but then, as punishment, they should never anymore enjoy the autonomy they had before the betrayal.

Travis Kelso

I was wrong with my posts on here. You guys were right. What a waste of time I guess I can go back to talking crap about the Dallas Cowboys.


Admitting to be wrong requires bravery and fairness. Salute!

You posted a lot of crap though, but I like this one.


Honestly if you defended the Kurds you had a diferent opinion , but in reality just look at what the US has done to them and other similar groups in the past , hope the Kurds reunite peacefully in Syria , arrest extremist and kick the US out and op for autonomy since I do agree the SAA did kind of leave them by themselves at the beganing of the war.


SA at the beginning of civil war simply stunned due to the uprising of the civil war. Remember that there’s also FSA member originally serving as Syrian soldiers.


We should all pitch in a get u a bottle of good Scotch for being a decent guy!

Rex drabble

You are the very first person that I have seen on the many posts I read that has the honesty to say they were wrong. I respect you very much for that.


It doesn’t take much to get the “feel” of whats gonna happen.

I could tell immediately that the kurds were screwed when trump was elected as he has only mentioned them once: “they are great fighters”, and that was while on the campaign trail. So trump doesn’t really care much for anything in syria/iraq except for one thing: destroying isis. Once that happens, I’ll bet the house that trump will declare victory over isis and do a full and complete withdrawal of EVERYTHING from that area and let god sort it out. Remember: Kurds/syria/iraq are an illegal obama pet project, and trump isn’t gonna want that hanging over his head when he runs for reelection.

Melotte 22

fighting ISIS? US? Now I’ve heard everything.

Tudor Miron

Are you really that naive? You look at this ME events for a while and you still had not realised that Daesh (Al Nusra, and the reast of head choppers) is irregular armed forces of US/UK/Israel. Israel are the one that struggle the most hiding their support to them. Struggle = failing to hide. But they don’t care too much – they rely on their total MSM control so that goyims will be fed with “right” agenda.


I’ll hold you for that promise… of a house…

If you lose, I’ll sell your promise to loan shark. If you win (Trump’s word is your guaranty, what are the odds that he doesn’t change his mind?), you’ll keep the house.


It’s on like donkey kong. Guarantee I will win. Hint: Trump is not in charge of this shit, he’s just glory hunting.

Also: http://www.rudaw.net/english/middleeast/syria/19082017 And finally: https://southfront.org/us-no-developed-plans-beyond-raqqas-operation/

Tudor Miron

Admitting being wrong – this takes more courage than being right. Thanks for your honesty.

G Jetson

It revealed to the world how weak the Kurdish forces were, without the support of the US.


The SAA and Iraqi armed forces have taken so many losses and but they just keep on going like Rocky Balboa :) .. Israel has no chance in real high intensity combat. Hence the reason why Israel is acting like a rabid infested mad dog that’s cornered.

Matthew Campbell

Israel will still be here long after all her Arab neighbors have disappeared and allah is proven a falsehood


Barzani’s KRG militia and seperatists fleeing the city en masse from Nimr Tiger Twitter:



They don’t fight. Hard to see they have an edge when they were using the same hardware minus air firepower. I respect the man who ordered peshmerga forces to withdrew peacefully and how they were obeying such an order.


now halt the war…. the kurds now get the point….diplomacy and long awaited kurdish presidential election


Abadi demonstrated he’s not looking for a conflict, he even offered to KRG to govern the disputed area jointly. The Idiot stubborn didn’t accept. Now Iraq’s federal government controls the area rightfully. I hope they keep the country in one piece.


why shoud they hold the country in one piece?


Other than patriotism and well-being of the people and the region and whatnot,

What better reason BETTER than hurting Zionists’ butts? :)

I lost the track, are you the smartarse Matt or the idiot one?


I did not expect the zionist simplification from you, i thought you were smarter then that


Why not? Wasn’t Israel the only country that supported breaking up of Iraq? They wish it for all countries in ME.

As I said before, IF Barzani didn’t act like that, didn’t grab the land that didn’t belong to KRG, his dangerous and ambiguous question in referendum, trying to blackmail Iraq while the country is at war and so many other things he did, we had no objection for Iraqi Kurdistan to become independent. Heck, even Iraqi government would cooperate. His greed and actions caused KR to lose it’s face and made it difficult for them to achieve that goal for a while. I hope Iraqi Kurds choose a better leader, one who doesn’t put his own interests above that of Kurds.


Sorry, but under saddams brutal regime, Kirkuk was etnically cleansed of kurds. In the last few years a lot of kurds returned. It was more kurdish then arab for a few centuries and mayebe even longer.

Solomon Krupacek

kurds. can. live. over. 900. meters. altitude.


If you go back a little bit further, about the first years of the 20th century under Ottomans’ rule, even Dahuk and Nineveh weren’t Kurdish. The whole area was ethnically cleansed of Assyrians, Armenians and Chaldeans.

I know Kurds suffered horribly under Saddam. I remember when he and the evil Chemical Ali used CW on both Kurds and Iran. The problem is, some of Kurdish leaders align themselves with foreign powers against the countries of the region. Your future is interconnected with us, you are related by blood to us, you have better chance working with us. Foreign powers use you for their plans and when they have no further use for you, they’ll leave you to the wrath of the region’s countries.

How many times the US made Kurds to stand against Iraq’s governments? 2 times in Saddam era alone (’70s and ’90s), and they left you to Saddam.


The first ruler that killed a lot of assyrian christians was shapur II And back then there was no western colonial power urging him to do so. In the beginning of the 20th century, the mass murdering of the christians was mayebe because of exact the same reasons you describe what the kurds are doing wrong now….


Nice try by Shapur, researching the 700 years of war between Iran and Rome would help you to rid yourself of this kind of thinking.

Maybe, but it’s not the reason for the Christian genocide. Ottomans did the same thing with their Shi’a population too, but it’s not PC to talk about it nowadays. Shi’as are the new badguys these days. There are countless sources about this genocide, but if you’re unable to find any I may post some links for you.


Do not get me wrong, i have nothing against shia in particular. Iran is probably one of the most educated and civilized countries in the ME. I never believed the anti Iran propaganda that the western media posted for decades..most people believe their media, but i was suspicious since i started reading newspapers at 12 years old.


Well, the European powers tried to establish christian countries within the osman empire when it declined, that was one of the reasons for the genocides for sure


As I said, better read about both incidents. This way you’ll learn a lot of area which was included in KRG’s illegal referendum aren’t Kurdish, and even some area like Dahuk wasn’t Kurdish 100 years ago, IF history has any meaning.


IF….we should look now, that is what counts, people migrate all the time and borders change


Shall we let ISIS keep the land they took, if present counts? Based on this logic, thank god Iraq’s federal government regained it’s authority over Kirkuk, Tuz Khurmtu and Shengal (Sinjar). Otherwise in a short time because of “migration” it would be counted as Kurdish. Like Kurdish Kurdish, 3000 years worth of Kurdish-ness as they claim it for Dahuk! You know, it’s not fair to participate in a genocide, take the land and claim that this land has always belonged to you. Yes, some Kurdish tribes did the Ottoman Donmeh’s dirty work for them. I posted some sources for @Serious_Dude before, I can do it for you too if you never heard of it.


I know the stories. I red about it as well. We had a great TV docu about two friends, one turk, one armenian and they travel to turkey and tried to find out what happened. Every culture had/has dark and evil episodes. Homo sapiens is not always a nice animal….human history is not fair


Eventually it has to stop at some point. Thank god, it seems Iraqi FG and KRG are reaching to some sort of a deal. Hope it gets calm. I believe it’s the time for Barzani and his clan to answer some difficult questions to Iraqi Kurds.


I agree and i am happy they are not really fighting


I agree that Barzani is an opportunist and not a great leader though. But in the end most politricians are opportunists. Israel supports the split up of the ME countries, sure. That doesn’t make the kurds automatically zionism supporters. politrics is a dirty game always. For years turkey supported both israel and hamas ; ) just an example Game of thrones is a good metaphor for the dirty games in the ME


No, it doesn’t make ALL of Kurds a Zionist puppet, just the ones who truly are.

When I said hurting Zionists’ butts I meant Zionists’ butts, not Kurds’.

When you align yourself with a foreign power against the country you currently belong, you should expect the country’s reaction. In any of the 4 countries Kurds live in, they have a much better chance in working with their own country’s government and people to achieve whatever they want. Foreign powers don’t give a flying f*ck about you or me, they have their own goals which is only possible if they manage to put you and me at war.

Daniel Castro

ISrael supports separatist movements on all countries in the world, that’s why the world should unite to tear ISrael to pieces!


Big countries have less freedom, more corruption and lower levels of services for its citizens then small countries. That is why i support separatism! Exept for israel. this area is too small to create two countries and the populations allready live mixed up. So israel should unite with palestine under a secular constitution

Daniel Castro

How can big countries have less freedom if in small countries you can’t even drive 1 hour in you car without reaching a border you can not pass? That is ridiculous!

Small countries aren’t even countries, they are all just colonies who depend upon empires for their defense surrendering all their sovereignity to the globalist elite.

Only big countries ate countries, small countries are just enclaves between big countries acting as neutral territories and ocasional battlegrounds, nothing more, nothing less.


well, mayebe you should travel through europe one day and see the reality ;) we have open borders :)))) if you ride a bicycle, it takes you longer to reach the border :))))) better for the planet and safer for pedestrians ;)) another interseting thing is the top 10 of most happy countries. And a small country can have a big geography, it is the amount of citizens that count.

Daniel Castro

In fact you don’t have open borders, you have no borders, you have no borders because you have no countries, your no-countries are ruled from the other side of the ocean and your living standard depends entirely on the interest of the capital of the empire which rules you.


Well that is a stupid empire then!!! Our life standard is WAY better then in the USA, it is basically a third world country


It is the first empire in human history that lets his overseas areas have a better life then the motherland!!! Better life expectancy, better healthcare, less violence, better education, more rights for minorities, more holidays, more democracy, better infrastructure, more honest law system, better welfare system, better food safety laws, and so on and so on

Daniel Castro

Apart from the democracy, which you don’t really have being ruled entirely by unelected bureaucrats… Yes, USA anglo-zionist elite invested a lot in Europe, because if you paid attention on what I answered you, it is in the interest of USA to keep their military bases there, to give european people a high standard of living so they are a living showcase for the empire, to have the trade routes and benefits of european territory, it is all an investment, and the fact they give european people a better condition then they have on their own territory speaks volumes on how much they care about the people of any country!

Even so, now is in the inrest of USA that you be flooded with muslims and criminals from the 3rd world, now is in the interest of USA that you have a debt higher than your GDP, that all sorts of perverse ideology be spread on your countries, now the empire is in desperate situation and cannot sustain european illusion, so now your living standard is sinking too.

You are cannon fodders, and you are bound to a 3rd world war which will dispose of over 90% of european population, and that is because your “countries” are small, weak, with no sovereignity.


You have a delusional view over Europe, it is all i can say. A bit pathetic, as if everything that happens is because some puppeteer pulls some strings. But that is not how it works. All countries have a higher debt then the gdp, even russia with all its oil and gas. We are not “flooded with muslims and criminals, russia has more muslims and the criminality figures are WAY higher! About perverted ideology, i guess you mean LBGT rights? Silly old fashioned orthodox believes will bring you nothing but stagnation. For WW III, if it comes (hopefully not) it will be fought in asia i think and if they will use nukes ( hopefully not) it could mean the end of humanity, wich could be a blessing for the planet to be honest…

Daniel Castro

For whom do you think your governments rule, the people?! LoL… I rather believe in Santa Claus than that! Democracy is a fraud, your politicians rule for those with money and power above them, namely billionaires and the Deep State of the Empire(secret services/industrial military complex), those are the people who pool the strings you avoid to see, that same string attached to your head right now.

Russian muslims are historic muslims, they were there before russians themselves, and russian crime is russian, it is not imported from the 3rd world. You’re wrong, traditional society was healthy and brught a lot of highly educated people, leftist society doesn’t even reproduce, and when it reproduces it raises dysfunctional individuals uncapable of living by themselves.

Lastly, you’re dreaming. It is written in the wall, next war you will be toasted, even if I agree with you and do not want it to happen, we’re sadly walking toward it step by step.


Democracy is not just about elections. I understand that the big decisions are not made in the parliaments, but behind closed doors. That doesn’t make us slaves or cannon fodder. It doesn’t matter if muslims are new or old. Same with crime. Both have been spreading over this planet for more then a thousand years and might spread for another thousand years. Traditional society was not healthy at all! Full of prejudice, and stuck ideas about right and wrong based on the bible! Today people are much better educated and informed then ever! If the war will come it will also be the end of russia


Just name me one big country that is a nice place for more then 90 percent of its citizens!

Daniel Castro

It’s easy for some small countries to have a high standard of living because:

1) They thrive on the stability great powers bring to the world.

2) Many of them are fiscal paradises thriving with money stolen from other countries, that is why I said they are more corrupt than big countries, corruption is many times the single most developed aspect of their economies, while in big countries it is just a fraction of economy. but because countries are big and powerfull this fraction is a lot of money.

3) Many are located in strategic territories and it is in the interest of great powers themselves to give these countries great advantages in exchange to trade routes, military bases, neutrality, etc.

If you dismantle all great powers and big countries you will end up with a feudal reality of widespread perpetual wars, world peace only exist because of big countries, it just happens that small “countries” benefit greatly on this stability.

More so, like I said before, small countries are not even countries, but neutral territories between the bif countries.


This is bullshit Castro. The Eu is not an Empire. It contains a lot of small countries that exist for centuries…

Daniel Castro

The EU is not an empire all right, it is a super-colony of the anglo-zionist empire, and most of so called small countries within EU ceased to exist being rule by brussels on the name of USA.


And what is the benefit for the anglo zionist empire in your delusional story? It just doesn’t make sense. Never in world history an Empire ruled over others and at the same time did not plunder the others or changed them into their own, by just wiping out the others culture. Both is not happening here, i invite you to come have a look for yourself

Daniel Castro

The Anglo-zionist empire is not USA himself, even if the capital is in USA, the empire is spread among several olygarchs and billionaires around the world, and they do reap all benefits my friend, make no mistakes.


Ahah! Now we are getting somewhere! So some Russians are part of it as well then! Including filha da Putin

Daniel Castro

The anglo-zionist is not in the interest of the Eastern powers, even China which has being doing business with the Epire for sel-interest is slowly walking away. the East do not need the West as most of the real ecnomy of the world nowadays is being produced there.

The west is fake and will fall like a house of cards.


Russia is not an eastern power, they are part of europe in the first place and they colonised a big chunk of asia in the second place

Daniel Castro

They are in between, they can be none or choose a side, you forced them into the east for your own stupidity.


We? The slaves of the evil empire?

Daniel Castro

Yes, by not resisting your masters, by giving up your own interests for the sake of the zionists.


That is your perception, not mine. As i allready said, we live in the best part of the planet, so there is nothing wrong with our interests


This is our main problem: http://www.globalcarbonatlas.org/en/CO2-emissions https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_carbon_dioxide_emissions


You seem to live in the past, or mayebe in the ME? In most of Europe there haven’t been any battles for decades, as well as in the America’s. The trouble with army building is that the opponent will also build up, wich is damn stupid for both sides. All that money could have been spent to education, infrastrucure, healthcare, etc. etc. for the benefit of the MAYORITY. The weapon industry mostly benefits the owners of those companies and the families that work in the factories or in the armies. But that is a MINORITY…..

Daniel Castro

Europe is just a neutral territory between USA and Russia, when war comes it will be turned into radioactive dust more than RU and USA themselves.

First and Second world war should have told you something.



Daniel Castro

I don’t know what you try to prove with this link. TTPIP is history, as it was not on the interest of the empire it ceased to exist.


It was not in the interest of europe

Daniel Castro

It doesn’t matter. While it was not in the interest of europe it was being enforced, it was only blocked because the empire himself saw it was not on his own interest. Don’t you see a pattern?!


What pattern???

Daniel Castro

If you can’t see it is pointless for me to explain to you.


Ehh, that is a contradiction pall. If i did see it, you wouldn’t have to explain it anymore…

Daniel Castro

If you did see I wouldn’t need to explain, but you should see it, there are only two reason for you not to see the pattern, one is you are stupid, two is you don’t want to see, with both it is pointless for me to explain.


The riddler, i don’t even remember when you started about some pattern…; )


I just see a pattern in our conversation :)))


Hahaha, you see everything in terms of war, do you ever get out of southfront? I guess you are a weapon freak, obsessed with violence

Daniel Castro

While I, who live in a country that made no war with any other country since WW2, see everything in terms of war, which is what real politics is, you avoid to see war as force driving of politics while living in Europe, which acts like a pack of wardogs for the empire never stopping its wars of aggression.

Your peace is an illusion and your countries are connivent with the crimes of the empire because you’re all stooges, all cannon fodders fo the empire.


You are crazy, most ” cannon fodder” comes from the “empire” How many europeans died in the usa wars, compared with americans? You have a very simple view on world politrics. So wich country did not make war since WW II?

Daniel Castro

You are cannon fodders, the territories themselves are just launching pads for ICBMs, airplanes, ABM batteries, when war start you will be utterly toasted, carpet bombed by russian nukes, tell me what value will have your living standards then?!

You brought this upon yourselves by giving up your sovereignity.


Untill now this is just your fantasy, nothing more ;)))

Daniel Castro

What is fantasy? That USA has ICBMs, airplanes, ABM batteries on EU? That russia is moving even more tactical nukes to Kaliningrad as we speak?

I advise you to check military news more often.


The fantasy is that we will be toasted. As a matter of fact, the nukes made peace, nobody is stupid enough to use them

Daniel Castro

If pushes comes to shove they will be used, and we’re practically at that point with stupid imperialist actions around the world.


Nothing new about that. Big chance the USA power will decline, but not in their interest to start a nuclear war, they won’t get back what they allready lost. Their main problems: the debt, their disfunctional political system, the elite that don’t give a fuck and actualy benefit on the decline, the privatisation of their army, not enough opportunities for the mayority of the population


I know europe plays dirty, but it is not ruled by the usa, that is nonesense. It rather uses the usa for its own benefit and let big stupid brother do the dirty work…

Daniel Castro

Like buying gas from USA from a higher price than it would buy from Russia… yes, that is really on european interest… being flooded by muslims because of the wars of the empire too, you must be thrilling!


You do realize that Germany has a demographic problem right? And that it doesn’t want to become dependent on Russia right?

Daniel Castro

And by importing muslims you will have cultural/social/security problem, among others.

Importing gas at higher prices than russia sell do not make you less dependent, it doesn’t matter what country you depend upon, it just tells us who is your master.


This proces started almost 60 years ago, sure there are some problems, like in any immigration country. Russia has some problems with immigrants from kavkaz and central asia, similair problems in south africa, usa, parts of india, west of turkey, just about anywhere that attracts migrants

Solomon Krupacek

kurds should leave. but not with territory


Some Kurds are Iraqi patriots. The Iraqi general who commanded the Kirkuk operation is Kurdish.


When the corrupted shia government stops their sectarian policies, then Iraq could work. Unfortunately it did not work like that up till now


What they did to warrant using sectarian for them? Isn’t the Iraqi president a Sunni Kurd? Isn’t the parliament’s speaker a Sunni? Aren’t people of other religion’s other than Shi’as in Iraqi government? How many of ministers of the cabinet are Shi’a?

Why do you repeat this? Do you like to be proved wrong?


I used sectarian only once, the other post i used corrupt


What? That means you didn’t say it?

How corrupt? Is the head of Iraqi government unwilling to let go of power after FOUR years passing his legal term, too? Did he dissolve the parliament in order to remain in his seat too?

Did he attempt an illegal referendum after land grab to divert attention from himself and his clan too? Did he sell the stolen oil and didn’t pay for his militia and government employees too?

You just repeat and repeat whatever the shills on Kurdish TVs repeat. Think for yourself, you won’t die, I promise.


mayebe you just repeat press tv….;)))


Maybe I’m like a parrot. Logic? Garga is a bird, Parrot is a bird, so Garga should be a parrot, parroting Press TV!

Seriously, are the above statements false?


Garga means crow, right? A very intelligent bird ; ) No your statements are not necessarily wrong. I try to understand what is going on in the world, just like you. We could have diferent opinions though…


Curses! My secret is blown! Here, take this bribe, just don’t tell Solomon.


I promise not to tell him ; )


See? I changed it, in case he comes back….


Thanks. You can change it into **** to tease him even more.


Who brought in these corrupt sectarian shia politicians like Maliki inc.??

They entered Iraq on American tanks.

The solution is very simple: All US embassies in the Middle East need to be closed and US bases need to vacated. Bush/Blair/Obama/Hillary/AIPAC & co need to be arrested for war crimes and high treason. There is no other solution to permanent peace.

Solomon Krupacek

they stay. i am talking about those, who hate iraq.


Leave? To europe?

Solomon Krupacek

mars is empty. there are 2 continents. one for kurds, one for jews.


Pathetic little clown : ))

Solomon Krupacek


Zainab Ali

internal rift in the region shows that zio support is not accepted wholeheartedly by all


the israel open support statement was a stab in the back to the kurds


Almost everything comes out of Barzani’s mouth is plain lie. Here are some footage:

People of Karkuk happy that Iraqi army took control of the city: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/919938271211220992

Just like Saddam’s statue in 2003, people cheer on Barzani’s portrait pulled down: https://twitter.com/twitter/statuses/919915069760159744

Iraqi Army medical staff treating Peshmerge militia after he’s abandoned by his unit:



Happy? The mayority of people ANYWHERE will cheer to an army that takes over, no matter if the army is the NAZI, the SOVIET, ISIS or PMU army


Sure, sure. Does it help with the hurt? Nevertheless, it’s really nice to see them cheer after Barzani’s militia fled!


Have not heard from Dutchguy yet. He probably got drunk at the bar and had to PUK. :)

Jordan Katz

Lol! I was just about to say the same thing… Where’s Mr. DutchNational-Oven-Baker?


Mayebe for u, not for me. This is just another militia taking over power. When will the citizens have a normal life? Not with these PMU thugs, that is for sure


Yes, these small moments of jubilation helps one to carry on with life. Iraqi army is hardly a militia though, donchathink? Too bad PMU didn’t participate so far, I guess Iraqis are too smart for Barzani and his lies.

Now the people of Karkuk can elect their representatives as they used to, away from Barzani’s bayonets.


As they used to? When could they really choose?


When they elected TWO successive Sunni Kurds as their president. When they elected their representatives in parliament. When they elected a Sunni as the head of parliament. Your problem is NOT the majority of the Iraq’s population which is Shi’a. Saddam hurt Shi’as worse than Kurds, or did you forget?

Solomon Krupacek

what is garga?


Do you mean “What is A Garga”? It’s a bird, but I’m not going to tell you which one!

I used to know a guy, named ‘Solomon “Solly” Shimshillewitz’. Very funny guy, a comedian. Lived in London and even one time he punched a Rabbi. You are both named Solomon and are both funny. Any relations?

Solomon Krupacek

It’s a bird, but I’m not going to tell you which one! ;(

short before i entered disqus under thios name, i saw move king solomons mines. this os the only reason of chosen name.


Not The Man Who Knew too Much?


Luckily for us all, you weren’t watching “Captain America”, otherwise we had to deal with a self-righteous goody two-shoes schmuck!


If you include iran, you are right


Let’s first clear the situation on “corrupt sectarian Shi’a government” of Iraq, then we’ll go to Iran.

I don’t like sideways jumping.


Sorry, but you stated that the shia suffered more then the kurds under saddam…..within iraq this is not true! Based on what sources do you dare to say this? That is why i mentioned iran


Based on the experiences of my 3 uncles and a large extended family. All of them tortured, half of them murdered, all their belongings confiscated and they managed to walk out of Iraq barely alive, some with permanent disability.

Yes, I DARE say it loudly. You’re not the only ones suffered and not even the ones who suffered the most.


Ok, sorry to hear that!


No problem, but it wasn’t me. And they weren’t the only ones suffered under Saddam. Today Saddam is no more.


The national assembly in Iraq wasn’t a bright example of democracy… and the council of representatives is not either


If I had a sectarian mindset I would agree, because a sectarianist would think how is it possible with a Shi’a majority population, the president and the head of parliament be Sunni?

But I’m not, and tell you that these are the tools in your disposal if you believe in a democracy. Kurds helped to write Iraq’s constitution, they wrote KRG’s internal law and since first elections after Saddam, two Kurds were Iraq’s presidents. When you want something politically, you compromise. You give something and receive something in return. It’s not possible to just demand or demand something which is not within your right. I’m talking about the occupied regions outside KAR, not autonomy. KAR enjoyed an autonomy which most areas in most countries don’t have. But I guess that wasn’t enough.


No it wasn’t because the constitution might be nice, in practice it dors not function. If Iraq was really working as their constitution prescribes, ISIS would never had the support it had when they grabbed power in the sunni parts of Iraq for example


Without a foreign supporter, it was impossible for it to be the ISIS of 2014. Iraq has a lot of problems, one of the biggest is minority is unwilling to accept the majority, as democracy implies and some wish to revert to the good old days of the past.


No, democracy is not the mayority that impose their will on minorities, this wrong thinking happens a lot…


It’s not imposing if you participated in the vote.

Would you define Democracy for me then?


Democracy is voting, but it is also about protecting the rights of the minorities and about the trias politica


The president of iraq is a ceremonial function as well as the head of parliament….

Tudor Miron

PMU thugs??? Our kurdish zio lover went over the top :)


yeah right herr miron, everybody that doesn’t share your zio fantasies is a zio lover :)))

Solomon Krupacek

you got nice kick, kurdish traitor


Ah there coms Solomon, making another silly comment. Traitor to what exactly? Traitor to the corrupt shia government in Bhagdad? Yes please!


Not all of Kurds are traitors. There are brave and patriot Kurds which I’m sure you don’t like. The traitors are traitor to their country, democratically elected government of Iraq by the majority of Iraqis and to Iraq’s constitution and KRG’s internal law.

Solomon Krupacek

matt is kurdish taitor. i wrote in singular, but stupid english language, you know ….


No, he just listens to separatists too much.


lol ………… Solomon, you have the best lines, you go baby!!!!

Solomon Krupacek

solomon is the wisestest :)


Then read up about history then. When the Nazis marched into Poland, Western Europe, Scandinavia and most of Yugoslavia NOBODY cheered. When the Soviets marched into parts of Ukraine, the Baltics and Eastern Europe NOBODY cheered. There’s only cheering for the evil army if the previous ruler was an even bigger dick. Like when the Nazis marched into the Baltics and parts of the Ukraine the bigger dick was Stalin, so the locals there cheered.

So by that logic, if the locals cheered in Kirkuk as the Iraqi army marched into the city that means the bigger dick was Barzani.


Were you there? Or did you read the national propaganda that all countries made after?


Well, where is your time machine then? You made the claim, now back it up. Prove the historical record wrong. Because the historical record says nobody cheered. Except for a few cases in a few countries where the invaders kicked out a bigger dick.


are you a librarian if some historical record library? when did you check those records? Or did you write a thesis on cheering or not cheering crowds when invading armies marched in? my point of view is based on human behaviour, most people just look after themselves and their families. If that means cheering to save your ass, they will.

John Trudgian

The Kurds fighting in Der Ezzor should take note that the US will not back them when push comes to shove.


Same for Russia: Syria will not deal with PKK terrorists who are brandishing themselves as “SDF”.


Indeed, it’s the harsh truth. They should by now realise, if they’re smart, that they took on to much for their own good. In fact the only interest of the USD and Israel is destruction of the Middle East, not the interest of some corrupt Kurdish politician.

General Surena

as the GHASEM SOLEİMANİ said… karkuk fell in 1 day…. as he said.

Solomon Krupacek

KRG = Kurds R Gangbanged


Bravo to the Iraqi general for the Kirkuk operation. For those who don’t know: The Iraqi general commanding the Iraqi armed forces is an ethnic Kurd. This shows that not all Kurds are treacherous Zionists. Some of them are true Iraqi patriots as well.


Iraq all ready had the forces in the area from the Hawija operation. So they figured, why stop at the border “let’s keep moving forward” :D


Israel’s outrage because things are not working out with Kurds in Iraq, ISIS getting annihilated in Syria, and maybe SDF having second thoughts going along with the axis of evil, contributed to their desire to supposedly strike a Syrian battery east of Damascus.


To put it simply, I am glad that the government of Iraq retook the city. I wish well to all.


iraqis restoring order…..

John Brown

The SDF just collapsed in less then 2 days in Kirkuk they are a joke. They never beat ISIS as we can now see they were secret allies with ISIS letting the Kurds have territory according to the wishes of their mutual masters racist supremacist Jews. If there is any minor resistance the Kurds need US air cover.


I would love to see the look on Barzani’s face when he realized the US just used them as a bargaining chip. Once their bluff was called there was no need to support the kurds anymore.

Get bent you kurd pieces of shit.


After the Kurds are betrayed by the US, and realize that all of their victories far far away in Syria are for nothing, they will soon be heading home to defend their real homeland. And along the way, they will be singing that old anti-war song by Country Joe McDonald from the 1960’s.

Lets sing it …. all together now Kurds ….

“well it’s a one, two, three, … what are we fighting for …. don’t ask me, I don’t give a dam, … next stop is Kurdistan” …

Gary Sellars

Kurds get fucked over again by the US… LOL!!!

They were always a disposable asset…. and they were stupid enough to think that Uncle Shlomo cared…

Gary Sellars

Kurds need to negotiate for autonomy in good faith with their respective national governments and without listening to poisonous Zionist whispers…. That is the only path for the Kurds to gain peace and security and a level of prosperity. Being a cats-paw of the Muricans and Zio filth in the great Game of Houses will bring nothing but DISASTER onto these people.

Langaniso Mhlobo

Thanks it was so quick to bring peace back and eliminate instigators.


There will be more blame game in the course as long as Barzani think that they will eventually get their promised help from Israel or US. Should the US come to their aid there going to be demonization of Baghdad to justify their intervention. Then again such action will warrant an escalatory measures from forces that’s hostile to them.

robert wa

Hopefully the Kurds never get a Homeland and I’m not saying this because of religion I couldn’t care less..if they get Independence from Iraq next week it would be Syria and then Iran and if there’s Kurdish uprising the narrative by Israel/America would be Iran is at war with it’s own people and we all know we’re that piece of propaganda has led to lately..if America/Israel are on anyone’s side it’s instinctively because of what they can gain in return.. America/Israel don’t do what the rest would think is the right thing they only do war.. money.. oil.. the over~throwing of governments.. what is in there interests is the only reason America gets involved in any others fight of Independence.. they’ll drop the Kurds like a bad case of genital warts if they have to scratch to often.. hopefully Russia can put a spanner in the works of the Jewish American evil entity..if Russia hadn’t gotten involved in Syria the Israeli isis group would now be in power in Damascus but under a different name and would be called a moderate branch of Islam.. Russia is the only hope the world has in this time of history…✌


The green light has been given to the iraqi government to spank the communist backstabbing kurds.

Time to pay up.

John Mason

Hope that the Syrian Kurds are watching this, a lesson to be learned. Don’t trust the US. There again neither of them can be trusted.

Melotte 22

Kurds are going down the drain. Another bunch of useful idiots for US and Israel facing their demise.

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