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Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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The Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) announced on November 15 that its cells had carried out two successful ambushes deep inside the Turkish-occupied part of northern Aleppo.

Two Turkish-backed militants were killed in the first ambush which took place on a road between the towns of al-Rai and Azaz on November 13. A day later, a similar ambush near the town of Maabatli in northwestern Afrin claimed the lives of two other militants.

The ALF released photos showing the dead bodies of the slain militants and the vehicles, which were damaged in the ambushes.

Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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Kurdish Cells Ambush, Kill Turkish-Backed Militants In Northern Aleppo (Photos)

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Last week, commander of the Turkish-backed Northern Brigade, Abdel Halim Rahim, was assassinated by ALF cells in northern Aleppo. Kurdish operatives used an improvised explosive device (IED) to kill the commander.

The ALF stepped up its attacks on Turkish-occupied areas in northern Aleppo, especially Afrin, following the Turkish-led attack on Kurdish areas in northeast Syria, which began last month.

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Hanny Benny

Good job freedom-fighters Defeater of the turkish terrorist-caliphate !!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Pound for pound the best fighters in Syria bar none, Saladin would be proud of his people now, repelling the Turkish invaders the same way he once repelled the Christian invaders centuries ago, I wonder who the leader of the ALF is, I’m assuming the Kurds have nicknamed him Saladin the second.


Hasbara troll

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’m more of a anti Zionist than the morons like you who call people hasbara trolls just because they don’t like what the other person is saying. And if you haven’t seen the last 2 interviews from Assad calling people like you a problem, because you can’t make the distinction between the Kurds Assad likes [because they’re actually helping him], and the ones he doesn’t like [because they aren’t helping him], and tells people specifically like you to STFU.

“I stress that most of the Kurds are patriots who support their state and the Syrian people like any other segment of Syrian society”.


Karen Bartlett

You misquoted: here is an excerpt from the interview as per your link:

In an interview given to RUSSIA 24 and ROSSIYA SEVODNYA, President al-Assad clarified that most of the Kurds are patriots who support their state and the Syrian people, but there are groups, some of these groups are Kurds, some are Arabs, working under American command and there is currently a dialogue with them, since the return of the Syrian Army to north, to convince them that stability is achieved when all of us are committed to the Syrian constitution.

Pres. Assad was NOT talking about SDF, which sycophantically has aligned itself with the US invaders of Syria and has sought regime-change, backed terrorists and is now stealing Syrian oil.

Karen Bartlett

However, thank you for the link. I’ve been looking for the entire interview!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Assad was specifically talking about the Kurdish militias aligned to the SDF when he said “but there are groups, some of these groups are Kurds, some are Arabs, working under American command and there is currently a dialogue with them”, who the hell do you think he’s talking about in that reference, the tooth fairy. That’s what the SDF is, Kurdish/Arab/Turkmen/Syriacs,Yazidis ect, and Assad has a dialogue with them now trying to convince them to come back to the Syrian government.

I was making a comment about the ALF Kurds in Tell Rif at, what the hell does that have to do with the SDF, THEY’RE 2 DIFFERENT GROUPS, the ALF live and operate in SAA held territory, and are some of the very same Kurds Assad’s talking about when he says “most Kurds are patriots”. Assad was telling you off too Karen by making this statement, he’s telling you to not only make a distinction between the multitude of different Kurdish groups operating in Syria and the SDF LEADERSHIP, but also wants you to distinguish between most of the different Kurdish militias that make up the SDF military force and the SDF leadership, because they’re completely separate entities. You still don’t understand what Assad’s trying to tell you do you, you think Assad hates all the SDF forces but he doesn’t at all, he himself distinguishes between the multitude of different Kurdish militias that make up the SDF force [which all have varying and sometimes opposed views], and the SDF LEADERSHIP. So according to what Assad himself says, even some of the Kurdish militias that are actually members of the SDF aren’t as bad as you and others make them out to be, and he’s saying he’s been talking to those groups all through the war and still is, and now he also has a dialogue with the SDF leadership as well, which he hopes to convince to stop doing the US’s bidding.

“With regards to the Kurdish forces, we need to correct certain concepts. The term is being misused and it is being promoted by the West to give the impression that the forces operating there are Kurdish and that the region is Kurdish. First, I would like to make it clear that this region in the north and northeast of Syria is an Arab-majority region; over 70% of its population are Arabs, not the other way around. The groups fighting there are a mixture of Kurds and others; the Americans support the Kurdish groups and installed them in a leadership role in order to give the impression that it is a Kurdish region and to create a conflict between the Kurds and the other groups in Syria. We remained in contact throughout the war with these groups, despite our knowledge that some were being used and directed by the Americans; they were armed and funded by the Americans and their public statements were dictated by them. This does not mean that the Kurds are not patriots; I stress that most of the Kurds are patriots who support their state and the Syrian people like any other segment of Syrian society, but some of these groups are Kurds, some are Arabs, and there might be others working under American command. These are the groups we have continued to engage”.

Reread this statement again, I think you’ve misunderstood just about every single thing Assad actually said. And read the whole interview in full, and the one before it, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that, and the one before that. You seem to be clueless I’m afraid.

Karen Bartlett

Well, you weren’t as rude as you could have been. But you said nothing about any ALF group, which you say aren’t SDF anyway, which is what I was talking about. Pres. Assad wasn’t trying to tell anybody off. That’s what you do. I have nothing against any Kurds who “support their state” and neither does Pres. Assad. The SDF, however, has been working against Syria and for the US invaders. Pres. Assad is trying to have a dialogue with them, to get them to support Syria, their country. This doesn’t mean he “likes” or “dislikes” them, it means he is trying to end the war and the bloodshed.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I was being rude, I apologize, perhaps the onslaught of paid for trolls like Verner and RichardD made me assume just because of a few of your recent replies, you were also trolling me, so again I’m sorry for my rudeness. You’re right, I do tell people off, and I tell them off for lying, and then I also abuse them when they call me a liar for trying to get to the truth.

As to the ALF [Afrin Liberation force] I won’t provide links as it takes too much time to go back and search for links to sites that you can’t even remember where I read them, so I’ll instead suggest you bookmark a few Kurdish news sites and follow them instead, even go through their archives if they have any.

But what I’ll tell you they are is this, they’re a group of Kurds who’ve formed a self defence and guerilla force, they were at first mostly composed of Kurds from western Syria that Erdogan ethnically cleansed from the areas his forces now occupy, but now also consist of Kurds from the Eastern enclave that’ve left the SDF, as well as other ethnic and religious groups that also oppose Turkish occupation. They mostly have small arms and explosives in use so far, but every now and again unverifiable reports also claim they have heavier weapons and even AA capabilities, some unverifiable and unsubstantiated sources also say Assad himself supports them. And since the ALF operate on Assad’s territory under his protection, I think the unsubstantiated sources have already been verified by facts on the ground, the ALF operate in Assad’s territory and attack Turkish interests nearby in the Turkish held Azaz area. But there’s another thing I found out all by myself, even though the ALF started escalating hostilities early on in the year, and the SAA a few months later, since the SAA have began fighting the rebels/terrorists again, the ALF and the SAA seem to have been cooperating together. Every single time the SAA got bogged down by a ceasefire or by strong opposition, the ALF would intensify hostilities in their own region, !!every single time!!. I tried to point this out a few times using the syrialiveuamap timeline but no one seemed interested, it may be that it’s just a coincidence that every time the SAA was held up or bogged down that the ALF would fire up drawing Erdogan’s attention away from Idlib. It may have also been the ALF just taking advantage of the SAA’s misfortune, that’s quite possible, but I’m afraid with all the info available and the facts on the ground, as well as all those unsubstantiated and unverifiable reports in the Kurdish media, I can’t help but to think everything’s been coordinated and Assad is the coordinator. Search for -Afrin Liberation force- and go back at least 2 years in your searches if you want to see what other people say the ALF is, and what they do and for whom. Again sorry for my rudeness, it was uncalled for. Just after I posted my rude reply to you I read your second reply and regretted my offensive reply instantly.

Karen Bartlett

Apology accepted! I can be rude too, sometimes, but not on this site generally (lot of scary people on this site). Mostly on sites where people defend, for example, Pachamama or the Ecumenism. But we won’t get into that.

I have never heard of ALF but I will look them up. If they are helping Syria and not working for the US regime-change warmongers, or for Turkish attempts to steal Syrian territory, or for Saudi-taught and financed terrorists,that can only be good. And I don’t believe that it’s right to hate an entire People for being Kurdish or any other ethnicity. and I don’t believe in “obliterating” entire Peoples for any reason. There are people on sites like this, I’ve found, who hate with a vehemence that is, imo, unhealthy for not only others but for themselves.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well said karen.

Karen Bartlett

Thanks, Will…I looked for ALF online but only found sites from the SDF newspaper (ANHA) about them. SDF acts as though they’re the same. But then, they would.

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