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Kurdish Fighters Kill Several Turkish-Backed Militants In Two New Raids (Videos)

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Two Turkish-backed militants were killed and four others were injured in a new raid by the Afrin Liberation Forces (ALF) on a position of the Euphrates Shield (ES) force in northern Aleppo.

“On September 4, our forces attacked a base and positions of the Al Jabha al-Shamiyye jihadist gang in the vicinity of Kefer Kilbin village of the Azaz region with light and medium weapons and engaged in clashes with the jihadists,” the ALF said in a statement.

On September 6, the Kurdish guerrilla group released a video of the raid. The short video shows ALF fighters raiding the ES’ position after targeting it with several rocket-propelled grenades.

The ALF also released a video of a night attack by its fighters on a position of the ES force near the town of Azaz on September 3. Three militants were killed and another was injured in the attack.

Recently, the ALF stepped up its attacks in the area of Afrin and the ES region in northern Aleppo. The Turkish military and its Syrian proxies have done nothing so far to counter these attacks, despite suffering from heavy losses.

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Pave Way IV

‘Disobedient’ SDF Kurds left SDFistan to join ALF. Local Arabs from Afrin are joining ALF. They don’t seem to have much more than small arms and RPGs, and seem to be good fighters. They might be cooperating with their fellow Syrian countrymen in the SAA as well. The Houthis of northwest Syria. Israel must be pissed – time to have their CENTCOM waterboys take care of the problem. Just say the ALF were ISIS – western MSM is too dumb to know otherwise.


There are reports that ALF forces have received night scope vision and will be more effective during the night. The division between sdf forces and ALF is not clear to me and might not even exist in reality.

Pave Way IV

You could be right, dutch. The US is making a big show about ‘prohibiting’ SDF from taking part in Afrin or joining the ALF, but it might just be for show. But it seems to me like the Afrin Kurds were always more independent than those in Rojava and have always a strong distrust for anything the US is involved in. I wonder if those night vision scopes are U.S. or Russian made? If it was US equipment, then Erdogan would go berserk, so all the more reason for everyone involved to remain silent for now. Glad *someone* is supplying them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The ALF is totally anti US but Trump isn’t anti ALF at all, he’s actually pro ALF, and that’s because at this moment in time Trump, along with a few others, is extremely happy when anybody at all does something harmful to Erdogan’s interests. Trump issues heaps of directives to the SDF Kurds not to join the ALF but then does nothing at all to enforce them, I think that’s called lip service.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There’s a very clear and distinct division between them both, just ask any ex SDF fighter who’s deserted the SDF and subsequently joined the ALF what the difference is. The SDF is pro US, anti Erdogan and 50/50 for Assad, the ALF on the other hand is totally pro Assad and totally anti Erdogan, and totally anti US as well.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They couldn’t do what the do if they weren’t cooperating with the SAA. And they have a lot more than just small arms, every SDF soldier that defects to the ALF takes everything he can carry and sometimes even drive, they take the long scenic trip through SAA held territory to get to Aleppo, and very strangely, the US or SAA don’t even complain at all. And they have a lot more stuff in Aleppo too, some very kind benefactor has provided them with all sorts of goodies, all old stuff but still good enough to do what the Kurds want to do with it, kill heaps of Turks and their proxies. But all the goodies the ALF have are very hard to hide, the Turks would find it all in a flash if it was hidden in Turkish held territory, so the ALF’s really lucky it’s not. I’ve even read they have AA capabilities, not just MANPADS but also some mobile systems too, but those reports are from unreliable sources that can’t be confirmed, but then again all the other reports about the ALF that first seemed dubious have now been proven to be accurate, so who knows maybe they do have a few. Most of the ALF have been in the YPG or SDF for years either fighting the Turks or Isis, so they have heaps of combat experience in both Guerilla warfare and battlefield tactics, and I’m starting to think with SAAF air assistance and better equipment, they’d be just about unbeatable in a fight against the Turks and their proxies in Aleppo. I just wish we had reliable numbers for the ALF, I can’t even guess how many they have because there’s not enough info or evidence to even try roughly estimating, the only thing we really know about them from real evidence is this, they very rarely lose a fighter, and I mean very very rarely, but they always seem to kill heaps of Turks and their proxies, way way more than any other fighters do in Syria, btw the Turks have stopped releasing casualty figures since the ALF have been hammering them, and that’s been since early on this year.


Way to go ALF and SDF. Destroy the islamists and their paymaster turks. Cooperate with SAA. You have the same enemies.

Zionism = EVIL

Let these savages kill each so that the SAA can conserve its strength for the final liberation of all Syrian territory.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

The SAA and ALF have become siamese twins now, two bodies with one brain.

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