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Kurdish Forces Capture Two Villages In New Northern Raqqa Attack

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The Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) launched a limited attack against Turkish-backed militants in the northern Raqqa countryside late on November 15.

According to the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR), the Kurdish-led group managed to recapture the villages of Bir Tmah and Sa’dah from the so-called Syrian National Army (SNA).

Kurdish Forces Capture Two Villages In New Northern Raqqa Attack

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

The SNA launched a counter attack in the region early on November 16 with direct support from the Turkish military. However, it has failed to recapture any of the villages, so far.

“There are no information about the losses [on both sides] so far,” the SOHR’s report reads.

Earlier this month, the SNA launched a series of attacks in the northern Raqqa countryside with the aim of reaching and blocking the strategic M4 highway. The SDF managed to repel all the attacks on its own.

These repeated attacks in northeast Syria by both sides show that the situation in the region is still far from being stible, despite the recent agreements between Turkey, Russia and the U.S.

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Willing Conscience (The Truths

If this story is true the SOHR got the scoop first, because no one else has verified the reports yet 2 days after the asserted event, maybe it’s just more BS from the little turd. However there are verified reports that say the SAA and SDF reclaimed half of Arishah village in a coordinated action, the SDF is also carrying out another operation just northeast of this village as well with even more SDF reinforcements on the way to help.


It seems Erdogan’s safe zone isn’t so safe after all, not if the SAA and SDF are taking back small pieces of it whenever they like. Go SAA, go go ALF go SDF, kick the Turks and their proxies all the way back to Turkey.

Derek Johnson

However there are verified reports that say the SAA and SDF reclaimed half of Arishah village in a coordinated action, the SDF is also carrying out another operation just northeast of this village as well with even more SDF reinforcements on the way to help.


Verified by who? Who says https://syria.liveuamap.com/ tell the truth, you?

Do you believe Russia air force kills civilians or Assad’s air force use barrel bombs (i bet you don’t) but https://syria.liveuamap.com/ report these events as well!

Engage your brain (if you have one) and look at the source of the “story” and it is just that “a story”


Yes Rojava Network, the cornerstone of the truth. Nothing to even back it up with other than a tweet but that’s enough for “Willing Conscience (The Truths)

Look also at the N.E of Syria, still yellow and that means in SDF control, the Kurd’s have still not come to their senses and handed back Syrian territory to the legitimate Syrian government.

Keep dreaming that they will;

kick the Turks and their proxies all the way back to Turkey.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

LOL, I do trust syrialiveuamaps even though I also know they’re provided by the enemy, I have may posts pointing out they’re not an entirely trustworthy source, especially when they use the SOHR information without corroboration. But here’s an independent source you might trust,

“While the Turkish-backed forces previously captured Arishah, they were unable to hold onto the town after an SDF counter-attack in this area”.


You don’t even have a brain to engage, LOL.

Hanny Benny

turkey = REAL ISIS (500 years devsirme childabduction) turkey HAS TO GET SHATTERED !!!


The Zionist Yinon plan SDF needs to be disbanded, it’s rank and file members mustered into the SAA and other non subversive government approved security structures, and the SDF and Kurd political leadership arrested for sedition.

You can call me Al

Anything the US agrees to is like a Turd on the bottom of my shoe.

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