The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) have been actively using FPV suicide drones against the Turkish military and its proxy, the Syrian National Army (SNA), in northern Syria.
Between March 7 and 23, the Press Center of the SDF released seven videos of FPV drone strikes against Turkish forces in the direction of the eastern Aleppo countryside, mainly near the Tishrin Dam and Qarqozak Bridge where regular clashes have been taking place.
The clashes over the two key points on the Euphrates River first broke out last December as the regime of former president Bashar al-Assad was collapsing amid an offensive led by Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, which also enjoys close ties to Turkey.
More than 650 people, including civilians, have been killed since the start of the clashes, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights.
The SDF’s recent drone strikes took out seven trucks, two radar systems, one BRDM-2 armored scout car and two fortified positions.
Most of the drones used by the group appeared to be based on quadcopters, yet the flight pattern of the rest suggest that they have fixed-wing design.
FPV drones are considered easy to manufacture, as they rely mainly on commercially available parts. However, some of the parts needed, like data links, need an advanced level of technological knowledge. The use of these drones also requires experience. It is still unclear if any side had provided the SDF with help, although it is possible that the United States, the main backer of the group, did so.
The use of FPV drones have contributed to some level to the SDF’s ability to hold onto its positions across the Euphrates in the eastern Aleppo countryside.
The group’s drone program appears to be moving fast. This capability will likely pose a real challenge to the Turkish military if Ankara decides to launch a full-fledged operation in northern Syria.
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in a nation of feminized puritanical hillbillies our natural compensation as inferiors is nazism racism
if you mean the g@y homo leftists,
then you’re right.
please stop insulting our family goat. my mother loves that goat and the goat loves her every night too. you shlomo do back to your amerikunt
all amerikunts feminized
i like peniz in my arse!
“busy busy numb amerikunts cannot feel themselves alive unless they feel themselves busy—amerikuntland is a vast goo of meaningless stimulation philip slater
foreign mercs have brought technology this from ukraine . they secure the farms and oil fields for plunder . the us / isreal will not share this asset with hts . ever .
no, but they share their bombs with them.
i could see the americans sharing drones with the kurds, why not?
the israelis might of given the drones to the kurds. the israelis and the kurds are allies. the kurds are really strange and have some kind of matriarchal social structure, probably into satanism too, the jews love ’em.
satanism? yeah we also drink the blood of newly born babies, ooooh scary scary…bunch of fucking idiots in the comment section of southfront never surprise me.
neanderthal, english some learn you
moron amerikunts do not speak english—u speak crude amerikunt a conservative language like all puritan morons in burgerland
erdogan needs to start a real war with pkk-ypg kurdish terrorists in syria and establish air bases there. that will cause a wave of patriotism in turkey and solve his problems in the near future.
its looking like the sultan might have his hands full just dealing with the turkish protesters in turkey.
interesting how many israeli allies co-opt german nazi imagery such as this guys luftwaffe patch.
i thought there was supposed to be a unified military in syria now. the kurds attacking the turks who are the sponsors of the syrian al-queda government isn’t a very unifying look.
one nazy against the other nazy…
fockk ’em both into the ground!
erdogan will wipe out the turds, this always happens. they whore themselves out to foreign interests, and those foreign interests sell them out as soon as the price is right. they always do this and never learn. the turds fought for the shah of iran against saddam hussein. then the shah did a deal with saddam hussein and stood by and watched as saddam hussein wiped them out. they always allow themselves to be used as expendable tools. dumb f***s.
they have whored themselves out to the zios and the jewsa, stealing syria’s oil and grain and selling it to the zios, starving the syrian people. they will want erdogan to close down the iranian supply route to hezbollah. he will do this if the price is right, erdogan always has to be paid off. they will sell out the turds again in return for him doing that. things don’t look too bright for the turds.
let me drivel some more about my irrational homo theories of how the world should be but before that you have to taste the goat from my mothers thighs. i did it to this morning and it felt old and disgusting but i like it like that when i vomit her come over her saggy old used up leathery bazoongas
they really need a higher class of troll at the hasbara shitfactory. maybe they could boost the pay from one shekel to two shekels a line.
the only whore is the one who brought u to this world. cry your heart loser, kurds and israel are still standing strong. the only thing u can do is spew garbage on southfront. sna, hammas, hezbullah are all eating dick.
my mother gets farty after the goat was in the bedroom alone with her before the rest of my family got in there we make sure the neighbors can look through the windows and we also leave the doors open for the dogs from the street. why should they not be allowed to use her too
they really need a better class of troll at the hasbara shitfactory.
meanwhile neither saa nor tiger forces or special forces had any drones to confront hts offensive …thats why even the syrian coast ( alawites population) have fallen in the hands of suni hts
this one horse two bit shyster set-up called the syrian observatory for ‘human rights’ is now the official (british) western media outlet for info on this syrian mess apparently. better than these hasbara curs. syrian kurds may be well armed now, but time will not favour them with the fluid geo-political situation worsening.
this latest troll-bot in commentary is a schizo inbred’s programming masterpiece. a real winner.🥇
30 years ago kurds had no autonomy in iraq, 10 years ago we didn’t have it in syria. if anything, time is on our side. when israel and usa attack iran, our brothers (a much bigger population than in syria and iraq) will strike there as well when the the opportunity comes :)
kurd kurd kurd is the word kurd kurd kurd hm mah mah mah mahmahmah mah
israel hurt u bad, crying here everyday and there is nothing u can do :(
these turks must have very good equipment if they can’t knock out these kurd forces.
oh how the tables have turned the self proclaimed masters of the drone technology who gave it to isis and al quaida to kill syrians and to ukraine to kill russians and of course to heroicly drive the armenians out of karabakh now on the receiving end.