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MARCH 2025

Kurdish Forces Repel Another Attack Of Turkey-led Forces East Of Afrin (Videos)

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On January 24, the Turkish Army and its proxies from the Free Syrian Army (FSA) launched a new attack on positions of the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Qastal Hill east of the city of Afrin in the northern Aleppo countryside. However, the YPG repelled the attack, according to Kurdish sources.

Meanwhile, warplanes of the Turkish Air Force (TAF) carried  out a series of airstrikes on several positions of the YPG north and east of Afrin, according to Turkish sources. Furthermore, a source in the Turkish Army told Anadolu Agency that new Turkish T-129 attack helicopters made its debut military run on January 24 and targeted numerous YPG targets with its guided air-to-ground CIRIT rockets.

From its side, the Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA) reported that 34 civilians were killed and 106 others were injured so far in the Turkish bombardment on the Afrin area.

Earlier, the Turkish General Staff claimed that at least 260 Kurdish militiamen have been killed since the start of Operation Olive Branch. On the other hand, the YPG claimed that at least 203 fighters of the Turkish-backed FSA and the Turkish Army have been killed during clashes in Afrin area since January 21.

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Promitheas Apollonious

to bad kurds don’t have long range antiaircraft weapons


Long range anti aircraft weapons require radars and specialised training and set up. Just having them means nothing. Look at Saudi, they have the most modern up to date equipment and they can’t stop home made missile in a mom’s basement 1940’s tech form the houthis. Kurds will be overrun eventually. That battle is lost and everyone knows it. The only problem is that the Turks have one in the win column and they will keep going to showcase their strength. SDF is next and after that is the Peshmerga. They will finish the Job, they now have no other choice. A half ass solution will bit them in the ass later. “Alea Iacta est”

Promitheas Apollonious

they can stop airplanes thought no matter how useless as fighters they are. I dont consider the turks will win as you speculate.


Airlines fly high and can be seen coming in from miles away. They also carry next to no means to defend themselves against incoming SAM’s, neither passive nor active.

Promitheas Apollonious

i was not referring to civilian airlines, obviously.

You can call me Al

I think they may take ground, but I also think the losses will be so large (if reported), for anyone else it would be a humiliating loss; if that makes sense.


sheeple killing sheeple=population control by the elites


probably not,at least easy


In reality a non-state militia like the YPG simply does not have the capacity, in resources, infrastructure or adequate security to obtain, operate and maintain a fixed site or vehicle borne advanced missile system.


This war reminds me Yemen. The same way Saudi Arabia is engaged in an exhausting long lasting war, I think Turkey will suffer the same way in the so called rubbish “Kurdistan”.


true. People should not forget that the invasion started becouse US announced they willl create a Kurd “border force”. All these moves are being allowed by US and by Russia too. Kurds know how to play victims and will drain all Turkey’s will before pushing the battle to inside it. The dismembering of Turkey has begun. After geting an access to the sea, they will play the same game againt Iraq and, in the end, against Iran.

Graeme Rymill

This Turkish invasion has been planned for months if not years:

October 2017:

Speaking to the state television TRT, Erdogan’s spokesperson Ibrahim Kalin said Afrin, controlled by the US-allied People’s Protection Units (YPG), constituted a threat to his country’s national security and borders.

“Turkey will intervene as it finds the time and the place suitable. Let everyone come to their senses,” he reiterated a months-old threat on Afrin.

“Our President says we may suddenly show up one night,” Kalin said, reminding of a phrase oft-used by Erdogan to imply military action.



where they will get stopped(Iran)


turkish forces expending maybe 5% of their total might in afrin, luiiiigi the keyboard analyst. I liked the luigi in GTA- he knew more than you..

Amine Mansouri

go tureky gooo!

You can call me Al

Go Turkey go. Go Kurds go, have a Turkey shoot. Stay SAA, stay, sit down, get the beers and kebabs in and watch the Comedy or errors.

Pál Póli

yes go turkey go … to hell


And you should join them soon you retarded piece of sh*t.


FU too d*ckface.

Hanny Benny

Got turkey, go slavehoresons to calipHell of jihaShitters :)


did the turks,managed to kill millions of Armenian for a promise?,That Turkey newer fulfilled??Ps:im not Armenian

Amine Mansouri

well, in fact turks used kurds to kill armenians


no turks didnt “use” kurds. so many kurdish villages were burnt down and people killed by armenians that kurdish revenge was brutal.

Amine Mansouri

we must defeat these kurdish kuffar


“kuffar” lol. Yes you should go over there and give Turks a hand.


god idea to commit suicide,ha ha




I can say by long-term observation, that the turks do not value human life at all. This will be, if not a quick victory, rather a devastating and brutal war. Erdo and it elits will sacrefice thousands of human lifs, at both sides. It is easy for us to agitate our enemy until we lose people precious too us

Ryan Glantz

Turkey has been historically influenced by negative reptilian et’s. Hence their extreme barbarity through the ages.

Pál Póli

True the turks are the only people in the world that kownt to have Nephilim bloodline


yet all they ever do it talk, talk, talk, and then when the fighting starts, they always end up running away.

Nigel Maund

Juvenal, since when have leaders from time immemorial cared about human life. The end justifies the means in “RealPolitik”. The Roman general Julius Caesar butchered 2 million Gauls (25% of total French population) and Belgic people and enslaved a million more between 55 BC and 48 BC. When the legionaries sacked the modern city of Bourges all 40,000 inhabitants were massacred to punish them for resisting. In 2,000 years mankind hasn’t learned any more wisdom. Our leaders are largely corrupt, heartless and essentially evil.


well they newer did in Historicaly


Let them kill each other – “The best weapon against an enemy is another enemy.” – Friedrich Nietzsche

Pál Póli

some one could kill you too cold motherfucker


Motherfucker? I doubt I’ve fuked your dirty $2 mother, you are too dumb (and ugly) to be my bastard lol… but who knows…… So go kill yourself you dumb pile of sh*te.

Hide Behind

“Unless one knows the history of ages past, they are no more than a wee babe born on this morn. Glad to see a well read person with a rational mind. And contrary to those who threaten you, they that act and think as wee pups whelped this morn that live on immediate emotional dogmas learned recently, I applaud your response.


what about peace/love,etc?

s Slippy

Hey everyone lets completely forget that these PKK terrorists forced the native arabs out of the villages and slaughtered those who refused. To those who don’t believe me do your research on the Azaz refugee camps.

I have as much sympathy for the PKK as I have for ISIS.


you are insane!

s Slippy

You cant refute the evidence so you call me insane?


no evidence, only propaganda from the mad erDOGan fake sultan


there are millions of Kurds in Turkey that would drown the PKK with their spit.


And there are also millions that want to rule themselves


That’s a dumb rhetoric. Lets see what happens in spain first – you know where the “1st world” and democracy is. lets not forget Ireland / Scotland- see what happens after the whole brexit ordeal. and what happened to the millions of american natives? Ruling oneself might sound romantic. Trying to create a state out of a group (pkk) that you are sworn enemies with (smeared with the blood of 40,000 people)- that’s totally a different matter.


it is not dumb at all, it will happen eventually, just see within 30 years….


30 years later, human race might go extinct too.. many different possibilities. so yes it is dumb.


I hope at least all erDOGan supporters will go extinct!!


you sound pissed. normal reaction of dumb people realizing how dumb they sound..


Dumb people are supporters of this fucking islamic fascist


another idiotic lefty propaganda publication.. “islamic fascist” is not even a thing.. neither is “communist fascist”.. Castro would be chasing after you with a broom stick for supporting US backed “marxists” dumb dumb..


Islamic fascism is real,erDOGan is the living example. I know turkey, i know cool turks, and they ALL hate erDOGan!




they are all very crazy THERE

Hide Behind

As for the Syrian warriors, they should carefully observe Turk versus well armed and emplaced Kurds; for they will have to fight those very same Kurds if they want to reunite those US Kurd held areas once more into Syria proper. As of right now. Evonomicly, politicly. And militarily the Syrian Army is about worthless against any well armed and modern trained military grouping such as Kurds across the Euphrates river are. Even when, and by the time, Turkey establishes a buffer zone, those other Kurds close to NATO/US within Syria, and lets not forget the 20,000 plus all ready well armed and trained at NATO bases in Jordan; will be even better armed and trained

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

Those 20,000 armed and trained in Jordan remind me of the 50,000 better trained and armed most are dead or walking wounded today from dealing with the SAA. Then these SDF pushed as the SAA had them retreating at Aleppo, These dogs die easier deaths each time and the US has run the well dry too many times. Your trying to say the SAA is worthless in itself is a weak statement, too many like you call a militia the Tiger forces or SRG etc. by training which none of it’s true. The SAA has beat the core of these Islamist groups and continue to do so, making a claim about inadequately trained proxy groups of NATO at best are only militia.

Hide Behind

have to wait and see I presume. OH and those 20 thousands are now around 30+thousands and have been trained in large battle tactics by many differing NATO Special forces not half added trained that never was done for ISIL, AL’Q or US malitias Free syrians. Still best for SA A to observe, cuz war is never a certain outcome, and if Syria proper wants to gain lost property back they will end up fighting large enemy forces with massive firepower. They, SA A can still fight small skirmishes to regain land and mop up bypassed pockets. Try talking to some US professional military and contractors who have trained newer forces. Streight from horses mouth is better, Conjecture is not knowledge of actuality Those guys been at it for years. Most as advisors, and they have formed the newer cadre from the best Kurds and other nations volunteers..

Terra Cotta Woolpuller

They even have less than the FSA time is cut way down, same training as the Daeshmerga received which isn’t much as they trained them to be easily defeated. These guys are still ISIS in the long run no morale leadership is gone they break up into gangs. These professional guys are not the best soldiers just those willing to work for pay, NATO never trains them past militia especially US and the others on principal. This just the way all of them are, even contractors, as these troops would need 2 years to make a proper soldiers.

Turkey may not like what is going to happen in the next little while , buffer zone will be formed by US forces and US contractors so much for “Yappy Smurf “Erdogan. These volunteers have all execution warrants on their heads and they are definitely not good only like reservists.US will flee if it comes to it as they can easily pull a Saigon,Vietnam and gone!


Because “isriel” want the Kurdish state,to divide that area,and because they own the USA,they do the dirty job and dieing for them


The SAA,is the only the correct force,to liberate Syria,from the artificial enemies,created by the “isrieli “and Usa “juice” I bin using the real names on other side and i got banned very fast,cau


killing and killing why??? who die?? only the poor on each side,it call population control and we know who own us,cau


The Turks retreat more than the French do.

That guy

This seems like a smart move on the part of Assad and Vlad. Any previous attempts to approach afrin by SAA resulted in US airstrikes. Putin doesnt want to risk open war with US. So get NATO allied Turks to fight coalition workhorse. Puts the US in a hell of a quagmire. Leaves SAA to clean out the pockets , consolidate gains and make popcorn. But Erdo is a bit of a wildcard.



Nigel Maund

The Turks are destroying the YPG’s newly supplied (by the US) arms and ammunition dumps; hence the spectacular explosions. No doubt the Russians supplied the co – ordinates as they miss virtually nothing. Putin (read also Russia) is playing yet another brilliant game here. This is a major chess move on the complicated and multi-dimensional Syrian chessboard where there are several major players.


Putin is extremely smart

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