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Kurdish-led Administration Deleted Statement Blaming Damascus For Turkish Wall Around Afrin

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Kurdish-led Administration Deleted Statement Blaming Damascus For Turkish Wall Around Afrin

Construction of the Turkish wall around Afrin. Source: al-Alarabiya.net

On April 25, the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC) released an official statement condemning the construction of a wall separating the Turkish-occupied area of Afrin from the rest of the northern Aleppo countryside.

“The wall is a step towards annexing Afrin to Turkey, as was done in the 1930s when Ankara separated Iskenderun from Syria and annexed it to its territory under the name of the state of Hatay,” the statement reads.

According to the Kurdish-dominated council, the Turkish wall is 70km long, stretching between the towns of Maryamin north of Afrin and Kimar in the south.

The wall, which is made of reinforced concert, is similar to the one built by the Turkish military along the border with the northern Syrian governorate of Idlib. Local sources said that several monitoring towers are also being constructed along the wall.

The SDC criticized the silence of the international community over what it called the “immoral practices” of Turkey. The council even went on to slam the Damascus government for not taking any measures to stop the construction of the Turkish wall around Afrin.

“There is no serious stand by the Syrian regime towards the Turkish occupation of a part of Syria territory [Afrin],” the council said in the statement.

Forces loyal to the SDC and the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) are jointly controlling several key towns and villages, including Tell Rifaat, south of Afrin. Turkey is clearly trying to cut the occupied area from these towns and villages.

This active cooperation between Kurdish forces and the SAA near Afrin was likely behind the SDC’s decision to delete its statement few hours after its release.

Earlier this year, the SDC and the Damascus government began extensive negotiations over the fate of northeastern Syria and Afrin. Despite that no agreement has been reached so far. The decision to delete the council’s recent statement confirms that the relations between the two parties are improving.

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Jens Holm

A free friendly gesture better then none.

Saddam Hussein

Theyre occupying a third of Syria and are in bed with the burgers and Israel, what part of that is friendly?

Saddam Hussein

(((Kurds))) have to bend over and beg President Assad for forgiveness. Not an inch of Syria will not be Arab.

Taz T

Turkey is following the zionist.

TAF-ING dirty eşeks #Enver

you are a zionist helping YPG in tel-rifat bitch

Saddam Hussein

Arabs and Turks should be allies not fighting each other. We have common enemies : Israel and the kurdish Zionists.

Taz T

Turkey like Israeli Zionists are occupying Syrian land under the pretext of fighting YPG who unfortunately at the moment have been used by the US occupiers. Turkish people are very nationalistic and even called Turkey’s Kurdish minority mountain Turk . They have no right to be in Syria just like Israeli and American.

Real Anti-Racist Action

Kurd’s are the ones stealing 1/3rd of Syrian away from the Syrian people. Kurd’s whine like the bunch of double standard dirt bags that they are when Turkey walls off a little city from them. Talk about privileged people. The Kurd’s believe that no one can go into their stolen lands, but believe that a Kurd is entitled to Germany and everywhere else. Christians know full well the multiple genocided Kurd’s have launched against us. Christians and Kurd’s are at war. Kurd’s will not be winning for very long. Militias across the spectrum of the world should cross the river and liberate the 1/3rd of stolen Syrian land and give the traitors what any traitor deserves. https://scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com/vp/b10e841b1bca3fd9e5a01cc3d5f19cce/5D4011A7/t51.2885-15/e35/39329333_462175530934573_7112073080301682688_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-ort2-1.cdninstagram.com

You can call me Al

“revenge is a dish best served cold”

You can call me Al

Patience is a virtue. The Turkish military is in turmoil due to all the arrest by Erdy, new ones today.

Let them build their pointless wall, the heroes will just move it to the border with Turkey later.


I know many will curse the Turks, but the reality is a lot of the people in the region are Turks. This all goes back to when France and the UK(FUK) divided up the Ottoman empire. It has been suggested that FUK deliberately created the borders to keep the people in the region fighting amongst themselves to make them easier to rule.

Astrid Watanabe

Any active cooperation between Kurdish forces and the SAA is very good news. Keep going!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“There is no serious stand by the Syrian regime towards the Turkish occupation of a part of Syria territory [Afrin],” the council said in the statement.

They’re right, but it’s not through lack of trying on Assad’s part, Putin has his hands tied and feet bound, and about the only thing Assad has left to use is his mouth, luckily Putin hasn’t managed to put a gag in that yet, and Assad’s been using it to tell us all he’s not happy at all.

Soon Turkey’s oil and gas exemption from US sanctions runs out with no prospect of any form of continuation, and Putin’s already said in no uncertain terms he won’t be lifting production to help fill the gap. The Saudi were asked to take up the slack too but they also refused, most likely because they really want Erdogan’s forces out of Syria, and selling Turkey cheap oil and gas wouldn’t help that goal, as well as the fact they have a mutual obligation pact with Russia that doesn’t allow for it. So where is Turkey going to buy it’s oil and gas from now, break US sanctions and continue to buy it from Iran, maybe, since there aren’t any other sellers that can supply Turkey, at least not at the same cheap prices they’ve been getting from Iran. Turkey’s economy has improved considerably over the last 2 years, from running deficits to making surpluses, all good for bankrolling an invasion of Syria, and all due to Putin’s help too I might add. Putin’s done an incredible job of tying Turkey’s economy to Russia’s, making both countries very dependant on each other for many goods and services, especially in certain security industry ventures, and effectively propping up Turkey’s economy when it needed help. But now Turkey’s about to hit a bump in the road, and Putin’s already said he can’t and won’t help, so I see some problems for the Putin Erdogan relationship in the next few weeks or months, a friend in need with a friend who won’t help, that never ends well. But Turkey’s going to feel pain one way or the other, if they have to start buying at higher prices their budget surpluses will disappear, and if they keep buying from Iran despite the US sanctions it’ll only add other woes to Erdogan’s plate, there’s nothing good for Turkey, it’s all bad news. Get ready everyone, Turkey’s not the only country that will be hit with higher fuel prices when the US sanction exemptions are lifted, 8 other countries will now need to find new fuel sources, China, India, Japan, South Korea and Turkey, Greece, Italy, Taiwan, [they probably already have], and that’s going to make demand so high it will never be met adequately, especially since none of the other OPEC countries are going to lift production either, and we all know what that does to prices. Putin’s Russia and the Arab countries that produce oil and gas are about to make some serious money soon, but poor old Turkey’s going to go through a bit of a slump, what a pity hey, hopefully Erdogan doesn’t get too desperate and does something silly when the poo hits the fan, or am I hoping he does do something silly. Erdogan’s popularity has been going down steadily lately, soon he’s going to have an even bigger slump too, let’s see how Putin handles Erdogan when things are heading down hill, so far everything’s been peaches and cream but not for much longer. I think Putin’s going to be quite happy with the new lopsided arrangement they’ll have to work out, because we all know he won’t let Turkey’s economy fail, and I think if it stops buying cheap Iranian oil, it will get close to that for Turkey. Good news for the anti Erdogan side, but bad news for all our wallets.


“Putin’s already said in no uncertain terms he won’t be lifting production to help fill the gap.” You got a source for that claim?

“The Saudi were asked to take up the slack too but they also refused,” You got a source for that claim?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re a troll for sure, and if you think I’m going to waste a lot of time with you you’re wrong, I’ll only just enough time to show up for the ignorant and rude troll you are’ ………

Russia will not immediately raise oil output after the United States ends sanctions waivers for buyers of Iranian crude in May, President Vladimir Putin said Saturday.

The U.S. announced this week that, in a bid to reduce Iran’s oil exports to zero, it would from May 2 end U.S. waivers that countries such as India, China, South Korea and Turkey currently have on buying Iranian crude.

“We have an agreement with OPEC to maintain production at a certain level and this agreement is in force until July,” Putin told reporters on the sidelines of a summit in Beijing.

“I can’t imagine how the world energy market will react” after the waivers end in May, Putin said.

But, he added, “none of our partners, including Saudi Arabia, is withdrawing from our agreements within OPEC.”

Saudi Arabia, the world’s top crude exporter, has also said it had no immediate plans to raise oil output after the sanctions waivers end.

Find it yourself MORON. Just pump this into your search query Russia will not immediately raise oil output after the United States ends sanctions waivers for buyers of Iranian crude in May, simple.


No source then, just the voices in your head?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I’ll say it again. Just pump this into your google search query Russia will not immediately raise oil output after the United States ends sanctions waivers for buyers of Iranian crude in May, Simple, you don’t need a link. I suppose you believe the new mantra too, CLIMATE CHANGE, GLOBAL WARMING. Which I translate into, the Russians have beat us at our own game, we have to do something to counter it, lets con the world into believing we have an imminent catastrophe so we can prevent them from becoming even more powerful. Oops sorry, you don’t like conjecture do you, but I do, I thrive on conjecture, so should more people.

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