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MARCH 2025

Kurdish Militias Start New Dangerous Game In Northern Syria

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Kurdish Militias Start New Dangerous Game In Northern Syria

An armed group named the Islamic Revenge Movement (IRM), hostile towards both Turkish forces and the Syrian Army announced its existence in northern Syria. In a video message released on March 20, the IRM claimed that in 2019 its members conducted 118 attacks killing 13 Turkish officers, 187 Turkish-backed militants and 24 pro-government fighters. The IRM also vowed to continue its fight against the “tyrant state” of Turkey and the “Assad regime” in 2020. The claims of the IRM are very questionable, as the group provided no evidence with which to confirm them.

Furthermore, pro-Kurdish sources were first to release the IRM video arguing that the group consisted of former al-Qaeda members. They also released the name of the supposed group leader:  “Abu Osama al-Shami.” Syrian opposition and pro-al-Qaeda sources called the group fake. According to them, the video is just a coverup for actions by the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) and the Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). Both groups prefer to distance themselves from acts of direct aggression against the Syrian military and the Turkish Army in northern Syria. In the public sphere, the YPG plays a victim oppressed by the bloody Assad regime and Erdogan the Invader. In reality, it already has a special brand created to distance the group from attacks on Turkish troops and proxies in Afrin – the Afrin Liberation Forces. The Turkish-rooted PKK pretends that it has no bases and fighters in the region despite the fact that a large part of YPG commanders and members is linked with the PKK.

Iran reportedly increased its military presence in southern Damascus. According to pro-opposition sources, the Shiite-majority area of Set Zaynab was turned into a stronghold of pro-Iranian forces. Syrian government sources deny these reports.

On the evening of March 26, Israel shot down an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) of Hezbollah, which allegedly violated “Israeli airspace”. The photo released by the Israeli military allows to identify the UAV as a modified variant of the commercially-available Skywalker X8. Armed groups across the entire Middle East modify such drones for combat purposes installing on them submunitions as well as use such UAVs for reconnaissance.

In Iraq, the United States withdrew its forces from the al-Qayyarah Air Base and handed it over to the Iraqi military. A spokesman for the US-led coalition, Col. Myles B. Caggins III, said hundreds of coalition troops will “temporarily” evacuate the base as a protective measure to prevent the spread of coronavirus. About 800 troops of the U.S.-led coalition were deployed at the airbase, which hosted approximately $1,7 million dollars worth of coalition equipment. The al-Qayyarah Air Base became the 2nd important military facility abandoned by US forces in March. The withdrawal of US troops from the previous one – al-Qaim – took place last week. These developments are being carried out under the pretext of the COVID-19 outbreak and the defeat of ISIS, but local sources link them with the increasing number of attacks on US forces across the country that the Pentagon cannot contain successfully without a large-scale military escalation.

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Karen Bartlett

Well, the “patch” of the “revenge group” looks like an evil “smiley face”. I have the feeling they’re a CIA/Mossad fake group.

AM Hants

First thing that came to mind. These tax payer, funded, NGO groups, which flow out of US Embassy buildings, supported by NATO Member States and ‘5 eye’ nations, tax payer funds, all look the same. Dress the same. Follow same script, tactics, banners, style and actions.

Whether Ukraine Nazis, Hong Kong Protesters, Anti-fa, BLM, climate change Protesters, Al Qaeda/ISis/Daesh/White Helmets, or whatever they call themselves today. You cannot tell one from the other. Now who funds the White Helmets? Who funds and supports the Atlantic Council, NATOS ‘THINK TANK’, Besides Burisma Holdings and Soros Open Society Foundation?

You never find regime change scripts going down that does not involve the actions and funding of the above. Funny that.

Karen Bartlett

Yeah, agreed. That “smiley face” is so openly mocking that it’s like they’re saying “Yeah, we’re CIA, what ya gonna do about it?”

Jens Holm

People already using niqabs should not be allowed to use dark sunglasses as well.

Jens Holm

There we go again. We see the american poor people staving in the streets because some jews takes all. Its so funny.

You not even know what NGOs are.

NGO start with non Govermental.

A language for Your assumption could be state paid private paid mercenairies but not NGO.

1) You dont know 2) You dont care 3) Both.

AM Hants

Darling, so kind of you to tell me that NGO stands for non government organisations. However, funded by the tax payer are they not? With many falling under the control of Soros and friends.

Jens Holm

Its so funny 15 sheep supporting that. Ha ha ha ha.

Those people anytime are the few extremnists of YPG and probatly some few PKKs from Turkey.

Look up in Your behind again and use a better mirror and candle.

Mehmet Aslanak

ISIS was founded in a NATO HQ in Izmir, Turkey by the US, funded by Saudis & trained by Turks, in order to topple Assad. Alas, ISIS turned against its masters, just like al-Qaeda, Saddam, etc. People don’t know that all the ISIS armory is US made tools delivered by Saudis. Now a new group shows up in the circus & you wonder who founded & funded them? C’mon….


When has Isis turned on its master’ what’s left of Isis is still under their firm control

Jens Holm

He has no idea. Dont expect to much.

AM Hants

Remember the Toyota trucks, when the International Secret Intelligence Services aka ISIS came to town?

Which reminds me, seriously need to have another read of Seymour Hersh and his ‘Red Line To Rat Line’ publication. Whatever was the true story behind the happenings in Benghazi?

Karen Bartlett

Well, you’re right.

Jens Holm

It was in Batman.


Another US sponsored terrorist group. Syria should show no mercy to terrorists and especially the Kurds that have abused Syrian hospitality giving them citizenship.


The kurds are pretty dumb about diplomacy, but they are also being played by the CIA / Mossad

AM Hants

Played or created by them?

Aren’t Kurds, just like the Khazarians and AshkeNazis, originated from Nomadic Turkic Tribes?

AM Hants

Don’t they originate from Nomadic, clue in Nomadic Turkic Tribes?

Are Kurds nomadic or not?

Can they trace their linage to Turkic, Armenian and Semetic origins?

AM Hants

Most likely does not cut it. They originate from Nomadic Tribes, associated with Turkic, Armenian and Semetic origins.

Raptar Driver

The Germans aren’t from Central Europe, most likely they came from the Middle East.

Karen Bartlett

What group is their language most related to? Language is the “oldest cultural indicator” (my linguistics instructor).

Karen Bartlett

Yep,sounds like it. Of course, the relationship could be very distant. Cherokee, for example, is an Iroquoian language. So the two people, the Cherokee and the Iroquois, are related. However, they separated so many thousands of years ago that the relationship is only in language. Their cultures are entirely different and they don’t consider themselves the same People.

Boris Kazlov

Turds are of emetic not semetic origin,.lose the leading S

AM Hants

Some Kurdish Tribes, do have semetic DNA, not all but some. Nomadic Tribes at the end of the day, with different roots.


Especially interesting as in Europe the same people are trying to tell us that race doesn’t count at all. How come it counts so much in Syria?

Boris Kazlov

It never did, until the foreign intervention, now they are moderate rebels fighting for statehood.

colin adese

Turkish proxies should be eliminated alongside US Kurdish proxies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

PKK are Turkish Kurds and YPG are Syrian Kurds, and the PKK fighters hide out in Syria and Iraq to evade the Turks, the ALF are mostly Syrian Kurdish YPG but not all of them are, some are also Arabs and possibly even other minority ethnic or religious groups as well. The main criteria for joining the group is a hatred of the Turkish occupation of Afrin and it’s surrounding areas, the people who fight for this group lost their homes and everything they owned when the Turks invaded, now they want their homes back. The ALF call the US backed SDF fighters traitors for deserting them during that occupation, that’s why they operate out of Russian/Syrian controlled territory.

“Iran reportedly increased its military presence in southern Damascus. According to pro-opposition sources, the Shiite-majority area of Set Zaynab was turned into a stronghold of pro-Iranian forces. Syrian government sources deny these reports.”

LOL, are you kidding, Assad can deny the sources as much as he likes but the truth is the truth, the Iranians have virtually annexed all of Deir ez Zor below the Euphrates already, and this is not the only place they want. The Sunni population aren’t very impressed either, they don’t like being scared out of their homes to allow pro Iranian Shia to come live in live in them, or bombed out of them when the Israelis accidentally blow them up trying to hit the Iranian facilities next door, they probably don’t like the Israelis any more than the Iranians do but they like being accidental targets even less, and they also don’t like the Iranians telling them what they can or can’t do in Syria.


Iran is not an enemy of Syria they were invited by the Syrian government why are you focusing on this and to blame Iran for isreal bombing civilians in Syria is just twisted

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran isn’t the enemy of Syria and yes they’ve helped Syria more than anyone else has, but that doesn’t change the fact they’re taking over a huge chunk of Syria, they may not have invaded and fought against the SAA like the Turks did, but they now effectively control half of Deir ez Zor, ‘just because they were invited in’.

The US controls parts of Syria because Putin was totally incompetent and allowed Isis to invade and control huge areas of Syria, which then allowed the US to come to the rescue with it’s cavalry, they put up their forts and said they were protecting the Kurds, one huge chunk of Syria gone Ar Raqqah, N Deir ez Zor Al Hasakah.

Then the Turks did exactly the same thing, another huge chunk of Syria gone [NE Aleppo], then they made a pact with Putin [Astana agreement], another huge chunk of Syria gone [N Latakia, N Hama, Idlib, W Aleppo], then both Putin and Trump agreed to ‘operation peace spring’, another chunk of Syria traded to the Turks, 3 chunks of Syria gone.

And now Syria’s losing another chunk as well but it’s ok this time, this time the people getting the big chunk of Syria were actually invited in, and they helped out heaps, so obviously they must deserve it, and since no ones heard Assad say anything to complain about Iran taking over a big chunk of Syria, why the hell would I bother making a big deal about it.

If I’d invited the Iranians in to help me defend my home I’m sure I wouldn’t be complaining about the fact they’d taken over one of my rooms in the process, I’d be too scared of offending them and worried they’d leave, so Assad’s not in a position to complain about anything the Iranians do. But you and I are, we can complain about it, we can say hang on fair enough, yes you helped out and we really appreciate it, but Syria’s self interests have to come before Iran’s interests, it’s not the other way around, this is Assad’s home.

Karen Bartlett

Iran isn’t Turkey and your whole statement is just biased opinion. You don’t know what Pres. Assad thinks, nor do you know Iran’s motives.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Has speculation become a bad thing all of a sudden. Yes I do know what Assad thinks, I saw him sack his own brother, I saw him sack hundreds of pro Iranian military officers from the SAA, and I also saw him allow the Russians to reorganize the 25th division, the 4th and 5th army corps [not the 4th division], what more do I need to know. And I also linked you that official Russian governments think tanks recommendations for you to read, the one the Russian government pays to come up with recommendations and policies, and to also provide relevant info on government policy for the public, for people like you and me, but you totally misunderstood everything they said or didn’t believe them, you even criticised the journalist for practically being an incompetent US spy, and yet the Russian government pays him to do exactly the job they pay him to do, inform us. You think I hate the Iranians but I don’t, I only hate the head choppers, Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood, and all their followers, but I put Syria’s interests above Iran’s when it comes to Syria, if the boot was on the other foot and it was Syria in Iran helping them repel an invader, and Syria started doing the same thing to Iran as Iran’s doing to Syria now, I’d say the same thing about Syria. Why would I hate Iran, concerning the coronavirus they’re the only country in the world telling the truth right now, and on that particular matter I’ve been giving them a lot of praise lately, and rightly criticising everyone else. So I can both clap and boo when I want to, not when everyone else does, just when I want to clap or boo, I don’t need to be a part of yours or anybody else’s crowd. Sheep jump over imagined hurdles don’t they, but it’s a defense response I seem to lack, lucky me. :]

Boris Kazlov

Only CIA trolls have access to defense reports, so that tells all you need to know about this guy. Since when does CIA care so much about Syria’s interests, deluded me I thought USA only cared about Israel

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Defence reports ? Forget about Israel being the US’s favourite partner in crime, it’s my countries ignoble honour of holding that title, my country now enjoys a special trading status with the US that no other country in the world gets, and we get that special status because we provide more intel to the US than anyone else does, and our prime minister is now making Trump pay us blood money for our wicked services. Not as many people die because of my country’s spying, but a lot more people around the world are oppressed and impoverished by it, we cause more suffering around the world than Israel does, and we get away with it Scott free, can you guess which country it is I live in, it called the free and lucky country, but it’s only called that because everyone around us isn’t so free and lucky, and we along with the US help keep it that way. Do you know why we can, it’s because people like you keep pointing the finger at Israel for things they sometimes don’t even do, and blissfully ignore my countries reprehensible behaviour, maybe you should try looking at my country for a while, we have just as many if not more skeletons in our closet.


I can guess. The scum of the earth…England.

We more than know that the people on here calling ‘ Jews ‘ a problem are zionists…did we forget WW 2? Israel (‘ jews’ ) are as once before, scapegoats. We know the real monsters…don’t worry.


No that Israel isn’t a shit hole nation run by the world’s nastiest psychopathic criminals…your peeps just now how to use them.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Australia’s the country I live in, we are now actually the most evil nation in the world next to the US, we even call ourselves the US’s deputies with pride, we’re the pretty face of the evil empire and we get away with things that the US can’t. But we’re just as guilty as the Israelis are for pandering to US, we spy on most of Asia and all the Pacific, we affect the lives of many billions of people and no one say’s anything about us and the suffering we cause, bombs make the headline news but stories about financial espionage and trade imbalances don’t, but financial espionage and trade imbalances cause more human suffering than bombs do, more people die due to inadequate nutrition and healthcare than they do due to bombs and bullets.


Iran has controlled the bigger picture since the 80s. After Palestinian and Lebanese groups together formed Hezbollah. Iranians understood that a land bridge needed to be formed and that Syria was key. Syria was especially needed during the Iran Iraq war and is greatly appreciated by Iran. Iran isn’t ‘taking Syrian. ..’ anything. They’re establishing a multi – national system of both civil and military infrastructure that’ll benefit all. From Palestine to Iran, the Crescent, can and will be an economic powerhouse. Especially once Silk Road is established through it.

To summarize, Iran is bringing the region to it’s natural right. The US and Russia will eventually stand together together head this off.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

If Syria finds the Iranians nothing but helpful please explain this, why did Assad sack his older brother who effectively commanded the Iranian supported SAA 4th division, and during the last 2 years Assad’s also sacked many hundreds of pro Iranian orthodox Shia military commanders and quickly replaced them with either Sunni officers or Alawites, that’s the question I’ve been asking for nearly 2 years now, why is he getting rid of so many orthodox Shia military commanders. And here’s another question, why have the Iranians and their proxies been absent from the fighting for 2 years now, from the date August 2018 until just a few months ago there haven’t been any Iranian or Hezbollah forces participating in any battles at all, NOT ONE, and the only fighting Hezbollah or the Iranians have been doing is fighting Isis in the Deir ez Zor deserts [to protect their own assets], the Aleppo campaign is the only time over the last 2 years any Iranians have been fighting in Syria, so why have the SAA been fighting the terrorists without Iranian or Hezbollah assistance for 2 years, WHY WEREN’T THE IRANIANS HELPING FOR 2 YEARS. And resolution 2254 which the Turks, Iranians and Russian’s tried to force Assad into accepting way back in 2015, is about the worst resolution Assad’s allies could come up with, that’s why he refused to accept that deal for nearly 5 years, and yet he shockingly accepted a new UN amended version of the resolution the very same day they proposed it. So 5 years of saying no to his allies Russia and Iran and yet ONLY ONE DAY to accept his enemy the UN’s new offer, something’s not right is it. And if Iran didn’t sell Turkey all that cheap crude oil the Turks couldn’t afford to go to war against anyone, the Turks buy that cheap oil and then refine it themselves, and then they resell it for huge profits, and then they pay all their proxy soldiers wages with it, great ally hey. Syria should be placing sanctions against Iran for that, that’s what every other nation in the world would do in the same situation. Iran who’s Syria’s biggest ally, helps Syria’s biggest enemy Turkey, make money to fight a war in Syria against Syria, if you can’t see the hypocrisy in that you’re missing something.


I think we’re all missing something, none of us are flies on the wall and can only assume the reason for anything the players in this war do. BoThomas line, Assad owes his àss to Iran and Hezbollah. They’re pulling back doesn’t mean a crisis between allies, it simply consolidation for preparation for a larger/wider conflict that may or may not happen. The movement within Assads gov could also imply consolidation or simply a cover to enemies on their toes. Fact is without Iran and Hezb, Syria would be lost long ago. Iran and Russian strategy are not in sync. Syria is playing a balancing act, the heat is turning up and soon we’ll see who sides with who.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can’t argue with what you just said because you seem to understand the situation quite well, but Assad doesn’t owe his arse to Hezbollah or Iran, that’s overstating it, he does owe them something but he doesn’t owe them his soul, that’s asking for too much. And yes the biggest problem Syria’s been confronting and still confronts even now, is the inability of Iran and Russia to truly coordinate their actions and objectives, and to also do it fairly.

Boris Kazlov

Because he is a CIA troll.


is this like getting accidentally pregnant when they snipe male babies?

AM Hants

Considering Iran were invited by Syria to help, that is the pure reason why I found the article a load of BS.

Syria has no problems with Iran, now do they?

Bill Wilson

Assad and Putin do have a major problem with the Iranians and Hezbollah. By 2018 there was over 200,000 Iranian PMU militiamen in Syria to assist the SAA and provide security in government controlled regions. Some follow orders from Damascus, some only take orders from Tehran while some ignore both and do whatever they want. Iran is demanding control of resources and rebuilding projects in order to repay themselves for all the billions of dollars they have lent Assad, so was allowed to run the two phosphate rock mines near Palmyra and build a new thermal electrical generation plant east of Aleppo. They fucked around with the mines so Russia took over one of them and the contract for the thermal plant was taken away a year later because the Iranian company failed to start doing anything at the site. The US remained east of the river to ensure that the Iranians couldn’t take control of the oil and gas fields like they did the phosphate mines.

AM Hants

Not buying it. They appear to work well together and nobody has complained about Iran lending a hand in Syria. Like Russia they were personally invited.

Karen Bartlett

What is your source for this “information”?

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Lot’s of reading and some intelligence. Some people like to be well informed, Bill obviously reads a lot and unlike you, actually understands what he’s reading, why don’t you try it for a while instead of trolling the people who actually do what humans are really supposed to do, think for themselves.

Karen Bartlett

Any well-educated person knows to give a source for any statement they make which needs evidence to back it up. Opinion simply doesn’t cut it.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I tried linking you the Russian governments premier think tanks recommendations [they have Russian government funding and access to secret intelligence], and you said it was all BS, you even called the think tanks official media representative a CIA troll, LOL. I could link that official Russian government think tanks recommendations to a chimpanzee too, and the chimp wouldn’t understand it anymore than you did, but at least the chimp won’t call me names for doing it.

Karen Bartlett

What you provided was not actual “Russian government premier think tank recommendations”. And chimps can’t talk, so they’d just bite you.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

They were that exactly that Karen, I provided the link to the official site, and provided a link to what the wiki had to say about them.




You bite too you know, but you make sure you get in first, and you’re supposedly a human, but humans don’t bite first, we ask questions first, we only bite if bitten first.

Boris Kazlov

He doesn;t need one, just as all pro-murikan trolls

Karen Bartlett

Yeah, so I gather!

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Iran’s Revolutionary Guards reaps economic rewards in Syria.


Iran gears up for investment opportunities in Syria.


That took me less than a minute, why don’t you try it occasionally.

Karen Bartlett

These reports only say that Iran is helping Syria to rebuild. The US certainly won’t help, and n the face of US threats of sanctions to anybody else who would help, it’s a good thing Iran is doing. I saw nothing in ;these articles which would back up Bill’s claim, by the way.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“These reports only say that Iran is helping Syria to rebuild”, do they, maybe you didn’t read it properly.

1, “Syria will give Iran 5,000 hectares of land for farming, and 1,000 hectares for setting up oil and gas terminals, according to Iran’s state news agency IRNA.”

2, ” A deal was also signed on providing lands for animal husbandry.”

3, “Analysts said the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), a military force that runs a powerful industrial empire in Iran, would benefit from the deals, especially on the mobile network contract. IRGC largely controls telecommunications in Iran. “Telecoms are a very sensitive industry. It will allow Iran to closely monitor Syrian communications,” said Karim Sadjadpour, senior associate of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace’s Middle East program.”

4, “Tehran has already shown interest in helping Syria rebuild its roads, airports, power stations and ports – potentially benefiting the Revolutionary Guards, which own the biggest construction firms in Iran.”

5, “But not all Syrians have welcomed what Tehran and Damascus hailed as “a new page” for economic ties.” —– 1, Syria’s lost one third of its territory to the US and Turkey, there goes another small chunk. 5,000 + 1,000 = 6,000.

2, Leasing more land for livestock, let’s guess and say another 5,000 hectares since it wasn’t mentioned [I’ll bet it’s more like 10,000 hectares], so 11,000 hectares lost so far which is not a lot I’ll agree, but sadly Syria can barely feed its own people as it is, they literally can’t afford to lose even one hectare of food production.

3, So the IRGC get to make money while they’re spying on what Syria does. :[

4, So the Iranian National Guard will be the main financial benefactors of rebuilding Syria, not the Iranian people themselves, just the revolutionary guard, :[ , so if you don’t have a problem with that, now I can understand why you don’t give a hoot about poor old Syria.

5, And not all us ‘true’ supporters of Syria are happy either, some of us are more than just peeved off at the deals being done now [forced on Assad], as well as some of the other stuff I’ve already tried to make you aware of, the whole pack of them are just rapists taking advantage of Syria because they can, the US, Turkey, Russia, and Iran.

Assad’s old enemies the Arab league are coming to the rescue Karen, they’re about to punish both Russia and Iran for their stupidity, and in the process they’re going to rescue Syria from the Turks and the Muslim brotherhood, and possibly even the US too, just a few more months and they’ll drive Russia’s economy into recession, and then we’ll see what happens. Putin’s been begging Trump to save him did you know that, he’s actually begging Trump to help save the Russian economy from the Arab league and OPEC, well OPEC minus the Iranians, they seem to be the ones left in the lurch as well as Russia.

Karen Bartlett

5000 hectares is about 18 square miles. Big deal. And your source is the “Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Middle East”. In other words, this is their opinion. But it doesn’t matter what they think. They can ascribe any motive to Iran, it doesn’t mean it’s true. What matters is what Syria thinks, and they, even according to this article, are pleased with the deals with Iran. Except for some malcontents such as yourself, of course, who call yourselves “true” supporters of Syria.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

“Leasing more land for livestock, let’s guess and say another 5,000 hectares since it wasn’t mentioned [I’ll bet it’s more like 10,000 hectares], so 11,000 hectares lost so far which is not a lot I’ll agree, but sadly Syria can barely feed its own people as it is, they literally can’t afford to lose even one hectare of food production.”

18 m2 + 18 m2 + 1.8 m2 = 38 square miles of Deir ez Zor, which is mostly desert anyway, now look at the Google map of Deir ez Zor and then use the measurement application to draw a 38 m2 or 61 km2 over Deir ez Zor. That’s at least 20% of all of Deir ez Zor, probably closer to 25% of the whole Governorate, and MOST OF THE AREA OF DEIR EZ ZOR IS DESERT. What are the Sunnies and Christians going to eat, sand.

“but sadly Syria can barely feed its own people as it is, they literally can’t afford to lose even one hectare of food production.”

Don’t try to help Syria or it’s people anymore Karen, leave that up to me and Syria’s real friends, you just stick to barracking for Russia and Iran.

Boris Kazlov

So kind USA is not stealing the oil, they are just preventing Iran and ISIS from doing so. How convincing.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

Nothing’s ever simple and easy, it just looks easy and uncomplicated when you don’t look hard enough, but increasing the magnification over and over again often reveals ever increasing layers of complexity, it just depends on how good your magnifier is, or how often you care to use it, or more importantly what you decide to use it on, which should be EVERYTHING. But I’ll give the Iranians a big tick for honesty concerning the coronavirus, because currently they’re the only nation in the world actually telling us the truth about the virus, their news has said there are complications with recovered patients in some cases, and they report as much as a 30% reduced lung capacity in some recovered patients, that has huge implications for the worlds healthcare systems. I wonder why only Iran’s released that info and no one else has, are we all being subjected to a world wide cover up, one that the Iranians are now exposing, mmm, that would be a turn around wouldn’t it, Iran exposing a world wide cover up designed to keep the worlds population calm during the crisis, will they be thanked or condemned for it. I’ll thank them for it, I like knowing the truth no matter how dark it is, the truth is the truth, it’s the good and the bad and everything else in between, but we need to know what the truth is to understand it.

Boris Kazlov

The empire of kindness is whining now, pretending to care about a pandemic they caused

Willing Conscience (The Truths

A conspiracy theory, I love conspiracy theories, but I’m sorry I have to say I think this is just a good old fashioned biblical pandemic, nothing out of the ordinary and probably way overdue.

But if I did suspect someone had released it on purpose I’d be looking for clues, 1, Who’s beefed up their healthcare facilities the most during the last 12 months, which country has being buying the most ventilators, or making them themselves for the last year. 2, Which country is now taking the least restrictive measures on it’s own population, are they also benefiting from a continuation of their industry sectors while everyone else is shutting down. 3, And at the end of it all when the pandemic finally ends, which country has the lowest death rate in the world, that might imply that that particular country already had a vaccine before the virus was released, and if it’s the same country that comes up with an official cure or a vaccine first, it’ll be even more suspicious. But I’m going to safely assume it’s none of the countries that are now swamped or eventually get swamped by it, it’s probably not going to be one of them, so I’d probably be looking at Sweden as a possible candidate if I was in the conspiracy mood, but as I said, I’m not.


Iran is there to protect Syrians from US, Israeli, Nato & Saudi-backed jihadist terrorists! Without Iranian presence and support, the black flag of Al-Qaeda & ISIS would be flying in Damascus today and millions of religious minorities in Syria would be lying dead!


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You’re absolutely correct about Iran’s invaluable help, they’ve done more than anyone else to help Assad and Syria, but they’re also there for their own interests as well, and when their interests begin to conflict with Syria’s interests, there are going to be problems. Assad’s done more than even his father did to establish a non sectarian political system for Syria, under his patronage all political and ethnic groups are/were more or less equally represented and respected, with the exception of the Kurds, who lacked a few of the same rights other Syrian citizens enjoyed, all Syrians had started to feel more like Syrians than they did just, Druze, Alawite, Shia, Sunni, Christian, Kurd, but that’s not the case in Deir ez Zor anymore, or parts of Aleppo. And I’m only talking about SAA held territory, not the areas the terrorists occupy. Over the last 2 years Assad’s reorganized the 25th division and several other army Corps by sacking all the pro Iranian officers and replacing them with pro Syrian/Russian officers, he even sacked his own ‘pro Iranian older’ brother who was the de facto boss of the pro Iranian 4th division, if you aren’t aware of those facts you should perhaps do some research and find out for yourself, and when you do find out the truth, you should also ask yourself why Assad would sack his own brother [who’d done nothing wrong], as well as hundreds of pro Iranian officers from the SAA. “never bite the hand that feeds you” is a really good saying, and I’m sure Assad’s heard it a thousand times during his lifetime, and I’m sure he understands the implications of that old proverb very well, but he’s the leader of Syria, and the de facto father of all the Syrian people, the Druze, Alawites, Shia, Sunni, Christians, and Kurds, he’s not a puppet of the Iranian government, his true loyalties should be with his own people, no one else’s.

But don’t worry, I don’t think Assad’s loyalties are in question, I’m pretty sure his loyalties do remain with his own country and not with Iran, it’s people like you that I question about true loyalty, Assad can’t bite the hand that feeds him but you and I can, he has to remain silent but we don’t have to, so where do your true loyalties lay, with Iran, or with Syria.


Don’t see the division that you are talking about between Iran and the Syrian government. It could be some sort of exaggeration that you are doing here! Iran has the higher goal and is the leader of the Axis of Resistance protecting the Shiite and other minorities in the region from the destructive agenda of the US and its Nato, Saudi, Israeli, ISIS and Al-Qaeda allies.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

There is no division between Assad’s government and Iran, both parties need each other and have made many commitments they don’t want to break, but the relationship is not a balanced one, long term Iran gets a lot more bang for its buck than Syria does. In the real world agreements that are made while under duress are often thrown out of court for very good reason, this is one of those cases an appeal would be justified, Iran already got too much and still wants more, I want to go back to court and lodge an appeal on Assad’s behalf, he can’t because the Iranians are the Judges, Jurors, and possibly executioners too, that’s if he asks for too much.

“Iran has the higher goal and is the leader of the Axis of Resistance protecting the Shiite and other minorities in the region from the destructive agenda of the US and its Nato, Saudi, Israeli, ISIS and Al-Qaeda allies.”

True but does it give Iran the right to control huge sections of Syria [an independent nation] to do that, you obviously do, on the other hand I don’t it does, I think both parties objectives and outcomes can be achieved without carving up Syria in the process, they can both learn how to chew gum and talk at the same time. And the one thing Assad’s always done for the Syrian people far better than anyone else ever has, is look after all the Syrian people equally, the Shia, the Shia Alawites, the Sunnis, the Druze, the Kurds, the Yazidis, Christians and everybody else, this is the biggest problem with Iran now, they’re changing that balance, the one Assad’s worked so hard to get since he took over from his father, but thanks to the Iranian intervention that balance has changed, and sadly it’s just getting even worse since 2018, in some areas of Syria the pro Iranian Shia have become more important than all the other Syrians.


Iranians and their Shiite militia are legally invited by the Syrian government, they are there in Syria legally to protect the Syrian state from the US, Israeli, Saudi and Nato-backed terrorists. Iranian-backed Shiite militia supplement the Syrian army and protect many areas, including Shiite shrines and even ancient Christian shrines/monasteries from the terrorists! Syria needs its Iranian allies still, they will need them as long as the US and its terrorists wolves are there in Syria and the war is not over yet. The Axis of Resistance led by Iran are crucial to keep the US and its terrorist proxies in the whole region in check…. Lebanon, Syria, Yemen and Iraq all need the presence of Iran and its Shiite militias or else they will be over run, in no time, by the evil empire and its terrorist proxies!

Below are the photos of Hezbollah fighters guarding Syrian Christian shrines from the US-backed terrorists!


Willing Conscience (The Truths

I can’t argue with you about all the good things they’ve done for Syria, you’re right they have, and you’re also right about them still having a role to play in Syria, there’s no disputing that, and as to the role they play in helping Russia and China keep the US/western hegemony in check, they’re more than invaluable, they’re irreplaceable, but I’m not criticising any of the good things they do, just the selfish bad things they do, especially to Assad and the Syrian people. I don’t want them looking after the Shia minority in Syria, or the Shia Shrines, that’s Assad’s job, and he can do a much better job of looking after all the Syrian people than the Iranians can, the Shia’s included. Assad’s an Alawite Shia Muslim btw, and they’re nothing like most other Shia’s, the Sunni’s and Shia have more in common with each other than the Alawites do with any of the other Muslim sects, just like the Druze they have their own interpretations of the Koran and Islam, and most other Muslims think the Alawites are totally weird and unislamic. If you compare the 2 sects you’ll find they’re not really compatible to each other in many ways, so don’t assume there’s any religious ties between Assad and the Iranian Shia faith, or ethnic ties, Alawites are Arab and Iranians are Persians. In Syria Alawites make up 11% of the population and the orthodox Shia only 5% of it, the rest are Sunni’s 71% and Christians and non Muslims all the rest, so it’s only 5% of the Syrian population that have any Iranian affiliations, either ethnic or religious, so please remember it’s only 5% of the Syrian population that like the Iranians telling them what to do.

I’m old enough to remember what Iran was like before the Imam’s took over, after the Iranian’s kicked out the US backed Shah [king] it became a really good model for the rest of the Muslim world to aspire to, sadly the US hegemony destroyed that fledgling non sectarian democracy and reinstalled the evil old Shah again, which then gave the Imam’s more power and influence over the Iranian people, which then enabled the religious fanatics to finally overthrow the US backed Shah once and for all, which sadly allowed them to install a totally sectarian style of democratic government. Now we all would agree that kicking the US out of Iran was a good thing overall, but sadly it also crushed any chance that Iran would return to its former non sectarian style of government. Compare the totally sectarian style of democratic government the Iranians have now, both it’s laws and punishments, and then tell me what the difference is between what Isis wants and what the Iranians already have, or the Saudi’s for that matter [if you only include crime and punishment and leave out the democratic aspect], please point out any areas of punishment for the equivalent crimes that Iran is more lenient or merciful about compared to either Iran or the Wahhabis. I personally don’t see much difference between any 3 of them when it comes to religious tolerance, but I suppose at least Isis and the Iranians are totally democratic unlike the Saudi’s. Democracy and human rights mean jack sh-t when religion overrides everything else, and there’s no use saying but the US do just as bad if not worse, because as the old saying goes, ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’.


You made good points. I believe the relations between Iran and the Assad-led Syrian government are not perfect, no political relations are perfect anywhere, there are always some frictions even among close allies but everybody knows that the main principal that Iran and its Afghani and other Shiite militias are legally invited in Iran is to make it hard for the evil empire (US & its allies & proxies) to topple the Syrian government and create a genocidal jihadist chaos in Syria and that is, by and large successful to a large extent. I don’t agree with you that the Iranian government is similar to that of Saudi Arabia, to Al-Qaeda and to other Takfiri jihadist entities.

I know Iranian government is not perfect and that it is a Shiite theocratic government but let understand that Iran or Shiite minority muslims in general are much more moderate, more rational and far less violent than their Sunni/Takfiri counterparts. Shiites are kind and generous and more tolerant people compared to the Sunni majority and they are daily targeted and massacred as infidels by the Takfiri Sunnis in places like Afghanistan, Pakistan and other places.

A case in point is that there are tens of thousands of terrorist attacks around the world since 9/11 committed by takfiri Sunni jihadists and zero verifiable terror attack committed by Shiites anywhere. For instance, by terrorist attack, I mean a real terrorist attack like a suicide bombing in a mosque, a cinema, a bar, a church or a school. Like Iranians and Hezbollah or Shiites beheading Westerners or Christians, Yazidis, or Sunnis on video while screaming allahu akbar! Like Iranian or Shiite terrorists gunning down people in night clubs or bombing trains, or attacking news paper offices and killing journalists or using vehicles and killing hundreds of civilians as happen in Europe for the past three years or flying planes into buildings! That is what I mean a terrorist attack which is a daily occurrence around the globe!

Besides Iranians are smart, cultured and generous people and I would say that is why you have more Jews in Iran than the rest of the Islamic world combined! See this on the CNN video clip below. ( For your knowledge, I won’t be touching computers from now to (God willing) coming Tuesday!

Have a great day and plz watch the clip below:


Willing Conscience (The Truths

You also made some very good points, would I prefer to be held captive by Shia or Sunni extremists, Shia please. I admire the Persian people very much, and the old Persian faith Zoastrasim is the only religion I considered adopting/converting to when I was younger, I firmly believe it’s one of the main reasons the Persian people have always been such a constrained and rational people for more than 2,500 years, and I also often wonder what they might of achieved if they’d never converted to Islam.

Karen Bartlett

Thank you for your comments, christianblood!

Karen Bartlett

These photos are beautiful and very heart warming, thank you! And thank you, Hezbollah, Iran, Russia and any other allies of Syria! And thank you also, Syria, for helping and protecting Christians, which the Western countries have failed to do.


Well-said, Karen!

Aaron Driver

IRM is short for the Idiots running mad in idlib are about to feel the heat where the sun don’t shine, you will learn to love it boys, black jack comin for you

AM Hants

Is it me, or is the article all over the place? Not sure who the article supports?

The image said it all for me.

Why do those in the photo resemble Ukraine Nazis, Hong Kong Protesters, Anti-fa, BLM, AlQaeda/Daesh/Isis/White Helmets or whatever they call themselves today. Or basically any tax payer funded NGO, like NED or Soros Open Society, backed Protesters, who favour ‘organ eating, head chopping’ for relaxation?


Pompeo is pushing for revenge: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/03/27/world/middleeast/pentagon-iran-iraq-militias-coronavirus.html

AM Hants

German Finance Minister has committed suicide.

Interesting times.

MH370 Atok The Deceiver

a new name of ISIS

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