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MARCH 2025

Kurdish Official Comments On U.S. Troops Withdrawal From Syria: We Never Pinned Our Hopes On Foreign Forces

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Kurdish Official Comments On U.S. Troops Withdrawal From Syria: We Never Pinned Our Hopes On Foreign Forces

FILE IMAGE: sdf-press.com

In the first Kurdish respond to the U.S. decision to withdraw its troops from Syria, Aldar Khalil, co-president of the executive body of the Movement for a Democratic Society (TEV-DEM), said that the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) never pinned their hopes on foreign forces.

“We never said that we will protect ourselves with foreign forces or that we will achieve our revolution with the support of foreign forces, we rely on our own power,” Khalil said commenting on the withdrawal of U.S. forces from northeastern Syria, according to the Syrian-Kurdish Hawar News Agency (ANHA).

The TEV-DEM is a coalition of several Kurdish parties in northeastern Syria, including the Democratic Union Party (PYD). Together these parties lead the Syrian Democratic Council (SDC), which is the political wing of the SDF.

Earlier, a US official told the Reuters news agency that the time-frame for U.S. troop pullout from Syria is expected to be between 60 to 100 days. However, Khalil said that no time-frame for the withdrawal has not been set yet.

“If they stayed we can benefit from their presence, and if they left, the resistance of our people is more important,” Khalil added.

The TEV-DEM co-president also warned from Turkey’s planned attack against the SDF in northeastern Syria and called on the international community to support the group

“We call upon all democratic forces, the international community and the international countries to stand by the people of northern and eastern Syria,” said Khalil.

An earlier report by the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) said that the SDF’s leadership was “shocked” by the U.S. decision and saw it as “a stab in the back.” The Kurdish-dominated group is yet to release an official statement on the matter.

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Prince Teutonic

They are fucked they just don’t know it yet…

Jens Holm

They know how it is very well. They are not les clever then You – And they are there. You probatly is not.

Zionism = EVIL

And you are a total fcukwit :)

Carne João Pasta

That works too haha!

Ricky Miller

Oh, they’re proving far less clever than most people. Consider what happened in Iraq. Not independence, that’s for certain. Now, because they allowed themselves to be used as an anti-government instrument without thought to the pitfalls inherit in the long run, they are really caught in a self made trap. If there is a reservoir of cleverness left among the Syrian Kurdish leadership they’ll dig out the phone number for the Russian Reconciliation Center and call it. They really have only one thing of value left to trade and if they move fast they might leverage future loyalty and coordination of forces for the best deal possible. But the territory the Kurds control, the value of their loyalty and the capability of their militias are assets with quickly declining value when the Turkish onslaught clips their wings, eats up territory and degrades their military capabilities.

Zionism = EVIL

Actually, the turds have no real military capability besides being a terrorist nuisance. Even a fcukwit like Saddam rolled into their territory at will and gassed them, even after losing a war with Iran. They have no armor or airforce and south of Arbil is all flat open territory where Turkish, Syrian, Iranian or even the fledgling Iraqi airforce will chop them up. In Syria they are very small in numbers and all on flat lands cornered by Turkey and Iraq to the north east. Their only hope is integration.

Ricky Miller

Even a subpar militia force has value as cannon fodder. Best to trade subordination of their forces to SAA control while they still have an “Army in Being.”

Jens Holm

Again You read and expalin as You wish.

Kurds and the few others in the Kurdish Autonome in Iraq, which actually is an autonome in the Iraqian Constitution of 2003(4) doid vote for a wish for independensy as wellas taken in the areas taken by Peshmerga mainly to kepp ISIS out.

But 10 of 11 Peshmerga did not support Barzania in doing it outside the Constitution of Iraq making an update of a bigger area as well as more indenpendensy.

Again its not at all, what You write in You biased crap.

10 of 11 Peshmergas did not support that even having wishes for it and instead retreated,which is normal fare for the Peshmergas. They are asked.

Never heard about “ASK”.

Only Barzani was total stupid putting not good relations into bad. Without that they might even have had the possibility to get those areas for free, because Bagdad cant handle North well themselves and Kurds there can keep ISIS almost put ISIS to 0.

Ricky Miller

Drivel. Gibberish. Useless.

Zionism = EVIL

Indeed, they will be whacked by all. The Kurds are the dumbest and treacherous morons in the region and make MBS look bright :)

Tudor Miron

“Smart” Kurds… always think that “Nah, it happened to others – not as smart as we are”. “Nah, it would not happen again, next time is different”. The seem to never learn.

Jens Holm

Its not like that at all. They are not. They never was whatever they are.

You say as enemy to make them them like that and dehumanize, so they are easier to kill. Normal mind change.

Tudor Miron

“They never was whatever they are.”(c) if you say so. But listen one more time, “smart” Dannish Kurd. Simply obey legal Syrian government and Turks would not bother you. At list insteed of USA you’ll have support from much more sane party which doesn’t seek your elimination. But forget about grabbing Syrian land – that would not work.

Zionism = EVIL

This idiot has danish on his pea brain :) just posts nonsense and wants to “participate” without ever leaving social housing estate in Copenhagen.

Jens Holm

Id danes want to, thay mainly know more about the middle east, then most people living there.

Carne João Pasta

IOW, he’s properly seen to, that is, cared for, Hotel Copenhagen (Cali) and the like. (Just doesn’t register that he is naturally just another patient, ahem, guest) lol!

Napoleon XIV – They’re Coming To Take Me Away






You can call me Al

What has Tokyo got do do with it ?.

Zionism = EVIL

Jews are heading to Tokyo to confront Russia on the Kuril islands where Russia just built a base :)

Carne João Pasta


Elias Thema

Just check the Syrian war,do you see Russia against Israel?or say Jews? By the way, aren’t Syrians the Jewish grandparents? Was Abraham not the Syrian?

You can call me Al

Oh right. Thanks.


Hi Al. It means precisely. Have a great day/night/wherever you are.

You can call me Al

OK, cheers mate. My apologies.

Zionism = EVIL

That is not Cyrillic? Bulgarian is closest to Russian language of all Slavic ones. Serbian also.

You can call me Al

Thanks. Apologies.

Jens Holm

First danesh kurds/kurds living in Denmark are from Turkey.

Those also are from we want to be Danish as fast as possible into being poor and into all kind of hopes for Kurds and others in Turkey as well as in othe countries.

As king as You dont recognize that, You are based on totally wrong conditions and rherefore can create any truth You want.

Thats the main problem.

I am alos not “You” as You write at all.

You again represent illiterate ignorance swept in by Your Goverment and Yourself. That the non “You” of mine. I fx represent Human rights, which Turkey as one of the few countries in the world not even symbolic has signed.


Hang on, you wrote this a few days ago:

‘I also had a muslim college, which as child left Bosansky Brod after heavy bombardments by Serbs by tanks and artillery.’

So are you claiming your biographical details as an ex-Yugoslav Bosnian muslim? Or are you claiming your biographical details as an ex-Turkish Kurdish immigrant to Denmark? Your claimed biographical back story, apparently variable on different days, is starting to display rather notable contradictions…


A tipoff: anyone using a (fake) national designation in their name is from Tel Aviv or nearby.

Ricky Miller

It doesn’t matter if it’s easier or difficult, morally, to kill them. The real issue is a legal matter. Bearing arms against their own government, using power, including weapons to control fellow citizens who don’t agree with them even to the point of confiscating private property, makes the Kurdish armed activities and control of territory mass criminal acts and an illegal armed group conspiracy involving foreign intelligence and military forces.

Carne João Pasta

Not to mention the stolen oil and illicit sales of it.


Not just private property -YPG/SDF and US SOF are forcibly occupying a major Syrian state infrastructure site – the Tabqa Dam – source of agricultural water and hydroelectricity supply. That’s a minority Kurd militia, coordinating with a major foreign power, long hostile to the Syrian state, to occupy a major state asset.

Ricky Miller

Yes, you’re right. And at one point they adjusted water flow from the dam to flood downstream in order to try and prevent the SAA from crossing. They could weaponize the water flow again, at any time. I’m certain that activity is covered in multiple places of the Syrian Criminal Code.


I see thay Jens is using Pigeon English again Tudor :)

Anyway in the real world, what is the US up to ?

One scenario could be that the US is attempting to cause a civil war in Turkey. I would think that US supplied weapons are being smuggled into Turkey in order to arm the sizeable Kurdish population there. If Turkey is weakened by war , there is a fair chance of a revolt against Erdogan. IF that was successful Turkey would again have a Pro US/Pro NATO leadership. That in my opinion is the US goal.

The US could just sit back in Iraq and watch the chaos unfold. It would also dilute the SAA forces facing Idlib and antagonise Russian relations with Turkey.




No, it is not.

Tudor Miron

Too early to say. One thing – In longer term, US will find that its not that easy to sit back in Iraq. Regarding Erdogan – lets see how it unfolds. Kurds without US support and Kurds loyal to Assad are very different things. Lets see how it unfolds.

Zionism = EVIL

Iraqi Hezbollah and Shia militias have already said that Americunt occupation is unacceptable. Resistance in Iraq will heat up soon.

Jens Holm

You do forget, that Bagdad called us in. We had left. Those morons are not runners of Iraq even they in some ways are strong.

bagdad also have a unified Shiit Governess telling those morons where they are.

But those shiits of course also are runned by zionists having Soros and Rotchild as Leaders. Even worms deep below ground has to have 7 armed candles and the Russian satelite on the baclside of the moon as well as the digger on Mars.

You have no limits behaving like sattelite junk up and around equator.

Jens Holm

As usual. None other in the SDF exist. You really keep the level well.

Jens Holm

Much like pigeon brain to me. So USA should parashute tanks ? Total madness. You must have learned that in school or from Erdopedia.

At least sheep have hair and dont have to dress up and the females sometimes are blinded by hijabs.


You really should ask Santa for ‘Spell Check and an English Grammar Checker’ for Christmas Jens.

You can surely wait until next year for your ‘Alternative Gender kit’ ?


he’s most likely in his basement in haifa trying stifle those sobs now that it is obvious that the israeli masterplan became unstuck!


Oy Vey, all the American Taxpayers wasted again :)


You can call me Al

Just off the record; the US will not remove all their forces. They will keep 1,000+ there. The reports today on both sides of the argument differ each other 180 degrees.


I wouldn’t bet any money on that (1,000 troops). Never, ever believe the US at first glance concerning anything. Trump said we are pulling out our 2,000 men…leaving 1,000. That is unfortunately very deceptive, as there are far more than 3,000 US troops there. In Raqqah alone there have been estimates of upwards of 4,000 US troops. Recall when the US claimed they only had 400 men in Syria?…which turned out to be 1,500? This ‘pullout’ is for home consumption, as is his wall holding up the budget. The Russians don’t believe it and well they shouldn’t. The US also stated that they were not leaving Iraq, so that they would be close enough to provide air support for ‘coalition forces’ (but ISIS has been defeated, said Trump). Then there are the French, German and Italians that are still there and not going anywhere…yet. The Kremlin is right, this is a ploy to absolve the US from any further incidents in Syria…politically that is.

You can call me Al

Nice call. Thanks.

Now learn to tick UP or DOWN on comments.

Happy New Year


‘We call upon all democratic forces, the international community and the international countries to stand by the people of northern and eastern Syria.’

Ha…good luck with that Kurdish ‘friends’…you made your bed, now lay in it…


BS you didn’t!!!! Traitors to the core and cancerous for the entire nation!


The Kurds have been making really bad choices for a century now. The Zionist regime is also a big loser as its plan for Syria and Lebanon have failed miserably.

A U.S. defense official said Trump’s decision was widely seen in the Pentagon as benefiting Russia as well as Iran, both of which have used their support for the Syrian government to bolster their regional influence. Iran also has improved its ability to ship arms to Lebanese Hezbollah movement for use against Israel.

Asked who gained from the withdrawal, the defense official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, replied: “Geopolitically Russia, regionally Iran.”

Carne João Pasta

As eloquent, and unfailingly, as mathematics or physics. The East follows the Tao. Is a natural flow or rhythm; there is a more rational, thorough/measured, sometimes complex mindset, which the Anglo-Zionists have yet to comprehend. Wisdom. Do the A-Z’s possess it in any meaningful (human) way?


The kurds are squealing after selling out Assad. Don’t like their chances of getting Syrian government support any time soon. They’ve made the wrong enemies.


Assad is the victor and the victor can afford to be magnanimous. Everyone knows the Kurds are not worthy of such treatment, but that’s all the more reason for the Syrian gov. to parade it’s much hated (by the west) legitimacy. There’s no one else for the Kurds to turn to now. If they remain stubborn, they’ll be given as much protection from Erdogan’s bombers as the Peshmerga in Iraq are, which is to say, none at all.

Zionism = EVIL

Your approach would make sense if the Kurds behaved rationally, the treacherous fcukwits have always bitten the hand that feeds them. Even in Iran where they are well integrated their terrorist PJAK fans terrorism just to please Zionist masters. These idiots think that the Americunt morons and Zionist leeches will somehow give them a “country”. The morons should buy a map instead and see how hopeless their situation is. The idiots are land locked with no resources and Arbil which is teeming with CIA and Mossad can be overrun in a day, if Iran or Turkey choose to.

Ricky Miller

I understand your point but think exactly opposite. The Turkish Republic was never happy with the Southern borders resulting from the 1920 era Ataturk uprising that reclaimed all of Anatolia but left important and highly valued Ottoman areas of Northern Syria out of the new Republic of Turkey. I think most Syrians including President Assad see the Turkish land grab as a greater danger in the long run than this Kurdish microstate with an always limited life span. I think that the Syrian leadership despises the Turkish government as conspirators to this war and in it for theft, and see the Kurds as opportunistic but worthy and capable of rehabilitation. And most of the Syrian leadership are rightfully wary of Turkey’s true goal in Northern Syria: a chance to reclaim Aleppo.


I certainly don’t trust the Turks. They have never abandoned the empire mindset.


The Kurds must have been the biggest fool to believe the the u.s. can support them in such geographical location they are in. They have no control airspace,no ports and they surrounded by nation that have times all the times in they hands while the U.S that have that leverage. The support of USA to the kurd is forcing they allies into the hands of they enemies and making the USA look as unworthy allies who will stab you for it’s own gain now or tomorrow( more worse than the U.S already is to its allies when they stand for they own interests).The Kurds have option and only one simple options deal with the Syrian government and have them deployed in Eastern Syria and they could continue they gorilla warfare agsint the Turks in the Turkish lands in secret if they dont let the Syrian deploy troops,they will need Allah helps cause they can’t win a again the Turks in an open war.

Carne João Pasta

Either way it goes, this is pretty significant development, huh? Turkey, not withstanding their NATO (in question) status, has the full state, “home team” advantage, militarily and otherwise to bear on the Kurds. As many have proclaimed here or elsewhere, this is indeed a dangerous situation developing.

I pray for the best for all the citizens who may or shall be caught up in any battles or skirmishes to follow. The stasis wasn’t going to last forever. Eventually something like this was going to happen. Surely the Kurds have some kind of emergency plans?? I’m excited, however, for things are moving along. Where they are moving to, anybody’s guess. Kurds might do the right thing (reconcile with Syria, form an alliance, as you have stated), do they have any choice?


Yes, their hope was on foreign weapons. However, they do not have plans, and that is very very bad.

Feudalism Victory

Fight then and show the world your value and spirit.

Lena Jones

Had the kurds chosen nationalism instead of identitarianism, non of this would be happening to them.

And let that be a lesson to all Identitarians the world over.


‘We call upon all democratic forces, the international community and the international countries to stand by the people of northern and eastern Syria.’

peoples with brain know that you grabbing Syria land…why not you just said ‘to stand by the people of Kurdish Land’



Kurds, get rid of the Ocalan boys.


The US aint going nowhere, Trump has no control over it …. the US will leave Syria alone when Blair & Bush are convicted in the Hague …. and I suspect some kurds (dumb traitors as they are) probably know it.

stary ujo

Never believe biggest liar all around the world Trump !

Promitheas Apollonious

all goes according to plan the question is which one?


There you have it. This whole ‘we leaving’ shtick is nothing I’d pin my hopes on. 60-100 days to leave? I doubt it. Now it’s ‘we’re leaving 1,000 troops’, just in case…and France is not leaving? I smell a two-faced rat. Most certainly, the US can (and will) return in force ‘if necessary'(Iraq?). To be honest, I first looked at this as getting US military out of harms way for a large and possibly protracted attack on Syria, (Israel) claiming an Iranian threat. Most likely Erdos efforts have paid off, as he continues to play the US/NATO against the Russians/Iranians. At any rate, I never take the US militarys’ statements at face value, there’s always an agenda. As everyone knows, Trump decides nothing, but does take direction well. So what is it the Israelis are demanding? I think the Russians and the US are also waiting to see what the Sultan does…or thinks he is going to do. They both may be giving him more rope. By March, we will know if it’s real or memorex.

Promitheas Apollonious

yes we will maybe sooner than that. Events like this tent to become very fast run away and out of control.

Estranghero Arafat

Dream more KURDISH….still have enough time to protect yourselves from Turkish BOMBS.


This one is a laugher, complete political bs.


come on we all know when someone is withdrawing …he is actually sending reinforcements…same did putin some 1 year ago

Willing Conscience (The Truths

No, the Turks didn’t say they were going to attack the SDF, they said they’re going to attack the YPG/PYD elements fighting in it, there’s a subtle difference. Erdogan has 20,000 proxy troops in idlib and 15,000 more in Aleppo, maybe another 10,000 we don’t know of yet. The SAA has 100,000 around Idlib and another 50,000 spare, the non kurdish SDF number nearly 20,000, and the Kurdish SDF have 30 to 35,000. Then we also have the designated Kurdish terrorists that the Turks hate the most, the YPG units who couldn’t join the SDF due to previous bad behaviour, or even the groups prefering to belong to small unaffiliated Kurdish militias, perhaps another 10 to even as many as 20,000, though I think it would be much closer to the 10 mark. Then we have another 30,000 Turkish PKK Kurds who will probably just about all join in, and even the Iraqi PUK Peshmerga are saying their willing to go to Syria and help their fellow Kurds. They have 30,000 fighters and some of them will definitely join the battle against the Turks. Iran also has Kurds who will most likely join the fight and travel to Syria if they can, I don’t think the Iranians will try to stop them. I can imagine anywhere between 80 to 100,000 Kurds fighting against the Turks in Syria, not to mention all the Arabs that would also join in, 10 to 20,000 more Arab militias as well as the 20,000 ex SDF fighters, 30 to 40,000 in all, and that on top of the 150,000 SAA Assad has in the army ready to go at a moments notice, and that’s not even including Russian or Iranian support. The numbers don’t add up any way I look at them, the odds against Erdogan are insurmountable, only a fool would attempt doing what he is now. 250 to 280,000 against 35, to 45,000, yeah sure Erdogan’s going to win, but only if hell freezes over first and the sky falls down at the same time. The one thing Syria doesn’t lack is lots and lots of soldiers, and they have even more arriving everyday too now, since Erdogan’s new announcement.


” we never plnned our hopes on foreign forces” ahahahah comic kurdes!!!!

Red Pilled ThoughtCrimes

US foreign policy usually involves lies, or they feel that they have trained enough terrorist mercs to create enough proxy terrorist organisations for their ‘war on terror’ until Trump is out of office. remember, the freakshow of monsters that is the foreign policy USA’s Military Industrial complex will still be there in 2024



Oh yes you did and you chose the most unreliable nation in the world today :)

Elias Thema

The civil war wasn’t necessary in the first place. I wish they have learned a valuable lesson. As for US?They must learn to finish what they have started in Afghanistan. It is either moving out or test humiliating defeat.


What civil war? This was an attempt to create another Libya, courtesy of NATO. The US cannot ‘win’ in Afghanistan as long as they continue to arm ISIS, Taliban and Al Qaeda…but they can stay indefinitely to keep them destabilized and prevent Russia and China access to precious metals and oil pipeline routes…not to mention continuing running the world heroin cartel.

Elias Thema

Dear human being, what do you call that ?Insanity?As I recall, nations are been invited by rulling nations as guests. Whatever we call it bully,it becomes very shotsighted if you as uninvited guest just fall on your belly and blame your shadow fot not protecting your fall.


disqus_mojaj5QpkL ):


disqus_mojaj5QpkL wrote


of course they did, the silly sods!


The safest place for the zio loving Kurds…are in tel aviv…

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