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Kurdish Provocateurs Attempt To Burn Russian Military Vehicle In Northern Syria (Video)

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Kurdish Provocateurs Attempt To Burn Russian Military Vehicle In Northern Syria (Video)

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Kurdish provocateurs have tried to burn a Typhoon MRAP vehicle of the Russian Military Police and a Kirpi MRAP vehicle of the Turkish Army in northern Syria. The incident happened during a joint Russian-Turkish patrol, which was conducted in the framework of the safe zone agreement reached in the area.

Russian and Turkish forces once again showed an amazing restraint and did not use force against the Kurdish radicals. Nonetheless, a Turkish vehicle rammed one of the cars involved in the provocations.

Such actions of Kurdish radicals affiliated with the Syrian Democratic Forces pose a serious threat to the shaky stability in the region. If their actions lead to casualties among Russian or Turkish personnel, they will easily find themselves in the situation when the Turkish Army will have to resume its military operation in the area and Moscow will not hurry up to rescue them once again.


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I don’t see any protesters. Everywhere this is happening i see pre-staged provocations where they attack vehicles with media presence. They hope to provocate a reaction that they then can send to the press in the west and it will the the number one news in western countries if it happens.

Hasbara Hunter

Well ISraHell is simply killing all stonethrowing kids with a well placed headshot…

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The rules for the use of lethal force include the right to defend oneself, your colleagues, and to prevent destruction of Government property.

These CIA operatives should all have been shot, according to all the rules. The US forces would have shot them all straight off. Ask the motorists of Baghdad about coming near US forces.

Hasbara Hunter

The Yangeese Kill everything that moves…


Russia is legally present in Syria. Turkey is an invader of Syria illegally and is helping anti-government fighters against Assad. I see no provocative act by the Kurds.

Tudor Miron

And what were Kurds doing? Helping main invader (USA) against legitimate government. They actually keep doing the same thing atm.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Bringing in foreign troops from another continent to help them steal land from the natives is a provocation too far.


Goodjob brave Kurds, Israelis stand with them in the Middle East. They are a true people, not fake immigrants from Jordan like the Palis.


More zionist, just the help they need.


Well I would be happy to see Israel supports them with arms, but the U.S is already doing it so they don’t need us.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

No one needs you.

Rafik Chauhan

cowards use other to save thier buts and Zionist is very good at that. bcuz they cant fight face to face in ground war.


Sure we can, but you know just like me that when the IDF enters Gaza all the world starts screaming and crying over poor Palis. If the world will let Israelis and Palis fight face to face without anyone gets in the way, we will slaughter them.

Hasbara Hunter

Soon you will be fighting the Entire Middle East ZioNazi cunt….

klove and light

hahahahaah we saw that 2006 against hezbollah……your “Special commandos” got slaughterd…..your tanks were roasted……..

IDF man against man against hamas and islamic jihad…..you satanic Evil child killing fucks would peeeeeee in your pants……

IDF is great at killing Kids and unarmed civilians and dropping bombs from 5000 feet above……….IDf is pathetic…….so stop Talking and MOVE into GAZA!!!!!!!!will never happen because of the avbove mentioned IDF pee in pants folks


Well suplly with flaming bottles and stones against Russians and Turks, great allies you are.

Hasbara Hunter

The U.S. is still supporting you Filthy Larry Silverstein 911 Paedophile motherfuckers…wait until they pull their hands off you Filthy Parasites

rightiswrong rightiswrong

The fake immigrants of Israel you mean!

Israel will fight to the last Kurd, or ISIS man.


I’m not an immigrant, I was born on this land unlike Palis that came from Jordan and Egypt.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

So you think the Palestinians are all born abroad and shipped into Palestine then?

You and your Mother are invaders, for 2 thousand years this land belonged to the Palestinians, not European Jews. It is written in the Bible and Torah that you stole the land originally also.

The world can’t afford to have wandering idiots deciding when they can come and stay where they want to.


I am not a European Jew, and my family have lived in the region for thousands of years after Arabs stole our homeland in exile. They took over something that was never theirs, that’s called stealing. This land is a Jewish land, they can get a state next to us or gtfo back to their Arab peninsula.

klove and light

enjoy enjoy while u can..Evil satanic jew bastards


I don’t waste my comments on you, you’re blocked as of now. Ciao.


typical soap bar.

kurdan xeniqînin ?

Biji untermensch


biji cümbuckistan. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

Biji your mom anüs


biji your möm that drink sperm from dögs and your däd that fück dönkëys. :D

kurdan xeniqînin ?

Biji untermencsh pole


biji stateless keko türd. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

our state is eojava fok off untermenscxh pole


your state drink sperm from poles. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

your state is fake aghaha biji your moma


Your state doesn’t exist and turkey drink russian sperm. xD biji cümbuckistan and your möm that drink dög sperm. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

fok off our state is rojava. biji untermensch pole


cümbuckistan don’t exist. xd biji your fäther that fück dönkëys. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

poland dont exist untermensch pole. Biji your moma


cümbuckistan and türkdey drink sperm,soap bar. xD

kurdan xeniqînin ?

BİJİ yoır moma anus


biji your möm that rïm dögs. xd

kurdan xeniqînin ?

your state drink dperm from england


you drink sperm from US,Russia and Assad. xd

Luke Hemmming

That’s your response. Block people who question your claims and can have an intellectually challenging discussion. I have never blocked anyone here. I like to challenge most here who want to challenge me.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

Read your Torah then, you stole the land thousands of years ago, ethnically cleansed it until the Romans turned up and gave the land back to the original owners.

Thank duck for the Romans.


The Romans expelled us in 70AD, and when I mean us I mean my family, because we fought till the last man to protect our 2nd Temple and we inflicted alot of casualties upon them even with their strong army. They were mad and deported us, if they didn’t we would still be here to this day.

rightiswrong rightiswrong

You fought to the last man, so how come your family were deported?

Fighting to the last man means they all died, just how severe are your injuries?

Luke Hemmming

Proof please. Provide DNA evidence to us because I for one am very sceptical of your claim to be from non European descent.

klove and light

dont worry Little satanic jew bastard…sooner or later be it in 1 year or in 100 years….humanity will erase the jews from OUR Beautiful planet..we will burn your satanic Kids and drown the rest of you bunch.

Hasbara Hunter

????….taking swimming lessons is a good idea…the Mediterranean is pretty big…

Hasbara Hunter

Your Granny & Grandpa were immigrants kiddo….but they didn’t teach you any history in ISraHell right? You Feckers stole the Land in a Rothschild Balfour-Deal….That was why WWII started…for the creation of ISraHell…because before WWII not a single European Jew wanted to live in ISraHell…after WWII the European AshkeZioNazi Jews were herded to that tiny speck of Land in a vast ocean of Muslims…You are stuck between a Rock & a Hard place boy

ISraHell & Rothschild won WWII

Hasbara Hunter

Filthy ZioNazi Kidkilling Paedophile….Killed or Raped any kids lately?

Luke Hemmming

Fake immigrants you say? Like the fake Semites that occupy land stolen from Palestine? True Semite jews number in single digit percentage less than 5%. Most jews are khazarian, of European descent.


All they are doing is giving Russia more information. These little rock and gas throwing exhibits, just make the lid that will come down on their heads, do so with a much tighter fit. They are being photographed, identified and the list is being compiled. Keep up the stupid fellas and you will see what happens next. Don’t think so, just ask the US how CIA operations in Moscow and Russia in general are going now, since they were all identified and thrown out. If the CIA can’t hide from payback via Russia, what chance does the SDF have to escape payback? The Kurds’ best bet is to knock this stuff off or, the knock on the door will come unexpectedly and at the worst possible moment. That is with whom they are fooling with here.


I think that crowd control should be handled by Syrian Army, problem solved.




Some of them still wearing their black uniform cloth they got used to from before though…

Hasbara Hunter

They only had to shave their beards off…


2 molotovs, in one-two weeks it will be like Hong Kong

Mehmet Aslanak

Kindly do not say “Kurds”, but say “Kurdish Workers Party” sympathizers, aka “communist Kurds”, becasuse not all Kurds supports hostile actions against anybody.


First it is a war, second it is a war place, 3rd Russia should just kill few of these STUPID kurds so that next time they think 4000 times before trow molotov cocktails at their MRAPs.

Derek Johnson

No that is exactly what they want so they can go crying to the world.

Jacob Wohl

USA must go back in and help the Kurds kick out the butcher regime and the russkies!

Black Waters

These are extremists, not protesters.


Man Kurds are an idiotic bunch, much like their cheerleader Jen Holms.


The practice of dropping them on their heads while bring born might have a lot to do with it.

Derek Johnson

They are trying to get a reaction from the joint military patrol, they are hoping they open fire so they can claim victimhood – like <> and his chosenites. They have been claiming they have been shot at and some protesters killed over the last few weeks but everybody knows they lie.

Let them throw petrol bombs, just ignore them as you are doing now but be careful as they may start shooting their own protesters like in Ukraine.

Also …… Don’t feed the Zionist Troll “<>” Just ignore him and he will Fu*k off back to his mothers basement in Brooklyn.

Willing Conscience (The Truths

I keep hearing my fellow posters on SF say the protesters are all YPG forces taking part in the demonstrations, but I don’t think that’s the case at all, they may be among the most vocal, and also bring the media in to help push their YPG agenda, but they’re definitely not the only Kurdish groups protesting, some of them might even be Arabs for all we know, they don’t want the Turks there either. Normally the Kurdish KNC is the most ardent supporter of Turkey, they have the same sort of political attitude towards Turkey as the Kurdish KDP in Turkey, and the Kurdish KDP party in Iraq have, and yet now they’re also coming out and strenuously condemning the Turkish invasion. So if Turkey’s most ardent Kurdish supporters are objecting to the Turkish invasion, it’s a good bet that every single other Kurdish political party in Syria feels even more strongly opposed to the Turkish invasion than the KNC does. So why does everyone always seem to need a bogey man to hate, and why do we all continuously dump everyone in together or sometimes separate them without any justification, is this how human society is now, if it is we’ve gone backwards from when I was a boy, we’re less informed and more polarized now than we’ve ever been in my lifetime, how the hell have things gotten worse now than they were before, I thought the media was supposed to improve the situation, not make things worse. Not even one Kurdish political group in Syria wants the Turks in Syria, not even the KNC, and the vast majority of Arabs and some other groups don’t want the Turks in Syria either, yet all we hear from the media [and commenters] is the YPG are to blame for disrupting the RussianTukish MOU, disrupting what would otherwise be a peaceful transition from US occupation of northern Syria to a Turkish occupation of northern Syria. But that’s just a fantasy that only the most ignorant people would ever believe, people who’re totally ignorant of the real situation. The truth is there won’t ever be a peaceful transition in Syria, the only option is a military transition, there is no other way, the Turks have too much opposition to their presence, despite Russia’s attempts to assist Erdogan. Assad keeps saying the Turks have to go, all the Kurds say the Turks have to go, and the vast majority of Arabs are saying the Turks have to go, and all but one of the other religious and ethnic minorities are saying the Turks have to go too, and that’s not to mention most of the rest of the world which is also now saying the Turks have to go. So who’s left saying the Turks can actually stay, half the minority Turkmen population, the moderate opposition, the terrorists, the foreign Jihadists, and the Russians, mmmm, that suggest to me there’ll never be a peaceful transition of Turkish forces ever, even if the YPG could somehow miraculously be taken out of the equation altogether. So if you persist in thinking the YPG Kurds alone, or the Kurds as a whole, are the only thing standing in the way of this new Russian/Turkish MOU, you’re sadly mistaken, because in fact it’s not just the YPG or Kurds totally opposed to this new Turkish intervention, it’s 90% of all the Syrians living in Syria who are totally opposed to this new Russian/Turkish MOU. In fact the only Syrian’s living in Syria who are actually agreeable to the new Turkish/Russian MOU, are the terrorist themselves, the moderate opposition, most of the Turkmen population, and the foreign Jihadists who now also live there courtesy of Erdogan’s generosity. So when people who condemn the Kurds for opposing the new Russian/Turkish MOU finally realize the truth, which is the very people you’re now agreeing with, by also promoting the new MOU and condemning the Kurds/YPG, are actually the very same people you normally criticize, the terrorist, the moderate opposition, and the foreign Jihadists themselves, so what will the people promoting the new Russian/Turkish MOU think of my accusation. On this one matter alone you people are actually placing yourselves on the same side as the terrorists, you’re actually assisting them by promoting the same agenda they promote, and and if I was going to be really cruel, I could also say you’re opposing what the vast majority of Syrians want for themselves, and actually trying to condemn some of them to a life under terrorist rule, but I won’t do that, I’m just going to assume most of you have been misled by the crap media instead. So I say to all of you, not just the paid for trolls, but all the people that criticize anyone and everyone’s resistance to this Turkish takeover, STFU, all of you, shut up and listen to what the vast majority of Syrians are saying instead, you don’t have to believe or trust me, just listen to what most Syrians are saying. And I don’t care if this is a pro Russian website, I’m pro Syrian and don’t give a crap your paid for, or possibly ignorant comments do nothing to help Syria or it’s people, so I don’t care if I offend you, real people are dying and your comments don’t help.

And no I’m not going to respond to even one reply I might get in response to my outburst, good or bad, I don’t care if I get a million dislikes or tons of abuse for this in your face accusation, if you’re helping the terrorists by also promoting this new MOU, then you deserve to be called out for it. So either stop helping the terrorists if you didn’t realize you were, because even innocent ignorant assistance puts you on the terrorists side, or just STFU if you’re a paid for troll. Paid for trolls are the pied pipers that lure people away from the truth and then send them to a life of war and slavery. The MOU won’t stop hostilities as promised, it can only make hostilities even more likely to continue, Assad, the Kurds, the Arabs, and all the religious minorities are totally opposed to it, and as I’ve already said, it also condemns some of the Syrian population to living life under terrorist rule, is that what you really thinks is best now, I don’t, I think the new MOU and Erdogan’s safe zone just means more misery and suffering for Syria, and I’m going to start shouting it now, not just saying it politely. If I was there with the protesters I’d be throwing stones at the Turks too, and also holding up a banner saying, RUSSIAN TRAITORS. Ahhh, I feel a bit better now that’s off my chest.


These kurdish terrorists dont realise they are creating ads for Russian weapons systems. Heck even the US helps with that proving that TOW missiles that cost $100k are useless against T90’s… Imagine the sales to buy Russian stuff just because they can easily defeat US arms.


i love how Russians do nothing! These videos can easily be released to the Kurdish public! Then Russia can say “We are not welcome here, so we have decided that if you dont want our protection the SAA and Russia will now leave! BYE”! Then watch them BEG!

“Ohhhhh so now u want us to stay huh???” “Get on your knees AND SUCK MY DICK!” “ALL OF U LINE UP, we will be filming this”! “if u want us to stay after behaving like cave men, then show us how much u want us to stay…… get down on your fucking knees and SUCK MY FUCKING DICK”!

HAHA joke!


Evidently, these are Russian provocateurs. The whole scene is so obviously staged, it’s an insult SF tries to sell it as “Kurdish provocateurs”. It’s worse than the White Helmets. Another clue is that in the article, there is never any reflection on who this really is. Russia needs a cheap excuse for teaming up with Turkey and participating in ethnic cleansing. Pathetic. The Russian empire is no better than anybody else.

Oh, and “amazing restraint” is another insult to our intelligence. Well, of course they don’t attack their own men.

Lelouch Vi Britannia

burn these traitors mighty russia


Some times you have to fight to defend freedom. Give those proud, honourable people air defence.


This region of that uncivilised part of the world was the only peaceful environment, not dictated by religious fanatics, even few tribal egocentrism, and well governed. And look Turkey intervenes and chaos and muslim brotherhood ruling start distorting nearly perfect harmony ( considered that in this holy place of the world and culture such thing as peace is allowed or ever can happen.


SDF= puppet of USA!!


Mista’arvim strike again

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