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Kurdish Sources Confirm Russian Military Post Will Be Established Near Tell Tamr

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Russian forces will establish a military post in the vicinity of the Christian town of Tell Tamir in northeast Syria, the North Press Agency (NPA) reported on November 17.

“Russian forces intend to set up a military base in the village of Um al-Kayf, some 5 km northern Tal Tamr, northeastern Syria,” the Kurdish news agency quoted a Syrian military source as saying.

Russian forces will also patrol the strategic M4 highway, which links al-Hasakah, Raqqa and Aleppo, according to the NPA.

Kurdish Sources Confirm Russian Military Post Will Be Established Near Tell Tamr

Click to see full-size map. Source: (@Suriyakmaps) on Twitter.

These procedures are a part of an new agreement brokered by Russia. The agreement, which is meant to secure Tell Tamr, was approved by the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), the Damascus government and Turkey.

Under the agreement, Turkish-backed fighters will withdraw from several villages they recently occupied north of Tell Tamr. In return, Kurdish forces will leave the town and its vicinity, where Syrian government forces will be deployed.

The alleged agreement could facilitate the return of thousands of civilians, who fled Tell Tamr this month following a series of Turkish-led attacks on the town’s vicinity.

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Hasbara Hunter

Eventually Kurds will get the point….It can take a while for their braincel to process incoming information & developments…but sooner or later they will get the point….

Tudor Miron

I hope they do for their own good. Real problem is their bribed (by US) leaders that don’t care what’s going to happen to their people.

Hasbara Hunter

Peoples get the Leader they deserve….yes a lot of Kurds are not happy with their Bought & Paid for Elitist-Kurdish-Leaders…Kurds perhaps should throw their Treacherous Poor Decision making Leaders under a bus…An accident can easily occur under present circumstances…a nice moment to get rid of the Traitors…

Mehmet Aslanak

Problem is that real Kurdish party leaders are oppressed by Kurdish Kommunist Party. Kurds flourish in Northern Iraqi Kurdistan with normal politicans, who are friendly to their neighbours.


lol, “kommunist”, Kurds don’t “flourish” in Iraq, you are just saying that because the barzani gang over there is basically a vassal of Turkey (and USA, while Kurds in Syria are only vassals to USA and not Turkey so Turkey mad about it). The fascist new-ottoman needs to gtfo out of both Syria and stop meddling in Iraq.

Mustafa Mehmet

make us

Ishyrion Av

The problem is Turkey, which financed and still financing (along with Israel and Saudi house) the external terrorism in Syria in hope to take a piece of it. And now claiming they are good guys protecting their borders … from outside. A bunch of liars, thieves and genocidals.

Karen Bartlett

Don’t forget the role of the US.

Ishyrion Av

US is like a madame in a brothel: whoever subscribes to its policy, gets some action. But the workers are recruited from Turkey, Saudistan and other muslim arab countries around.

Ishyrion Av

“Peoples get the Leader they deserve…” – so true, unfortunately. How can some change the fate for all?

Hasbara Hunter

That is the Fate of some….you can’t….In the end it is Majority Rule…Sheeples are Ignorant & Blind…


yep and in a while the kurds will have to accept the facts on the ground and return to the borderland tenancy and the landlords being turkey, syria, iraq and iran, no matter what the more than evil vermin squatters might have to say about it, or the unhinged states of A, whose plan’s been laid to waste by syria, turkey, russia hezbollah and iran. the sore loser is israel and the time is ripe to terminate that illegal settlement post haste since in fact nothing can or will save those thieving murdering occupiers from a new diaspora replete with pogroms and so on.

‘the best laid plan of mice and men often go awry’ – ever thought of that trump, pompeo, uzw

Hasbara Hunter


Willing Conscience (The Truths

Well I just read the Kurdish news and this isn’t the deal they say they made, from what they say there won’t be any SDF withdrawal, just a SAA and Russian presence. And what does this article mean when they say,

“In return, Kurdish forces will leave the town and its vicinity, where Syrian government forces will be deployed”.

But we all know the SAA are already deployed there and engaged in heavy fighting repelling SNA advances, and they have been for several days, so what are they trying to say? Do they mean the SAA are going to occupy the villages the SNA vacate as part of the deal, because they can’t mean Tall Tamr or the villages to the east and south of it, the SAA are already occupy them. And what about this assertion that made me LOL,

“The alleged agreement could facilitate the return of thousands of civilians, who fled Tell Tamr this month following a series of Turkish-led attacks on the town’s vicinity”.

LOL, would you like to move back home if you knew a bunch head chopping, Kurd hating, raving mad religious zealots, had suddenly became your new neighbours, I wouldn’t.

Jim Bim

SAA and Russia should stop protecting the SDF, let the Turks wipe them out.


My view is that a new Idlip will be created where Turkey will supply anti-government forces and Russia will bomb them for another ten years to have its borders with Ukraine at peace and the Dardanelles straits free to navigate.

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